Asking Rep. Pete Stauber to hold in person town halls.



Representative Pete Stauber represents us. Our taxpayer dollars pay his salary, his staff's salaries, their benefits and expenses. His job is to represent the constituents of the 8th district and thus he should give us an opportunity to express our concerns and ask how he is working for us.

Lynn MacLean (Duluth, 2025-02-14)


We need to talk to Rep Stauber and he needs to hear us.

Megan Perry-Spears (Duluth, 2025-02-17)


I have called Stauber s offices, I have written many emails to his congressional address. I either don’t hear back, get an email using GOP talking points and blaming democrats, or get an email totally unrelated to the issues I addressed. He is so arrogant & knows he can get in with outside money for terribly misleading ads about his opponents! He does NOT care sbout our district. He voted against the infrastructure bill & tried to take credit for it, voted against reducing the price of insulin, stood with Trump’s position on the insurrection & did NOT back the police, he took an airplane flight back to DC knowing he was exposed to Trump when he had Covid, etc, etc. We need to hold him accountable as we pay his generous salary and benefits.

Barbara Hoffmsn (Duluth, 2025-02-18)


As our representative, we have the right to share our questions and concerns with him. He is making no effort to listen to his constituents. I do not feel the decisions he is making in Washington are in the best interest of his constituents.

Mary Christiansen (Duluth, 2025-02-19)


It's time for a face-to-face with your constituents. The current administration — which we assume you'd support — needs a congress that will force it to obey the constitution of the United States. Where do you stand on this?

Rick Kollath (Duluth, 2025-02-19)


Federal actions have threatened the jobs of many University of Minnesota Duluth employees. UMD is the second largest employer in Duluth, the largest city in the 8th district. What is Pete doing to address this? How will he support the economic health of his district?

Kathryn Schreiner (Duluth, 2025-02-19)


It is critical for Representative Stauber to engage critically with his constituency in order to effectively and accurately represent us.

Annalisa Peterson (Duluth, 2025-02-19)


Pete Stauber is not representing the votes of his constituents

Karin Knutson (Duluth, 2025-02-19)


Trump is destroying the entire federal system. Please let him know he is NOT above the law!

Cindy Olson (Duluth, 2025-02-19)


The people of Stauber's district elected him and he should connect with his people face to face, hear our concerns, and answer them directly. It's part of your job that you get paid to do.

Mary Kalkbrenner (Duluth, 2025-02-19)


I am signing because we deserve to hear from Rep. Stauber. I'd like to hear an explanation about why the Constitution has been ignored by legislative branch, and why he appears to be abdicating his responsibilties to us, the constituents.

Erin Sheets (Duluth, 2025-02-19)


Pete Stabber (sic) is a coward and hiding from his non supportive constituents.

Terran Neve (Duluth, 2025-02-19)


You swore an oath to the constitution, but you broke it by standing with Trump over our country. As a veteran, I am horrified by your condoning trumps actions against democracy, Capitol police, veterans, and all innocent Americans. Now Trump is standing with Putin and calling President Zelensky a dictator. Trump is against our allies and with his felllow dictators. Yet, we don’t hear anything against this dangerous administration from you and you refuse to meet with your constituents. You are weakening our country by going along with this. Our allies have realized we are no longer the world power we were just a few months ago. You are supposed to be part of a co-equal branch of govt. Act like it. Your cowardly weakness will go down in history as destroying our democracy. This administration and cowardly republican Congress is supporting undemocratic policies. This is dangerous, cruel, and inhumane. How can you say you stand up for American values when you can’t even stand up and meet with us or speak out against these policies? We pay your salary, insurance, pension, and all the perks you think you are entitled to. You turn around and praise the Republican tax cuts for big corporations and the wealthy while cutting anything that helps the poor or middle income working class. Start listening to the people you are hurting with these disastrous policies.

Daniel Hoffman (Duluth, 2025-02-19)


I have questions about Rep. Stauber's actions and inaction.

Sue Finstick (Duluth, 2025-02-20)


I want someone who represents the people and democracy

Terri Smith (Duluth, 2025-02-20)


Rep. Stauber needs to face his constituents and explain his lack of action in helping people in his district.

Gloria Walters (Duluth, 2025-02-21)


Pete Stauber is not willing to commit to meeting with constituents by having a town hall in Duluth .

Terese Harwood (Duluth, 2025-02-21)


He seems to be unavailable in person to his constituents. His answers to me over email are vague and generic.

