Jo Shuter must never return to King Solomon High School!

Quoted post



2014-05-10 15:09

Thank you 25, you are very wise in your words. I feel for those who cannot take criticism.

I will not apologize for my level of education, it seems to madden people, here. I don't know why, because after all they are saying that their aim is to keep Shuter on so their kids can get a good level of education, a bit contradictory?

I speak about Shuter not on a personal level, but as an experienced teacher and Lecturer. My vision is very different from those who think that just because she got an award all is OK. How many celebrities got awards and then were found out to have abused children?

If some parents are angry at my achievements well I am sorry, but the same way that Shuter got her achievement, I got mine. BTW did I mention that I got my fourth award from the University this year yet again?? 4 years in a row from a very prestigious French university, voted best lecturer!!! Sorry just want to make sure that Shocked and disgusted at your vitriol! #24 vomits happily....
I know many parents who do not want to give their names as they are as well afraid of the parents that support her.
What I find amazing is that we who contradict the parents that support her are immature, rude, and the fact that we can debate due to good common sense they get annoyed and accuse us to boast about our qualifications. Well why the hell do you go on about Shuter's award?
I am sorry Shocked and disgusted at your vitriol! but if you come to this petition that is against her to give your view, we will always welcome it, but the fact that you come here and attack the people that are against her and you are annoyed with what they write or their level of education, maybe you shouldn't be here. There is after all a petition supporting her, why aren't you there praising her, rather than wasting your time here?
Unlike the petition that supports her we do not delete the messages posted because we are not afraid of the truth and we value everyone's opinion,which is something that is not happening on the petition supporting her, all comments that go against her are deleted. That shows a lot of maturity doesn't it??



#44 Re:

2014-05-10 20:38:04

#30: -

I thank you for listening to all opinions but take note, there are many learned parents that make their point of view but they do not need to massage their ego by giving their status!  Don't think your judgement is clearer than anyone elses.  Was you in the court rooms last year where they dismissed her case and reinstated Mrs Shuter back to her old school?  No, of course not.  Can you read the mind of Mrs Shuter herself? No, of course not.  You as well as everyone else actually does not know the full story and that's the truth of it. Rumours have flown around created by malicious people who have nothing better to do with their lives.  Judgements have been made based on these rumours and that includes the tv since we all know that truth always gets twisted or is one-sided.  I for one believes since some of it must be truth a punishment is in order but not at the expense of our children.  There are not enough Headteachers in this country and certainly not many great ones.  You may not feel she was great but perhaps you made your mind up without all true information before she even came to our school, but to me she had already set the ball rolling to make this school outstanding.  My children are testimony to that and so that is why so many parents would have liked her to stay....because the majority of children loved her already and that .... is a fact!