Relocate Robbie Fleming memorial bench from the people of Lisburn & Steven Gerrard to home town cemetery

Relocate Robbie Fleming memorial bench from the people of Lisburn & Steven Gerrard to home town cemetery / Announcements / Outcome / Comments



2024-09-04 19:31

Brilliant news, so pleased for you all x



2024-09-04 19:32

That is absolutely amazing news. Our hearts are full for your whole family!!. God bless you all ❤️xx

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2024-09-04 19:33



2024-09-04 19:52

I am absolutely delighted that you have been given this wonderful outcome. A bit of light in such sad times,


#5 Jeff

2024-09-05 08:00

Fantastic news!! So happy for you vernie and Alison if anyone deserves this outcome it's you guys it's just sad you were put through so much for something so meaningful and easily done x



2024-09-05 09:22

So happy for you- nice to see compassion still exists, even though you had to fight for it to win through

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