Elba Ground rent campaign


/ #33

2014-06-13 07:23

Last year to buy the lease hold would have cost approx £5,100 +legal costs. The council will only allow you to buy the lease hold now based on the increase. This means that over night the ground our house is built on has gone up to approx £30.000 !!
When we bought the house the development was called "Copper Meadow" very appropriate name considering the Council at that time realised how many millions of coppers they would make in 25 years ! This was built on waste land that was worthless, if we dig 6 inches down in our garden we hit clincher left from the steel works that had stood on this ground before.
We are financially ruined if this goes ahead. Any wills or inheritance we planned for our children are in the same position as our house "WORTHLESS"