

There's no evidence to prove this is safe for the community, and there's no benefit to the community. Build the crematory somewhere else.

Heather Patti (White Marsh, MD 21162, 2023-03-24)


I don't want to live next door to a crematorium. Period. So many things wrong with this, all of which are listed in the body of the petition.

Chris Wilson (White Marsh, 2023-03-24)


I live near the proposed site and I feel the emissions may be toxic.

James Kenney (White Marsh, 2023-03-24)


I leave close to the proposed crematorium and am concerned about the fumes it may produce.

Joanne Clabaugh (White Marsh, 2023-03-24)


I am signing because I don’t believe that we should have a crematorium in the center of our neighborhood. A funeral parlor itself is acceptable but health concerns that are related to a crematorium are very concerning. I strongly object to the crematorium in our community. Thank you

Adam Ferguson (White Marsh, 2023-03-24)


I oppose the construction of a crematorium in this area densely populated with both children and the elderly

Jackie Hesselton (Perry Hall, MD, 2023-03-24)


I am opposed to having a crematorium that will be less than 100 feet from residential homes with a daycare close by with churches and restaurants with outdoor seating. For the public health, safety and welfare of the community from the continuous toxins released in the air. Plus lower real estate values that will effect the community.

Anthony Dudek, Jr. (White Marsh, 2023-03-24)


I'm opposed to crematoriums being in 500 ft. Of a residential area.

Robert Franklin (Essex, 2023-03-24)


I am a resident of the effected area and am being forced to choose between the health of my family and the consequences of being forced to move from the home I saved for 10 years to buy.

Charles Hilseberg (White Marsh, 2023-03-25)


I am against this crematory facility!!!

Milicent Santos (WHITE MARSH, 2023-03-25)


I am a health professional who has experienced the pandemic I dont want a crematorium in close proximity to our home if another pandemic event that will eventually be utilize to dispose of diseased remains that can be very harmful to our comunity

Alex Santos (White Marsh, 2023-03-25)


I live right up the street from the proposed site and am concerned about the health risks associated with a crematorium.

Linda Newell (White Marsh, 2023-03-25)


I do not want this facility in my neighborhood

Brian Brooks (White Marsh, 2023-03-25)


I do not believe this is the place to build this crematorium.

Lisa Turner (Nottingham, 2023-03-26)


I do not want to be exposed to toxic chemicals that can also harm, children, pets and wildlife within the area surrounding the crematorium.

Charles Dobry (Nottingham, 2023-03-26)


We live across the street

David Croft (White Marsh, 2023-03-26)


Toxic fumes/ crematory should not be in a residential area

Kathy Biedenback (White Marsh, 2023-03-26)


My entire life has been to provide for the education and care of children. Studies showing "no harm to those living nearby" such a facility even EXIST. Therefore NO to this crematorium. PLUS, a SPECIAL EXEMPTION WAS GIVEN for the funeral home to be built initially. LOOK ELSEWHERE for such an venture. Our families matter.

J Delores Keefer (Perry Hall, 2023-03-26)


I'm signing because of the environmental dangers posed to the community. I agree with the petition requesting legislation to mandate 500 feet of space between a crematorium, and the community or open-air businesses.

Alison Maier (BALTIMORE, 2023-03-26)


A crematorium should not be in a residential area. An industrial park or more rural area seems more suitable.

TA Bowser (White Marsh, 2023-03-26)


Crematoriums should be in isolated areas, do not belong in community areas with homes around it



We don’t need a crematorium in white marsh. We already have 2 landfills. Enough is enough.

Fred Kuhn (Kingsville, 2023-03-27)


I am opposed

Mary Muth (Middle River, 2023-03-27)


I want to keep our environment safe from impurities from a creamatory device

Crystal Cox (Baltimore, 2023-03-27)


I want to protect the health of my family and other families who live close to this proposed facility

Jackie Perry (Middle River, 2023-03-27)


Concerned for the safety for all the people who live in that area and the day care just across the road in the shopping center. Philadelphia road can not handle any more additional traffic then it already does. Will we need to start robbing people of their property here too.

