PETICIJA ZA IZMJENU UREDBE O UTVRĐIVANJU VISINE BORAVIŠNE PRISTOJBE ZA 2018. GODINU (u dijelu koji se odnosi na vlasnike i korisnike plovila)



I own a 16.5m boat based at the moment in Croatia. The revised fees discriminate against boat owners and are, therefore, unfair. No other tourists are expected to pay such high fees. I see no difference between boats and motorhomes (reisemobiles) in this context. The regulations will cause many boat owners to move out of Croatia and are, therefore, not in the interests of the government or the Croatian marina and boating industry.

(Burnham-on-Crouch, 2017-10-21)


I am signing because the proposed increase in sojourn tax is so punitive that I will have to take my boat which is nearly 20 metres out of the country if this increase stays in place.

(Dubai, 2017-10-21)


I travel a lot in Istria and Dalmatia at different times of the year. I always paid the annual tax.
if the tax increases, I will be forced to reduce my travels to croatia

(Venezia, 2017-10-22)


I want cost for tourism to be fair in Croatia.

(Munich, 2017-10-23)


X5 ???

(LJ, 2017-10-24)


kar je preveč, pač nima smisla

(Komenda, 2017-10-24)


I will leave croatia with my boat if this comes into effect. Over the last years the costs of having the boat in Croatia have been increasing rapidly. The joy is gone

(Madrid, 2017-10-24)


I’m signing because this is unfair on the sailing community compared to any other tourist tax.

(Newbury, 2017-10-24)


I am signing this petition as I have just bought a boat in Croatia and have only had one season there. I am retired person with only a few active years of sailing left and on a fixed pension income. I find these charges out of proportion with any other country's taxes.
Aidan Harney

(Exeter, 2017-10-24)


The tax increase is bad for the Croatian people in the tourist industry.

(Waalre, 2017-10-24)


I have my boat in Croatia from 2006 and I would'nt go away next year, because I love this country...

(Ferrara, 2017-10-24)


I'm signing because I like to visit countries which show a positive, encouraging and enlightened attitude towards visitors who come by boat. There is a very big difference between small private sailing yachts which do little environmental damage and mega-boats running diesel engines. I will now, sadly, not be visiting Croatia in 2018

(Bletchingley, 2017-10-24)


I sign because i agree to the petition.

(Bergen, 2017-10-24)


I am signing this because I believe the fee is totally unfair and prices me out of visiting Croatia in the future. I have spent three summer in Croatia over the last six years. Based on your new tax I will not be coming in 2018 or any other year. I will contiue going to Greece, Italy and Turkey. Sorry; we love Crostia and will miss not going.

(Marina di Ragusa, 2017-10-24)


This tax is at a level unheard in Europe.

(Leibnitz, 2017-10-25)


i'm signing because if the tax increases as much as announced i will have to look for another mooring outside Croatia.

(Tagelswangen, 2017-10-25)


Please do not...

(Espoo, 2017-10-25)


Tax it to high..

(Krško, 2017-10-26)


I ovako smo jedna od najskupljih nautickih drzava na svijetu

(Kraljevica, 2017-10-27)


This increase is very large and unless introduced over a number of years would undoubtedly have a negative effect on the boating sector in Croatia. I currently have a boat in Croatia and I know the consternation this is causing in the sector and the worry that local businesses will suffer.

(Kelso, 2017-10-27)


Croatia is year to year more uncomfortable to nautics. With incrised prices up to the sky and boyes in every bay. Can EU do something about this? Or will be better solution move to Greece?

(Ljubljana, 2017-10-28)



(TRIESTE, 2017-10-30)


this price increase is totally not acceptable and does't help the economy of croatia, people will go away to greece and other countries, so the effect will be negative

(milano, 2017-10-30)


I feel robbed!

(Venezia, 2017-10-30)


from 1975 every yars my holydays in Croazia, from 2002 2 month e 3 month, now to much expansice no more then 15/20 day, is not correct than with my little boat (m 9,30) with 2 person pay same than a m 11 with 8 person

(Vigevano, 2017-10-31)


I believe that the new tax is unfair and I ask that a tax be applied on the basis of the actual number of people accommodated and not the capacity in terms of bed capacity. Even differentiation based on boat length is unfair as a 9-meter bvba has a much smaller impact than one in 12 meters but falls in the same price range.

