NO high density multi-unit bldgs on Young Avenue
Young Avenue is a rare historic streetscape in the province. Only single family homes should even be considered for new building. No highrises, no multi-unit developments!(Dartmouth, 2019-11-27)
This is an extremely important issue not only if you want to protect Young Avenue and its historic significance, but also if you want to protect all R1 designated neighbourhoods in HRM from developers who want to build mult-unit dwellings.(Halifax, 2019-11-27)
I want to preserve such an important and historic streetscape.(Halifax, 2019-11-27)
I'm signing because I agree with the petition.(Halifax, 2019-11-27)
I am signing this petition because Regional Council settled this matter a very short time ago with a mass of very careful HRM staff work. Councillor Adams, as a lame duck Councillor, who has stated he will not stand for re-election in 2020, and who does not represent any part of the Peninsula appears to be just fronting for Mr Tsimikilis who has destroyed several heritage homes by total demolition on Young Avenue as a land speculator whose investment seems to have gone bad. Mr. Adams is simply bailing out the land speculator and appears to be possibly operating very close to a conflict of interest. Regional Council should send Mr Adams and his motion packing and send it back to his home in Bedford where he has lived outside his own riding for close to a decade.(Halifax, Nova Scotia, 2019-11-27)
Potentially precedent-setting motions with potential to significantly alter historic streetscapes should not even be considered before the completetion of the Centre Plan(Halifax, 2019-11-27)
I'm signing the petition against the motion of Councillor Adams because I'm a strong believer in and supporter of our heritage. We should designate a Young Avenue Heritage District, not open it up to multiple unit development.(Halifax, 2019-11-27)
Young Street's heritage is an important part of our city.(Halifax, 2019-11-27)
Young Avenue is a lovely feature of Halifax and a beautiful promenade leading to Point Pleasant Park. It is an asset for all Haligonians. No good reason to create high density development in this location.(Halifax, 2019-11-27)
Young Avenue is a special place and needs to remain R1(Halifax, 2019-11-27)
We need preserve as much heritage as possible at this point .. so much has already been lost. Tourists come here to see what makes Halifax special. Young Avenue is one of few remaining areas in Halifax with world class architecture, not replicable by new construction. Once its character-defining features are gone they are gone forever.(Halifax, 2019-11-27)
I disagree strongly with the destruction of neighbourhoods . In my travels abroad the most memorable cities are those which have been preserved so we can see their uniqueness and history while continuing to build new structures that tastefully compliment the old. Young Avenue has little left of the historic homes that once graced the boulevard. Can’t we at least save what is remaining ?(Halifax, 2019-11-27)
I do not want high density housing on Young Avenue! The fact that the 2 most recent mansions were demolished is outrageous! Young Ave is a jewel of Halifax and developers are stealing that jewel!(Halifax, 2019-11-27)
This action is abhorrent. This area of our city and province is an historical gem which must be preserved.(Dartmouth, 2019-11-27)
We have to STOP throwing away our history. Preserve this historic streetscape!(Dartmouth, 2019-11-27)
As we lose the historic buildings and architecture of Young Street, the whole city/ Province has lost an important layer of its history. A street once protected by one of our more colourful premiers, little William Young, should continue as it was intended, a statement of Halifax’s heritage.(Hammonds Plains, NS, 2019-11-28)
I am so tired of seeing our city being destroyed . Our historic buildings are unique and beautiful.(Halifax, 2019-11-28)
This was a beautiful streetscape with heritage homes. One developer has shown no respect for the fabric of the street, history, the wishes of the community, and the municipality. His bad behaviour should not be rewarded.(Halifax, 2019-11-28)
History is real. History is important(Halifax, 2019-11-28)
Don't approve this motion.(Halifax, 2019-11-28)
I’m signing because I believe it is very important to protect and enhance the historic streetscape of Young Avenue. This area is a vital part of our City’s heritage and it must be preserved.(Halifax, 2019-11-28)
I am signing this petition because I am strongly opposed to high density multi unit building development in a single family unit zoned residential neighborhood . The character and charm of one of the great historical streets of Halifax is at risk.(Halifax, 2019-11-28)
I am not anti-development of any kind, but it needs to be done wisely. Leave some heritage amidst the new. Leave some character to the city. Be consistent and thoughtful with city planning - that's all I ask.(Halifax, 2019-11-28)
Even though I don't live there, the unique streetscape of Young Avenue has always given me pleasure. I believe that it must be preserved because there are so few uplifting residential areas left in Halifax, ones that connect you to our precious historic past. I'm truly heartsick at how our once-unique and stylish downtown has been swept aside by today's brutal modern urban planning. Please, don't destroy Young Avenue.(Bedford, 2019-11-28)
Young Avenue is one Halifax's finest streetscapes and an important tourist draw (economic benefit). Allowing inappropriate development here now would strip the planning process in Halifax of any remaining credibility.(Dartmouth, 2019-11-28)
It is extremely important to respect and preserve the history of Halifax for all our citizens, our friends and visitors from other parts of Canada and particularly those visiting from other countries who are interested and curious about our city, how it evolved and how we are treasuring it for all to see.Please, please, please do not permit the further destruction of Young Avenue.
