Michael Jackson fans unite against some tracks from the new "Michael" album

Quentin Gabriel-Smith

/ #575 Remove the tracks, let this album succeed

2010-11-14 02:44

At this point, whether the tracks in question ACTUALLY CONTAIN the true vocals of Michael Jackson is irrelevent.
The damage and controversy they have caused is significant and painful, therefore they NEED to be removed. If they remain on, there will always be doubts that will tarnish the name and musical legacy of the King of Pop- Michael Jackson.

Remove these tracks immediately, and sell the album 'Michael' as an EP, or replace the tracks with any number of true Michael Jackson masterpieces, (ie: Place With No Name, Do You Know Where Your Children Are, Blue Gangsta). This album is the ones in a millenia chance of greatness, and these controvisial tracks involving the Cascios will rob 'Michael' of it's place in history and greatness, and of success in the current music industry. Please, remove these tracks, for the fans, for the music.