Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita
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#62262011-12-21 17:37http://www.harekrsna.org/kirtanananda-hist.htm History about Kirtanananda Swami aka Bhaktipad Srila Prabhupada:"So far as Kirtanananda's chapter is concerned, forget all this, Maya's play. Kirtanananda is a crazy man. That is proved. We shall be sorry for Kirtanananda's plight under Maya and may not waste our valuable time talking about him. The best thing that you have done is that he should no longer speak in our temples. We shall all pray to Krishna for his recovery & only by His grace can he come back to his real identity." [SP. Letter] Who is who ? - in New Vrindaban ? New Vrindaban History, for the Record New Vrindaban's Cataclysmic History A pictorial history of New Vrindavan crimes, photo reportage New Vrindavan Dead Body Count, For the Record New Vrindavan: pedophile heaven for Kirtanananda Kirtanananda enjoying homo-sex in the Winnebago Srila Prabhupada's quotes on Kirtanananda The truth about the Kirtanananda era of New Vrindavan Hare Krishna Member says he killed on Leader's behest Radhanatha Swami paid for the murder of Sulocana Tirtha das killed devotees on Kirtananandas behalf TIRTHA WAS A MASS-MURDERER Kirtanananda - Conspiracy to Murder Bhaktipada or Bhaktifraud? The Murder of Sulocana The Murder of Chakradara das Killing Sparks Federal Probe of Krishna Sect Kirtanananda's head smashed with iron pipe (by Triyogi) Escaping Justice at New Vrindaban I was held hostage by Kirtanananda's evil dog Kirtanananda ordered to beat women like a drum Blind Faith and Bliss of Ignorance New Vrindavan "Jonestown" by Ravindra Svarupa Kirtanananda: The King of New Vrindavan New Vrindaban: The Black Sheep of ISKCON Kirtanananda Ex ISKCON-Leader Released from Jail Kirtanananda's New Interfaith Preaching Center New Vrindaban: The Black Sheep of ISKCON Kirtanananda: (Keit Ham) aka Bhaktipad, a practicing homosexual and pedophile in his self-created Holy Dham, runs prostitution sankritan parties, orders the beating of mother Jadurani, orders the murder of Sulochana das. Kirtanananda, for example, was alleged to have been living on a reputed homosexual "household" in Mott Street in New York City with Umapati and others involved in the 1960s "homosexual liberation" scene. Kirtanananda, finally jailed in 1996, was fined $250,000 and convicted to a twelve-year federal prison sentence for racketeering and conspiracy in two murders described in the Book "Monkey on a Stick". Kirtanananda has been released from prison after serving eight years of his sentence. |
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#62272011-12-21 17:39http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZoaeBdCaQ8I&feature=related Radhanatha swami Messiah or Antichrist? ISKCON / Hare Krishna |
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#62282011-12-21 17:39"SOMEONE HAS POISONED ME" Prabhupada. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3ZyGV35PEw&feature=related |
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#62292011-12-21 17:40 PRABHUPADA "DON'T TORTURE ME AND PUT TO DEATH" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVqLjpOOaLM&feature=related |
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#62302011-12-21 17:40 The truth Behind Srila Prabhupad's Disappearence - a Hidden documentary by Star News India http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPOp_2XPqOc&feature=related |
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#62312011-12-21 17:41http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNCIy3O7tvY&feature=related Are you an ILLUMINATI mind controlled ANIMAL? [Prabhupada] |
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#62322011-12-21 17:41http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPPcrZRvkE8&feature=related Srila Prabhupada Funeral Ceremony Kirtan with Srila Narayan Maharaja 1977 |
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#62332011-12-21 17:42http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t7lNRkNGa9o&feature=related Srila Prabhupad's Final Request - Kick These Demons Faces Pt. |
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#62342011-12-21 17:42hume apne purvajo ke baare me sochna chahiye.... society has some norms and some conditions.... bhagvat geeta rehabilitate an entity of our ancestor. The parampita vaishnav pitaamber shree hari vishnu has incarnated for about 5000 years ago and named KRISHNA... they taught us that how we should live all the relation,so LORD KRISHNA is a light of life and an empathy of DEATH.... no one is going to be immortal... so why does these type of statement entertained all the time by the human beings. Think what will you reply to the GOD when you will death and reach to their door. |
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#62352011-12-21 17:43BIF investigates Radhanath – The Slayer Swami Radhanath Swami (Richard Slavin) The Slayer Swami Radhanath Swami (Richard Slavin) ordered and paid for the murder of Sulocana -- murderer accomplice BIF Investigation of Radhanath - The Slayer Swami http://www.b-i-f.com/ Interview with Janmastami das (John Sinkowski) On May 22nd, 1986, at 1.00 am. Thomas Drescher (aka. Tirtha das), walked up to a van parked on a side street in L.A., lifted his hand gun and fired two shots into the head of the occupant, Steve Bryant (aka. Sulochan Das). For the information of our readers; for the sake of truth, for posterity, and for the Law Enforcement agents who we know peruse our pages: BIF presents an interview with one of the three members of the "recruited" hit-man team; the appointed driver of the getaway car- Janmastami Das (JD). For twenty-five years, JD has carried the burden of guilt, not only for his "recruitment" in the murder-for-hire of Steve Bryant, but also for the legal process and behind-the-scenes police corruption that allowed Radhanath Swami (aka. Richard Slavin), the "recruiter" for Bryant's slaying, to escape the probe of a Grand Jury and walk free. Summary: Herein lies proof of sinister cultic thought and deed, which, when triggered by predatory ambitionists, defeats the evolved consciousness of man, taking humanity back to sacrifice on altars of rock. BIF: "Were you a perceptive witness to the execution?" JD: "Jai Sri Krsna Das had come from Washington DC to run my flower business until Tirtha and I were through (assassinating Sulochan Das) in California, but Tirtha called the Philly payphone (at the Philadelphia Temple) and told me not to come, the deed was already done. People at the Philly temple, including Ravindra Svarupa (William H. Deadwyler lll. ISKCON GBC/Guru) and Sesa (Seth Spellman. Temple President, LA) knew that Sulocan was dead before the news was released." The first part of this article is a basic introduction of characters. The second part is in Q & A format. PART ONE: JD: >>HARE KRSNA BIF: Hare Krsna Janmastami ji, >>ALL GLORIES TO SRILA PRABHUPADA !!! All Glories to His Divine Grace. >>I am Janmastami das, among other names, of the Sulocan Prabhu murder infamy. BIF is familiar with your writings and your identity. You were not prosecuted for the Sulocan Das homicide res adjudicata, hence we must conclude you have ghosts that need exorcising. We, here at BIF, are more than willing to work with you in relating facts for posterity and for your own conscience, if that is what you want. We must also inform you that our web pages are perused by law enforcement agencies. If you wish for our communications to be confidential please specify as such. >> Not being legally educated, I am not certain that what you have surmised here is correct. My understanding is that the sole reason that I was not indicted is because by removing himself (Radhanath Swami) from the "cast of characters" of the Sulocan assassination preparations, as he had done once his father had made the proper arrangements, and since Radhanath was my link to the conspiracy, I HAD to be avoided. So certain am I of this that I have no problem with your releasing whatever communications we exchange. My goal here is to see that the truth comes out, not that one is glorified or blasphemed. I am not worried, as Radhanath maybe, about arrest for involvement. We were all warned that- "There are no statutes of limitations with regard to murder in West Virginia". I know this. The federal prosecutor told us that while my case was prosecutable, there was some doubt of a conviction based on dated testimonies. But they would leave their options open in that regard. I read this on your site: "laundrette, using tax exemption status to steal money from public coffers. Before going any further may we point out- when the BJP were made aware of the criminals within their ranks, they worked expeditiously to remove them; an act that remains alien to godmen societies such as the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) whose Law Books stress the need for protection of criminals within their ranks, a resolve that has given 100% protection to its cabal since conception in 1977: Iskcon Law No: 12.8 ".......and however much he may be dissatisfied with the exercise of that jurisdiction, he shall refrain from invoking the supervisory power of the Civil Court, but shall seek redress of any grievance(s) through the ISKCON judicial process. Otherwise, he may be removed from office and / or his membership in ISKCON terminated.