Quoted post



2014-05-13 18:53

To all those sheep that followed the herd and went to the dark side, baa baa baa. I had several parents call me saying how they were against Shuter returning but were too scared to voice their opinions for fear of being an outcast. These parents ended up signing this petition for her to stay. Just goes to show even amongst you lot there are traitors. You know who you are! BAA BAA BAA!



#158 Re:

2014-05-13 19:19:06

#157: -

baa baa, we were not afraid, I know many parents who do not like me, and find me patronising and condescending, but you know what? I dont care, I stuck to my gund from the start, I never hid my discontent and I drilled and interrupted her at the parent's meeting and I did so because I knew she was the wrong choice from the start.

I know many parents who signed this petition called me immature and going on about my professional qualifications and education, but hey not my fault, this is why from the start I knew she was not right for the job. She had a black cloud hovering over her and this should have been cleared before she was nominated for the post. Had this been done a lot of things could have been avoided.