(Pescara, 2017-11-01)


I'sure that at tge end Croazia will loos a lot of money increasing this tax.
For sure a big part of sailing people in north east using the boat all the year will go in Slovenia insteat to pay the new tax.

(Conegliano, 2017-11-02)


I'm pretending to visit Croatia with my boat next year.

(Cascais, 2017-11-06)


owner of a 9,3 boat, i do long stays alone so tax enormous for one person ! If confirmed will leave croatia immediatly (where i spend 5000 euros each year !)

(asnieres, 2017-11-08)


I'm signing because too much is too much !!!

(VILLé, 2017-11-10)


I am signing because I am a boat owner -15 m- and was willing to come to croatia next years for extended stay. Given this new tax plan I'll go to greece ana turkey.

(Monastir, 2017-11-10)


My boat is berthing yearly in Croatia (Sukosan).
In the others european countries there is no taxes !

(paris, 2017-11-10)


La somma di questo aumento con quello dei Marina rende impossibile navigare in Croazia. Ci dispiace ma dal prossimo anno navigheremo in Italia.

(Gorizia, 2017-11-11)


Neenakost plačevanja turistične takse glede na vrednost nepremičnin in plovil. Ni možnosti plačevanja po posameznem dnevu(nočenju)!!!!
Nepremičnina vrednosti 300.000€ ali več ima mnogo manjšo turistično takso kot plovilo v vrednosti 3-5000€

(Ptuj, 2017-11-16)


This tax change is grossly unfair and iniquitous. It results in boat owners paying far more tourist tax per head than do tourists staying in hotels etc., particularly for boats carrying few crew.

(Kingswood, 2017-11-18)


I love sailing, but I'm not rich. Sailing is already quite expensive. By increasing the taxes, Croatia will simply price me out of any vacation in their country. This is unfair to me and people like me, and probablt also a net loss for Croatia.

(Le Vesinet, 2017-11-20)


tomac davor

(Fažana, 2017-11-21)


the amount of increas is exorbitant

(Oberwart, 2017-11-23)


I agree with the petition rationale, I am owner of a 11m sail boat in Marina Preko

(Podebrady, 2017-11-23)


Kurtz Heinz

(Oberwart, 2017-11-24)


Milan Bartoš

(Třeboň, 2017-11-25)


my boat is in Croatia for now ....

(NICE, 2017-11-25)


Ich bin Miteigner einer SY Bavaria 39. Mein Liegeplatz befindet sich Nähe Zadar in Kroatien.

(2020 Hollabrunn, 2017-11-25)


We keep, our yacht in Croatia and have been happy to pay fair taxes, but this increase is un-just and we will seriously be considering leaving. We have had
Annual berth Agana Marina for 5 years.

(Saxmundham, 2017-11-26)


I am sining this petition as the new tax is outrage. We are being tax on all fronts, even fuel that we are paying includes road tarrifes that has nothing to do with sea. I am considering moving my boat to Montenegro if this increase in tax comes in power.

(Rijeka, 2017-11-30)


To je pucanj sebi u nogu.

(Malinska, 2017-11-30)


Zaradi previsoke cene

(Šentjernej, 2017-12-11)


Mi smo sami na barci od 10 metara, a to znači, da plačamo više nego ako bi za svaki dan plačali boravišnu pristojbe!
365 dana x 7 kn (prosijek) = 2555 Kn x 2 = 5.110 kN što je manje od paušala za 9-12 m = 5.800 kN !!!!!!

(Menges, 2017-12-14)


We keep our boat in a Croatian Marina and spend 90 days a year in Croatia. For that 90 days we pay a whole years sojourn tax as we spread our 90 days over a 6 month period. To increase this amount by a minimum 58% will mean it is much more attractive to keep our boat in Greece. This is a great shame as we love Croatia and Croatian people.
In addition Croatia already has a bad reputation among many long term cruising folk due to past poorly administered charges and illegal charges by citizens and lack of available free anchorages. This keeps a lot of people with disposable income to spend in Croatian cities and villages away from Croatia. An increased sojourn tax will only see a decrease in the numbers of people coming into Croatia to spend their money.

(Auckland, 2017-12-29)


I am planning when I get retired(in two years) moove my Shipman 28 to Croatia.
Rising costs will press me to reconsider my plans.

