Abolish the CSA

Quoted post



2011-05-17 13:45

Its about time the CSA was closed down and the people responsible for the complete mess should be brought to justice.
Non Resident Parents (NRP's) Have been driven to suicide by the complete greed and incompetence of this abhorant government agency



#17 Re: abolish the csa

2012-04-14 23:22:46

#2: -  

 The reason the CSA wont get closed down is that its gotten too big and most of the big guns are frightened shitless to mention getting it closed down.  Imagine, they can confiscate your driving licence, send in the bailiffs and take your vehicle if its worth anything, raid your bank account and seize any money you have - if you dont tell them you're starting a new job or moved they will impose a £500 fine on you. 

The CSA is nothing but a blight and short of nuking the bastards, I'm afraid we're all going to be stuck with it.