Nederlands: Op locatie tentamens maken kan, maar niet veilig
Exams on location can, but not safely
I think it is irresponsible to put so many people in one room.(Mutation of Virus - infectiousness; many different places from NL and DE etc)
Alexandra Volckmer (Dülmen , 2021-02-10)
A physical exam poses a risk to all students and puts pressure on exposing them to infection.Layla Islam (Enschede, 2021-02-10)
I am also studying at the UT and I agree with the fact that the physical exams risk students health.Jona Sabrina Kunert (Hengelo, 2021-02-11)
Ik wil niet m’n gezondheid riskeren voor een tentamen. Vooral omdat ik in een risico groep val.Jaimy De kok (Enschede, 2021-02-11)
I just dont feel comfortable doing exams in the current system, and am done being ignoredTjalling Hoogendoorn (Emschede, 2021-02-11)
I'm signing because as an exchange student I had to fly from Italy to the Netherlands in the middle of the pandemic while the new cases in the Netherlands were about 10.000 per day.Marianna Parenti (Bologna, 2021-02-11)
Even though I do not currently live so far away from uni, I still find it very irresponsible to sit about 100 people in a room just for an exam, if we could also just do open book exams online, which would be much safer for everyone's health.Anna Richter (Gronau, 2021-02-11)
I think on-campus exams are not safe with this environemnt where we are all taking the lessons online and the mutant virus is even more contagious.Ardahan Özaslan (Enschede, 2021-02-11)
Cuz hell nawwwwwRish K (Enschede, 2021-02-11)
Ik ben studentIsah Hop (Zwolle, 2021-02-12)
STOP KILLING MY FAMILYLukas Bär (Erfurt, 2021-02-12)
Great press for UT :DCaro Schnittzer (Homburg, 2021-02-12)
Most irresponsible University in the netherlandsNina Belke (Amsterdam, 2021-02-12)
I want to choose what risk I take and be able to protect my sick family membersHanna Boeckenhoff (Enschede , 2021-02-13)
In terms of safety and effective grading, the pandemic situation significantly and negatively impact on the students performance at the exams.Vinicius Teixeira Carcavallo (Ensche, 2021-02-16)
Im signing because in person appearances are an unnecessary risk and cause students extreme amounts of stress during the pandemicJan Behrens (Enschede, 2021-03-26)
Dit s erg belangrijk voor HavenMarja Moorman-Bos (Den Haag, 2021-04-22)