I have seen how animals suffer on bonfire night it's inexcusable.IRENE GASIUNAS (Manchester, 2020-10-21)
I see my own animals suffer from vomiting, shaking, urinating uncontrollably, hiding in any small place they can find. One of my dogs escaped through the cat flap scaled a wall and was run over a mile away from home, thankfully her injuries were minor although the vet bill wasn't !!Brynetta Gray (Greenhithe, 2020-10-21)
Please stop and think about the suffering this will cause...Julie Craft (Burton-on-Trent, 2020-10-21)
I am totally opposed to fireworks in any form due to the danger and awful stress caused to all animals, domesticated and wild. This is another outdated custom.Ann Hurley (COLCHESTER, 2020-10-21)
It's imperative we get this stopped.Lynne Plows (North Shields, 2020-10-21)
I'm signing because fire works are NOT fun. They are nothing more than little bombs. They cause great distress to animals and vulnerable people. And they also put a great strain on our emergency services.Wendy Renton (North Shields, 2020-10-21)
Firework displays should NOT be held near farms or livestock ! Domestic pets are also terrified at this time of year. In my opinion they should be banned !Juliet Panthaler (Bordon, 2020-10-21)
I love animals, owned horses and still own several cats - all of whom are terrified of this archaic and pointless act.Paula Gray (London, 2020-10-21)
There is no need for this.William Parry (Douglas, 2020-10-21)
I believe fireworks are a danger to animals and wildlife they need banningBarry Davies (Wirral, 2020-10-21)
This will terrify these animals!!Chris Pedone (Golden, 2020-10-21)
Innocent animals can die from fright from this horrid tradition. It must stop now.Grizelda Grubb (Greater Manchester, 2020-10-21)
Totally INAPROPIATEBob Dagnall (Bruno Blackpool, 2020-10-21)
My dog Hendrix is terribly afraid of fireworksMaxine Fack (Polzeath, 2020-10-21)
I am signing because I have seen the tragic damage fireworks do to the wildlife, animals and dogs when they are set off unsupervised by people in the area.Lesley Bacon (Maidenhead, 2020-10-21)
I’m signing because animals lives matter too!!Marie Ahmed (Belvedere, 2020-10-21)
There is no need for this huge extravaganza near all these vulnerable animalsAlice Slater (Cheltenham, 2020-10-21)
it is very bad for people ,animals and lets not forget the enviroment wich is allready poisened by all we send in the air , sea and on land.rita uljee (rotterdam, 2020-10-21)
I know what a horrific effect fireworks can have on animals.Caroline Dixon (Dereham, 2020-10-21)
I have a hound who is terrified of large bangs as are many animals and to allow this near stables etc is cruelty.Sally Lavis (Bishops Cleeve, 2020-10-21)
Fireworks are horrendous for all animals domestic and farm animals. Should only be held at organized venues away from farms & houses.Beverly Nelson (Stafford, 2020-10-21)
I love animalsKen Rawlinson (Croydon, 2020-10-21)
I see what happens to animals that are distressed by the fireworks. A small reminder of what happened last year...a horse found impaled in a field.Melanie Lighten (London, 2020-10-21)
I have 2 pets, both terrified of fireworks.Nora Jones (Treherbert Treorchy, 2020-10-21)
I'm signing because this fireworks extravaganza is totally unnecessary, costly, pollutes the environment with excessive noise, toxic smoke and debris and will terrorise all vulnerable people and animals in the area.Phillip Davies (Wales, 2020-10-21)
I’m signing because fireworks are awful ,unnecessary loud and dangerous and should be banned.Nicky Wright (Chinnor, 2020-10-21)
I love animalsGail Colley (Leeds, 2020-10-21)
Fireworks are absolutely pointless. We do not need them and the animals certainly suffer from them. Please stop all firework shows.Julie Wood (Oswestry, 2020-10-21)
This is a senseless event demonstrating mindless disregard and contempt for animal welfare and fellow residentsAlan Basford (Meopham, 2020-10-21)
Fireworks should not be legal. They are dangerous and frighten all animals.Ray Taylor (Westbury, 2020-10-21)
Animals do not understand fireworks and are terrified.Caroline Worth (Winsford, 2020-10-21)
For the safety of animalssusan ansell (Barnoldswick, 2020-10-21)
Fireworks should only be allowed once a year at a proper firework display. Why do some people think that is okay to terrorise animals & even old people who find fireworks so traumatic . If they have to have fireworks then buy silent ones !Lynn England (Exmouth, 2020-10-21)
Where this is to be is literally next door to the dogs and cats kennels, most animals are petrified of fireworks and we have a lot of wildlife in the same field and surrounding woods.Michelle Lowis (Weeley, 2020-10-21)
I don’t agree with this!!Louise Longland (Gainsborough, 2020-10-21)
My cats get frightened!Gabriel Monro (Penzance, 2020-10-21)
Because of all the issues fireworks cause, there is absolutely no reason for them.Carol Armstrong (Bakersfield, 2020-10-21)
This could and should be challenged, I am positive it would be found to be illegal as organisers are now aware unnecessary distress would be caused to animalsKate Kidney (Wokingham, 2020-10-21)
It's the right thing to do!!Kim Rogers (Runcorn, 2020-10-21)
I am signing this because this will cause distress to domestic, farm and wild animals and birds.There are also many vulnerable people who will be disturbed by this, being inflicted for two consecutive nights makes the stress to both animals and people even worse.