(88)." This law reveals a cult giving authority to its kangaroo court above corpus juris: the leglislated laws of State and Nation. A far cry from clerical appointments of the past, which added to fiduciary obligations the written clause: Quamdiu Se Bene Gesserit- As long as he shall behave himself well"... This edict is violated on a regular basis in the New Vrndaban area by Kuladri and Malati and Tapah Punja Swami (Terry Sheldon), as Radhanath Swami's empowered emmissaries, through both the local police, Marshall counties, the State Trooper barracks, as well as the Wheeling FBI office, at the Federal Building. We can see how the first three names mentioned could be in the mix for one reason (Radhanath) or another. However, to establish breach of fiduciary obligation and oaths by law enforcement agencies mentioned, will need hard copy. Hearsay is not simply an incorrect approach to adopt under the circumstances but also a dangerous one. >>Concerning Radhanath Swami: two of the three mentioned- Kuladri Das and Tapah Punja Swami have more than "hearsay" to offer. Both, they and Radhanath Swami, had foreknowledge of the conspiracy to murder Sulocan. While they currently attempt to exonerate Radhanath's past behavior, their testimony should directly implicate him in the plot to murder, or whatever else they say is false testimony. Both have already given testimony in their past trials on the matter and this can be viewed for a small cost of archived retrieval. Malati Dasi' ongoing protection of Radhanath Swami is irrelevant. She was on the streets of New York at the time. Her knowledge of the case is hearsay and senseless. Anyhow the three names mentioned are there because they have knowledge of Radhanath's earlier involvement, and, for their joint resolution that Radhanath Swami must be kept out of prison regardless of the Truth, or what I have to say. They will continue to perpetuate the lie that Radhanath Swami was not involved in the plan to murder Sulocan Das. In the Wheeling FBI office, Joe Soboczynski has been informed of numerous "potential threats" to New Vrindavan officals, perceived and reported in many cases, by their own paranoia. If this agent can be approached by some strategy as a New Vrindavan 'sympathizer', there is a good chance he may share information in his possession which will reveal details in connection with Kuladri & Co. It is certainly worth a shot. True. But it may also prove unnecessarily time consuming, speculative, and dangerous. A phone call could unravel the scheme and leave our agent exposed- attempting to extract classified information under deception. It is better to investigate what you do have and allow that field of agitation to magnetize whatever else it brings to the core. >>What i am suggesting neither "compromises an agent", nor is it deceptive in it's inception nor in it's implementation. "Time consuming", it may be. The information of which I write is no longer "classified". The US government has a Freedom of Information Act that makes available to the public all government surveillance data more than 20 years old. Any lawyer filing the proper paperwork can access those once "classified" files. If agent Soboczynski is not willing to share the data, copies can be obtained for a fee from government archives. I for one, would certainly like to know what the US government took as notes on the Hare KRSNA movement in the US and around the world, but I don't have money or legal qualifications to get it done. ISKCON refuses because the results would not be flattering. Comment: BIF, in connection with investigating Srila Prabhupada's poisoning, did send away for copies of early survellaince on ISKCON. We received documents with the vitals blacked out. >>In the West Virginia State Trooper barracks, now in Wheeling, the retired "KRSNA cop" (Tom Westphall) was long "the contact". That has expanded throughout the years, with many police coming to abject frustration over the interference from the White House into their investigations. What we get from your statement is that the NV (New Vrindaban) team is connected and has been for many years. How the connections evolved is not clearly defined. For example- was it money, friendships, family connections, political influence? Notwithstanding, when an investigation goes into this area it usually ends up in a tizz. Once again, if we want to exorcise ghosts, we will need to bring our attention to bear on what we can positively expose prima facie, and specific events that involve culprits in complicit degrees. Further down in this letter you address issues that could take us there. So let's continue. >>Radhanath' Swami's father, a criminal kingpin in the Chicago area for more than 6 decades, had the police connections that first put his son Radhanath, in touch with the Chicago FBI office. This happened after the second of the early 1990's Grand Jury indictments came down in Wheeling. I had been living incognito on the run for five years on the orders of the New Vrindavan Community (NVC) management. Three years of that time was spent in India. Radhanath Swami was on the run, as well. When I returned to the United States, our connection in the conspiracy to murder could/would have implicated him, so his father "made all Radhanath's problems go away." This was the precise pivot point when Radhanath Swami turned on Kirtanananda Swami (KS), without KS even suspecting that he was being set-up by Radhanath. It never once occured to KS that Radanatha was accusing him. Tirtha (the shooter), on Radhanath's "spiritual advice", changed his testimony placing all the blame on KS' doorstep. Which was untrue- " falsely manufactured evidence for the protection of Radanatha Swami." Those of us still loyal to and trusting KS at that time, were also thrown under the bus by Radhanath Swami. It was a devious play by Radanatha to have KS prosecuted for the murder, which would remove him as head of NVC, and leave the position of "spiritual leader" open for Radanatha. And this was done with full support of the FBI and all other law enforcement agencies at the time. Meanwhile Janet Reno's (Head of the Bill Clinton Admin's. Justice Dept.) niece (Amy Hobson), working as a govt. operative, infiltrated NVC management's inner circle. Radanatha Swami met her, realized who she was and, initiated her. She entered into a sexual relationship with Garga Rsi, the Prabhupada Palace manager, and soon became "the spokesperson for the NVC community." She was only a first initiate of Radanatha Swami, but weilded enough power to expell anyone who co-operated with the ongoing child abuse investigation. Her position as spokesperson for the community, gave her a right to say anything she wanted to the press, and she did; much of it concocted for promoting Radhanath's position and public profile. Through her contacts with her aunt at the head of the Justice Department, she personally ended the 600 count child abuse complaint prepared by the West Virginia State Police. She also got a reduced sentence plea bargain arrangement as well as a cash settlement- "drop the charges" end to the gang rape, which was carried out over a two year period on Pusthi Humphries, a 14 year old. With the exception of "Chinese Chandra", a mercenary and current Radhanath loyalist, all the rapists were Radhanath disciples. All were indian nationals who returned to india to aviod prosecution when the matter came to light. No one was ever prosecuted for the crime, but ISKCON made an immediate cash offer to secure a signature for the release of liability. The girl was still a minor when she signed, and that was done under duress and threats by none other than Kuladri Das. Kirtanananda (Ham), along with other abusers have managed to fly the coop via a legally architectured Chapter Eleven escape route in the US. Thanks to GBC lawyer, Gupta Das. However, we must accept SrI Krsna as Lord of the Dance. Ham is now in India; under the jurisdiction of Indian Law. Since he chose to wear the guise of an Indian holy man, there is no place on this planet more appropriate for his retribution. It is our firm belief that he will die in an Indian jail, away from false civilities of the Western penal system. India is also where BIF operates. We will be there when pyrotechnics celebrate Ham's hell. >>In the Federal Building, it was US attorney Stein that Radhanath made his arrangements with. That is, through him and the Chicago FBI office (with which Radhanath's dad had a liaison). There were four of us subpeonoed before the Grand Jury the third time: the so called 'Swamis"- Radhanth Swami, Paramahamsa Krsna Swami, Buddhi Yoga Swami, and myself (Janmastami das), were all called. PART TWO: Prabhu, it appears that the ghosts are hiding in the lines of your letter from here on in. What becomes quickly apparent is that Radhanath brought the ghosts into your life. So let's see if we can establish that fact: You say Radhanatha's dad had a liaison with the Chicago FBI Office. 