Jo Shuter must never return to King Solomon High School!

Quoted post



2014-05-11 11:10

Oh dear Natacha'. You are a naughty girl and did not do your homework. Go to the back of the class!

If you had bothered to check before you moved to the area you would have found that both feeder schools to KS, IJPS and Clore Tikva, were reducing in their numbers of Jewish children. In fact when my son was Year 6 in Clore, IJPS only had one year 6 class of 14 children, almost half were not Jewish.

So you see, anyone could have told you that maintaining KS as a wholly orthodox Jewish school was unsustainable in the future, especially with JCoSS becoming a viable alternative choice.

The point is, we all want it to remain Jewish with the current ethos and celebrate the festivals which I see as still happening under the Kehila department, just as it did before. But you cannot teach children to believe. That is their right of choice.



#51 Re:

2014-05-11 12:09:11

#49: -

She is killing the Kehila department. This is what you dont see. Now with IJPS on KS grounds the aim was for the kids to go to KS.

The new generation of Jewsih people are now starting to populate IJPS again.

When I was the head of the Cheder at my synagogue, we went through a dry patch as the kids were been bar/bat mitzvahed.

Now, a year and a half of a dry patch we have a new cheder, with kids from 6 months to 9 years.

Our Shul was very worried that it wouldnt have a future department of education, but we knew that a new generation was starting and now the cheder is full of new kids that are thriving. Wouldn't that apply for IJPS/Clore and KS?


#52 Re:

2014-05-11 12:11:44

#49: -

and dear 49, there is no need for a condescending and patronising tone, we are here sharing our views.

I knew what was going on, and I knew as well that KS was taking in as many Jewish kids as possible, so there was hope.