Tampere Disc Golf Center needs to be saved!
Joel SantrockJoel Santrock (Corpus Christi , 2021-09-03)
Herätkää ny..... Ihmisillä pitää olla joku paikka rentoutua tän kaaoksen keskellä.Marianne Jantunen (Tampere , 2021-09-03)
Disc golf is exploding in popularity and Finland is a destination for this. This is one of the courses I was hoping to visit on my honeymoon to Finland in a couple of years. Completely disrespectful to the thriving disc golf community to undermine all the work that has been done at this course to make it great.Madison Mantyla (Newport, 2021-09-03)
We have to save this amazing course.Matias Hänninen (Helsinki, 2021-09-03)
Disc Golf is the future of sports for all ages. Replacing a Disc Golf course for a ball golf course only appeases the wealthy, older majority.Timmy Smith (Colorado Springs, 2021-09-03)
There is enough ball golf courses in the world and disc golf is thriving!! Im from the USA and its one of my bucket list coursesDerek Green (Saint Charles, 2021-09-03)
I'm signing because without this course, there is no reason for me to travel from Ohio USA to Tampere, Finland. My wife and I plan to eventually take our honesymoon to europe, and Finland, specifically Tampere, were on our list of places to check out, simply because of the disc golf course. If that is gone, our tourism dollars will go to another town, or country. I hope you reconsider and realize what a gem you have created in your town.Jamie Escudero (Cincinnati, 2021-09-03)
Being an American who has lived and traveled abroad and played disc golf in 8 countries, there are only a few special properties as great as Tampere. I hope that one day the PDGA world championships will be held there so I can come and compete with the best athletes in the game on such a special property.Cody Winget (Butler, 2021-09-03)
Let it be. Disc golf #1 sport according to Jesus.Kyle Powers (McHenry, 2021-09-03)
Ei ole mitään syytä tulla Tampereelle jos rata poistetaanMarkku Niiranen (Oulu, 2021-09-03)
I hope to come visit and play the course some day.Colm Brophy (London, 2021-09-03)
TDGC is a great facility that shouldn't be infringed upon.Fred White (Roswell, 2021-09-03)
I plan to travel to play thereStephan Berna (Griffin, 2021-09-03)
Bucket list course I plan to play in futureKevin Havinga (Huntington Beach , 2021-09-03)
Älkää nyt jaksakoJere Piippo (Vaala, 2021-09-03)
I hope this course will stay where it is!Sami Kalliokoski (Rovaniemi, 2021-09-03)
Disc golf is amazing, on the rise and should be respected.Matthew Nikkila (Ypsilanti , 2021-09-03)
I think preserving a beautiful course such as this is important because there are numerous people in the area that regularly use it.Brandon Clark (Anthony, 2021-09-03)
Disc golf is growing faster than ever but it is still young. Disc golf is good for people and needs to be protected!Matt Wiber (Coalhurst, 2021-09-03)
I believe in International Disc Golf and would like to visit someday.Joe Nunez (Lancaster, 2021-09-03)
This is a world class course that has a lot to offer for many many years and it would be a disgrace to take that away from the people who have worked so hard and spent so much to get this property to where it isMax Regitnig (Örebro, 2021-09-03)
Nuorten reipasta harrastustoimintaa ei saa suuri raha tunnottomasti polkea jalkoihinsa!Matti Leppänen (Tampere, 2021-09-03)
Johan sentterin vieressä on pallogolf rata, joten minkä helvetin takia yks suomen hienoimmista frisbeegolfradoista täytyy tuhota?Leevi Rantanen (Lahti, 2021-09-03)
Tampere is a wonderful property and one of the best disc golf facilities in the world. Removing it to make way for a golf course should be a crime.Keith Friestad (Iowa City, 2021-09-03)
Frisbeegolf räjähtävässä kasvussa.Muun muassa MM kisat suunnitteilla pidettäväksi radalla.
Paavo Pengermä (Tampere, 2021-09-03)
Frisbeegolf on sekä suomen että maailman nopeiten kasvavia urheilulajeja, päätös poistaa kyseinen rata, joka on myös maailmalla todella tunnettu, olisi todellinen takaisku sekä tampereen kaupungille, että frisbeegolfille.Topias Hämäläinen (Kuopio, 2021-09-03)
Nyt valot päälle! Rata pitää säilyttää!DCA HODLER (Tampere, 2021-09-03)
Disc golf is a sport that is easily accessible to those that don’t have a lot of income.Jordan Mcconnell (Mission, 2021-09-03)
Discgolf is on the rise and is accessible to a huge variety of players. To remove a course that is also applicable for European and even future world championships would be a big setback. Instead, look into how you can make this a paradise for discgolfers and evolve the local and national scene even more.David Andersson (Mjolby, 2021-09-03)
I hope to travel to Finland someday and play disc golf at the internationally renowned Tampere Disc Golf Center. I've heard about this course as one of the must visit courses in Finland along side the Beast in Nokia. Finland deserves great disc golf courses.James VanderZanden (Madison, 2021-09-03)
Fuck ball golfRob Przybysz (Nashville, 2021-09-03)
Lajin räjähdysmäinen nousu Suomessa ja Suomen kiistämätön kyky tuottaa huippu frisbeegolffaajia tekee tästä koko hankkeesta jo ideana naurettavan! Tämä alue on meille kuin mekka, matkustamme joka vuosi 500km useaan otteeseen päästäksemme tänne!! Tampere boikottiin josko tämä hanke menee läpi. Kiitos.Oscar Uusitalo (Kokkola, 2021-09-03)
Nuoret ym tarvitsevat tämän paikan!Golffareilla on vara mennä kauemmaksi reikäpallonsa perässä.
Johanna Jaakonaho (Tampere, 2021-09-03)
Frisbeegolf on yleistynyt ympäri maailman lähivuosien ajan. Niin älkää tehkö peruuttamatonta päätöstä sen suhteen, koska siellä tullaan luultavemmin pelaamaan mm kisat vielä.Joonas Polku (Vesilahti, 2021-09-03)
Tampere has always been a destination on our discgolf tour to the soita. Please dont remove this destination from usMarko Hirvonen (Oulu, 2021-09-03)
Ei *******Joel Perämäki (Lapua, 2021-09-03)
I’m singing because I love to play frisbeegolf and I like that layout from Tampere. I want to play it again from the future.Teppo Aho (Laakkola, 2021-09-03)
Menkää töihin.Tomi Hautala (Yppäri, 2021-09-03)
The sport of disc golf is growing, so why will you tear down one of the best courses in the world. This course has the ability to host huge events, and maybe even generate some revenue for the city.Logan Swift (Ocala, 2021-09-03)
Disc golf is better for communities and environments than ball golf.Jason Mather (LA Crosse, 2021-09-03)
Ehdottomasti yksi parhaista frisbeegolfradoista Suomessa.Mikael Rinkinen (Tampere, 2021-09-03)
Because we needed this iconic disc golf course!!!RekaMichelle Cookson (Carmel, 2021-09-03)
This course needs to be saved.Nick Jacobsen (Bend, OR, 2021-09-03)
It is essential that Disc Golf courses are supported by their local and national communities. In this case Tampere also deserves an International badge of recognition. Disc Golf is already more popular than ball golf in terms of local participation on local council courses across Europe. Please keep this course as an opportunity for local, national and international citizens to use. Charlie Mead - WFDF Chair Disc Golf Committee.Charlie Mead (HOLSWORTHY, 2021-09-03)