(Dartmouth, 2019-11-28)
I can not believe that Councillors would even consider building permits for Young Avenue that do not accommodate the present landscape and have not considered the relevance of the historic nature of Young Avenue.Should you vote to agree to a single contractor for the proposal as presently suggested, then there is lack of transparency and weakness in the make up of the Council.(Halifax, 2019-11-28)
I see both sides. The current economy is booming and more economical housing is needed in Halifax. But in the long term, the economic cycle will shrink or correct. Those who can afford to live in these homes should have them well insulated and generate renewable energy.Keeping an historic district, will benefit tourism and save architectural beauty that cannot be easily replicated. The grounds are spacious enough for trees. I am sure there was an original intention set when these homes were built.
(Dartmouth, 2019-11-29)
Councillor Adams motion makes no sense and suggests he is advocating for the developer to the detriment of the existing neighbourhood and its future and HRM. I would want his assurance that he is not in conflict.(Halifax, 2019-11-29)
I want to support protection of this beautiful and iconic street. There are MANY suitable sites in the city for high density development. It does NOT belong on Young Avenue.(Halifax, 2019-11-29)
The 2 mansions sh'd never have been allowed to be demolished. I'm totally against multi unit dwellings in their place. Halifax's best feature, maybe its only significant feature is it's heritage, which the developers have been rapidly destroying for $$$$.(Halifax, 2019-11-29)
I live in the area. The proposed development is completely out of line with the character of Young Avenue and the area. There is no reason whatsoever to permit modifications to existing zoning and planning requirements in order to permit this terrible proposal.(Halifax, 2019-11-29)
Young Avenue is the last great promenade street left in Halifax. The proposed development is absolutely counter to both the careful approach regarding heritage preservation, and the sensitive redevelopment of the residential core, which municipal government has committed to, via the Centre Plan and new Conservation Districts. Bunker-style dormitories with old facades tacked on are irresponsible, and Councillor Adams’s involvement is entirely inappropriate.(Halifax, 2019-11-29)
I am in favour of increasing density, but not on this is important to find those places on the peninsula where it is appropriate. Young Ave is a heritage street , that has history and tourist appeal...(Halifax, 2019-11-29)
Blind development in this city has to stop. This is a beautiful, historic neighbourhood. It’s incredibly insulting that this was put forward without the support of the district councillor.(HRM, 2019-11-29)
I'm tired of this city favouring developers and destroying our city's Heritage.(Halifax, 2019-11-30)
It is vital to maintain the character and historic value to the Young Avenue area by preserving what remains or constructing similarly single dwellings that uphold the essence of what makes it magnificent and unique.(Halifax, 2019-11-30)
As a resident of the streets neighbouring Young Avenue, I am in strong agreement with the rationale listed in this petition.In addition to the concerns listed, I am bewildered at how traffic in the neighbouring streets would be able to accommodate the many new residents in the proposed multi-unit complex. For example, this proposal would likely necessitate street lights (vs. 4-way stops) at nearby intersections, especially young av/Inglis. This is just one example of how this development would have a cascade of implications for our neighbourhood that would need to be considered beyond what is being proposed.