Russell Denny (Middle River, 2023-03-27)


I am against it!

Sharon Davella (White marsh, md, 2023-03-27)


This is irresponsible to have this constructed in a residential area. Not only do the details of this proposed construction feel underhanded, they do not seem to respect the feelings of the community in which they are trying to serve. Please do not move forward with this.

Courtney Lancaster (Rosedale, 2023-03-27)


Sick and tired of housing, businesses being slipped into our communities without community approval and mostly without our knowledge at all!

Diane Frazier (Balto, 2023-03-27)


I do not want these chemicals in or near my neighborhood.

elizabeth kennedy (Parkville, 2023-03-27)


I am opposed to the crematorium which would be located around 500 feet from my home where I have lived since 1977. This is a residential community and there are more industrial locations in the general area that Evans Funeral Home should look into for the crematorium. It was only approved for a funeral home.

Ellen Vandevender (White Marsh, 2023-03-27)


I am concerned about people in the area being exposed to pollutants that may be harmful.

Jean Martin (Perry Hall, 2023-03-27)


As I was told this would not no on sight. You can’t change the plan now

Steven DiGristine (Baltimore, 2023-03-27)


I don’t want a crematorium in the middle of residential neighborhood. It will be next to a veterinarian on one side and bakery on the other side and to restaurants across the street, not to mention the hundreds of homes surrounding this crematorium. Also The Church and playground across the street.

David Ferguson (White Marsh, 2023-03-27)


I live here for 65 years

Jimmy Nealis (White marsh, 2023-03-27)


I want our environment and the humans living in close proximity to be safe!!!

De Salaris (Rosedale, 2023-03-27)


A crematorium should only be built out in the country away from homes and businesses. We don’t need any more pollution or breathable neorotoxins to inhale everyday. We already have enough. This is not safe for anyone to have to breathe in daily

Tracy Thompson (Rosedale, 2023-03-27)


I am concerned for the safety and health of my fellow citizens and family in that area.

gloria cimaglia (dundalk, 2023-03-28)


I feel it would be inhumane if I didn't .

Debbie OBrien (Perry Hall, 2023-03-28)


To many homes close to the location. But funeral home in not cremation. That should not located to families

Fay Short (Middle river, 2023-03-28)


I take my pets to Honeygo Animal Hospital which is next door to this proposed site. I do not want to be exposed to anything emitting from the cremation process

Jeannette Mroz (Middle River, 2023-03-28)


What can be more important than the air we breathe? None of us need to be inhaling mercury, carbon monoxide, etal.

Mary C. Quesenberry (Nottingham, 2023-03-28)


I do not want the crematorium to be built near our community.

Theresa Dalton Scarlatta (White Marsh, 2023-03-28)


because i said so

Thomas Emich (Parkville, 2023-03-28)


I am sick of all of the toxic chemicals

Lisa Frederick (Perry Hall, 2023-03-28)


I live very close to the site proposed for Evans Funeral Home to construct a crematorium. Not only would this pose a danger for the residents but also all of the wildlife that live in Gunpowder State Park. My property backs up to the park and I love all of the animals & birds including Eagles that live in the park & visit my property. I pray that the DRC will not allow this to go forward. Sincerely, Sue Cox

Susan Cox-Williams (White Marsh, 2023-03-29)


We live very close to this proposed crematorium so I’m signing this for the sake of my family’s health.

Patricia Hurn (White Marsh, 2023-03-29)


Because crematories emit gases that are unsafe for my family.

Jessica Merrill (Rosedale, 2023-03-29)


I am concerned about toxins being released into the air I breathe.

Lisa Hauf (white marsh, 2023-03-29)


We do not want this in the neighborhood

Gail and William Cather (White Marsh, 2023-03-29)


Was supposed to be a funeral home without a crematorium. Should not be located in a residential neighborhood.

Kelly Loughran (White Marsh, 2023-03-29)


I believe this will indeed be detrimental to our health in these communities in Baltimore County.

Mary Rawlings (Rosedale, 2023-03-29)


I did research on the toxins produced by such a facility. I live in the area and am opposed to this cremation facility. It was also stated that there would be no cremation done there when the company posted zoning signs.

