Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita



2011-12-19 10:54

Attraversavo un periodo buio nella mia vita, è grazie alla lettura della Bhagavad-Gita se sono riuscito a rimettermi in piedi e avere autostima.



2011-12-19 10:54




2011-12-19 10:54

This is very hurting for people who are following the principles



2011-12-19 10:54

this is absurd!



2011-12-19 10:54

gitah is our life



2011-12-19 10:54

Bhagavad gita should never be banned in any country, as it is required for all.



2011-12-19 10:54

I confirm my signature for this petition.



2011-12-19 10:54

I fully support this petition. All the hindus of the world and other people practicing religious sentiments should come together and join hands for the good cause.



2011-12-19 10:55

We as Hindus hold GITA as a sacred vedic Document as part of the Sanatan Dharma dispensation. Just 'coz it does not satisfy a group of peoples beliefs it doesnt imply banning our Sacred Book , This shows how closed other Religions as they are not even open to alternate beliefs and thought. proud to be a Hindu and a follower of Dharma , as inspite superimposition of all other religions in our Country, Our Religion maintained its Fabric and Texture as it Stands today


2011-12-19 10:56

Давайте обратимся к йудеиским писаниям которые не считаются экстремистскими.
- Если еврей испытывает искушение совершить зло, то он должен пойти в тот город, где его никто не знает, и совершить зло там. (Моэд Каштан 17а)
- То, что еврей получает воровством от кьютина (нееврея), он может сохранить. (Санхедрин 57а)
- Все дети неевреев — животные. (Йевамот 98а)
- Неевреи предпочитают заниматься сексом с коровами. (Абодах Зарах 22а-22в)
- Лучший из гоев достоин смерти. (Абода зара, 26, в Тосафот)

- Язычник (т.е. нееврей), который сует нос в Тору (и другие еврейские священные писания) осуждается на смерть. Поскольку, как написано, это наше наследство, а не их. (Санхедрин 59а)
-Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 388: "Разрешается убивать обличителей евреев везде. Разрешается убивать их даже до того как они начали обличать."
-Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 388: "Вся собственность других наций принадлежит еврейской нации, которая таким образом имеет право пользоваться всем без стеснения."
-Tosefta Aboda Zara VIII, 5: "Как определить слово грабёж? Гою запрещено воровать, грабить, брать женщин и рабов у гоя или еврея. Но еврею не запрещено делать всё это по отношению к гою."
-Seph. Jp., 92, 1: "Бог дал евреям власть над имуществом и кровью всех наций."
-Schulchan Aruch, Johre Deah, 122: "Еврею запрещено пить вино из бокала к которому прикасался гой, потому что его прикосновение могло сделать вино нечистым."
-Baba Necia 114,6: "Евреи - человеческие существа, а другие нации мира не люди но звери."
-Yebhamoth 11b: "Сексуальные сношения с девочкой разрешены если девочке есть 3 года." !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

В Бхагавадгите есть что то подобное, хотя бы близко ??





2011-12-19 10:56

please do no ban bhagvad gita
S N Das


2011-12-19 10:58

Hare Krsna, only those who know the value of spiritual life will understand the reality of Gita. Gita is to save all souls-living beings from the four kinds of problems that is, birth death old age and disease. Can anyone overcome these four problems,if so kindly provide the solutions from any other scriptures??? Gita is the only scripture that is protecting people from many problems and raising the consciousness of the person to the topmost platform of our life. It is not teaching one to upgrade materialism but to come to reality of our life and become an good surrendered soul towards God and live our life with obeying the teachings which is necessary today. Let each one of us ask our selves how to solve these four problems life and if we could do so with any other method, let us present the same to all, only then Gita can be banned....Without understanding the secrets of the Gita one cannot go against the scriptures of God...and Lord Krsna has given the best message which none other personality could give us and therefore one should adore the Lord as Supreme and surrender to His teachings.
SN Das



2011-12-19 10:59

Рамма Рагава Ракшаман Кришна Кешева Пахимам!



