Fatalities are only a matter of time(Woodbury, 2020-03-03)
I live on Broadway in Woodbury and share all of these concerns. My family, including my young children, cross the road several times each day.(Woodbury, 2020-03-03)
We need measure to slow the traffic throughout the village. I have stood at the zebra crossing and cars race pass not always stopping. Please make Woodbury safer before someone dies. Thank you .(Woodbury, 2020-03-03)
I live on this road and I am terrified my children will be run over as there is no safe pedestrian crossing for them to cross at and the cars are speeding over 40mph on average(Woodbury, 2020-03-03)
I have witnessed and personally experienced too many ‘close calls’ with traffic driving at speed through the main Woodbury road. Pushing a pram and walking with my young daughter can be very unnerving when walking along the narrow pavements with heavy traffic driving at speed.(Exeter, 2020-03-03)
Vehicles travel too fast on Parsonage way is causing a hazard to pedestrians. The fact there is no pavement places children in danger when walking to and from school.(Woodbury, 2020-03-03)
The road has become a death trap. The only crossing in the village regularly has near misses due to speeding drivers not noticing a pedestrian crossing in use.Traffic calming on the main road and a 20mph in the village is needed urgently.
(Woodbury, 2020-03-03)
As a village on a ‘relief route’ otherwise known as a rat run, Woodbury suffers from drivers ‘on a mission’ to ‘get there quickly’. Whether it be getting home after stressful days work, to get to the stressful days work in time, just keep on schedule for the arduous Amazon or Hermes delivery run or get the harvest in, Woodbury is just in the way of achieving these objectives. It’s time now to stop the disregard of speed limits in this village.(Woodbury, 2020-03-03)
My daughter goes to woodbury school and the speed of traffic all around woodbury is concerning.Today, before coming into Woodbury's 30mph area a car overtook me and a car in front of me over double white lines, on a blind corner. I was staggered by this dangerous idiotic driving. I don't know what speed he drive through woodbury at, but I would hazard a guess at well above the speed limit...someone will die if such driving is left unchecked.
(Exeter, 2020-03-03)
I'm signing because my little boy goes to school in woodbury and even though the volume of traffic is increasing, the speed of some cars is unbelievable.(Exeter, 2020-03-03)
On live in Broadway which is too fast and too busy(Woodbury, 2020-03-03)
I live in the new houses along Broadway in Woodbury and have seen neighbours cars damaged and written off as well as the fence outside of our home smashed into by a drunk driver. We have children and worry about walking them to school, crossing that main road, because of the speed of the drivers passing through our village! It’s dangerous all along the main route through Woodbury and throughout the village without adequate signage, crossings, speed cameras and warnings. The drivers, especially at night see that main strip outside of our home as a race track. I don’t understand why we don’t have a 20mph speed limit through the village itself and a 30mph speed camera or warning signs at either end of the through road. The zebra crossing and drop curb we have to cross the main road is not good enough and i fear one day it won’t just be property and cars that will be destroyed but someone’s life! This issue is well overdue attention.(Woodbury, 2020-03-03)
I live on the Woodbury rat run. Please slow down!(Exeter, 2020-03-03)
I'm signing this because I don't want anyone to get hurt or die! Village life is meant to be a slower pace of life ,it needs to slow down,my daughter was knocked over getting off the school bus in center of the village,she was fine and just bruises thankfully,due care and attention needed and speed limits through Broadway &speed cameras, speed bumps up through village needed !not made for artic lorries and speed freaks!please do something before there's a fatality(Woodbury, 2020-03-03)
Our grandchildren live in the village and cross this road frequently.(Rugby, 2020-03-03)
Something desperately needs to be done to slow the traffic through the village. People travel so fast through the main route that some don’t even have time to stop at the pedestrian crossing (or don’t see it!) which could have unthinkable results. Plus, despite having two speed awareness signs at opposite ends of the main road, many people don’t even apply their breaks when the 30 sign flashes up to show they are going too fast!(Woodbury, 2020-03-03)
I live on Broadway and am I extremely concerned about the road and our safety.(Woodbury, 2020-03-03)
I'm the daughter of Kim Bates who has nearly been involved in the accidents on two occasions by being in the cars just before they happened(Exeter, Woodbury, 2020-03-03)
I live on Broadway and I am concerned by the speed of the vehicles on this road, and for the safety of other road users, pedestrians and home owners. In some places house are a mere 1 metre from the road, and in other places the pavement is barely wide enough to walk on. It is not safe having cars travelling at 30 mph plus on such small roads. At night time the speeds and therefore the noise increases. We are witness to daily excessive speeds through Broadway andI want to see a reduction in the speed limit throughout the whole village to 20 mph. Roads in Topsham with similar density of housing, but wider roads are 20 mph therefore this would be more than appropriate for Woodbury.(Woodbury, 2020-03-03)
I regularly witness speeding on the B3179 through the village and too often see vehicles speed across the zebra crossing outside the main village shop.The village residents include older people and children who are particularly vulnerable to speeding traffic and vehicles failing to stop at the crossing to the village shop, post office and post box.