1) How could he manage to liaison officers of the law who are directly involved with investigating his son; suspect in a homicide? >>Radhanath' Swami's father, a criminal kingpin in the Chicago area for more than 6 decades, had the police connections that first put his son Radhanath in touch with the Chicago FBI office. Radhanath's father was at one time, Chicago's largest liquor distributor, with Mafia connections for 60 years or more. 2) Are you suggesting that Radhanath's father had connections with the Chicago underbelly, and that the FBI office was compromised? >>As above. You say : There were four of us subpoenaed before the Grand Jury . 3) (a) Why exactly were YOU summoned before the Grand Jury? >>The charge was conspiracy to commit murder. The Grand Jury summons you and you must appear, without a lawyer, without a judge, and the prosecutor interrogates you in front of about twenty locals, who can each question you about things such as "What does Hare KRSNA think about....?" and you can either answer or "look guilty" and refuse to answer. My lawyer advised that I refuse to answer any questions about Tirtha or California. So when the 4th or 5th question was "When you and Tirtha went to California to kill Sulochan, who was in charge, you or him?" I took the 5th on all questions from there on out. (b) Who involved your name in the investigation? >>I had been involved since Radhanath recruited me and that was common knowledge. The jewelry room was told to make cyanide available to us so we could poison tip bullets, like the SLA had used to kill Marcus Foster.....(so the jewelry room folk would have known, as well?)... (c) When and how did you become informed of police recognition of your involvement? >>The so called "ksatriya force" of the LA temple, Krsna Katha Das (KK) and Ramasvara's personal servant Prema Datta Das, were questioned by the FBI on day one after the murder since it was KK's gun and car that Tirtha used to kill Sulochan. They informed authorities that Tirtha and I had been in LA in January of 1986 pre-meditating on possible places to dump a body. They said we had taken trips to Apple Valley looking for mine shafts that could hide a body forever. They spilled their guts. NVC called me telling me that "I was hot" and I was arrested by the police a few days later. Articles were printed in the Philadelphia paper (which is where I had a business), in the belief that after reading it we would try to make a run. I know this because the arresting officers asked me why I didn't run? Hadn't I seen the newspaper article they planted for me? I told them that although I had seen it, I had no need to run. They held me for 8 hours and then they let me go. NVC ordered me to come home that weekend, through Devananda Das, the then temple commander, and Kuladri's right hand man, who is also an extreme Radhanath Swami loyalist. I was ordered to go to India, someone would meet me at the airport. That never happened. I waited a day before setting out on my own. I spent almost three years on the run to protect Radhanath's "innocence" and from getting him incarcerated. He still fears that I am a chink in his armor. My situation was that I had no lawyer, and NVC would not look "compliant" by helping with any legal fees. By implying that New Vrindavan Community "would not look compliant" are you saying there was compliancy within the New Vrindavan Community; those who were party/knowledgeable/complicit in the contract to murder Sulochan? 4) Who were they? >>There were always a handful who knew what was going on; those who counted everyone else's samkirtan collections (money collected from street sales). From the front office to the jewelry room, everyone worked toward the same Prabhupada instruction "protect the head", and that is still the motivating factor for many members to this day. 5) What did they know that made them complicit? NB. JD has already answered this question in his statements above. We will simply summarize: a)- Radhanath recruited me. b)- Kuladri Das and Tapah Punja Swami ...[....]... had foreknowledge of the conspiracy to murder Sulochan. c)- The jewelry room was told to make cyanide available to us so we could poison tip bullets. d)- Krsna Katha Das (KK) and Ramasvara's personal servant Prema Datta Das, were questioned by the FBI on day one after the murder since it was KK's gun and car that Tirtha used to kill Sulochan. They informed authorities that Tirtha and I had been in LA in January of 1986 pre-meditating on possible places to dump a body. e)- People at the Philly temple, including Ravindra Svarupa (William H. Deadwyler lll. ISKCON GBC/Guru) and Sesa (Seth Spellman. Temple President, LA) knew that Sulochan was dead before the news was released." 6) Were you privy to discussions directly involving Radhanath and Drescher? >>This happened with Tapa Punja Swami and Tirtha in November and December of 1985. I was on traveling samkirtan until Christmas and didn't get back to the farm until New Years. Immediately on our arrival at New Vrindavan, Radhanath sought me out and made arrangements for us to meet in his van, where he went through a prepared speech.... When you say..... The "swamis" income was never an "open book", nor was it considered as a contributing factor. It ultimately had to become a "factor", because the Grand Jury was only the opening salvo of a government intimidation, that Radhanath immediately succumbed to. ......by 'the swami' you mean Radhanath? And although his income was never an 'open book' there can be little doubt from your statement that the 'swami' did have an income: 7) Besides the usual swami collections, were there other businesses Radhanath speculated in? >> Radhanath got regular financial cash and "other goods" (4 retired black and white scotch liquor delivery vans became SKIP vans) donations from his father. he also had a circuit of college towns, one every night, with donors and "friends", although for a very long time, all of them were told to surrender to Kirtanananda Swami and the management of NVC. Then there was a 180 degree shift and a lot of people never got the memo. 8) How is it that he was not prosecuted with Ham, or were his investments legal? >>How is it that he was not prosecuted with Ham? is the question any sensible seeker of the truth must ask, and our answer in that regard is factual. Arrangements have been made through Slavin, sr., and the Chicago FBI Office that Radhanath Swami would not be indicted for his involvement. He made just such a boast and the GBC made it a condition of his return to ISKCON. If he gets indicted now, he will be kicked out of ISKCON,* but he always has Nathji's Chowpatty Orphanage. He has 6 disciples who are billionaires; Nathji Desai being the 5th richest man in the world at one point. * Don't hold your breath on that one, JD. >>He separated himself from "our case", which was quite strange since "his case" and "my case" were, in fact, the same "case"; the murder of Sulochan. Curiouser and curiouser. 9) You and Radhanath were never indicted for illegal business dealings (copyright infringement) as were the other two defendants? >>None of the four of us were ever indicted. We were called before the Grand Jury and the prosecutor decided not to prosecute any of us. The other business, the drug smuggling in the US was never more than the source of an occasional huge (6 figures) donation from some of the second generation drug kingpins. But you said...... The other two were only indicted for their involvement in samkirtan mail fraud, using the Express Mail to ship unauthorized NFL hats to teams at football stadiums. They were the logistic support team that kept the football game pickers supplied, through Express Mail and overnight air shippers, with those illegal hats. >>I misspoke. Okay. Anyhow... 10) This is the scam that netted NV $10 million between 1981 & 1985; money that was largely assessed by Ham, and dispersed in part among NV management? >> The same. Since the murder was the larger charge, Radhanath Swami and I were expected to pay more than half of the lawyers expenses, but I expected that he would help out with something because he had many centers where the donors donated to him personally, knowing that he was Kirtanananda's right hand man. Okay Janmastami Prabhu, let's give Radhanath's ghosts back to him: Kuladri claimed that Radhanath was... "pushing like crazy for this [murder] to happen." 