Petition for the immediate withdrawal of the Licensing Regime

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2013-06-06 01:32

Singapore is not progressing. Too much control is bad for the country.



2013-06-06 01:37

We do not want to be a frog in a well;Do not shackle our quest for more analytical views.



2013-06-06 01:48

This is a democratic singapore mind you



2013-06-06 01:50

When a government intentionally violates its own Constitution, it is time for them to pack and go, because they are not competitent enough to work under the Constitution. This is equate to one party is not abiding to the Contract or Agreement solemnly declared and signed and sealed between the two parties in the presence of the highest Authority of the land.



2013-06-06 01:52

born free in cyberspace



2013-06-06 01:52

We want internet freedom.



2013-06-06 02:02

Most of you who commented here are cynical and ignorant folks who do not understand how the new law is. You have been fed twisted news from these so-called alternative news websites. How many of you truly read and understood the new licensing requirements? Shame on you all!
As u sow so u reap!

#183 Re:

2013-06-06 02:12

#47: -  

"NO"  to dictatorship

"NO"  to cronyism

"NO"  to nepotism

"NO"  to lkyism

"NO"  to evil



2013-06-06 02:21

good to hav more news



2013-06-06 02:44

In any decent society honouring and respecting its citizens, politicians DO NOT possess any power, any voted mandate to control the internet. The internet DO NOT belong to ANY politicians, less to any POLITICAL party who controls it in the name of 'level-playing fields, for the sake of harmony, peace and stability' because likewise, the internet CAN ALSO BE used AS a DISRUPTIVE, suppressive tool by these very politicians to do the SAME to ANYONE who IS NOT on their side. Which MEANS who is to say a voted government is all-encompassing 'legitimate' - NO ANY government in the world CAN be said to be 100% truly and FULLY legitimate.



2013-06-06 02:46

SG Government brings us back to dinosaur age:))



2013-06-06 03:01

The Licensing is as good as to shut up everyone to voice their opinion. This is not right.
Dismantle the Party

#188 #Free My Internet

2013-06-06 03:23

Freedom of Speech promotes critical thinking, creativity, entrepreneurship and artistic talent! Without freedom of speech MAN dies!

Is this what the Government wants?



2013-06-06 04:00

Why pap chenghu so kiasu kiasi? Simi regulation? Want to make Sporeans voiceless dont say. Mus show our middle finger to this oppressive familee business chenghu.
Victimised Voters

#190 Is Govt a Gangster?

2013-06-06 04:11

For a government to silence the voters this way is liken a mafia/criminal who robs his victim and not allowed his victim to tell his friends or report to the police what has happened.

It is also similar to a gangster who attacks his victim and not allow his victim to cry in pain because he (the gangster fears others know his crime and report to police), so, he kills his victim when he cries in pain. Is this not what LKYism is about?



2013-06-06 04:18

Don't be taken for a ride. Many had taken the ride with the PAP (>50 yrs), and they could get out of this shit. It is their resort to retain power and to keep the citizens, daft and brainwashed (read the 'right thing', stupid).
Equally Human

#192 Who do you think you are?

2013-06-06 04:27

#59: -  

Everybody is born equal.   What makes you think that you have the right to silence the victims who have been repeatedly robbed and attacked by you for the past 50 yrs???

Who are you???       Blatantly call yourselves "higher mortals" and call those who slog all their lives to build up S'pore to what it is today as "lesser mortals"   -   you might as well call yourselves Gods BUT   CAN    YOU   BE???.     However high you exalt yourselves to be, you will fall to 6 feet under  -  the higher you are the harder the fall will be.



2013-06-06 04:27

Free the internet!
Life or Death

#194 Re: Rubicon was crossed too far

2013-06-06 04:42

#61: -  

 They have crossed the line decades ago.     Wake up !!!    They are now pushing us, their victims far beyond the rubicon, fellow-voter!!!         Get ready!!!     Aim!!!    Fire!!!



2013-06-06 04:49

freedom of speech and expression


2013-06-06 04:50

freedom of speech and expression



2013-06-06 04:50

Freedom rules

#198 No to Suppression of Free Speech

2013-06-06 04:52

For Minister Yaacob Ibrahim to cite the British example to justify Singapore's MDA in requiring on-site comments to register & place a $50k bond with the Singapore Government is TOTALLY misleading.

The British Parliament/Govt REJECTS the LEGISLATIVE approach and has settled on relying on a Royal Chartered institution to bring about a modicum of journalistic integrity in the British PRESS and TV media ONLY, and NOT socio-politcal websites like TR EMERITUS/theonlinecitizen etc.

The British approach ONLY comes AFTER the NEWS MEDIA like Murdoch's News of the World and other MEDIA companies were found GUILTY of CRIMINAL practices like the HACKING into PERSONAL mobile phones and other means of modern communications - FB, TWITTER etc......and BRIBING the police and public officials.

All of the said CRIMINAL activities adversely affected the lives and public policies and had caused sufferings and loss of personal privacy.

NONE of the deplorable practices of the British media had ever happen in Singapore.

For Yaacob Ibrahim/Singapore Govt to cite the British example only shows their moral bankruptcy.



2013-06-06 04:54

Give us back our freedom of choice(to read, to discuss, to share news,opinions etc)in the SG-blogosphere... because this is basic human right.The Singapore Nation is not just a physical space controlled by SG-PAP govt through MDA, or whatever fancy ministry created by PAP.... it is the collective emotions, ideologies, culture & value systems of all human beings who stake a claim on this young nationhood- whether born & bred there, or adoptive (choose SG as permanent country of choice) or marginalised peoples whose hearts & minds are still with SG... : only the websites and blogosphere can unite all such peoples throughout this world. When PAP puts such licensing control over this dynamic flow of information & opinion-sharing, SG-PAP has detracted from its constitution , which is to guarantee freedom of communication and upholding human rights. The human psyche cannot be controlled in any way - where there is a will, there is a way for political rights to exist.
The 60% who voted PAP in : today you think you can muffle them - tomorrow, PAP will have no followers to muffle.. because you have lost their trust in you.

An Egyptian-Australian orthopaedic-surgeon(he operated on my daughters feet for bunion correction in Sydney) , he told me last Dec.. :whenever he visits SG, he feels so sad for this young nation, once full of promise, but now "a country without a soul". He said that my first PM is the only man in this world, to have founded a nation but destroyed it, within his own lifetime. What a pity - what great sorrow for her people!!!!!



2013-06-06 05:00

Is Freely there? First Initials I P