Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita

S N Das

/ #3862

2011-12-19 10:58

Hare Krsna, only those who know the value of spiritual life will understand the reality of Gita. Gita is to save all souls-living beings from the four kinds of problems that is, birth death old age and disease. Can anyone overcome these four problems,if so kindly provide the solutions from any other scriptures??? Gita is the only scripture that is protecting people from many problems and raising the consciousness of the person to the topmost platform of our life. It is not teaching one to upgrade materialism but to come to reality of our life and become an good surrendered soul towards God and live our life with obeying the teachings which is necessary today. Let each one of us ask our selves how to solve these four problems life and if we could do so with any other method, let us present the same to all, only then Gita can be banned....Without understanding the secrets of the Gita one cannot go against the scriptures of God...and Lord Krsna has given the best message which none other personality could give us and therefore one should adore the Lord as Supreme and surrender to His teachings.
SN Das