Elba Ground rent campaign

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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Elba Ground rent campaign.



2014-06-10 20:42

This increase is morally wrong and these type of leases should not be allowed as they have devastating affect on peoples lives .



2014-06-10 21:42

When injustice becomes law,resistance becomes duty. !

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2014-06-10 21:45



2014-06-10 21:49

I have a friend who is affected by this - dreadful



2014-06-10 22:06

Ludicrous! So greedy



2014-06-10 22:30

Please sign this and share for others to



2014-06-10 22:43

It is disgusting what swansea city council are doing to the residents of gowerton



2014-06-11 06:24

Disgraceful as if the council tax isn't high enough without this new charge!



2014-06-11 06:30

In addition to whatever group action we may take following our public meeting next week, I would urge everyone to formally disagree the revised rent and to make your individual views known to the letter-writer Rob Morrell and also to the Leader of the council David Phillips. Happy to provide a copy of the letter I have sent.
Mike Bradshaw



2014-06-11 06:57

This should be illegal



2014-06-11 06:59




2014-06-11 07:02

Please sign to stop the greed of Swansea council



2014-06-11 07:10




2014-06-11 07:52

A shameful example of poor/arbitary decision making without thought of the consequences to those affected such is the Council's desire/drive to generate income from ANY source. Let's hope that the challenge to what appears to be breach of contract is successful and a victory for the small guy.



2014-06-11 08:07




2014-06-11 08:09

Whoever made the decision to try to impose these totally immoral and unacceptable revised ground rent charges should be sacked. To propose an increase from £50 per year to £1397 is disgusting. It was set at £50 twenty five years ago so at the very most should only be about £150 in 2014. For the council to try to recoup monies in this way to finance their profligate spending is scandalous.



2014-06-11 08:44

I'm incredulous that a labour run council are blatantly robbing hard working people, when ed milliband is telling us that the tories are squeezing the working and middle classes - I think we can add swansea labour run council with same brush as the tories - shame on you!



2014-06-11 10:37

Councils attempting to bail themselves out again using the very people they're there to serve. If this happened in the private sector they'd have been told where to go! THEY SHOULD HANG THEIR HEADS IN SHAME!!!!

#19 Re: ground rent increase

2014-06-11 16:22

#9: -

Hi Mike, I would like a copy of your letter if possible

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2014-06-11 16:36

Choose a nickname

#21 Subject

2014-06-11 16:41

Hi Bev - I need your email address to send copy of letter. eMail me at: mike@bradsweb.co.uk



2014-06-11 17:50

How can the council justify such an extortionate increase in ground rent?.
How much notice (if any) did any of these residents receive that the ground rent would be increased?.
Are the council prepared to meet the residents face to face to explain themselves?
To whoever implemented these increases, in one fell swoop you have brought worry, anguish, stress, to the residents. You must be feeling so pleased with yourselves.
You know what, people go on about pay day loans and loan sharks, with their ridiculous high percentage rates. This is worse, people go to these lenders through choice, what choice have these residents had with this ground rent increase-- none.
What happens if someone cannot afford to pay the increase,? Do they risk losing their homes? This is nothing short of day light robbery, it's wrong, show some compassion, where's your morals? Haven't got any? Get some pronto .



2014-06-11 22:10

I have signed to as it effects my daughter, to put up ground rent up from £50 pounds to over a £1,000 pounds is nothing short of robbery ,plus the 25 year review is not up yet it has two years to run



2014-06-12 08:02

It's so wrong what the council are doing



2014-06-12 08:26

I think this is scandalous particularly seeing as they have just had a wage increase together with inventing some more positions on the council. These figures are higher than council tax and they don't actually get anything for it.