I have personal experience of the trauma caused to pets by firework displays-my sister's cat died as a result of a firework event.
Please cancel this or at least reduce to one night and move it to an area away from farmland and housing
nigel letheren (Bridport, 2020-10-21)
The planned site for this event is completely wrong, far too dangerous to set off fireworks so close to farm/domestic animals and please also consider all the wildlife in the area. Animals are terrified of the loud noises and you cannot predict where they will land.Sheila Vanloo (St. Austell. Cornwall, 2020-10-21)
I have pets and to witness the terror in their eyes and to watch them running in panic to find a place to hide when fireworks go off is absolutely heartbreaking.Animals need to be protected. They can't speak for themselves so we have to speak for them.
Jenny Poole (Coventry, 2020-10-21)
I’m tired of all the fireworks displays going on repeatedly before Nov 5th with NO consideration to animals or those suffering with PTSD.Vivien Greenley (Cardiff, 2020-10-21)
Fireworks may look beautiful in the sky, but they are extremely dangerous. They can cause fires, and more importantly they are dangerous for animals. They scare animals, who run away. This is unacceptable. It is more important for people and animals to be safe, than to have these very noisy events shatter the nights. PLEASE RECONSIDER AND CANCEL THESE EVENTS.Eileen Easton (Cochrane, 2020-10-21)
I fear for both domesticated animals and also the wildlife. I have friends whose dogs have literally died because of the stress and anxiety. We cannot allow this to keep happening.Lorraine Oliver (Mansfield, NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, 2020-10-21)
Protecting wildlife should be paramountCatherine Green (Rickmansworth, 2020-10-21)
There is no need for explosive devices to be used in the name of entertainment, when they are responsible for death, fear, devastating injuries etcBarbara Thornley (Manchester, 2020-10-21)
Fireworks are not necessary to human life & extremely detrimental to wildlife & other animals close by.Suzanne Bennett (Matlock, 2020-10-21)
Honestly I hate fireworks always have, the impact they have on animals and some people is terrible and distressing, why not donate your money to charity rather than watching it go up in smokeCharlotte Clarke (Kent, 2020-10-21)
Please spare animals and young children the torture of fireworks. My very young children screamed and cried when the fireworks were set off around this time of year.Yasmeen Aziz (Livingston, 2020-10-21)
harm to wildlife sand domestic animalsElizabeth Meldon-Smith (St Austell, 2020-10-21)
Fireworks are unnecessary they cause distress and harm to animals, distress to people, are dangerous and are bad for the environment. To have displays near livestock is u forgivableSarah Mcintyre (Cirencester, 2020-10-21)
Fireworks displays should be done in the city, NOT adjacent to farms, livestock, and residential housing. Fireworks in more rural or suburban areas are also higher risk of fires started by errant sparks.Rachel Loui (Mountain View, 2020-10-21)
I’m signing because fireworks are outdated now ok in an enclosed place away from any animals . Animals are petrified .Dawn Wilkins (Sussex, 2020-10-21)
It’s time this dangerous, frightening, waste of money was ended once and for all!Sarah Adkinson (Preston, 2020-10-21)
Fireworks serve no purpose apart from scaring the hell out of animals, birds and humans and adding unnecessary pollutionShirley Petrie (Wellington, 2020-10-21)
Yet again humans being selfish and thoughtless. We share this world with animals we don’t own it, and we need to show a mutual respect.Jaqui Wisdom (Haywards Heath, 2020-10-21)
I'm sick of fireworks they are nothing but trouble. I have a dog who is terrified they bring on fits which is so horrible to see.We also have horses in our family. So dangerous for them.
Lynn Bowcott (BIRMINGHAM, 2020-10-21)
The harm and terror that fireworks cause to animals must be stopped.Beryl Clifton (Bath, 2020-10-21)
As the owner of an anxious dog who is terrified by fireworks I believe that only official displays should be allowed on a very limited number of days. Ideally, I would like to see firework displays banned completely.Martyn Jennings (Mitcheldean, 2020-10-21)
I´m signing because I too love fireworks, but I also have a dog who - every New Years Eve is too terrified to go outside and pee. It is awful to see her so distressed. Animals are so frightened.Madeleine Herring (Hamburg, 2020-10-21)
How absolutely stupid to hold firework extravaganzas near to farms who have livestock, some pregnant. Never mind elderly people who can be scared also.Junr McConnell (Nottingham, 2020-10-21)