Please Help Our HISTORIC Rectory From Demolition
I'm signing this Petition because History is important. This is a Historic Parish and all the historic buildings on the campus are not only important to Pennsylvanians and Parishioners, but also the young children that attend the St. Thomas the Apostle School. Chester Heights is rich in History and the Children attending the School are in a unique position to not only learn about history, but attend school on a Campus that includes these historic building, ring a real steeple bell. If the Teachers are willing to educate the students and work with FOST, this Parish has a very amazing opportunity to preserve history and possibly open the campus to tours for other local schools and even its own Parishioners.Sheila Dragon (West Chester, 2023-01-02)
The rectory has been and should continue to be an integral part of this historical site. The money spent to tear it down could be used to renovate the kitchen and bathroom which gets a lot of use.Merikay Dragon (Garnet Valley, 2023-01-02)
I am signing because the 1874 Rectory can be renovated for use and I don’t want to see the 1852 Church damaged if the 1874 Rectory is taken down.Lori Cellucci (Glen Mills, 2023-01-02)
As a registered architect and certified building code official/inspector, I have written a report that clearly shows the building has many ministries who want to return and use the building. And, I have conducted and participated in inspection tours and no one has said anything but positive things about the condition of the building, and those are from construction/engineering professionals as well as non-professionals. The best comments I have heard and witnessed were: “…this building has bones…” and “…should not be taken down…”Patrick McFadden (Chester Heights, 2023-01-02)
I am opposed to destruction of the old rectory because it serves a necessary need as an adjunct to Chapel and has been used for ministry meetings and grammar school education services. Why meetings were being discouraged by Fr. Shott is a mystery.Joe Dragon (Garnet Valley, 2023-01-02)
Because I believeBob Strehlau (Kennett Square, 2023-01-02)
Grew up in delCo and it needs to stay to remind of the historyCristin Golden (Pawleys Island, 2023-01-03)
This building is part of the historical district of St. Thomas. During my nine years as Pastor I can attest that this old rectory had significant use for pastoral and historical purposesFrancis Groarke (Kutztown, 2023-01-03)
I don't think the building should be taken diwn for no reason . it is a beautiful chapel, has a lot of history, and the parish has the resources to support it.Par Kennedy (Malvern Pa, 2023-01-03)
It is important that we preserve historical buildings for future generations. This building has been here since 1874, it is as much part of St. Thomas the Apostle parish as the Chapel. I attended a FOST meeting in the old rectory in November of 2022, there was nothing wrong with the building. Please share and help us save the Old Rectory!Joanna Hally (Glen Mills, 2023-01-03)
I’d like the old rectory to be preserved for future generations, as a 28 year member of St Thomas , I’ve cleaned the chapel and also have been involved in various music ministries, it has stood since 1874 , please let it continue to stand ,Janice Montgomery (Thornton, 2023-01-03)
I am signing this petition and praying that Father and the Archdiocese reconsiders their decision to destroyed the historic rectory. I don’t believe anyone has the right to destroy something another has built without first trying to restore it to its initial use. Please allow the parish the opportunity to first try to restore it, let us raise funds for this purpose, then if not successful make an informed decision as to whether to tear it down. We can save this building!!Carole Lewis (Glen Mills, 2023-01-03)
I have been involved with the restoration and maintenance of the Historic District since 1971. Fr. Shott's reasoning and unwillingness to discuss this destruction of the Historic District has resulted only in one-sided argumentation. He has refused to show that that he has had the claimed inspections performed.Michael Squyres (formerly Glen Mills, 2023-01-03)
Previous student.Elizabeth Mcneill (Glen Mills, 2023-01-03)
“Old buildings are not ours. they belong partly to those who built them, and partly to the generations of mankind who are to follow us.” John RuskinPatricia Glessner (Glen Mills, 2023-01-03)
Do not destroy our history.Mary Fitzpatrick (Glen Mills, 2023-01-03)
These are historical buildings that need to be saved.Gayle Gasper (Garnet Valley, 2023-01-03)
I feel very strongly that there is no need to destroy this part oh history and a functional buildingJoseph Rohanna (Garnet valley, 2023-01-03)
I'm signing up because there is not a good enough reason to demolish the rectory. The Pastor does not seem to understand the history of the Parish and is not very transparent with the financial aspects or the projected outcome of the property.Kathy Kida (Garnet Valley, 2023-01-03)
