Jo Shuter must never return to King Solomon High School!


/ #35

2014-05-10 15:30

I believe that the school does not depend only on the head and the teachers. It also depends on the kids and the support they get from there parents. If they have a bad example at home they shall bring this to the school. If the children cannot take criticism they will retaliate when criticism is given. KS has many good teachers. Like every school you have the good ones, great ones, memorable ones and the bad ones. It is the general rule of life, but it is not Shuter who makes KS better, it is the teachers, my kids have received a lot of support when needed from their teachers, from Rabbi Bruce, Ms Shutz, Ms Carmel Brown. Changing teachers is something that any institution does. Teachers get new opportunities and move on, new one comes, some good some bad. But the whole of a school is not the HEAD, it is a unison of all those who work in the school, it is making decisions by consulting the staff and taking into consideration their opinion and coming to a solution that shall be good for all and not a small portion.
When Mr Lewis was head I never had any problem with him, all the times I need to speak to him, or his help he was very helpful.
I am really struggling to see what great changes she made, a part from trying to get rid of the Jewish studies and Jewish festivals.