11) Do you concur with the court recorded statement above? >>Absolutely. It is the truth. You'll note, none of the principals, even those who would like to see Kirtanananda Swami punished for something, are so deceptive as to say "Kirtanananda Swami ordered it." Except for Tirtha, who, in his "final version of events", changed his story to incriminate Kirtanananda and give him jail time. 12) Is there anything you wish to add to Kuladri's statement? excerpt: Janmastami dasa, who traveled with and assisted Tirtha while conducting surveillance on Sulochan in California, explained how he was recruited to assist in the elimination of Sulochan: "In January of 1986, on my return to New Vrindaban [after the Christmas marathon], I was ordered by Radhanath . . . not by Kirtanananda Swami, to terminate Sulochan. 13) Is the statement above true to the best of your knowledge? >>Yes. When you say..."ordered by Radhanath....to terminate Sulochan," what you are saying is: 14) You were directly enlisted by Radhanath Swami to murder Sulochan, is that right? >>That is correct. 15) What were his exact words in connection with your participation in executing the crime? >>It was a ten minute prepared speech: It put the future of the KRSNA consciousness movement on this planet in Kirtanananda Swami's hands, and that was in jeopardy because of the threats on the lives of NVC management. Radhanath Swami gave us the spiel on how- "as a ksatriya, your nature is to..." and all the rest of the bodily distinctions required to justify such an act in one's mind. We were told that Sulochan had a hit list with half a dozen names on it, targeted for elimination. A pre-emptive strike was the mindset. Such mindset had to be accepted, community policy, or otherwise Radhanath had the power, spiritually, to change the direction of the outcome of the events. He didn't want to change anything. Everything went exactly the way he planned, until after the murder. Then the trap that the FBI had set was sprung and someone from NVC was going to jail. About 5 or 6 people did jail time for the events: Kirtanananda Swami, Tirtha, Top Buffoon (?) Kuladri, Dharmatma, and Sundarakara (mail fraud). 16) What was the amount agreed to as payment, and how was it to be transacted? >>This is the thing, there never was "an amount agreed to". When Radhanath spoke, it was only of "devotional service", and, at least from our point of view there was no "price tag". The police asked me the same thing and I told them, "You've got it wrong. I send him money, and I have the money order receipts to prove it." That was very damaging to their scenario. Quite possibly another reason I was not indicted. All this "getting paid" nonsense came up long after I left the operation. 17) Were there any witnesses privy to the transaction? >>The only "transaction", the getaway money, is the object of the Dharmatma Das' testimony. 18) Did you carry out your end of the contract, in toto? >>There was no "contract", so there was no "finish". If "protection of the spiritual master" was the goal, can you ever say "mission accomplished"? 19) Were you a perceptive witness to the execution? >>Nearly. I had a flower business in Philadelphia and I lived at the Philadelphia temple. I was not a part of "the New Vrndaban surveillance team" and I did not "work with the police", as they did. I did not like Randall Gorby being involved, and his "enthusiasm" was clearly that of an agent provocateur. It turns out that my hunch was right and their "covert operation" was in fact compromised by government infiltrators. The warden, Bordenkircher, on FBI insistence, called NVC and told them two days before Sulochan (who was being held in jail) was released that he was planning to make bail. NVC was ready to react (as per the FBI trap set for them), and Drescher (Tirtha) called from California anticipating Sulochan's return to rearm himself and get a resupply of drugs. It was assumed Sulochan would stop at his mother's first to get some money. But Tirtha chose his point of attack based on his continued contact with the LA devotees who had been ordered by Ramasvara Swami to "transmigrate this guy to his next body". LA was the place, with a car and a throw away gun ready and waiting for him. this was more widely known and accepted in LA and NV than throughout the rest of the movement, but even Satsvarupa Goswami and others weighed in on it. Jai Sri Krsna Das had come from Washington DC to run my flower business until Tirtha and I were through (assassinating Sulochan Das) in California, but Tirtha called the Philly payphone (at the Philadelphia Temple) and told me not to come, the deed was already done. People at the Philly temple, including Ravindra Svarupa (William H. Deadwyler lll. ISKCON GBC/Guru) and Sesa (Seth Spellman. Temple President, LA) knew that Sulochan was dead before the news was released." That's how "close" to being involved I was. But I was only an underling. There were "controllers", of whom Radhanath Swami was one, and in spite of his continued denial. Tirtha acted only with the help of the LA devotees. Then he called his government agent /assistant, Randall Gorby, to make arrangements for his exit which included money he expected someone to bring him. When I was ordered to run to India, no one gave me anything. In fact, the millionaires borrowed rupees from me, until I told Kirtanananda about it and he yelled at them to give my money back. But they never gave me an extra paisa. You stated ... This happened with Tapa Punja Swami and Tirtha in November and December of 1985. I was on traveling samkirtan until Christmas and didn't get back to the farm until New Years. Immediately on our arrival at New Vrindaban, Radhanath sought me out and made arrangements for us to meet in his van, where he went through a prepared speech.... When you say.... "This happened with Tapa Punja Swami and Tirtha (Thomas Drescher: currently serving a life sentence for the murder of Sulochan)....[....]....and made arrangements for us to meet in his van..." you are informing us that ... 20) Tapa Punja Swami was witness to the contract between Radhanath Swami, Drescher and yourself, in his van, in the planned murder of Sulochan, is that correct? I had made the point that there was no "contract", therefore no meeting. whenever the devotees met, it was understood that that was "a community goal", and anyone who had any such "positive" input, information on Sulochan's whereabouts or anything like that, would give it up, to the front office, to Kuladri, like that. Here below, you tell us: When he went on his own, I had to pay half of our legal bill, mine and the two remaining "swamis". Radhanath made his deal, and the next time we all met, at the Grand Jury hearing, Radhanath and the prosecution team were all high fiving over a deal already done. Are you saying: 21) After Radhanath Swami managed to go "on his own", you, being party to his (possible) indictment for murder, became part of his defense strategy? >>His "defense strategy" was formulated in his father's lawyers offices, and the results are not only that Radhanath was not indicted, but that he has a guarantee that he never will be. 22) So what appeared to be a stroke of great fortune for you was really Radhanath Swami effectually removing you from the witness box so you could not testify? Is this a fair assumption? >>Yes. ....and then it was a simple matter of not answering any questions? >>The "swamis" and I, each paid $1100 to be advised not to answer any questions on that subject matter, and in their cases, to deny knowledge of the contents of the parcels they shipped. 