I’ve grown up in St Thomas the Apostle Parish, attending the old church as a child. There were many memories made on this property around these original buildings that have been the foundation of not only St Thomas but of the archdiocese of Philadelphia. Hearing that something with such historical integrity can be wiped away by the church for no good reason, is very disheartening.Amy Palo (Glen Mills, 2023-01-03)
This is the people’s parish and we do not want the Historic District, which includes the 1874 rectory, to be demolished!Barbarz Ryan (Glen Mills, 2023-01-03)
The decision was made based on an incomplete analysis made by persons with no knowledge of history, preservation, or of the primary place of St Thomas the Apostle parish in Pennsylvania. As the first Catholic parish in William Penn’s colony, it proved that religious freedom could succeed, giving example to all the colonies. The St Thomas Historic District is an historical treasure that should not be destroyed.Marianne Squyres (Nazareth, 2023-01-04)
I am against the destruction of the historic rectory on the grounds of St Thomas the Apostle Church. We must maintain this structure for future generations.Rosanne Oliver (Glen Mills, 2023-01-04)
The buildings in the historic district of St. Thomas the Apostle Parish are treasures. Treasures that we have enjoyed and been in awe of for years. In 1852, St. John Neumann blessed the cornerstone of the Chapel. It stands as a valuable link to the founding of American Catholic history. All we want is to be able to renovate and use the Old Rectory instead of allowing the pastor to demolish it!Maria Rizzo (Media, 2023-01-04)
I want to save the Historic District!!Theresa Brown (Philadelphia, 2023-01-04)
Let’s not lose the historical value of the building.Joseph Greentree (Garnet Valley, 2023-01-04)
This is such an important piece of history.Diana Fisher (Garnet valley, 2023-01-04)
I am not a member of this parish, but I have several family members buried in the churchyard, so I have a special interest in this church. Also, as an historian, I am concerned when any old building is demolished arbitrarily without extensive studies and consultation. It seems as if this has not been done, or if it has, not shared with parishioners.Susan Schatz (Wilmington , Delaware, 2023-01-04)
I’m signing this because we need to preserve the historical buildings!!!!Jacqui Morris (Hockessin, 2023-01-04)
I fully support FOST and it’s mission to preserve the old rectory.Scott McNeill (West Chester, 2023-01-04)
I was married in the chapel 4 years ago. My wife got ready in the rectory and it means so much to her.Ed Sweeney (Holmes, 2023-01-04)
I am a Saint Thomas alumni and the demolition of this church saddens my family and I.Dominic Chalmers (Media, 2023-01-04)
We need to preserve the old church and the rectory. We have been parishioners since 1980. I’ve worked in the rectory, my children have worked in the rectory please preserve this buildingDeborah Chmielowski (Garnet Valley, 2023-01-04)
The parishioners built this from their hard earned paychecksWho are we ?? We didn’t lay one brick
Our ancestors did
How dare we demolish and further risk potential harm to our chapel
We should all be embarrassed how we just decide no need any more
What if all history was treated this way
Mark Willcox (Glen mills, 2023-01-04)
I'm signing because this clear disregard for the historic building and the desires of the parish members is outrageous. No one person (particularly with no history to this parish or its members) should have such absolute authority as that shown here.I do hope that the members will also get the local historical societies and the local media involved in this effort.
Sue Scott (Phoenixville, 2023-01-04)
I am signing because I believe the rectory can serve as space that can be used to serve the parishioners in a our congregation.Theresa Mulloy (Media, 2023-01-04)
We must persevere our historical buildings. If we don't care about the past, we can't hope for the future.Rosemarie Reeser (Coatesville, 2023-01-04)
History mattersMary Walker (Hamiltom, 2023-01-05)
Save the buildingKrystyna Latsios (83 Ivy lane Glen Mills Pa, 2023-01-05)
I want it preserved.Carolyn Farley (Glen mills, 2023-01-05)
Please save the small amount of history that Chester Heights is proud of.Trish Williams (media, 2023-01-05)
I graduated from St. ThomasNicole Bracalenti (Boothwyn, 2023-01-05)
TAnn Marie Cassidy (Toughkenamon, 2023-01-05)
I'm signing this because history, and especially local history is important to me! It seems this beautiful, old building has seen within it's precious walls the celebrations of so many in and around our community...Babies born, couples joined and loved ones mourned. The whole lifecycle with REAL people for generations has been recognized here, and that matters!Additionally, it is a space that can be used for needed fundraisers, planning sessions, study groups...the possibilities are endless, and the historical value and beauty priceless.
Please do not create destruction on such sacred and beloved grounds!
Shannon Mahler (Media, 2023-01-05)
I’m signing because this parish building is a significant part of the Catholic history in the US and PA.don’t understand the eagerness to destroy historic sites.
