Keep Kempsey, Kempsey!



I agree 100% with what Martin has said

Tracie Comerford (2025-02-08)


I live in the area affected

Amanda Flint (2025-02-08)


I live in the area affected

Frank Flint (2025-02-08)


Significant development has already been done with some still pending. It’s imperative that we protect a boundary between our village and Worcester city

Paul Bennett (2025-02-08)


I live in the area affected

Elliott Flint (2025-02-08)


Kempsey is not Worcester

Lori Varley (2025-02-08)


I’m signing because I have lived in the village for over 20 years, I love it because it is away from Worcester and I feel away from the hustle and bustle. I definitely don’t want to be a suburb.

Camilla Smart (2025-02-08)


The gap between Kempsey village and the city of Worcester has preserved Kempsey’s status as a unique part of England’s story, from its pre-Roman origins through the Middle Ages and into the era of the English Civil War. Preserving this gap is essential to safeguarding our heritage and history. To erode it would threaten Kempsey’s status as a village and diminish a vital part of England’s heritage and identity.

Neville Campbell (2025-02-08)


I grew up in Kempsey in the 1950s when it was a much smaller village, and even now, years later, it still feels like home. We walked everywhere, knew everyone, and are so grateful for being part of a real village community. I hope it always stays that way.

Alison Smerdon (2025-02-08)


We need to keep our English villages they are part of our way of life, we live in another Worcester village

Andy Priest (2025-02-08)


I’m signing because I care about what Kempsey will be like in the future if there are no green fields left.

Margaret Pritchard (2025-02-08)


No more houses in kempsey , we all need somewhere to walk to have peace and quiet,and enjoy the fields,walks by the river ,see the wild life what is left of them,they are being chased out of their homes

Patricia Jaye (2025-02-08)


We need to keep Kempsey as the beautiful village that it is.
We need to protect Kempsey’s heritage

Karen Holland (2025-02-08)


I love the fact it's a village that's why we moved here. We moved from Kent and we moved because we were being added as a borough to London!

Stephanie Gilbert (2025-02-08)


I like the fact everyone young and old will acknowledge you with a greeting when passing in the street so unlike Worcester city

Jacqueline Scott (2025-02-08)


I'm signing this petition to keep the gap between Kempsey and the encroaching Worcester conurbation. There are already several new housing developments under construction which are closing in. Recent developments along the A4440 have already caused the loss of a rural feel as you leave the M5 so loosing the gap would loose our identity as an independent place to live.

Ruth Chadwick (2025-02-08)


People that live in Kempsey want the village life and chose to live here for that reason.

Michael Grayer (2025-02-08)


totally agree enough is enough

Julian Taylor (2025-02-08)


I am in total agreement with this petition

Irene CarlingTaylor (2025-02-08)


Please keep our village, enough new houses,and extra traffic, that comes with them.

Patricia Walker (2025-02-08)


Any further development of Worcester should be to the East to take advantage of the parkway station and not to the south adding more traffic on to the A38.

Michael Biddle (2025-02-08)


I chose to live in a village for all the reasons stated. Kempsey has already been over developed and it needs to stop.

Paula Leech (2025-02-08)


Totally object to Kempsey becoming part of Worcester City and the area has more than had its fair share of building developments turning Kempsey into a Town and not a village!!!

Christine Bennett (2025-02-08)


Kempsey was my home for several years, it's beautiful, unique and most importantly quiet. No one wants a noisy neighbours. The fields are perfect for walks especially for dogs, and all animals.
We loved it there, if we didn't had to move we would of stayed.

Victoria Cuffe (2025-02-08)


I have lived in the area for a couple of years after moving from another very rural area, the village has been so warm and welcoming and despite already being a larger village it has a safe and close knit community vibe. As a young female I am comfortable walking my dogs late at night across fields on my own and never feel overcrowded or unsafe unlike in built up area. There are many brownfield sites within the towns that should be developed.

