Justice for Gaynor Fundira

Quoted post


#157 Section 2 of the Mental Health Act

2014-06-05 18:59

Ladies and gentle man out there let me help u here especially those who do not know or understand what the UK Mental Hozpital looks like. For your information it is not like prison where clients are locked out. No. Unless they are in an Psyc Intensive Care Unit (PICU), otherwise all another wards are Open Wards. Sectioned clients are restricted for a period of time until they are given leave which can be escorted or unescorted. Clients are allowed families to visit them during visiting hours. Clients on Section 2 are not compelled to take medication for their section is mainly for assessment and treatment if hey are deemed acutely unwell and deemed a danger to themselves or others. Otherwise they don't have to take medication. Now clients have the opportunity during this assessment phase to share their story with professionals who are very eager to listen and work out solutions with the clients. And say what some of the staff have shared experiences. Shall I say at this point the staff who work in these psychiatric wards are people like you and they come from homes like you people. They are not animals but humans who are professionals and have hearts and minds and blood. They are not like Criminals. Now Gaynor you are in good hands and not lost and forgotten. It is how u view this admission. If u want it to take u down then it will but if u want to make you stronger it will. What does not kill you makes you stronger. Gaynor this is the time to organise your battle against your enemy rather than sitting crying and hoping this petition will save you. Yes it makes the general public aware of your plight but u must wake up there in hospital and sort your life out. Ukada kuita zvekupengereke wairasa pfava ushande nemaProfessionals muchipatara. Zvekuda kutiza and the like uchachema. I have been there and I speak from experience.
While you are in hospital is the time to engage social services and use the mental health tribunal to get you closer to ur kids and away from your monster hubbie. Listen to the story of Joseph when he was sold to the Egyptians. Daniel And friends in the den of lions and furnace they didn't call out to man but to God. Turn your situation into your strength not your weakness. Say wat, you will come out stronger and a better mum. Time for reflections.
Remember you can never change the world in a day. Keep up the fight. Psychiatric hospitals are not Hell as per say but it's how you accept them. Imwe nguva kumba kwatigere majere. Believe and all the chains will be loosed. Be still and know He is Lord. It's only a storm that will come to pass.



#171 Re: Section 2 of the Mental Health Act

2014-06-06 22:27:04

God is good

#179 Re: Section 2 of the Mental Health Act

2014-06-09 16:51:46