Carol Harten (White Marsh, 2023-03-29)


This service can belong in one of the many business parks, not a residential area.

Daniel Levett (Baltimore, 2023-03-30)


This is right next to my home.

Jennifer Stump (White Marsh, 2023-03-30)


I object to having a crematory close to a residential community

Maria Kowalevicz (White Marsh, 2023-03-30)


Environmental concerns in our area and gases and other toxins. The safety of our children and grandchildren.

joanne Ormrod (Perry Hall, 2023-03-30)


I am certain that this facility will add to the ongoing environmental degradation that is harming our local ecosphere. It is inappropriate and unnecessary. Making special exceptions that provide financial benefits to private individuals or singular corporate entities while adversely affecting the community as a whole is bad policy, bad government, and poor stewardship of our dwindling natural resources. Tragedy of the commons, writ large.

Thomas McGhan (Nottingham, 2023-03-30)



Emma Canoles (Baltimore, 2023-03-30)


Over building and toxic chemicals. Build it next to Johnny O’s house.

Betty Ogle (Nottingham, 2023-03-30)


Of the health risks this could effect children and elderly with. Hopefully a location this is not residential can be chosen instead.

Ginger Kratochvil (Baltimore, 2023-03-31)


The unknown risks to all residents. I’m also concerned about the long term risks to our children resulting in the expose of such emissions not yet been studied.

Susan Szamski (Glen Arm, 2023-03-31)


I’m worried about potentially having toxic chemicals released into the air around my area.

Jo Anne Davis (White Marsh, 2023-03-31)


I oppose this crematorium in my neighborhood.

YUMINIE FRIAS-WALTON (Nottingham, MD 21236, USA, 2023-03-31)


I met Chris Wilson and he informed me of the opposition to the crematorium and the adverse issues that may result from its operation. I support the No Crematorium In Our Neighborhood effort!

RODNEY WALKER (White Marsh, 2023-03-31)


There's plenty of open space elsewhere in the county away from densely populated neighborhoods to build a crematorium.

Jack King (White Marsh, 2023-04-01)


I'm concerned

MARY ARMETTA (Nottingham, 2023-04-01)


Crematory emissions should not be built in residential areas. There are currently none in Baltimore County (the 5 that are in the county are in commercial areas).

Kellie Merryman (Baltimore, 2023-04-01)


I am very concerned about the crematorium coming to the neighborhood. I don't want it here.

Amy Smith (Kingsville, 2023-04-02)


im commute through the area and live in the area and cannot see this addition to the community bringing any benefit only hazards to our air, soil, precious waterways and volumes of traffic on an already busy road.

Rebecca Grasham (Upper Falls, 2023-04-02)


I’m signing because I live within a block of the proposed crematorium and do not support this in my neighborhood.

Amy Overbey (White Marsh, 2023-04-02)


I oppose this due to environmental issues as well as the visibility of this to the community. There is enough in this world to remind us of death without a crematorium next door. I vehemently oppose this!!!!

Robert Stephan (WHITE MARSH, 2023-04-02)


I don’t want this because this could cause issues especially breathing issues and there is enough chemicals around. This concerns me because I already have health issues and so does my husband. He had COPD

Yvonne Sizemore (Middle River, 2023-04-03)


I live very close to the site and am very worried for my family.

Deborah Brazil (White Marsh, 2023-04-03)


I am concerned for the safety of the white Marsh community with regard to the emissions of a crematorium.

Marybeth Krebs (Kingsville, 2023-04-03)


There are plenty of vacant business parks this business could placed in, not a residential neighborhood near homes, churches, daycare, food preparation businesses.

Amber Levett (Rosedale, 2023-04-03)


I don’t want the crematory

Nathan Redline (White Marsh, 2023-04-03)


I do not want this near my kids!!!

Courtney Croxton (White Marsh, 2023-04-04)


This will severely impact businesses and locals living in the area

Megaela Minutella (Perry hall, 2023-04-04)


I do not want me or others to be exposed to toxic chemicals in the air that could harm us

Maria Reppas (Perry Hall, 2023-04-05)


I am against the planned crematorium to be built.