(Halifax, 2019-11-30)
I'm tired of developers ruining my city.(Bedford, NS, 2019-11-30)
This change is not in the public interest and is being considered strictly for the financial gain of one property owner.(Halifax, 2019-11-30)
Long history of the area.(Halifax, 2019-11-30)
This historical neighborhood should be preserved and not allow massive development projects such as this that are not in character with a R1 residential area.(Halifax, 2019-11-30)
Home owner in the south end that wants to maintain historic charm(Halifax, 2019-12-01)
I want to preserve a streetscape that is iconic to Halifax. We do not wish our city to look the same as every other city. Keep some history and individuality.(Prospect, NS, 2019-12-01)
Anyone who believes this proposal and who thinks it will really “consider amendments that allow for contextually sensitive residential development” is a fantasist.To dump that many housing units in an old, historic neighbourhood will totally change the ‘hood, slumifying it, so to speak.
(Halifax, 2019-12-01)
We are losing too many heritage properties in this city; this area is endangered and needs to remain as an historic area of Halifax. I trust Councillors will do what is morally correct.(Bedford, 2019-12-01)
Heritage and residential areas within Halifax must be protected.(Halifax, 2019-12-01)
This is simply wrong in multiple ways that offend the common good. It only benefits a very small group of profiteers, primarily developers. It contravens numerous public policies, processes, and commiunity values and agreements.(Head of St Margaret's Bay, 2019-12-01)
I believe in preserving our Heritage buildings and districts.(Truro, 2019-12-01)
Why is Steve Adams suggesting this for an area he does not represent and what is his relationship with the developer? The developer bought the properties knowing the R-1 zoning. There is absolutely no reason for Council to approve this motion. Steve Adams’ motives are unknown but they are clearly not in the best interests of the neighbourhood.(Halifax, 2019-12-01)
Please save the beautiful and current integrity of Young Ave.(Bedford, 2019-12-01)
I’m worried about the destruction of our heritage(Dartmouth, 2019-12-01)
I feel this high density development will negatively affect the area(Upper Sackville, 2019-12-01)
I am signing because we need to preserve historical Halifax. It would be very sad to see once again developers creating a precedent to not respect people and city long term planning.Developers see only their short term target : profit for themselves. Community and history are worthless to them.
(Halifax, 2019-12-01)
As a longtime resident of the South End I believe that Young Ave.’s historic and community prominence as an area of single family homes should be protected. The increasing population density on the south and east sides of the peninsula with amended road access will make residents prisoners to peninsula traffic.(Halifax, 2019-12-01)
The proposed buildings are just wrong for the area. This is a residential area with single family homes and should not have multi-units built in this area.(Halifax, 2019-12-01)
I am signing because I am against the proposed zoning change for Young Avenue.(Halifax, 2019-12-02)
This is absolutely preposterous. Enough is enough! I was appalled at the design We have lost way too much of our charm already around these old historic neighborhoods and this is an old classic residential neighbourhood that’s already seen too much change . . I’m ashamed it would even be a Consideration of ANYONE on our city Council.Much too much of old downtown is disappearing as well. And Our waterfront ! Too many projects being approved in lieu of saving more of the old. Why ?
