Jo Shuter must never return to King Solomon High School!


/ #47

2014-05-11 09:16

#95 May 11, 2014, 10:10
People, just don't get the whole idea of wrong... By continuing she will kill thenjewsih Ethos, by killing the Jewish Ethos,she will turn the school into an academy, by turning the school into an academy IJPS will suffer as well, because parents from IJPS would like their kids to continue is a Jewish school. KS losing its Jewish ethos will not be an option for them, hence they will send them to Jcos, JFS, Yaveneh and so on. By doing that the Jewish community of Redbridge, which isn't that big, will dimish in time.
When Shuter decided to change Jewish studies to a core subject there was a reason behind it all.
She began saying that new courses would be introduced. Fair enough. Drama, French, photography, philosophy. Why photography it is beyond me, anyway., to fund these course she needs money, KS doesn't have money, so what better way to do it the turning JS into a core subject, this way they won't need as many JS teachers and with their wages she can use it for the other courses. Now what message does that send out to you parents. Many will say, yes I am happy JS became a core subject. But let me ask you something, why did you put your child in KS to start with, this of course to the Jewish parents? I did because I wanted my kids to be raised in a jewsih community, with jewsih values. Call me old fashioned but to me the sense of community always brought me a feeling of well being and a place I knew I belonged..
Now having a Jewish head is something rare to find, but I am sorry Shuter has no Jewish values and she does not enjoy the Jewish festivities.
In regards to the sum of money that she admitted taking, her excuses are feeble . She told the year 11's not to judge her on what is in the papers, but went on to explain some of the reasons why she did it. " I bought furniture for my house, it didn't fit well, so I swapped it with the school's furniture?"
Come on, does she love the feeling of being in a school that much that she takes the school furniture. Her reasons for what she did are feeble and you can see right through them. Had she said yes I took them because I was dishonest then it would be another story, but still she wouldn't be able to continue the work.
What also amazes me is why with such a high salary she couldn't fund her own birthday. Do parents take money from their work to fund their kids bar/bat mitzvahs?
Also let me question the board of governors, why the hell did they hire someone who was still being investigated, wasn't it irresponsible, they knew that the story wasn't over. Wouldn't it have been better to wait till she was cleared and if so all of this could have been avoided. But in light of desperation so much from their side and her side they struck a deal. She took it because she needed to restart building her reputation, KS needed a head.
But all in all they did both wrong and if Shuter is banned from teaching the board of governors should as well go and a new one created, hopefully with a bit more sense.
There are always people up for a challenge and in need of a job, I don't believe there is no one wanting a job as head.
As I said before a school works as a team, the head does not do miracles.
If she stays our community dies, if you parents want that then fair enough, why did u put your kids in KS to start with? No other options? I put my kids there because of the Jewish ethos and community, and so far they have done really well.