It is outrageous that only a fatality will trigger traffic calming measures.
(Woodbury, 2020-03-03)
The traffic using Woodbury is insane. From around 06.00 it’s like a racetrack(Woodbury, 2020-03-03)
This road is so dangerous and the thought a loss of life has to happen before anything will be done is disgusting(Exeter, 2020-03-03)
Broadway is an extremely dangerous road. Only a matter of time before someone is killed. I travel and walk this road everyday as the postman and something needs to be done.(Exeter, 2020-03-03)
Cars are driven too fast through our town of Topsham too as a short cut to Exmouth, so we appreciate your problem(Nr Exeter, 2020-03-03)
I also live in a village that has the same traffic problems as Woodbury and also own a field in Woodbury, which in recent years has become very dangerous to ride my horse, used to be such a quiet village a few years ago(Lympstone, 2020-03-03)
As a resident of Broadway, Woodbury, I know firsthand how fast vehicles drive past our homes, parked cars and residents out walking along the narrow pavements and trying to cross the very busy road through our village. We really need the traffic to slow down!!(Woodbury, Exeter, 2020-03-03)
I’m signing because people should feel safe(Northampton, 2020-03-03)
To slow down traffic and make the roads of Woodbury safer before there is a life changing accident or death!(Exeter (Woodbury), 2020-03-03)
We actually moved out of the village due to this problem - on Broadway the traffic was hazardous to young families. It should be 20mph around the village.(Kendal, 2020-03-03)
My parents live in Woodbury, I grew up there, and we need to slow cars down through the village(Bournemouth, 2020-03-03)
I want Woodbury & it's surrounding environs to be a safe place for all residents but especially for our children. Safety and common sense should lead the way & not be hampered by inflexible bureaucracy(Woodbury, 2020-03-03)
The speeding of vehicals/motorcycles along with the increasing volume of traffic and the lack of pavements on a fast road through the village. In particular towards the top of globe hill that is essentially linked to an advertised cycle route is dangerous. People do not feel they can walk there children/ grandchildren/ pets or themselves without feeling extremely vunerable and unsafe.(Woodbury, 2020-03-03)
I live on Broadway, my wife had her car written off by a drunk driver, and another one crashed into the fence opposite our house only last month. There should be average speed cameras through all 30mph villages.(Woodbury, 2020-03-03)
I want the village to be a safe place(Woodbury, 2020-03-03)
It’s frightening how fast vehicles drive through the village. Parts of the village have very narrow footpaths or none at all making it very dangerous for pedestrians.(Woodbury, 2020-03-03)
I live in Woodbury and agreed strongly(Exeter, 2020-03-03)
I live on that road and it is getting harder each year to get out of my drive.I also do not feel that it is safe for my children to walk on the thin pavement as the cars go so fast and the cars do not stop for them at the zebra crossing it is not safe.
(Woodbury, 2020-03-03)
This is a long-standing problem for residents and needs to be addressed ASAP before we have a fatality(Exeter, 2020-03-03)
Something need s to be done. Cars being written off effects insurance policies. I've had one damaged and 1 written off in the village. The zebra crossing is a joke, take your life in your hands unless standing there and waiting until cars stop.-not all do stop?(Exeter, 2020-03-03)
I have 3 young children growing up in Woodbury and both my husband and I have narrowly avoided being hit by speeding traffic on broadway.(Exeter, 2020-03-03)
I live on globe hill in woodbury. I have a 2 year old daughter and we often walk from our house into the village centre. This is a very narrow pavement and im often made to feel unsafe by the recklessness of drivers aling that road. There is very little regard for the speed limit.On numerous occasions i have been stood at the zebra frossing in the village waiting to cross whilst several cars will fly by paying no attention to the crossing. Or they have to slam their brakes on, pulling to a stop halfway acrosd the crossing because they were traveling too fast to react in time.