Kirsty Kane (2025-02-08)


Keep Kempsey the rural village it is

Elizabeth Hayes-Howson (2025-02-08)


The historic identity of Kempsey will be lost if it is swallowed by Worcester. In addition, huge amounts of productive farming land will disappear when we should be preserving the ability to feed ourselves as a nation.

Hugh Thomas (2025-02-08)


No more housing,

Jenny N (2025-02-08)


I want to have that gap between Worcester and Kempsey village.

Julia Grant (2025-02-08)


Keep Kempsey separate

Karon Mooney (2025-02-08)


We have a village identity we have fields and nature to walk in people move here for their mental wellbeing

Lynn Spittle-Kendall (2025-02-08)


Dont ruin the lovely place

Michael Mooney (2025-02-08)


We want Kempsey to remain a village. We already have too much buildings going up. Its a nightmare trying to cross the main road in the morning. I see that Worcester has already tried to "jump the roundabout".

Gerry Abbott (2025-02-08)


We want to keep Kempsey a village

Richard Barley (2025-02-08)


I want Kempsey to stay separated as a village. It has grown in size enough over the last years. We do not want to be joined to Worcester.

Lisa Leigh (2025-02-08)


Because we have had enough new homes in Kempsey and we dont want to be part of Worcester.

Barry Kislingbury (2025-02-09)


I came from a city to live in a village where I feel safe, know most of my neighbours and have easy access to the countryside .

Roy Clarke (2025-02-09)


I want to keep kempsey a village.

Richard Smith (2025-02-09)


I have lived in Kempsey since 1977. Whilst it has grown immeasurably during this time I feel that it is important that it continues to keep its own separate village identity and is not absorbed into the city of Worcester.

Ann Edwards (2025-02-09)


I Want keep the gap between Kempsey & Worcester

Diane Pentreath (2025-02-09)


As a younger newer resident to Kempsey I feel that a main reason unmoved here was due to the surrounding area of green beauty and village lifestyle, I would like this to be preserved as believe this establishes a boundary from the city and the green spaces not only preserve our physical health via walks and hikes but also our mental health too.

Matt Hadley (2025-02-09)


Kempsey is a village. Removing the gap will turn it into a suburb

Jenny Phillimore (2025-02-09)


Kempsey has had more than its fair share of development and deserves to keep its identity as the beautiful village that it is.
It already has an overwhelmed primary school, doctors and roads, all which cannot cope with more volume.

Catheryn Moreland (2025-02-09)


Like my family who have lived in Kempsey most their lives, we wish it to remain a village.

Darren Smith (2025-02-09)


Keep the Gap.
I can't believe how horrible those buildings on the ketch field look.
Prison blocks comes to mind when I cross the bridge. Surely they could have had something to make them a little more attractive. Even a supermarket would have been better. I'm shocked it's been allowed. Keep the gap. We don't want a run of those buildings all along the river bank.

Adele Gibbons (2025-02-09)


The significant gap helps maintain the sense of community in the Kempsey parish , a valued attribute so lacking from the rest of the country we now live in .

PAUL COOKE (2025-02-09)


I wanted to bring up my young new family in a village life and Kempsey is perfect for this. If I wanted to be in a dense urban housing estate I would of moved further north.

I enjoy being able to walk around the fields and see the wildlife and foxes regularly. I like having that bit of extra peace away from the busy roads.

I want to bring my daughter up somewhere she can go out and enjoy freely in some Greenland not concrete everywhere and half arsed children’s parks built just so housing companies can say they have catered for everyone.

We simply don’t have the capacities or amenities to allow a larger population of traffic both vehicular and pedestrian. It’s taken over 5 years to get a traffic light crossing! The schools over subscribed the local shop has enough space for 2 cars that over hang the footpath and dangerously reverse blindly into the road. The footpaths are incredibly narrow and houses a plenty have been built surrounding Kempsey.

There was promise of a leisure centre but where’s that gone? Wasted money in planning and paying design architects but not listening to what the community want.