(Gorzow Wlkp, 2017-12-29)


New regs much too expensive. Croatian authorities have every right to fix their own taxes but that does not oblige me to sail in Croatia anymore. Other countries will get the benefit of my visits, not Croatia.

(Mr, 2017-12-31)


It is a discriminatory act for yachtsmen from the Croatian government.

(Drásov, 2018-01-08)


This regulation is contrary to the prinicple of equal treatmet of all EU-citizens. So far, Croatian owners did de facto not pay this "sejourn-tax".
The EU authorities will have to examine the case.

(Berlin, 2018-01-08)


Ich finde das eine Ausbeutung.Sollte das Wirklichkeit werden,
werden wir Kroatien in Zukunft meiden.
Das hat mit Urlaub und Gastfreundschaft nichts zu tun .

(Unna, 2018-01-10)


Sem proti tako visokim tarifam turistične takse. Predlagam tudi, da se uvede možnost
plačevanja e-takse na dan na osebo.

(Ljubljana, 2018-01-11)


This is an unbelievable rate hike! This will impact our Adriatic sail plans this summer where we were planning to spend over 3 months in Croatia on our 13 m sailboat. The big sojourn tax increase does not make us feel welcomed at all.

(Chicago, IL, 2018-01-28)


Ta odluka je nenormalna u normalnom svjetu.
U svakom primjeru čemo smanjit dane boravka u državi.

(Tolmin, 2018-02-01)


That is true.

(bielsko-biała, 2018-02-07)


That is true.

(bielsko-biała, 2018-02-07)


Višina turističnih taks za vse enako, na kopnem in na morju ! Takšno povišanje taks je brezglavo plenjenje ljudi. Barko bom prodal, dost imam te balkanske folklore, že sedaj je vse predrago. Svet rapidno pada v siromaštvo, ker se bogatija koncentrira na par družin, hrvat pa kar blodi svoje sanje, siromak, ki bo vedno plenil tiste, ki znajo preživet z lastnimi žulji.

(ljubljana, 2018-02-08)


Pretirana podražitev. Normalna podražitev bi lahko bila 100% ne pa 700%

(Sežana, 2018-02-09)


Na 30 godina staroj jedrilici provodim 45 dana godišnje, u glavnom izvan ljetne sezone. Po novoj uredbi, boravišna pristojba me košta 129 kuna na dan. Nepravedno, diskrimintorno, bezobrazno i neljudski!

(Ljubljana, 2018-02-15)


It's not good business to treat your tourists in such a way.

(Davie, 2018-02-17)


Ich unterstütze das Anliegen weil mir die Zukunft des Bootstourismus in Kroatien am Herzen liegt.

(Wien, 2018-02-20)


to je oderuška cena. Plačamo že plovno dovoljenje, svetlarino, plačamo skoraj vsak zaliv (koncesije so se namnožile nenormalno, koncesionarji so nasilni tudi izven njihovega območja). Kot turisti (navtični) pustimo že ogromno denarja v gostilnah (da ne govorimo o cenah in včasih oderuškem pristopu) in ne nazadnje, plačujemo letni vez v marinah širom hrvaške. Mislim, da smo (navtičarji) najboljši gostje in pričakujemo tudi, da nas temu primerno obravnavate - in ne da se počutim kot vaš državni bankomat!

(Ljubljana, 2018-02-21)


It is importent to be fair and think not short way

(Chieming, 2018-02-21)


Pa to nije normalno-to je kap koja se preliva preko čaše. Posle 22 godine vjernosti CRO /godišnje trošim cca 12-15.000 Eura/ razmišljam o "CIAO Croazia".

(Radlje ob Dravi, 2018-02-22)



(Etten Leur, 2018-02-22)


Dolazim na more više puta godišnje za samo par dana
i kako sada da trčim uvijek u kapetaniju.Prije sam mogao to obavit u marini!

(Mozirje, 2018-02-23)


Ich unterschreibe hier, weil ich auch in Zukunft dieses schöne Land bereisen möchte - ob zu Lande oder zu Wasser. Eine Erhöhung ist sicher angebracht, sollte sich aber an den allgemeinen Inflationsrate orientieren.

(84431 Heldenstein, 2018-02-28)