What concerns me most is this is a village popular with young families. There is also a primary school and a lot of children have to cross these unsafe roads. It really is only a matter if time before a fatality happens
(Exeter, 2020-03-03)
The main road through Woodbury has become so fast and dangerous for what should be a 30mph residential speed limit. We personally have had 2 cars written off parked outside our house, not to mention several lost wing mirrors. We were also nearly hit by a motorbike racing through the middle of the village while walking with a dog and pram and seeing cars whizz past at 60+ mph at certain times of the day is not uncommon. Its scary and only a matter of time before someone is seriously injured or killed.(Woodbury, 2020-03-03)
I live on the Broadway and I am fed up of speeding vehicles and motorbikes tearing down the road at all hours of the day and night. I take my life in my hands every time I walk on the road down to the village(Woodbury, 2020-03-03)
Cars sometimes go through the village too quickly.Had several cars not stop at the zebra crossing; one of them while I was half way across.
Also had a cat hit by a car :(
(Woodbury, 2020-03-03)
I have already emailed the parish council voicing my concerns regarding the increased traffic in Woodbury, particularly trade vehicles which should not be using the village to access Exmouth and surrounding areas. The lanes in and around Woodbury have become dangerous due to the sheer volume of traffic, and the speed at which they travel.(Woodbury, 2020-03-03)
I am signing because I live in Woodbury and the traffic speed has got so fast over the last few years. I have three young children and it terrifies me that one of them is going to fall victim to a speeding car. Action is needed to enforce the speed limits set, to ensure a mortality doesn’t become a reality!(Exeter, 2020-03-03)
I am a resident of Woodbury and live beside the main road through the village. I am very concerned at the speed many drivers drive through the village at. The pavement is also very narrow at parts with no alternative but to walk onto the road when passing a person coming the other way all this while cars, lorries, tractors and many horse boxes are speeding past. We need a 20 mph speed limit with enforcement cameras.(Exeter, 2020-03-03)
The road is dangerous and used so frequently by out of village passers through they do not care for the village and need to be slowed down.(Woodbury, 2020-03-04)
I am a Woodbury resident and the speeding through the village has to stop before somebody is seriously hurt.(Woodbury, 2020-03-04)
I used to live 3 doors up from K. Bates and had my vehicle hit on more than 8 occasions. Usually wing mirror damage.(Woodbury, 2020-03-04)
I live in the village with my partner and children and have done for nearly 9 years. We are fed up of people driving at least 40mph in the 30mph zones (the difference between life and death in a collision) and the amount of times we watched cars not stop or even slow down when people are waiting at the zebra crossing. It's getting steadily worse.(Exeter, 2020-03-04)
I live on the main road going through Woodbury village. Cars travel at a ridiculous speed along that road. we've had a number of incidents outside of our house with car collisions on the narrow road; our wall has been knocked down at least once by a fast-moving heavy vehicle and we often find car debris in our driveway which has been knocked of speeding cars. We have had a number of very near misses ourselves coming out of the driveway, due to the shear speed of vehicles coming up and down the hill, and can't walk our 4 children on the pavement (which is very narrow) due to the traffic speed - it's far too dangerous. It seems like nothing will happen to control the traffic speed until a fatal accident takes place. Something needs to be done throughout the village before something avoidable happens to a pedestrian. Cars and property have already been damaged. What's next...?!(Exetwr, 2020-03-04)
I'm signing because I am worried for my children's safety.(Woodbury, 2020-03-04)
I live on Broadway and the road is dangerous, with a fatal road accident waiting to happen(Woodbury, 2020-03-04)
I live in Woodbury with three kids, who all regularly have to walk down the pavement on Broadway, and I’m very worried that it is only a matter of time before someone is seriously injured or killed by a speeding motorist.(Woodbury, 2020-03-04)
I love children and dont want one of them under a car.