So this time please listen and leave us separate we’ve accommodated enough and I don’t want to have to up and leave after this village has everything we wanted to start a new family.

Samuel Barker (2025-02-09)


It’s already a huge village we do not want to become any bigger and lose our community village feel.

Laura Salmon (2025-02-09)


This village has had over 400 houses added to it in the last 5 years and at no time has the local infrastructure been improved, no additional schools, shops, public transport hospital enlargement at Worcester or pedestrian/cycle paths. The policing of the area is covered by Malvern police station and on a Sunday they only have 2 police officers on duty so yet more houses will only add to over stretched resources

Mark Robinson (2025-02-09)


Because linking Ke.psey to Worcester would be a complete disaster for everyone in our village

Peter Venables (2025-02-09)


We have been told numerous tines before that the significant gap will remain despite the expansions around worcester. We have had no additional services for the increased population as it is. You cannot simply keep adding more people to achieve “growth”. More sustainable options need to be considered.

Tony Windsor (2025-02-10)


I am a resident of the village and strongly believe in the preservation of the status of where we live as a village -separate from a Worcester

John White (2025-02-10)


Kempsey needs to be kept as a separate entity.

Lisa Hindle (2025-02-10)


I really love living in Kempsey and don't want it to lose its charm and community atmosphere.

Heidi Wardman (2025-02-10)


Kempsey must remain a village, nothing like the unbelievable eyesore unbelievably permitted and built opposite the new bridge should ever be allowed to encroach on our village community

Jon Flood (2025-02-10)


Have been told they are to build 300 houses on lane by which I travel from Stonehall Common to Kempsey Surgery. Used as a bypass - very busy. The surgery is unfit for purpose as is without a further mass of patients!

Maureen Martin (2025-02-10)


I believe it is important that an adequate open gap is maintained between Kempsey and the extension area of South Worcester (which is already in Kempsey parish) if the village is to retain its rural setting, character and integrity. That cannot be achieved unless there are specific planning policies in place to retain the Strategic Gap to prevent development would singly or accumulatively erode the remaining gap.

Rob gardener (2025-02-10)


I want to live in a village

Melfyn Williams (2025-02-10)


I want it to stay a village

Matt Affron (2025-02-11)


I want to live in a village not a city. We moved here for the village status. If it amalgamates with a town or city, I feel that I was sold a house with false pretence. Who will be liable for the false sale of a property.

Simone Widdowson (2025-02-11)


I think it’s important that Kempsey is kept as a village and not join Worcester for a variety of reasons including; maintaining community spirit, have pride in your local community, maintaining the countryside, protecting property values, keeping life quieter with less traffic, people and everything else that comes with increased housing and population, and just generally it being nicer.

Thomas Phillips (2025-02-12)


I grew up in Kempsey and lived and loved the village life. I got married in St Mary’s Church and my grandparents are buried here. It was a lovely place to live with a great community spirit. My mum was involved in setting up the youth club and getting funding for the youth club building. My Nan also went to school here - the same school I did before it became the community centre. I still have many friends who live here. The sense of community would be lost if it became a suburb of Worcester and I fully support this petition.

Hayley Henshall (2025-02-12)


I have here since I was 13 yrs old got married here had children and grandchildren.i love our village and want it to be kept a village .

Jackie Ward (2025-02-12)


I want to keep Kempsey, Kempsey. Too many new builds and houses, it's loosing it village quality which made Kempsey a lovely place to live.

Lucy Taylor (2025-02-12)


I have lived in Kempsey since relocating here in 1984! It’s sad enough that back that, we had a shop, a newsagent, a butchers, a hardware store AND a post office…now, just one shop!!! Whilst the village I moved into was the perfect size, it’s now massively inundated with too many housing estates, not enough amenities , a primary school and GP surgery way under sized for the village but now, NOW we’re could lose our village status and become what my Daughter, would be nothing more than a outer suburb at this rate or pushed into a 15 minute city!!!
No no no no…..LEAVE US ALONE!!!!!

Dennis Lee (2025-02-13)

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