Petition regarding the release of Captain Andrzej Lasota arrested in Mexico



this man is innocent.

(Sopot, 2019-11-29)


The captain deserves a fair hearing and needs help from Polish authorities

(Bratislava , 2019-11-29)


Captain Andrzej Lasota is being held in custody for no other reason than he was carrying out his professional duties as Master of a vessel in a proper and diligent manner, now being held accountable without due process for actions of other for which he had no knowledge or influence. In short he is being held illegally, for having taking the right course of action in informing the authorities of a suspicious packager discovered onboard the ship which he was in command, he was doing his job, and is now suffering. He deserves your support.

(ISLE OF MAN, 2019-11-29)


Chciałabym aby Pan Lasota został uwolniony, gdyż nie zgadza się na przetrzymywanie go w meksykańskim więzieniu za niewinność.

(Bydgoszcz, 2019-11-29)


Tak trzeba!

(Koszalin, 2019-11-29)


Sam jestem marynarzem plywam jako Chief Mate i wiem ze ten Kapitan jest osoba niewinna ktora ciezko pracuje zeby godnie zyc.

(Mierzyn, 2019-11-29)


I am signing because after 43 years in the shipping business I know there have been a lot of such incidents worldwide that innocent captains and crew are being punished for such drug cases whilst I know that they are all following instructions from their managers strictly and always act in due diligence.
It is true that in counties like Colombia the ship’s personnel pay utmost efforts following up the loading operations and search ship everywhere before sailing as unfortunately the authorities don’t have neither the time nor the officers to do so.
Important fact is that when drugs were found master himself informed the authorities which shows he was completely unaware.

(Athens , 2019-11-29)


Capt. Lasota is innocent

(Manila, 2019-11-29)


I think that he did the right thing, it could happen to any of us

(Panuco Veracruz, 2019-11-29)


Wierzę w niewinność Kapitana.

(Warszawa, 2019-11-29)


I have researched this subject extensively and my Magisterial Thesis addressed the matter of criminalisation of the seafarer. As is usual, the topic was buried and nobody wanted to do anything about it. This lackadaisical attitude by our shipping bodies is the main reason why our seafarers are still targeted and are actually soft targets for authorities looking for a scapegoat.

(Pune, 2019-11-29)



(Plock , 2019-11-29)


Podpisuję, ponieważ chcę uwolnienia Kapitana.

(Warszawa, 2019-11-29)


An innocent man is being held against his will.

(Fort Gratiot , 2019-11-29)


Proszę o pomoc

(Drzemlikowice , 2019-11-29)


Stop criminalization of seafarers

(Delhi, 2019-11-29)


Ten człowiek jest niewinny

(Bydgoszcz, 2019-11-29)


Podpisuję, ponieważ sam mógłbym się znaleźć w podobnej sytuacji i zostać bezpodstawnie uwięziony / ukarany. Z zachowania Kpt. Lasoty w sposób bardziej niż oczywisty wynika jego brak winy.

(Gdańsk, 2019-11-29)


This is not the way people who report something to the autorities van be treated.

(KOUDEKERKE, 2019-11-29)


We are seaman’s and all of can be in the same situation

(Acapulco , 2019-11-29)


Sama jestem marynarzem i wiem co to znaczy...

(Szczecin, 2019-11-29)



(новороссийск, 2019-11-29)


I am a seafarer too. Captain did as per procedure, he has been victimised.

(Dhaka , 2019-11-29)


Dolata Tomasz

(Krotoszyn, 2019-11-29)


The Capt. was in no way responsible and he notified the authorities immediately after they located the drugs on board.

(athens, 2019-11-29)


As a ship Master also I fully understand difficult, weird and unlawful procedure against Captain Lasota.

(Gdynia, 2019-11-29)


I have been Mariner and still working in the Shipping industry. It goes without saying that Captain Andrzej Lasota is innocent and I am with him and his beloved family. I beg to assist him to get home soonest.

(ATHENS, 2019-11-29)


Ex seafarer

(Montrose, 2019-11-29)


Seafarers in the same position as The Captain must not be incarcerated in this inhumane manner with due process taking so long. He is an innocent person who alerted the authorities as soon as he was informed of the presence of the suspicious packages i in the cargo hold.

(Dubai, 2019-11-29)


Tez jestem marynarzem

(Szczecin, 2019-11-29)


This man is being punished for being honest and professional. The action of the Mexican Authorities will only discourage others to assist them.

(Whitley Bay, 2019-11-29)


Bo wiem jest niewinny

(Szczeicn, 2019-11-29)