23) Were the "swamis" prepared to lie to the Grand Jury? >>The "swamis", Paramahamsa Krsna Swami, and Bhakti Rasa (?), were accused of shipping hats from NVC to SKP (street seller) devotees at football games and other sporting events. I don't know their testimonies, we each prepared with our lawyer separately, not hearing the others testimonies. They claimed they did not know the contents of the packages that they shipped and that was not true. 24) Who advised them to lie and perjure? Was it Stein, Radhanath's lawyer? >>I don't know their testimonies, we each prepared with our lawyer separately, not hearing the others testimonies. After Radhanath dealt out of prosecution, I was no longer "involved" in the Sulochan murder, since my only involvement was through Radhanath, who they now were forced to exonerate. "Innocent". How Radhanath 'dealt out of prosecution' comes easily into focus when we hear you say:- >>Radhanath's father was at one time, Chicago's largest liquor distributor, with Mafia connections for 50 years or more. We also know that Radhanath Swami used his position as a cult leader to mix psychology and philosophy in a concocted edict to murder. And, according to court statements, pushed for the murder of another human being. We also know that he enlisted you, Drescher, Tapa Punja Swami and Kuladri, in clandestine meetings, to do this evil deed. We know this because you have so bravely come out at risk to your own safety and wellbeing. Thank You. >>Because my only involvement was through the perpetrator, Radhanath, to whom they now had dealt a "get out of jail free" card. "Protected by Krishna!" is how I've always seen it, and He's walked into some strange situations, especially from a devotional viewpoint. Radhanath's "get out of jail free" card applies only to the US. He, along with Ham, as we have mentioned earlier in this post, are now operating under India's legal jurisdiction. Forget all the nonsense you may have heard about bribery and corruption in the Indian judicial and Law Enforcement administration. That was part of India's "third world" past. The CBI, CID, and Metropolitan Police Force, combined with investigative journalists from the world's largest free press, makes India the most infertile place for criminals like Ham and Radhanath. Yet, there they are. Think about it. YS BIF >> Humbly submitted for your consideration, >> John Sinkowski -- AKA Janmastami das Radhanath confronted - YouTubeVideo Radhanath and Yajya Purusha, the "The Isckon Masterminds" behind unlawful attempt to hijack of The Sanctuary @ 25 First Ave NY, NY 10003, being confronted by the lawful founders of The Sanctuary, as usual Radhanath continues to lie and deny under his pseudo Vaisnava garb. Hypocrites !!! A Plea from the New York Sanctuary New Vrindaban YOUTUBE video documentary http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5HG80bJXu8 http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=govinda107&p=r The Battlefield of New Vrindavan in 18 Chapters A pictorial history of New Vrindavan crimes, photo reportage New Vrindaban History Radhanatha Proven to be Involved in Murder of Sulocana Radhanath Swami’s Alleged Involvement in Sulochan’s Murder Shocking Evidence Points to Radhanatha Swami Radhanath Swami – The Iskcon Gangster The Other "Wonderful" Story of Radhanatha Swami The mytical Radhanath Swami and his hidden story Radhanatha's Magical Mystery Tour Radhanath and Yajya Purusha, The Sanctuary Hijackers Radhanath Swami - Saint or Sinner? - Charlatan or Saint? |
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#62362011-12-21 17:43Radhanatha Proven Murderer Radhanath Swami (Richard Slavin) ordered and paid for the murder of Sulocana Radhanath Swami paid money for murder murderer accomplice Monday, September 22, 2008 http://blogs.myspace.com/52199499 Radhanatha Proven to be Involved in Murder of Sulocana BY: KRSNA DASA Some time go we were able to read article on the Sun written by Janmastami dasa entitled, "The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing But…". What caught my attention was a legal document attached to the article. These are photos of the testimony of witness Dharmatma das (Dennis Gorrick) regarding the murder of Sulocana das (Steven Bryant). I don't know if readers really noted the contents of the letter. Usually such subjects raise a lot of dust, but this one went by quietly, unnoticed. I would like to focus attention of readers on parts of this testimony, which particularly deals with the involvement of Radhanath Swami in this case. The characters in this testimony are Dharmatma (Dennis Gorrick), Kuladri (Arthur Villa), Radhanath (Richard Slavin), Hayagriva (Howard Wheeler), Tapahpunja (Terry Sheldon), Tirtha (Thomas Drescher) and Kirtanananda (Keith Ham, Bhaktipada, Mr. Swami, Number One). From Dharmatma's testimony it is clear that he was disturbed by murder, and quite disturbed also was Kuladri das (Arthur Villa). Kuladri mentioned to Dharmatma that this murder should not happen, and how he told them (Radhanath, Hayagriva and Tapahpunja) not to do it. He mentioned that Radhanatha (Mr. Slavin), Hayagriva (Mr. Wheeler) and Tapahpunja (Mr. Sheldon) were pushing like crazy for the murder to happen. In our ISKCON slang, we know exactly what " pushing like crazy" means. It means they were pushing real hard, they were really into it, working hard for it to happen over an extended period of time. And Dharmatma mentions Radhanath in the first place. One can conclude from this that since Radhanatha was the first one who came to Dharmatma's mind in connection with the murder, it may be that he was the main organizer. This will be later supported by another incident. Later on we can read how Tapahpunja (Mr. Sheldon) was describing to Dharmatma about how neat it was, that the demon (Sulocana) was killed on the Appearance day of Nrsimhadeva. Dharmatma states that he was freaked by this. Tapahpunja was present at the murder, and he was describing it in detail. And then starts the description of an arrangement for escape money. Now Tapahpunja and Tirtha (Drescher) had to get out of the country, so they needed money. Tapahpunja came to get money, but Dharmatma told him to go to Number One (Bhaktipada, Mr. Swami). The testimony then continues to describe how the next day, Mr. Swami along with **rot not (Mr. Slavin) came to pick the money. Please note that at this point of testimony, Dharmatma actually used the name Radhanath, but the court stenographer, not knowing what that word Radhanath is, typed it as "**rot not". Rot not sounded similar to Radhanath, so the typist wrote that, preceding it with **, which shows that stenographer was not sure about the correctness of the typed word. So, Kirtanananda and Radhanath came with the car to Dharmatma to pick-up the money for murderers Tirtha and Tapahpunja, to help them escape out of country. Kirtanananda asked Dharmatma to give 6,000 dollars. Dharmatma went inside the house to get it, and gave it to Kirtanananda, who waited in the car. Then Dharmatma describes how he asked about the purpose of money, if it was for the murderers to get out of country. And in answer, Kirtanananda and Radhanath smiled, and nodded their head in confirmation, that yes, this was for the murderers to be able to escape out of the country. And then Kirtanananda and Radhanath drove off. This testimony by Dharmatma clearly implicates Radhanath in the murder of Sulocana. Radhanatha was involved in arranging for the murder, being one of those who were "pushing like crazy for murder to happen", possibly the leader. His leadership position in the conspiracy against Sulocana is confirmed also by his picking-up the escape money, together with Kirtanananda. One thing was the preparation of Sulocana's murder, and a second thing was making arrangements for the murderers to escape the country. Only Radhanath was present on both occasions, which shows that he was involved more than others. The GBC was confronted with this matter last year, and their response was published on Dandavats. Basically, what they did was to say that the US Attorney said that Radhanath was not involved, and that's it. Therefore the GBC concluded that they need not take allegations against Radhanath seriously. But to cover their backs, they nevertheless stated: "GBC recommends that any person in possession of newly discovered evidence regarding the New Vrindavana events present such information to the U.S. Attorney's Office or other appropriate legal agency. If any subsequent investigation might ensue, the GBC will fully cooperate with it." So, what the GBC is saying is: According to present evidence, Radhanath is not guilty. But if he later proves to be guilty, and the case is reopened, the GBC will cooperate. The GBC was not able to fully guarantee for Radhanath, so they felt the need to protect themselves in case Radhanath goes down anyway, by stating that they will cooperate with any appropriate legal agency. The GBC leaves it up to the legal system to decide whether Radhanath is guilty or not. The GBC's approach is interesting, since many ISKCON gurus were suspended without any involvement of the legal system - Vaisnavas have their own rules for who is bonafide guru. Vaisnava expectations for guru are higher than the state's expectations for a good citizen. Clearly, the GBC considers Radhanath as a bonafide Guru, no matter his involvement in murder. Is involvement in murder of a devotee, 20 years later, not disqualification enough for one being an ISKCON guru? In my opinion, Dharmatma's testimony proves without doubt that Radhanatha was involved as the leading organizer of murder. Of course, the case probably cannot be reopened now legally. But the evidence is clear. Radhanath was involved, and no matter what the GBC now does, it is clear that Radhanath was involved in the murder of Sulocana. Of course, while defending