John Kozul (Havertown, 2023-01-05)
I don’t want the Old Rectory knocked down.Janice Phillips (Garnet valley, 2023-01-05)
A friend of mine is a parishioner and has very deep ties with St. Thomas, having celebrated weddings, baptisms and funerals at St Thomas. The historical buildings add to the permanence of the Catholic Church serving the community.John Schmidt (Blue Bell, 2023-01-05)
This building has much potential to aid the church community & many prior deceased church parishioner sacrificed labor & financially to create this structure. We are blessed for those before us & do not have the right to destroy what they created!! This demolition can also compromise the structural foundation of the existing church. Do not even consider taking a chance! Ps. My son Jacob & Boyscout Troop 154 / Eagle Scout Project to preserve the Carriage House. This all has historical significance!!!!Dr. Brian Rebisz (thornton, 2023-01-05)
It’s a crime to tear down a unique part of our historyBill Messick Sr (Glen Mills, 2023-01-05)
This was my childhood parish and I attended St. Thomas school K-8. This would be so sad to see the old church knocked down. This is where I received sacraments and used to attend daily mass during school years. Please keep this historical and beautiful building!Lauren Stenson (West Chester, 2023-01-05)
concerned with protecting St. Thomas and its great history in the catholic church!Mike Louden (Garnet Valley, 2023-01-05)
This is apart of our parish and the town’s historyAngelina Chalmers (Media, 2023-01-05)
Save it!Jim McKenna (Upper Darby, 2023-01-05)
To destroy this historic church should be a sin! I made my 1st holy communion in this church. I can’t even believe what I just read. How senseless.Lisa Schatz (Wilmington, 2023-01-05)
This is a beautiful historic site-- it's such a benefit to the community.Lisa McCusker Sherer (Glen Mills, 2023-01-05)
The rectory is part of history. It is a place of gathering for over 290 years. This should be preserved.Peggy Sweeney (Holmes, 2023-01-05)
Historical uikdings like this need to be preserved for future generations.Alana Lafferty (Aston, 2023-01-05)
Barbara DohertyBarbara Doherty (Glen Mills PA 19342, 2023-01-05)
these old building need to be protectedEmily Catlett (Media, 2023-01-05)
This historic structure should not be torn down; we need to revere history, not destroy it.Melinda Williams (Parkesburg, 2023-01-05)
My friends who are family are devoted to this parish and they have found tremendous comfort here.Karen Naylor (Springfield, 2023-01-05)
I’m signing because of the historical and cultural importance of maintaining this structure.Carolyn Albright (Springfield, 2023-01-05)
This is a historical building, but more importantly, it seems that Pastor Shott was a a terrible leader of the parish for not sharing his findings as to why it’s being demolished and not sharing the information showing it’s a financial drain. Transparency is needed in the Catholic Church if we are to survive! Someone needs to intervene before it’s too late!Michele Baker (Bensalem, 2023-01-05)
I believe in the preservation of historic buildings and not always “out with the old and in with the new”Jacki Kvech (Aston, 2023-01-05)
I'm signing in support of preserving St. Thomas the Apostle's 1874 rectory.Virginia Sloane (Glen Allen, VA, 2023-01-05)
I'm signing because the historical significance of St Thomas and the rectory . As the oldest Parish in the Diocese, the history SHOULD be preserved at all costs.Lisa Soltner (Aston, 2023-01-05)
I’m signing this because this is a great piece of history and I enjoy coming up here every so often to make sure my grandmother and grandfather have flags on their graves out front and it is so fitting with the cemeteryJordan Jehl Jehl (Aston, 2023-01-05)
We need to preserve the history of our region. Please keep this historical building intact.Richard Micun
Richard Micun (Media, 2023-01-05)
I believe that the pastor has misinformed the parishioners about the true status of the old rectory and he needs to take into consideration the historical value of this property. It seems that he wants to tear it down without giving parish members a fair say in the matter.Steve Randazzo (Chester Heights, 2023-01-05)
I’m signing because I have lived next door to St. Thomas nearly all my life and do not want to see this building demolished. It is vitally important to me that historic structures such as this be maintained for future generations and to preserve much of the history of Chester Heights itself.Emily Holt (Chester Heights, 2023-01-05)
The retention and preservation of our historic resources is of utmost importance to the sustainability of our environment, our shared heritage and the economic viability of our communities.Kate Clifford (Lansdowne, 2023-01-05)
As a Chester Heights resident, living in a 300 year old Valleybrook Rd house, I feel it is our duty to preserve the historic buildings in our community. Our ancestors would be horrified at this plan.Erika Surkin (Chester Heights, 2023-01-05)
There’s no reason such a historical and important building should be demolished. This is just sad.Jennifer Hardy (Aston, 2023-01-05)
Because in no way should it EVER be taken down.Christopher Del Grande (Aston, 2023-01-05)
I live in a historic house that was built in 1881 right next to St. Thomas. I can't help but to notice the similarities between my house and this one, and I often wonder if they were built by the same people. It would be a shame to tear down this historic building.Tim Searl (Chester Heights, 2023-01-05)
