Jo Shuter must never return to King Solomon High School!

agreeing to disagree

/ #50

2014-05-11 11:53

What is happening here between 2 sets of parents with differing view points is incredibly disappointing to see. Why can't both sides respect eachothers right to an opinion and just agree to disagree. This is like a thread on Babies Babies Babies, a forum of predominantly NW London mums, where things get nasty and personal all too often. I moved to Essex because I had the impression you lot behaved differently as a community, with less self righteousness and bitchiness. Please just stop all this nonsense.

The side that are for Jo Shuter: understand that those without any personal liking towards her will view this no differently than you all viewed the politicians expenses scandal. No differently! In fact, what did you think of Cameron showing favour for Maria Miller to the point of saying she could return 'in due course'? I'm sure you didn't think 'well Cameron can clearly see she's done a lot of good which must outweigh the bad, here here!'

The side that are against Jo Shuter: there are always 2 sides to every story and there is a genuine risk that KS will not get the headship it needs. The 'pro-Jo' parents are justified in their concern of her leaving and you also need to respect their viewpoint.

So really parents, stop taking it as a personal outrage that someone's view differs to yours. Embrace it. Debate it. But don't hate it.