Radhanath, the GBC didn't stop with their own statement. They also arranged for Radhanath's statement on the matter. And besides glorifying himself as very humble, and tactfully criticizing and disqualifying Janmastami in the eyes of entire ISKCON, Radhanath also states that, "every single allegation against me is totally false. I was not involved in any criminal activity." Radhanath last year openly stated, in front of entire world, that every allegation against him is false, and that he was never involved in any criminal activity. With the testimony from Dharmatma, this statement of Radhanatha's doesn't stand strong. It is clear that Radhanath was lying regarding his involvement in the murder. He lied to the GBC, in front of the entire ISKCON society. Now, what does this make him? Clearly, a liar. Why was he lying? The GBC can be of the opinion that involvement in murder of a devotee, 20 years later, does not disqualify one from being an ISKCON guru. How about 20 years of lying about it, even to the GBC? Would this shameless lying disqualify one from being an ISKCON guru? Devotees are merciful and compassionate. If Radhanath was involved in murder, as the facts prove, and if he admitted it years ago, most devotees would not blame him for his neophyte fanaticism, but would forgive him. Of course, he could not be a big guru and acarya, but he could be a nice devotee, an inspiration for many. But clearly, he was hiding this. He was lying all the time, to everybody, even the GBC. And the GBC made us believe that all is fine. Radhanath tricked the GBC and all of us. The facts are against him now. Everybody knows that he was involved in the murder of Sulocana, and his lies will not help in hiding it anymore. Will he admit now, and beg for the mercy of the devotees, and thus reveal his material ambitions for position and adoration as an ISKCON guru? Or will he keep hiding it, continuing with his show of humility, to his own disgrace and the disgrace of all his faithful followers? And for the GBC, will they keep such a cheating, lying guru as their very best, or will they slowly and quietly push him aside, allowing him to move into the background and retire? In any case, it is finally clear now. Radhanath was very much involved in the murder of Sulocana, and he lied about it repeatedly and shamelessly. Such a cunning person cannot represent Srila Prabhupada as guru in the Vaisnava sampradaya. If he has even a particle of decency left, he will immediately step down from his position as guru, and commit his future life. RE: RADHANATHA SWAMI - Richard Slavin (pada newsletter June 09, 2002) by anon das I am writing this through my friend's email address because I do not want my name on this submission. You mentioned these things below. I think I can give some information about Radhanath because I was in New Vrindavan at that time. First, Radhanath was aware that Kirtanananda wanted to kill Sulochana prabhu. Radhanath accepted the mood of Kirtanananda and he was instrumental in bringing the money for Tirtha as payment for the hit. When the trial time came, Radhanath had the best lawyer that money could buy JUST IN CASE his name was going to be brought into the picture. When "Chaits" (at that time, a 12 year old boy) telephoned Radhanath in India, to tell him that Kirtanananda was trying to force him into oral sex, Radhanath told him that he was a liar, and it was due to Radhanath that Chaits almost got killed. This murder was prevented only because Chaits left New Vrindavan knowing that if he stayed he would get killed. Maybe someone should ask Radhanath why he turned his back on the situation when his godsister who had been living in New Vrindavan for more than sixteen years was pushed out of New Vrindavan due to her being mentally ill. She had been living there with mental illness but was under medical care. The authorities of New Vrindavan decided that they did not want her there and when the mataji appealed to Radhanath, he did nothing to help her. Radhanath Swami Devotee Murderer Radhanath is just a bag of hot air, pretending to be a saint, but when it comes to doing something, he does nothing. And it should be known that he goes to all of the Gaudiya Math people to get the nectar that he speaks in his katha, but he will never tell you where he gets his stuff from. I am not supporting or knocking the Gaudiya Math here. I am just saying that Radhanath is not honest. At least he should give credit to where he is getting his stuff from. I think Radhanath also knew about the murder of Chakrapani as well. And all of the years that Kirtanananda was doing the monk robe thing, Radhanath personally glorified Kirtanananda to me as a pure devotee. From prison Kirtanananda tried to have Tirtha killed when Tirtha started to tell the truth about what happened in the killing of Sulochana. When Tirtha realized that Kirtanananda was not a pure devotee as he was earlier illusioned into thinking, then he started to tell the truth of what happened. Tirtha realized that Kirtanananda had been molesting children and he decided to come forth with the truth about what really happened, that he was ordered by the BIG "K" to kill Sulochana prabhu. At that time Kirtanananda was in jail, and after Tirtha spilled the beans, he was almost killed in prison. There were a few attempts to kill him. Tirtha told me that he knew for sure that it was directly orchestrated by Kirtanananda even though he was in prison. Actually Kirtanananda is in a medical facility. He is not being kept in an actual prison cell. Somehow Krishna is being pretty lenient with him. As far as Satsvarupa goes, I think devotees can get a better picture of him if they look on the search in vnn under "Sudama Brahmin and the Takeover". There is something about Satsvarupa there about his part in the "appointment of the original eleven" which shows his part in what happened. I hope this helps the readers a little. ys, anon ========================== RADHANATH UPDATE To Pada: pamho agtsp ... I'm sending this to you along with a snail mail address if you want to get any more information about this, because I know how close you were to Sulochana Prabhu. I was shown your recent newsletter about Satsvarupa where Radhanath Swami's name was mentioned somewhere. Were you aware of the part he played in the killing of Sulochana Prabhu? Radhanath gave the money and pushed for the murder, he saying that it must be done because Shrila Bhaktipada was a pure devotee and blah blah blah blah blah. Several people were there including Tapah Punja and Janmastami. Radhananth had the money, said the murder must be done and said the money was to be given to Tirtha, [the murderer]. Janmastami also went to LA. He was thinking to do the murder on his own, for free, due to his love for Shrila Bhaktipada who was his guru. Janmastami now realizes that his guru was a crook as was Radhanath. Janmastami who was also a Vietnam war vet was going to do the hit for free but he didn't because Tirtha got to it first. If you write to Janmastami he might be willing to tell you what happened and Radhanath's involvement. (It was Radhanath pushing for the murder.) You can write to Janmastami at RD 1 PO box 270 - C Moundsville, WV 26041 That is not his direct mailing address but he is always there, so make sure to put his name on the envelope. If you want to post this in your newsletter, please don't give out this address or my name. I don't need Radhanatha's henchpeople coming after me. ys, dda ========================== Radhanath Swami or Rottennath (pada newsletter April 11, 2001) Rotten Radhanath mutiert to Rottennath Radhanath? Or did you mean Rottennath? How long did Rottennath support Kirtanananda. It was for many years. Rottennath was aware and even assisted in the Sulochana murder. According to Janmastami who was one of Kirtanananda's hitmen, Rottennath gave the order that Sulochana should be murdered. And it was Rottennath who had the big lawyers to personally protect him - just in case - when the issue was being investigated and then came to the courts. Rottennath likes the pretty girls. Did you ever see him in his (usual) Lord Chaitanya dancing pose? Radhanath - a Murder Conspirator Shocking Evidence Points to Radhanatha Swami BY: NAVADVIPCHANDRA DAS Radhanath Swami murderer conspirator The recent letter from devotee murderer Tirtha Das is quite revealing. While the aim of Tirtha's letter is to protect his close friend Radhanath Swami, what he actually does is confirm all of the allegations against him. Previously Janmashtami Das' allegations could be swept aside as the rantings of a bitter ex-devotee, some crackpot with an agenda to malign past leaders whom he didn't like. But now Tirtha Das has just corroborated every thing that Janmashtami Das has been saying, and subsequently elevated his allegations to a whole new level of