Nicole Kaiser (Scandia, 2025-02-21)


He is my representative and he should be man enough to be sitting down with us in person.

Karen Tokarczyk (Cloquet, 2025-02-22)


I have many questions for him.

David Kujala (Lindstrom, 2025-02-22)


As a U.S. Congressman it is Stauber's duty to listen and be responsive to his constituents. So stop hiding Pete. Man up and face the people you represent and defend your actions in support of Trump.

Doug Miedtke (Grand Rapids, 2025-02-22)


Pete Stauber must be held accountable by his constituents for breaking the Oath of Office. We need him to hold true faith and allegiance with those opposing our foreign and domestic enemies. He needs to be on the side of democracy and uphold his commitment to Minnesotans to follow the US Constitution and state and federal law.

Joel Youngblom (Duluth, 2025-02-23)


I want answers as to why he is not speaking against how the President (whether is is Musk or Trump) are misusing their power to chaotically purge employees from federal departments, align with Putin and not take care of American citizens and inflation as promised while denying project 2025 during his campaign of lies. Cut spending by not pursuing going to Mars and taxing the billionaires.

Corinne Malecha (Hugo, 2025-02-23)


I’m very upset that congress is not stopping the autocratic power grab before it’s too late

Dane Youngblom (Duluth, 2025-02-23)


We need to meet in person to discuss what is happening to our democracy.

Lynn Youngblom (Duluth, 2025-02-23)


It’s time for him to come to meet his voters and answer for his actions. Or lack thereof!

Ryan Mears (Duluth, 2025-02-24)


Rep. Pete Stauber represents the people of the 8th district which means he has an obligation to host town halls to listen to his constituents. To not do so runs against the principle tenets of the Founding Fathers in writing the Constitution and building the foundations of our democracy. It is contemptible that he would refuse the constituents he represents the right to hear and be heard by their elected representative.

Trisha Hobson (Duluth, 2025-02-25)


I want straightforward answers from Congressman Stauber on where he stands regarding the illegal steps that Donald Trump and Elon Musk are taking against the Constitution of the USA and the rule of law

Dr Roland Kehr, Jr (Brainerd, 2025-02-25)


Spineless republicans are allowing fascists to turn our country into a dictatorship and need to answer to their constituents for it.

Joseph Thoennes (Duluth, 2025-02-25)


I feel that in a Democracy elected officials owe it to their constituents to meet openly to seek guidance and to explain their support or non-support for the issues facing our country.

Daniel Krueger (Sandstone, 2025-02-26)


I am angry about the job he is doing and do not feel he is representing the voters on many issues including budget, Ukraine, protecting Federal jobs, fight against Elon Musk/DOGE and standing up for the middle class voters that elected him.

Deanna Stock (Princeton, 2025-02-26)


I’m concerned about the state of the government’s take over!!

susan bratulich (hibbing, 2025-02-26)


It's legislators duty to serve and hear their constituents. While thousands of federal employees and civil servants are being laid off for bogus claims of "failure to serve the public" this punk gets to ignore the people who elected him? nahhhhhhh.

Anna Hanson (Minneapolis, 2025-02-26)


I'm a dreamer.

Harry Welty (Duluth, 2025-02-26)


He needs to hear from all of his constituents. Also, Pete Stauber cheats at hockey.

Eric Larson (Hugo, 2025-02-27)


I need to hear from Congressman Stauber how he can justify not voicing resistance to the gutting of public services in our region and country. Public higher ed affects me most directly, but the full extent of the administration's efforts to gut public services demands scrutiny and resistance. Why is Pete Stauber not standing up for everyday folks in our region who rely on public services both practically and for a life in which they can truly flourish?

Paula Derdiger (Duluth, 2025-02-28)


I want to let Mr Stauber know that his constituents are NOT in favor of him.

Mary Miller (Bemidji, 2025-02-28)


Because as an elected official you should hear the public’s concerns

Darrin Gable (Duluth, 2025-03-01)


I want to hear Stauber tell me how he's going to fix the fact that Elon Musk has my grandchildren's social security numbers. I don't want my grandkids to start life with a bogus $400,000 debt run up by whoever he sold the numbers to.

Frank Kutzler (Fridley, 2025-03-01)


I hate Pete Stauber

Logan Rempert (Hibbing, 2025-03-02)


Stauber is a coward and weak sauce.