We seem to have lost control of our beautiful city’s charm
(Halifax, 2019-12-02)
Young Avenue is a beautiful treasure in Halifax, full of history, that must be preserved!! Once lost it will not be restored.(Fort Wayne, 2019-12-02)
Young Ave is an historical part of the city, also primarily a single family neighbourhood and its integrity as such must be maintained.(HALIFAX, 2019-12-02)
I want to keep the integrity of Young Ave. Save Young Avenue!!(Halifax, 2019-12-02)
I agree with everything stated in it.(Halifax, 2019-12-02)
I feel Young Avenue represents a beautiful neighborhood in our city... a family zone that must be maintained for its historic significance.... there are enough buildings, enough multi family zones...(Halifax, 2019-12-02)
I am signing the petition and am totally against the development of high density multi-unit buildings on Young Avenue. The character of the Avenue makes it unique and it still maintains the visual of single family dwellings. My family home was there for well over 50 years until unfortunately we were forced to sell. Young Avenue has a place in the history of Halifax and was created for the improvement of the community. That reason for creating an area called 'City Beautiful' is still valid today. The City has spent much time, money and resources in coming up with the Centre Plan. Then all of that work is wasted at tax payers expense if Council allows this to pass before even presenting the Plan. Also, it sets a precedent for developers who have City Council wrapped around their little finger! Approving this high density request is unethical.(Halifax, 2019-12-02)
This matter has already been unanimously decided by Council and this motion goes against that decision. Secondly, I totally oppose the "desecration" of Young Ave. with the schlock development that this motion would surely allow. Young Ave is still "the "Show place of Halifax".(HRM (Bedford), 2019-12-02)
I want to see more of our city's heritage preserved, not torn down or rezoned simply for development's sake. Young Avenue is a grand, truly unique neighbourhood in our downtown which should remain. Allowing multi family developments would destroy the history and grandeur of this wonderful Avenue.(Halifax, 2019-12-02)
this is poor development in the wrong location(halifax, 2019-12-02)
The south end has been built to show a certain element of living, class, and history in halifax. It would be a shame for the neighborhood to have to endure construction of a high density project. Let alone the negatives that come with those developments. Leave young avenue alone(Bayside, 2019-12-02)
The character of the built environment of established urban neighbourhoods should be preserved.(Dartmouth, 2019-12-02)
I am signing this because the speedy demolition of the historic home initially on this site was very troubling and now this proposed development is going forward despite significant public concerns, and before the Centre Plan Package B release. I am very concerned about the loss of the historic character of Young Avenue.(HALIFAX, 2019-12-02)
Maintain the character of Young Ave.(Halifax, 2019-12-02)
I believe City Council should honour its commitment to save Young Avenue, Halifax, as a Historic Streetscape. This avenue is an important feature of Halifax's and Canada's history and needs to be conserved and preserved. We do not need to increase the density of the south end.There are already too many high-density buildings in the south end, most of which detract from the charm and individuality of the city.
Halifax has a unique environment, we need to work hard to maintain the unique and historical beauty of the city and the region.
Respectfully I urge Halifax City Council members to deny opening up Young Avenue to any multi-residential development and defeat the pending vote put forth by Councillor Steve Adams.This, especially since the Council completed an extensive public process in 2017 and legislated against allowing the development of multi-residential dwellings.
(Haifax B3K1E9, 2019-12-02)
It is the right thing to do(Middle Sackville, 2019-12-02)
We must not destroy the unique face of our city, one of the most historical cities in Canada, a heritage city and tourist destination, its character beloved by us, our residents as well as old and new visitors from across Canada and the world. Large mansions can be re-used by non-profits, universities, etc., if owners cannot afford to keep them up. They are a cultural asset.(Halifax, NS, 2019-12-02)
Councillor Adams’ motion makes a mockery of not just the CentrePlan and Young Avenue-specific concerns, but of planning processes and public consultation across all of HRM.(Halifax, 2019-12-02)
I care about preservation of historic neighbourhoods of Halifax.(Halifax, 2019-12-02)
allowing this change then mean open season for changing the zoning anywhere in the city(Dartmouth, 2019-12-02)
I strongly believe in keep with the integrity and historic nature of this neighbourhood.(Halifax, 2019-12-02)
Listen to your/our City staff report ..recommendations regarding thisarea which was develpoed in 1896..
R-1 Historic Zone. This developer is a destroyer...ruining our wonderful family neighbourhoods, taking them to the highest density ..he has no respect ..look at what he has destroyed! Look at desvastation of poor McLean St. backing on this Young Ave. vacant lot!
(Halifax, 2019-12-02)
We have to stop the destruction of heritage buildings and neighbourhoods by ruthless developers(Halifax, 2019-12-02)
There are heritage districts in Halifax that need to be preserved for future generations.(Halifax, 2019-12-02)
Young Ave is a beautiful place , a fine entrance to Point Pleasant Park. people need landscapes that warm ones heart as we walk , byke or drive, what legacy are we leaving?(Halifax, 2019-12-02)
Young Avenue is an historic street with unique beautiful homes grounded in a time when Halifax thrived starting from the age of sail. It should remain as an important reminder of our important place in the building of Canada.(Halifax, 2019-12-02)