Cathy Torres (Nottingham, 2023-04-05)


I live close to where this will take place

Nancy Taylor (White marsh, 2023-04-06)


I do not want to love next door to a crematorium.

Jennifer Peach (White Marsh, 2023-04-06)


No crematorium is needed in a residential area. We do not want poisonous, toxic chemicals to be breathed in by our children, family, animals and neighbors.

Connie Ittner (White Matsh, 2023-04-07)


I live across the street from this address. I don't want a Funeral Home or a crematory. Way to much traffic and congestion on Philadelphia Rd. Sometimes can't get out into traffic when Philadelphia Rd is backed up from accidents on 95 and route 40.

Dorothy Brushwiller (White Marsh, 2023-04-08)


This wrong not safe for our community

Mary Stakias (Perry hall, 2023-04-09)


I reside in the Sylvania Mobile Home community directly across from the site they are proposing to put the crematorium.
I have end stage COPD and require oxygen so this is very unsettling for me.

Janet L Tesar (White Marsh, 2023-04-10)


I’m signing because I don’t want my home to be located to emissions that will damage the surrounding homes that will be located too close to the crematorium. It’s a rural area with many families and children that would be located too close to dangerous pollutants. This area is also located at the end of the fingers of Gunpowder State Park, and I’m very concerned what the pollutants would do to the streams leading out to the river and ultimately out to the bay. It’s an environmental hazard that’s just too risky for this area.

Diane Hayes (White Marsh, 2023-04-11)


I don’t want the toxins from a crematorium being released into the air next to my neighborhood. Route 40 has a ton of industrial area. Move it there where there aren’t any housing developments to pollute their air.

Kristi Schulman (White Marsh, 2023-04-11)


I live 10 seconds away from this proposed funeral home/ crematorium. Not only do I not want the emitted gases and all they contain, I also don't want the traffic problems associated with this business. I have allergies as does my husband. Also, we can't get out onto Philadelphia Rd. as it it without adding to the traffic.

Donna Palmere (White Marsh, 2023-04-11)


I'm signing since we are not favorable to have a crematory near our area.

James Sanchez Yap Jr (White Marsh, MD, 2023-04-12)


I’m strongly opposed to the Building of a crematorium in our neighborhood. I live in the area and I also have a business right across the street from where they’re planning to build.
There are many health concerns with the toxins involved.

Efstathia Minutella (Perry hall, 2023-04-12)


I do not want a crematory on Philadelphia Rd.

Caroline Wingerd (White Marsh, 2023-04-12)



SAMUEL Enurah (WHITE MARSH, 2023-04-12)


I Do Not want any crematory in our neighborhood

Nadia ENURAH (White Marsh, 2023-04-12)


I absolutely do not want this next to my neighborhood. Crematorium will cause bad odor and traffic will be worse than it already is. I will not be able to get out of my neighborhood.

Leslie Grace (White Marsh, 2023-04-12)


I'm against having a crematory in my neighborhood. I'm very concerned about the chemicals and pollutants and how this will affect myself and others in the area.

Kathleen Wianke (White Marsh, 2023-04-12)


A crematorium at this location is a horrible idea. There are too many homes located right next to this location as well as restaurants and a daycare. The funeral home as it is will bring too much traffic, but the crematorium will bring health concerns to the people that live around the funeral home and it’s not in the best interest of the community to allow this to happen.

Wendy Callins (White Marsh, 2023-04-12)


I live in the neighborhood, as well work in healthcare and am concerned for the potential health impact.

Meredith Shelton (Perry Hall, 2023-04-13)


The petition I have signed clearly outlines all the many reasons it is unacceptable for a crematorium to be positioned at the proposed location. Our health, and that of our children and grandchildren, may be severely and negatively impacted for all the reasons stated therein. I, along with my neighbors in the HonegoRidge community, vehemently oppose this!!

Joan Garrity (White Marsh, 2023-04-13)


I am a resident and appear this in my neighborhood.

Efthymios Kastanaras (Perry hall, 2023-04-13)

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