Rezoning of Property for Kempton Kali Amman Temple
No one or bank can abuse any religious property the way SBSA is doing with the Kempton Kaliammah Temple.Cubin Dhevaraj (Gauteng, 2021-08-19)
Respect for our culture and democracyAnusha Naidoo (Johannesburg, 2021-09-11)
My family are devotees at the Kempton Kali Amman Temple.Pragasan Pillay (Gauteng, 2021-09-12)
I amin support of the Temple being officially recognised as a religious property.Athish Sookoo (Edenvale, 2022-02-10)
To support the re-zoning of our temple grounds to become officially recognised as a religious property, and to be recognised as such by the relevant authorities.Paveshni Govender (Johannesburg, 2022-02-10)
I am signing this petition for the municipality to acknowledge our place of worship & our cultural requirements hence a temple is required like a church or mosque or any other place of worshipNivesh Singh (Johannesburg, 2022-02-10)
I'm signing because this temple holds massive weight in carrying out our ancient vedic practises.It is a monument of spiritual enlightenment and deserves to be seen as a spiritual premised.
Guru Panday (Verulam, 2022-02-10)
The temple should remain.Devandrin Naidoo (Johannesburg, 2022-02-10)
I'm signing because I support the re-zoningAshika Chotoo (Johannesburg, 2022-02-10)
I am a devotee at this templeSunita Chetty (Vorna Valley, 2022-02-10)
The Kempton Park Amman Temple is a Sacred Hindu Pilgrimage place. There must Never Ever be a case when the Temple is sacrificed due some Government decision.It is the Constitutional Rights of Hindus as citizens of South Africa.
Thank you Greatly
Kumaran Nair
Kumaran Nair (Midrand Johannesburg, 2022-02-10)
I have been to the temple.Rekha Kumol (Johannesburg, 2022-02-10)
Religious organizations should have a rightful place in society and should not be prejudiced against or victimized.Shameel Singh (Modderfontein, 2022-02-10)
It's a public temple and should be given the right to be one.Preyalan Pillay (Johannesburg, 2022-02-10)
I'm signing this petition because I'm a devotee of the temple and believe the re-zoning will benefit the Hindu devotees, promote culture and heritage.Tamina Hari (Durban, 2022-02-10)
The Temple is on the property and it is an important place where many of us go to worshipVijay Naidoo (Johannesburg, 2022-02-10)
I believe in Kali mataRavi Singh (Johannesburg, 2022-02-11)
The temple has been a place of worship for many people across all cultures.Rakesh Singh (Johannesburg, 2022-02-11)
I am signing this petition because the Kempton Kali Amman Temple has helped me enormously. The Temple is religious and is built on sacred grounds. Anyone who interferes with it will sufferUrvasi Pillay (Johannesburg, 2022-02-11)
I am signing this petition because the grounds are sacred place of prayerRita Manga (Malanshof Randburg, 2022-02-11)
This is the only Ma Kali temple in SA that I know of. I want to be able to worship here.Kugandrie Govender (Johannesburg, 2022-02-11)
OptionalJayen Naidoo (Johannesburg, 2022-02-12)
Its Temple that I go to .Tanya Reddy (gauteng, 2022-02-12)
I’m signing this to say that is a place of god , an is a prayer placeVenasen Naidoo (Johannesburg, 2022-02-12)
Im signing because guru Selvan and the temple has helped my life tremendously. The temple helped my life to forward. It helps the community.Kalai Virasamy (Pretoria, 2022-02-12)
I support the templePreshen Jagasur (Secunda, 2022-02-13)
It is a place of worship to me and many other people.Pat Naidoo (Gauteng, 2022-02-13)
Kali ma deserves to be in her home, she and uncle selvan has helped so many people and deserves to continue his miracle work in his blessed templeRekha Premlal (Johannesburg, 2022-02-14)
The Kempton Kali Amman Temple is a sacred place and monument essential to the the Indian community .Anusha Sunker (Johannesburg, 2022-02-14)
This is part of our heritage and should be protected and respectedKasturi Naidu (Durban, 2022-02-14)
Recognition of religious propertySandesh Rambally (Newcastle, 2022-02-14)
All religious site should zoned as such and should not be liable for rates and basic chargesNiron Singh (Ladysmith, 2022-02-14)
The sanctity of a religious site must be respectedVassan Joseph (Durban, 2022-02-14)
As a Muslim, I have been taught to be tolerant and to assist the community where possible. I hope my signature helps.Muzzammil Amod (Durban, 2022-02-14)
There is a reason why this place of worship was built there.Kevin Reddy (Durban, 2022-02-15)
We need places of worshipNisha Singh (Johannesburh, 2022-02-15)
I support the templeShavani Ramcharan (Durban, 2022-02-15)
The temple is a registered organisation, also the bank did not go through the proper procedures with the owners. The listed the deceased wife as deceased when in fact she was alive, but later died due to all this stress. The bank should pay the current owner out and hand the property back to the temple.Preyalan Pillay (Lenasia, 2022-02-16)
We as Hindu worshipping community has limited places of worship n y does this want to b removedSharon Moonsamy (Pietermaritzburg, 2022-02-17)
Support the temples causeSershin Govender (Johannesburg, 2022-02-17)
Because I'm a Tamil devotee and would like it to be rezoned as it is a deep place of worshipMagin Govender (Johannesburg, 2022-02-17)
We want to keep the Indian culture in our community.Indren Naidoo (Midrand, 2022-02-18)
High importance of prayer groundsRishen Rampersad (Durban, 2022-02-19)
Having a Temple in the place of our choice is our heritage right.Kovelin Tamil Federation Of Gauteng Veramoothoo (Centurion, 2022-02-19)
I support the causeSelvie Pillay (Johannesburg, 2022-02-19)
I am a devotee & go to the temple.Natasha Pillay (Randburg, 2022-02-19)
A temple ground is HOLY GROUND and should be officially recognized as religious property period!Anjie Sagadevan (Gauteng, 2022-02-19)
I Want the grounds to be deemed religious grounds and should stayJaishal Bawa (Johannesburg, 2022-02-19)
I support this idea fully and the temple should be given official notice of the status of religious propertyViloshini Naidoo (Johannesburg, 2022-02-20)
I want the temple to be recognized as a religious areaArl Reddy (Centurion, 2022-02-20)
Religious sites should not be moved or destroyed unless it's God's willIven Govender (Krugersdorp, 2022-02-20)
The people have a democratic right to worship.Tandree Sivan (Braamfontein, 2022-02-20)
Indians are not easy targets, we have played a major role in teaching other cultures all we knowThiyaasha Suknandan (Durban, 2022-02-20)