2011-12-19 10:59

Bhagavad gita should never be banned in any country, as it is a necessity for all. WHY SHOULD ONE READ BHAGAVAD GITA.....

The Young - To learn how to live.

The Old - To know how to die.

The Ignorant - For wisdom.

The Learned - For humility.

The Rich - For compassion.

The Poor - For comfort.

The Practical - For counsel.

The Weak - For strength.

The Strong - For direction.

The Haughty - For warning.

The Humble - For exaltation.

The Troubled - For peace.

The Weary - For rest.

The Doubting - For assurance.

The Sinner - For salvation.




2011-12-19 11:00

bhagavad gita is a superm personality of god (krishna)message please do not band in russia



2011-12-19 11:01

Hare Krsna, only those who know the value of spiritual life will understand the reality of Gita. Gita is to save all souls-living beings from the four kinds of problems that is, birth death old age and disease. Can anyone overcome these four problems,if so kindly provide the solutions from any other scriptures??? Gita is the only scripture that is protecting people from many problems and raising the consciousness of the person to the topmost platform of our life. It is not teaching one to upgrade materialism but to come to reality of our life and become an good surrendered soul towards God and live our life with obeying the teachings which is necessary today. Let each one of us ask our selves how to solve these four problems life and if we could do so with any other method, let us present the same, only then Gita can be banned....Without understanding the secrets of the Gita one cannot go against the scriptures of God...and Lord Krsna has given the best message which none other personality could give us and therefore one should adore the Lord as Supreme and surrender to His teachings.
SN Das



2011-12-19 11:01

Why the prosecutors are afraid of Bhagavad Gita? The prosecutors are confused. They have ulterior motive. Lord Krsna will do the justic.

Subir Das
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#3868 Subject

2011-12-19 11:01

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2011-12-19 11:01

Please do not promote such a action, Bhagavad-gita is holy script of humanity.



2011-12-19 11:02

please stop court case let Krishna word spread to world to gain peace.



2011-12-19 11:04

Bhagavad is very very sacred and very important book for human life. please dont ban this book.



2011-12-19 11:04

Just try to be tolerant and nonviolent, because this is a time when everything will ACCELERATE. So those who are heading in the wrong direction, will just get there sooner. And for those who are on the path of DHARMA, or righteousness, HOLD ON! It will rock in the years to come. The world situation and the present value system are in a very diseased, up-side-down state and it cannot go on like this any longer. However, the demoniac people will not let go so easily, so there will be turmoil. Just let the demoniac clash and finish themselves off between themselves. Try to stay away as much as possible and cultivate SPIRITUALITY for yourself, because the time is coming when you will be required to help people. Cultivate! Cultivate! Cultivate! Spiritual cultivation cannot be hampered by outside circumstances. It is AHAITUKI APRATIHATA!



2011-12-19 11:04

This is such a positive step to help stop this action.
I am chanting and spreading the word to ask for support with this.

Hare Krishna




2011-12-19 11:04

bhagavadgita is a very much secular text mainly on yoga philosophy which can be practiced by any person belonging to any religion without changing in his faith in the religion, for eg., a christian practising yoga becomes a better christian,

#3875 dharma

2011-12-19 11:05

Just try to be tolerant and nonviolent, because this is a time when everything will ACCELERATE. So those who are heading in the wrong direction, will just get there sooner. And for those who are on the path of DHARMA, or righteousness, HOLD ON! It will rock in the years to come. The world situation and the present value system are in a very diseased, up-side-down state and it cannot go on like this any longer. However, the demoniac people will not let go so easily, so there will be turmoil. Just let the demoniac clash and finish themselves off between themselves. Try to stay away as much as possible and cultivate SPIRITUALITY for yourself, because the time is coming when you will be required to help people. Cultivate! Cultivate! Cultivate! Spiritual cultivation cannot be hampered by outside circumstances. It is AHAITUKI APRATIHATA!