Mike Clark (Duluth, 2025-03-02)


I want to protect the Boundary Waters from mining and our democracy from a hostile government takeover.

Amber McGregor (DULUTH, 2025-03-03)


Clean protected boundary waters are important to me and future generations.

Katherine Eagle (Cloquet, 2025-03-03)


I'm signing because I moved to this region FOR THE BWCAW. Our clean water is a national treasure, preserved for decades. It should not be messed with, and YOU should respond to your constituents.

Karen Petersen (Duluth, 2025-03-03)


I do not want the US government to align with Russia. I do not want random cuts to federal employees jobs- many of which are in District 8. I do not want Medicaid cut- this would impact many people in District 8!
I do not want Elon Musk having control over our government. I want aid to Ukraine to continue!

Janet Tomaino (Duluth, 2025-03-03)


Representative Stauber has continually violated his oath to the constitution by surrendering his power to the will of the Trump administration. In doing so he stifles the voice of all residents of the eighth district. He needs to answer to us in person for his actions.

Andrew Turnboom (Floodwood, 2025-03-04)


Petes constituents deserve to have him tell them to their faces why he supports cutting Medicaid and supports Trump and Putin

Jan Keough (Duluth, 2025-03-04)


Our representatives are supposed to represent and listen to us. Not hide from their constituents.

Sherry Kloha (BEMIDJI, 2025-03-04)


We need an opportunity to ask questions.

Laura Stone (Knife River, 2025-03-05)


An elected representative who refuses to meet with his constituents isn't doing his job. Representative Stauber needs to meet with the people he represents.

Laura Vavrosky (Duluth, 2025-03-06)


Pete Stauber is ignoring his constituents, which means he is not doing his job as promised.

Sara Duke (Duluth, 2025-03-06)


I'm signing because Pete stauber is a piece of shit and he deserves to be held accountable for his borderline sociopathic behavior. He is an enemy to good American people and he should be tried for treason and put in prison with every other republican representative.

Liana Gordon (Deer River, 2025-03-07)


I am upset at proposed budget cuts to Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security. I am upset about the illegal actions taken by the executive branch and the lack of response by Congress.

Sarah Wischow (Cambridge, 2025-03-07)


It is imperative that our representatives meet one on one with their constituents. The fact that Representative Stauber hides behind a prerecorded message and expects that should suffice is repugnant.

Timothy Klinkhammer (Forest Lake, 2025-03-08)


I would like my representative in the senate to explain his undeniably ridiculous support of policies that are harmful to his constituents in person. Now!!

Gary Rock (Moose Lake, 2025-03-09)


We need Rep Stauber to HEAR us about everything that is going on in the federal government. This is NOT what anyone voted for and is becoming/already is a constitutional crisis. He needs to hear our concerns in person and answer our questions. He needs to take responsibility in his elected position and speak directly with his constituents. No more hiding behind a screen.

Mary Bishop (Duluth, 2025-03-11)


Rep Stauber refuses to be accountable to his constituents except those who voted for him.

Cherie Bridges (Duluth, 2025-03-11)


Stauber is not representing all of his constituents, is not willing to attend town halls to discuss issues, and is only serving as Musk/Trump's mouthpiece.

Mary Lou Donovan (Duluth, 2025-03-11)


I demand in-person town halls, so Stauber can attempt to defend the harm being done to veterans, people with disabilities, seniors, children, and their families, by the funding cuts, terminations and gutting of our economy.

Tracy Bentley (Eveleth, 2025-03-15)


Stop the billionaire and dictator bootlicking! Grow a spine and stand up in front of the people! Hear us!

Stephanie Stich (Stanchfield, 2025-03-16)


I want Pete Stauber to show up for town halls, in person!

Jenny Truebenbach (Duluth, 2025-03-17)


Town Halls are a proud and important part of American democracy. Pete Stauber needs to remember his place or be replaced.

Thomas Hawley (Duluth, 2025-03-20)


I am sick of Stauber not representing his constituents. He is a Trump puppet. He was elected to represent us, and he needs to hear how the horrible things happening, which he has been supporting, are affecting his voters!

Karen Mehelich (Biwabik, 2025-03-25)


Representative Stauber why will you not meet with your constituents?
Are you afraid to face the people that you are supposed to represent?
A retired police officer afraid to face the public he is supposed to serve…what a coward!

Judy Nelson (Esko, 2025-03-26)

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