Divert overseas aid money to help flood victims in the UK

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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Divert overseas aid money to help flood victims in the UK.



2014-02-12 07:04

Charity begins at home.



2014-02-12 07:55

charity begins at home It is about time the government reflected the thoughts of the majority of the population.



2014-02-12 08:03

How can this country progress unless we help our own



2014-02-12 08:54

charity starts at home Mr Cameron and fellow MPs



2014-02-12 09:12

We should be helping people in this country not abroad.
People abroad are using aid money to get rich,its time we stopped this.



2014-02-12 09:31

These floods are a disaster,whenever or wherever there is a disaster in the world Britain and the British public are always there to help and generously fund the campaigns.please Mr Cameron use common sense in our small island and divert the millions sent to so-called deserving countries and help our people first.The old adage "charity begins at home,"



2014-02-12 09:32

Why should the IK send money to countries wher it is not used for the purpose it was intended , for instance in South Africa where UK money goes the so called President Jacob Zuma has spent millions of pounds improving his private residence and other so called leaders spending our money on private jets and the like, it must stop and be used in OUR country



2014-02-12 09:37

Cameron out of touch with normal people



2014-02-12 09:40

Why give so much aid to India when they have so much money that they don't need it



2014-02-12 10:15

no comment



2014-02-12 10:25

No foreign aid for overseas at all unless in cases of national disasters (ie tsumnamis or other events similar.



2014-02-12 10:29

Help the people of this country who are in need,for a change,we know money will not be "diverted"for other causes.



2014-02-12 10:31

All the people in flood hit areas need all the help they can get and more



2014-02-12 10:41

just do it between the goverment/environment agency both a joke and why the vast sums to China and India? are we supporting their space programme



2014-02-12 10:44

Its obvious we now have a disaster, the money is needed here. How many offers of aid have our governmet received from overseas?



2014-02-12 10:49

The allocation on overseas aid should stop and money should only be allocated for emergency assistance in this country and overseas as and when it is needed. If the Prime Minister had live and worked overseas he would not be in such a hurry to give our money away.



2014-02-12 10:49

For almost 60 years I have voted for and supported the Conservative Party but I am becoming bitterly disappointed by the failure of the current government to better reflect the wishes of the majority. To not divert some of the foreign aid monies to dealing with the flooding issues in the UK is verging on being criminal. Also, the failure to provide an unequivocal in-out referendum on continued membership of the EU is unacceptable. Promises to allow one after the next election are just not good enough, who knows who will be in government then? The Conservative Party can no longer count on my support.



2014-02-12 10:52

I'm disgusted that Cameron refuses to listen to the very people he was elected to represent. All those in Westminster are only interested in feathering their own nests whilst in power and the wishes of those who pay their vastly inflated wages and expenses count for nothing if there is the slightest possibility they may upset those who they may rely on in the future to continue to bankroll their lavish lifestyle.



2014-02-12 10:55

Continuing to send money abroad whilst our own people are in such trouble is ridiculous.



2014-02-12 10:56

It is about time that the british govmt. did something for BRITISH people. and not send money abroad . I am sure not all of the donations to over seas goes to where it is intended. signed david raby



2014-02-12 10:57

So pleased to be able to sign this petition, just a way to express my sorrow for the flood victims.
I think the government should re-think our foreign aid policy altogether.



2014-02-12 11:00

Well done on bringing up this petition. We send far too much money abroad that doesn't reach its proper destination. It is time to recognize the needs of our own country.



2014-02-12 11:03

Our hard earned money should be spent on this country in dire need.



2014-02-12 11:05

It is not only the floods that UK is woefully unprepared for but what about the urgent need to modernise the national infrastructure covering power generation, public transport, roads, railways, NHS for which Britain lags hopelessly behind Western Europe?



2014-02-12 11:28

Aid money should go to help the many thousands who will need financial support for many many months to come. I hope the decision makers will visit these areas on a regular basis even when the floods have gone and let the general public know what they are doing. Also I ask the daily mail keep us informed as to how the victims are coping, even after the floods have subsided.