Jo Shuter must never return to King Solomon High School!

A destroyed QK student with infinite rage.

/ #106 Allow me to explain.

2015-01-20 09:26

Jo shuter is a khazzar tribe, such tribe comes from the infamous 1000 year old bloodline that had hijacked the religion of Jews to appoint and condemn whilst claiming to be victims. Such example is the holocaust or rather holo hoax that was implemented for the sake of political expediency.

Her actions are none the same of political expediency whilst using those funds to feed her/their greed of self-righteous sloth and entertainment.

her sister who works for the BBC is also trying to do the same but for even greater cause: the so-called Jewish, who arnt really Jews, who really are khazzar tribes, own the U.S media. For their own benifit an as a result have caused the Wars in Iraq an Palestine on a "reasonable basis" due to their elusive and illusionist ins proving propaganda of both the media and "great event" which revolves on the continued disapproved "holocaust". To win your sympathy whils't stealing for themselves. A great example is the condition of Palestine.


More information on these wretched fools can be found here on youtube. Funny how such intellect is laid bare for all to see, because it means you can never hide the truth - even with crocodile tears.

type up on youtube:

"jack Otto and the history of the khazzar empire

"david Irving and the faking of adolf hitler." 


Now, allow me to introduce myself, I am Amir Ali, I commuted in the wretched "QK" an lost many times in both knowledge gathering with my GCSE's. I'm now an unemployed man with no real degree, because I was "studying" in this wretched school with bullies left and right on all parts of campus, because the teachers were - God knows what they were up to. Jo shuter had the least intention on fixing this, ghetto students would partake on group bullying and drugs - and even though this head teacher knew of this, she pretended it was nothing, now any place I look for job is redundant due to the stress and lack of actual teaching filled with abrupt bullying found on campus. I dropped out of high school.

This usually translates me as incompetent on the eyes of those who don't know this; the sorry sight for an intelligently precedent man like myself, all because we had a khazzar on-board. My luck was that I entered QK right around Jo Shuter became head teacher. Although I have the prerequisites of a university student, I have never entered university because of this wretched QK or Quintin Kynaston or hell ridden school filled with illligal legalised bullying; my GCSE's are butcherd. And Ucas admits university students only when meeting certain GCSE grades as well as A levels. I never got to to do those, my life is destroyed.  

Now to further my comments, I have an infinite grudge against both satan's nation and Jo Shuters tribe and legacy - Bu my two eyes and soul if I don't punch a hole into Jerusalem with a powerful weapon system. Because right then I knew these fools would persist, this petition is proof. I am coming for Israel AND Satan.