Dress Code Swampscott Middle School

not mr murphy

/ #81 Re: Re: this rudulous new rule

2015-04-16 23:47

#57: - Re: this rudulous new rule 

 by no warning I meant during the summer. that's when shorts are mainly sold right? and as for you wearing shorts to your knees that's okay, I don't care, but because I don't like that style on me I don't buy any and I'm not wasting money on them. as for water, I DO bring a water bottle and wow it's like magic... IM STILL HOT IN SCHOOL! boys don't wear booty shorts because they don't want to just like I don't wear basketball shorts because I don't want to. I don't wear trashy clothing but it's still not down to my knee! we're not whining... we're standing up for what we believe is right...