Keep Kempsey, Kempsey!



I moved here as a young adult to start a family in a quiet village location. I want my children to grow up in the village community and not be swamped in a city location!

Alice Forbes (2025-02-14)


I'm signing because we need to keep Kempsey as a Village and part of a city

Steve Petrucci (2025-02-15)


Kemp's has grown too big for the infrastructure it has and any bigger will destroy what remains of village life.

Jackie Watkins (2025-02-15)


As an incomer to Kempsey of 21 years I really want to retain the village “feel” and the community spirit of Kempsey.

Building on the significant gap would take away all of this and Kempsey would no longer be a village - and we moved here from a city because it is a lovely, well kept and friendly village in the heart of the countryside.

I fear we will definitely lose this “feel” and would simply become a part of Worcester with all the inherent problems that cities have, ie traffic problems, anti-social behaviour, the lack of community spirit, etc., etc.
It should also be remembered that our school is already over subscribed, the drainage in the village is a problem for a number of areas and one which WCC are well aware of.
The doctor’s surgery is at full capacity ………. I could go on and promises will no doubt be made as to how these problems can be remedied BUT at the heart of all of this is the fact that Kempsey is a VILLAGE with a beating heart, a strong community spirit and has a rich history, beautiful countryside and we DO NOT want Kempsey to lose its identity.

Kay Swift (2025-02-19)


Kempsey is a village and should remain as such.
Villages such as kempsey are attractive to people to move to becoming part of an urban sprawl would cause a lot of upheaval as people move to other villages and would damage the community.

Rebecca Pickup (2025-02-24)

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