Keep Country Music on BBC Radio Norfolk

Save Our Country Music On BBC Radio Norfolk.
We Urgentley Need To Reinstate Rodeo Norfolk on BBC Radio Norfolk & confirm the future is safe for The Three Counties, 'The Big Country Show' on Sundays 2pm-4pm.


38 Years Of Rodeo Norfolk:
Rodeo Norfolk has been an extremeley popular flag ship show on BBC Radio Norfolk since it was started by Roy Waller 38 years ago and for the last 10 years continued extremely successfully by Keith Greentree.
Both presenters doing an excellent job with the show remaining very popular to this very day.

This Is All About Budget Cuts:
Back in March when the lockdown was announced as a temporary measure, all BBC local radio stations were put on a simplified 4 hr X 4 shows per day schedule.
This was to make sure all the stations were kept on air with the smallest amount of staff in BBC buildings.  All specialist shows were put on hold.

During this lockdown period it has become known that the BBC needed to save millions of pounds over the coming months!
Top management have decided a good way would be to keep local radio schedules on the 4 X 4 shows full time including weekends.

Rodeo Norfolk Is As Popular As Ever:
The decision has nothing to do with audience figures, they are good and always have been. Indeed one of the most popular shows on the station.
Rodeo Norfolk has been axed and The Big Country Show must also be another candidate for the BBC axe.

We have a Compromise that would help to save money:
As a compromise we would suggest keeping the 4 hr X 4 shows per day schedule for weekdays but reverting to proper Local radio content at weekends, Including specialist shows of all Genres especially our beloved Country Music

We urgently need your help to keep Country Music on our radio.
Norfolk is known for it's love of Country Music and Local Radio has a duty to supply local needs, surely that's the purpose of a local station.
People love the shows and rely on them to get all the local information from the what's on and gig guide too.

Write A Letter If You Prefer Or Do Both:
If you'd prefer to write a letter then please send it ASAP to:
FAO Peter Cook (Rodeo Norfolk)
The Forum, Millennium Plain, Norwich, NR2 1BH

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