(Leeds, 2020-03-04)
Something needs to be done to slow traffic down before there is a fatality!!!(Woodbury, 2020-03-04)
I live in Woodbury and something needs to be done before someone gets hurt.(Exeter, 2020-03-04)
I don’t want their to be a fatality in my village(Exeter, 2020-03-04)
I live on broadway and crossing the road is a nightmare. It's only a matter of time until someone is killed on this road(Exeter, 2020-03-04)
I’m a resident of Woodbury and a parent, and the recent car crash has highlighted my growing concern that the speed limit and speed deterrents through our village are no longer being successful.Whilst we can not prevent people using the roads, we can and should put sensible measures in place to slow or make people aware that they are driving through the middle of a village.
Let’s do this before someone is seriously hurt.
(Woodbury, 2020-03-04)
I live in the village ( Woodbury )(Exeter, 2020-03-04)
I, too, live in a little village and hate the speeds people drive with no regard for people or animals(Exeter, 2020-03-04)
Because it’s the law to abide by the speed limit(Woodbury Salterton, 2020-03-04)
I live in one of the 5 properties at Ford Farm (converted from 1 property around 10 years ago) we are at the far end of Broadway and have no pavement access for the first part of that road into the village, walking our family into the village (and our son daily for his school run lift) is taking our lives into our hands (I won’t even do it at rush hour a it is terrifying - so am sadly forced to drive and add to the traffic problems!) the traffic that is meant to be driving at less than 30mph is frequently speeding up to 60 as the national speed limit sign comes into sight, there isn’t room for the vehicles to overtake us as they would career into oncoming traffic (also doing well over 30) - the only option is stopping to let us pass, which at 30 is possible.... 20mph would be even better.I feel the council have just allowed continued residential development with no thought to the safety of residents and how they go about village life. I am convinced that there will soon be a fatality in our lovely village.... I am pleading with you to do something NOW before this happens.
(Woodbury, 2020-03-04)
I am extremely worried about the speed & dangerous driving through our village. Something needs to be done before someone is killed.(Woodbury, 2020-03-04)
My step daughter and her mum have had 3 cars written off and loads of hits to their cars outside their house. Two of these write off they were only minutes from getting out of the car. We want them both safe and not the two statistics needed to be killed to get some action taken to slow idiot drivers down.(Exeter, 2020-03-04)
Traffic is driving too fast for the narrow roads of the village(Exeter, 2020-03-04)
It has become very scary to walk through parts of Woodbury, especially where pavements are narrow or non-existent.(Woodbury, 2020-03-04)
Having lived in Woodbury for 5 years in the last house of the village on Globe Hill, the main road towards Exeter, my family and I are appalled and often terrified by the speed some drivers think is acceptable within a village. To be travelling 30mph at the correct point on the road, due to the downhill approach, drivers must be breaking consciously- coasting down, even without your foot on the accelerator your car will be easily travelling at 50mph. The number of cars I follow on this road into the village everyday with no break lights on before they hit the corner at the bottom of the hill, at least 500m passed the 30 limit, is shocking and infuriating. During our time in the house we have had our driveway wall hit, with heavy damage, 3 times and our cat lost her life on the road last year. I would love to walk to the village school each day with my children, but we don't, I am genuinely too scared to walk along the footpath due to the horrendously dangerous and inconsiderate driving Woodbury has to feel with daily.(Woodbury, 2020-03-04)
I used to live in Woodbury and know the victim personally. The traffic situation there is horrendous and no one should have to die just to have highway regulations and traffic calming implementation to be pit into place.(Newton Abbot, 2020-03-04)
It’s totally stupid that someone has to die before anything is done I live in a village and we have tried about speeding and was told the same it’s disgusting you should be able to be safe from speeding 😡😡😡😡(Exeter, 2020-03-04)
The way people drive through this village is sickening and the vast majority of people who live here are fed up with and the lack of notice the people who could do something about simply refuse to deal with it as it's a convenient rat run to keep the traffic moving(Woodbury, 2020-03-04)
I actually had my car seriously damaged in 2014 and if anyone had been on the pavement at the time they would have been killed(Kings Riptony, 2020-03-04)
I was with my wife when her car was badly damaged. The speed of the cars on average is a lot more than 30 mphSomething needs to be done BEFORE there is a fatality
