Rio+20 Call from Lawyers and Organizations


/ #6

2011-10-19 22:56

Thanks for this initiative. In addition to the many good elements of the petition, I would like to mention two additional global concerns that are of a global nature and receive too little attention:
- Protection of wilderness areas (as defined by IUCN, protected area category 1b): only about 30% of the earth surfase is relatively unchanged by modern society (roads, buildings, etc.)and these wilderness areas (e.g., the Polar Regions) are under have pressure. Wilderness protection is not part of international environmental law;
- it might well be that environmental law will never be effective if the human-nature attitude is not changing. As more an more children grow up in cities, it is of high importance that children have sufficient opportunites to experience nature.

While acknowledging that a petition can never be complete, I thought it might be useful to make this comment.

Success with the petition!

Best regards,

Kees Bastmeijer
Professor of Nature Conservation and Water Law
Tilburg Law School, Tilburg, The Netherlands