credibility. Janmashtami Das has been saying all along that he was involved in the murder conspiracy, and that he had been brought into it by Radhanatha Swami. He claimed that Radhanatha Swami was the one who personally gave him the list of people to kill and where they could be found. Such a claim sounded a little unlikely. How could anyone believe this devotee was actually recruited personally into the murder conspiracy? That was until Tirtha Das' recent groundbreaking letter was published, where he openly admitted that Janmashtami Das was directly involved along with himself in the murder plot and had been his driver on several of the hit trips. This means Janmashtami's statements regarding the murder of Sulochan and the entire conspiracy must now be seen in a completely different light. He is now a confirmed participant who is testifying as a witness against the other criminals involved in this crime - the primary criminal leader being Radhanatha Swami. His words now cannot simply be brushed aside and labeled as the rantings of an angry ex-cult member. Further, Janmashtami Das' statements have remained consistant from the very beginning, and he never made any attempt to hide the fact that he had been recruited into the murder conspiracy and had full knowledge of it. His story stayed the same from beginning to end, even the parts where he showed himself in bad light. Compare that to the position of Tirtha Das, where he has switched his story every day of the week, and is only caught lying when he accidentally lets the truth slip out, thereby corroborating every word of Janmashtami Das. Tirtha Das now admits he has been lying all these years to protect other conspirators in this crime. Whom those conspirators are Tirtha Das doesn't mention, but he doesn't need to, because the other co-conspirator whom he has identified (Janmashtami Das) has already revealed the participants in this murder conspiracy. There were other further shocking revelations from Tirtha Das' letter, admissions he has never made up till date: 1) There was a large conspiracy involving many people, for whom he took the blame to shield them: "The only reason Janmastami was not prosecuted and sent to prison was because I shielded him from the authorities." -- Tirtha Das, Confession Letter, December 24, 2006 Who else did you shield from the authorities? Who were the leaders who gave you the order to kill Sulochan, whom you shielded? The eye witness testimony of Janmashtami Das says that Radhanatha Swami is the main person you are shielding, and that would explain why Radhanatha Swami tried to meet with you in prison multiple times (as stated in your previous letter). From your public admission regarding Janmashtami Das' involvment in the murder conspiracy it is clear that he directly knows who were involved and who gave the order to kill Sulochana, and he is pointing all fingers directly at Radhanatha Swami, one of the main leaders of New Vrindavana at the time of the murder. 2) Till the present date he has not honestly told everything he knows about this ghastly crime. Today he is admitting there was a conspiracy with other members involved, whereas in the past he has denied this. Some foolish people like Umapati Swami said he should be forgiven for all his past crimes. But when he has not yet admitted to the real crimes, nor has he revealed the other criminals involved, why should anyone forgive him or feel sorry for him? Until he fully confesses to the details of the crime he can never be forgiven. But his ISKCON friends in high places (Radhanatha Swami, Candramauli Swami, Umapati Swami, and plenty of others) have taken good care of him. They have given him official recognition in ISKCON as a leading preacher in ISKCON prison ministries, they have published his own books through ISKCON, they have written the introduction to his book, and they have personally tried to visit him many times in jail. Why? What is their close intimate connection with the murderer Tirtha Das? Are they also some of the co-conspirators he has been covering for all these years? Why does the GBC allow such criminals like Radhanatha Swami to repay devotee murderers with ISKCON favors? 3) Tirtha Das fully admits that Janmashtami Das was directly and intimately involved in the murder conspiracy. This elevates Janmashtami Das' statements to those of a co-conspirator and direct eyewitness, testifying against other criminals whom he worked under. This is the most serious revelation in Tirtha Das' recent letter. The GBC needs to review this matter immediately and address how Radhanatha Swami can remain a guru in ISKCON while such serious charges have been levelled against him (with credible evidence and witnesses). If the GBC chooses not to investigate this matter, it shows that they are already infiltrated and controlled by Kirtanananda's henchmen (Radhanatha Swami, Umapati Swami, Devamrita Swami, Malati, Candramauli Swami, Varshana Swami, Candrashekhar Swami and others). Further, murderer Tirtha Das had also reported the fact that his friend, Radhanatha Swami, had recently been identified by a drug sniffing dog when he tried to enter the prison to visit him. When a highly trained drug sniffing police dog identifies someone, it means that they are either carrying drugs or that they have the residue of illegal drugs on them (from personal use). The GBC should find out whether Radhanatha Swami has been personally using illegal drugs, or whether he was trying to smuggle illegal drugs into the prison to repay Tirtha Das for covering for him in the Sulochan murder. "We deplore the fact that H.H. Radhanath Swami and H.H. Candramauli Swami have been repeatedly denied access to the Mount Olive Correctional Complex on the pretext that a drug sniffing dog alerted to the presence of illicit drugs on their persons." -- Letter from Tirtha Das I request devotees to forward this letter to all known disciples of Radhanatha Swami so that his criminal background can be exposed. In the following pages detailed evidences are providing, all pointing towards Radhanatha Swami being the leader who ordered the murder of Sulochan. Personally ordering the murder of another devotee is a terrible sin that not even Krishna can forgive. Radhanatha Swami was a neophyte rascal who publicly propagated that the pedophile child molester Kirtanananda was a pure devotee whom everyone had to worship. When devotees tried to expose Kirtanananda's child molestation, Radhanatha Swami took the matter into his own hands and ordered the killing of these devotees to silence the critics. This is the true spiritual background of Radhanatha Swami that everyone should know. We should also note that Tirtha Das never attempts to deny Janmashtami Das' statements. Instead he just threatens Janmashtami Das that bad things will happen to him if he keeps speaking against Radhanatha Swami. He even states that he will reveal unknown secrets about the murders to the police: "The only reason Janmastami was not prosecuted and sent to prison was because I shielded him from the authorities. However, since there is ultimately no statute of limitations on murder, should Janmastami persist in his moronic rantings, perhaps some arrangement can be made for an interview with the US Attorney's Office." -- Tirtha Das, Confession Letter, December 24, 2006 Besides Tirtha Das' latest confession letter, other shocking evidences are cited below, which again point to a larger conspiracy involving Radhanatha Swami. 1) When the police arrested Tirtha Das and Tapahpunja Swami, 5 days after the murder, he had $4,000 in cash in his possession. There was also written, unsigned instructions (found on Tapahpunja Swami) that Tirtha Das should leave the country if the police start looking for him. Who gave the money to Tirtha Das to fund the murder and to flee the police? Who wrote the instructions that Tirtha Das should flee the country if the police started looking for him? Was Tirtha Das an insanse person who wrote notes to himself just in case he forgot what his plan was? It is obvious that there were higher leaders involved in the murder conspiracy, otherwise who gave the money and who wrote the note? "Kent Police Detective Ronald Piatt and his partner said that when they arrested Drescher, they found on him "surveillance notes" describing Bryant's van, his physical appearance and his movements in Los Angeles . Drescher also carried $4,000 in cash. With Drescher when he was arrested, Piatt said, was a Krishna priest from Cleveland [Tapahpunja Swami] who had clippings from three newspapers about the death of Bryant and written instructions of unknown origin saying that if Drescher were ever wanted by police, he should be sent to a temple in New York , then flown to India ." - Los Angeles Times, "Killing Sparks Federal Probe of Krishna Sect" (July 20, 1986) 2) Also arrested with Tirtha Das was Tapahpunja Swami (Terry Sheldon). What was Tapahpunja Swami, one of the leaders of New Vrindavan, doing hiding Tirtha Das from police in Ohio? Obviously someone had instructed him to do this, so who was it? From the note in his possession it was clear that he knew Tirtha was the murderer, and as has been stated by Janmashtami Das, he was actually one of the three devotees asked by Radhanatha Swami to kill Sulochan (the other two being Tirtha Das and Janmashtami Das). How would Tapahpunja Swami be involved in hiding Tirtha Das from the police unless there was a larger conspiracy, with a leader ordering them what to do? 3) Tirtha Das was arrested on May 27th, just five days after he had committed the murder in Los Angeles . On July 5th Tirtha Das' mobile home was burned in a mysterious fire: "The detective added that a fire of undetermined origin burned Drescher's mobile home July 5th." - Los Angeles Times, "Killing Sparks Federal Probe of Krishna Sect" (July 20, 1986) With Tirtha Das in prison, who was it who set fire to his mobile home to hide evidence? And who gave that order to burn his mobile home? It is obvious there was a larger conspiracy involving many other people. Who the leader of that conspiracy was will be dealt with shortly. 