I would like to know why are we destroying all our historical buildings? There are many in the Aston Township and also Chester Heights that have been destroyed why this is sad it’s part of our history.Kathy Tull (Marcus Hook, 2023-01-05)
I’m signing because I was a student there, my kids went there, I worked as a nurse there, my mom worked there for many years, and my dad was the deacon. My first job was preparing dinner for Fr. Griffin after school in that rectory. I cannot understand the need to tear down a part of history that is structurally sound and poses no threat to the other buildings on the property. On the other hand, we do not the impact of removing that building or what potential damage could be to the church sitting close by.Gina Secker (Glen Mills, 2023-01-05)
It’s sad this would even be considered to be demolished. There’s no real reason to do this.Jennifer Kapanjie (Glen mills, 2023-01-05)
I want the history preserved.Melissa Martin (Garnet Valley, 2023-01-05)
I am signing as a 30 year member of St. Thomas. It would be horrible to destroy a piece of Delaware County and Pennsylvania Catholic history.Susan Randazzo (Chester Heights, 2023-01-05)
I went to school hereErin McGinnis (West chester, 2023-01-05)
I love St. Thomas. I am a former member of the parish and it is where my faith came alive and became the greatest treasure of my life. I also am a former employee of the Delaware County Planning Department where one of my duties was assisting with historical preservation activities for our rich Pennsylvania history. I believe that St. Thomas the Apostle is on the National Register of Historic Sites and PA register. The Cemetery and Rectory are at least recorded on the Pennsylvania Register. They are a treasure to our county and to our faith. Our county was settled by Quakers. St. Thomas the Apostle parish (which was established before the Church was built) was one of the seeds that grew Catholicism in Southeast Pennsylvania. In addition, the rectory is an example of the rich historical character of Chester Heights, Concordville and the Chadds Ford area.Theresa (Tia) Barbero (Canton, MI, 2023-01-05)
I’m signing because I want to preserve the entirety of our parish and historic buildings on it I would like to see them be put to use more by parishioners.I am also concerned that our pastor did not more fully consult the parishioners about this decision.
Patricia Zecca (Thornton, 2023-01-05)
These buildings belong to the parishioners of yesterday and today.They do not belong to an outsider who's here today and gone tomorrow.
Matt Glessner (Chadds Ford, 2023-01-05)
We must save our history and historical sites. The Delaware County Historical Society will be closing. and the building sold. 125 years of Delco history, photos, and collections.Margaret F J Johnson (Drexel Hill, 2023-01-05)
I am opposed to tearing down the old church!Sue Adamd (Glen Mills, 2023-01-06)
I'm signing because I am interested in preserving historical structures that help to tell the stories of their local communities. This 1874 rectory is an important resource for events and programs and is in good condition. Why destroy it? Seems to me Father Shott made a decision concerning his parishioners without their input. Shame on him! Save the rectory!Kathleen Hornberger (Aston, 2023-01-06)
Because this is a historical building that should be preserved.Marionette Shahadi (Aston, 2023-01-06)
This Church saved my life. It is a place of peace. My ancestors walked to this church going back 100 plus years. It’s Gods house, means so much to so many.Larry Weathers (Media, 2023-01-06)
No one has the right to destroy an historical building such as this. Everything that stands on the property known as St. Thomas the Apostle belongs to the parishioners. They support, through their financial contributions, the operation of the parish. These contributions are there to maintain the structures. FOST was formed to protect and preserve the chapel and old rectory. These two structures are not a financial drain on the parish. I feel the pastor has no right to make this decision for the parish. He is only a temporary spiritual director appointed also to supervise the operation of the parish. He does not own the parish. The people of the parish own it. In my opinion, the Archdiocese doesn't own it either, the people of the parish own it. Without the financial support of the parishioners, there would be no parish. It is a crime, as far as I am concerned, to destroy an historical building. My question is, "What is in it for Archbishop Perez for him to support this decision? He is not a member of the parish and should not have a voice in this decision. Members pf FOST, stand your ground and fight to win!Denise Crane (Thornton, 2023-01-06)
This historic building should be saved. I am a current parishioner of St Thomas. The parishioners were not consulted as part of this decision and no documentation about the costs and condition of the building was provided. The building belongs to the parish, and to make a decision for the parish, about the funds we parishioners donate to the Church, for a piece of our history, with no transparency is disappointing. In addition, it is my understanding that the Friends of St Thomas have been and continue to be the financial stewards of this building, so there should be no need for our pastor to destroy this piece of Catholic history.Sarah Voit (Glen Mills, 2023-01-06)