(Kings Ripton, 2020-03-04)
As we live on the broadway and the amount of accident’s that keeps happening someone is going to be killed. It’s bad when we can’t park outside are own house and the speed they do daily, it’s about time it comes to a stop.(Exeter, 2020-03-04)
I live in the road in question and something needs to be done to reduce speed through the village.(Woodbury, 2020-03-04)
Traffic needs to slow down(Exeter, 2020-03-04)
I'm signing because I am sick of thoughtless, selfish people using our roads as race tracks.(Old Town, Swindon, 2020-03-04)
Too much traffic at too great a speed.(Exeter, 2020-03-04)
No need for idiot drivers. Speed kills(Yorkshire, 2020-03-04)
I’m a local resident and share the concerns outlined in the petition regarding risks to people and property.,(Woodbury, 2020-03-04)
There needs to be a way to manage traffic coming through Woodbury to keep residents safe and their cars intact.(Woodbury Salterton, 2020-03-04)
To make our village safer!(Exeter, 2020-03-04)
The children in this village need protection- there is no traffic calming and the entry and through road are dangerous and becoming worse.(Woodbury, Devon, 2020-03-04)
The excessive speed of vehicles through Woodbury.(Woodbury, 2020-03-04)
I’m signing because I’m fed up of nearly being run over crossing Broadway every morning I walk my dogs in the village. The majority of motorists do not stick to the 30mph and nearly 100% set off the flashing 30 sign. This does cause most to brake but it’s too little too late. The zebra crossing by the Strand is incredibly dangerous as well with many motorists passing when you wait to cross with zero acknowledgement that they’re aware they’ve driven over a crossing with people on it. Something needs to be done before ‘there are two deaths’. For all of the community I urge the council to improve road safety in Woodbury.(Woodbury, 2020-03-04)
Every time I am at the zebra crossing on the main road in Woodbury with my two young children drivers fail to stop when we're waiting to cross, a fatality waiting to happen. The traffic travelling in and out of the village on Globe Hill almost constantly exceeds the 30mph speed limit.(Woodbury, Exeter, 2020-03-04)
Having visited my niece and witnessed a near miss on that road something needs to be done before someone gets killed(London, 2020-03-04)
I'm signing because I am seriously concerned that the excessive speed of the traffic through woodbury will result in serious injury or death before to long. There has already been a number of accidents resulting in physical damage to stationary cars. It can only be a matter of time before we see serious injury on this stretch of road. Urgent action is required to slow down the traffic through the village(Woodbury, 2020-03-04)
I’m a Woodbury resident and totally agree and support this petition !(Exwtwr, 2020-03-04)
I'm signing because I agree that there needs to be some kind of traffic calming scheme in Woodbury, and that flaunting of current speed restrictions is a serious problem(Woodbury, Exeter, 2020-03-05)
I am signing because, as a Woodbury resident, I have experienced several near misses from commuters travelling far in excess of 30mph through the village.(Exeter, 2020-03-05)
I too am worried about the through traffic around Woodbury. The speed limit is 30mph but few cars adhere to this - most shoot through the village at 40mph at least. Apparently there has to be two fatalities for the council to do anything and this seems both unbelievable and shocking. In this climate where we are encouraged to get out of our cars and either walk or cycle, provisions must be made for this to be workable and safe ... especially in a village with not many pavements.(Exeter (Woodbury), 2020-03-05)
Traffic safety is very important(Woodbury, 2020-03-05)
I am also. concerned about the safety of pedestrians especially the young and the elderly.(Exeter, 2020-03-05)
I’m signing because I want something done before someone dies(Woodbury, 2020-03-05)
I agree and endorse there is a requirement for the traffic issue to be addressed by the necessary authority, to deliver the required changes to make Broadway safe for the local populace.(Woodbury Exeter, 2020-03-05)
Traffic passing through the village often does not heed the speed limit. New housing means families have to get to the local school across a busy road and no pavement. Traffic calming measures would help so can something please be done ?(Woodbury Exeter, 2020-03-05)
Too often I have witnessed cars race through the village and lanes far exceeding the Speed limit.(Woodbury, 2020-03-05)
I am a resident of Woodbury who is concerned about the volume and speed of traffic in the village.(Woodbury, 2020-03-05)
I agree the volume and speed of traffic through the village is becoming a safety issue. The build up of traffic and issues with parked vehicles at the junction with Gilbrook is of particular concern, particularly at peak periods.(Woodbury, 2020-03-05)