4) The day after Tirtha's arrest, an explosion occurred injuring one of the key witnesses against Tirtha Das: "The principal witness, Randol Gorby, was seriously injured in an explosion at his home the day after Drescher was apprehended in Ohio , authorities said." - Los Angeles Times, "Killing Sparks Federal Probe of Krishna Sect" (July 20, 1986) With Tirtha Das in prison, who planted the explosives? Was it all a strange coincidence? 5) In November of 1986 Sulochan's son, Nimai Bryant, mysteriously drowns at New Vrindaban, just months after his father was murdered. He didn't have any past habit of entering the water at all. Coincidentally, Chakradhari's son also died mysteriously at new Vrindavan (in 1984) just months after his father was murdered by Tirtha Das. His son was found suffocated inside an abandoned refrigerator. Is it merely a coincidence that the two people Tirtha murdered also had their sons die mysteriously within a few months of their father's being killed? It is much more likely that the conspiracy leader ordered the sons to be killed, knowing that they would grow up to avenge their father's murders, likely killing the New Vrindavan leaders responsible. Since Tirtha was in prison at the time of the drowning, then who killed Sulochan's son? 6) In sworn testimony, Tapahpunja Swami [Terry Sheldon] stated that he was the one to inform Kirtanananda about the murder plot: "Sheldon said he participated in the surveillance of Bryant with Drescher and told Bhaktipada of the plot to kill Bryant." -- Associated Press "Hare Krishna member says he acted at leader's behest" (April 18, 1996) Thus the murder plot never came down from Kirtanananda to Tirtha Das, rather the murder plot was already decided by some other leaders who gave the order to Tirtha Das and Tapahpunja, and Tapahpunja later told this plan to Kirtanananda. This is exactly what Janmashtami Das has been saying from the very beginning: "In January of 1986, on my return to New Vrindaban, I was ordered by Radhanath to neutralize Sulocana. Three of us were ordered by Radhanath, not by Kirtanananda Swami, to terminate Sulocana. This happened with Tapah Punja Swami and Tirtha in November and December of 1985. I was on SKP until Christmas and didn't get back to the farm until New Years. Immediately on our arrival at New Vrindaban, Radhanath sought me out and made arrangements for us to meet in his van, where he went through a prepared speech that he had delivered to Tirtha, Tapah Punja Swami and Kuladri many times before. Later talks with Tirtha confirmed this." -- Janmashtami Das, "New Vrindaban History, for the Record", ( December 22, 2006) It is now a confirmed fact that Janmashtami was the third person instructed to kill Sulochan, and this was admitted in Tirtha Das' recent shocking confession letter: "It may be of interest to note that the author of one recent self-styled expose, Janmastami dasa, was himself a co-conspirator in the death of Sulocana, accompanying myself on several trips to California, he motoring about with various guns and cyanide for the express purpose of finding and dispatching Sulocana. The only reason Janmastami was not prosecuted and sent to prison was because I shielded him from the authorities." -- Tirtha Das, Confession Letter, December 24, 2006 We saw that Tapahpunja confirms Janmashtami Das' account that Kirtanananda didn't give the order to kill Sulochan, but that someone else did. We also saw that he confirms Janmashtami Das' account that there were other people who were asked to kill Sulochan (at the very minimum Tirtha and Tapahpunja). These two points are not admitted by Tirtha Das, but now that two out of three of the hitmen have made the same admissions, it is clear that Tirtha is holding back information. We have already seen Tirtha Das admit that he has secret information about this case that he would expose to the police if Janmashtami didn't keep quiet. So it is clear who the credible witnesses are. Taking both Janmashtami Das' and Tapahpunja Swami's admissions, we have the following: Radhanatha Swami believed Kirtanananda was a pure devotee. When Sulochan began exposing Kirtanananda's child molestation cases Radhanatha decided he was an offender who needed to be silenced. Radhanatha Swami contacted three devotees (Tirtha Das, Tapahpunja Swami and Janmashtami Das) and instructed them to kill Sulochana. Tapahpunja Swami later took this plan back to Kirtanananda and informed him of it. Radhanatha Swami's actions are easy to understand when one knows how much he believed Kirtanananda was a pure devotee. Even as late as 1991, five years after the murder of Sulochan, and years after Kirtanananda's child molestation was known, Radhanatha Swami still publicly glorified Kirtanananda as a pure devotee: "Bhaktipada is a man of spirit. He is not a man of external form, and he's been training us intensely. Why do you think he changed the dress from dhotis to robes? It was for one reason-preaching in the West. But that's not all. He saw that we were attached to the concept of being a devotee based on how we look externally rather than being fixed in the spirit of devotion. Why are you sitting in chairs instead of on the floor? Why are the hymns in English instead of Sanskrit? Why is our hair an inch long rather than shaved off? On one level, it's practical for preaching in the West, but Bhaktipada had something much deeper and more profound than just that. He saw that we were ritualistically attached to our approach to God, just like practically all other so-called religious persons in this world. We thought we were devotees because of how we looked how we sang, and how we wore our hair. Bhaktipada wanted us to smash through all these external trappings and go right to the essence of the spirit of bhakti." - Radhanatha Swami, "A Perfect Plan to Increase Devotion," New Vrindaban World, no. 8 (April 26, 1991) 7) In Kirtanananda's trial, the jury was not convinced that he was involved in the Sulochan murder conspiracy. For the RICO conspiracy count the jurors were provided a paper with a check list, where they should indicate which counts they thought Kirtanananda was guilty of. The paper looked like this: IF YOU FIND THE DEFENDANT GUILTY OF [the count] PLEASE CHECK THE PARTICULAR PREDI- CATE ACTS YOU HAVE UNANIMOUSLY CON- CLUDED HAVE BEEN PROVEN BY THE UNITED STATES WITH RESPECT TO DEFENDANT SWAMI. 1) STEPHEN BRYANT MURDER ________ 2) CHARLES ST. DENNIS MURDER ________ 3) DEVON WHEELER KIDNAPPING ________ 4) MAIL FRAUD: FUNDRAISING ________ 5) MAIL FRAUD: ALLSTATE INSURANCE ________ The following trial document ( http://laws.lp.findlaw.com/getcase/4th/case/945507P.html ) states: "After a trial, the jury convicted Swami on the RICO and mail fraud counts but failed to reach a verdict on the murder counts. The jury found Swami guilty of the RICO conspiracy count and checked all of the predicate acts except the Stephen Bryant murder. The jury also found Swami guilty of the RICO substantive count (Count II) but did not check either the Stephen Bryant murder or the Charles St. Dennis murder as predicate acts." Thus even the jury, who heard all the evidence against Kirtanananda, didn't believe he was the one behind the murder conspiracy. The jury didn't believe it. It is already proven that there was a conspiracy, but who the leader was that gave the order is what remains a mystery. The jury did not believe that Kirtanananda was that leader who gave the order to murder Sulochan. If it wasn't Kirtanananda, then who was it? One of the co-conspirators has already confessed and stated that it was Radhanatha Swami who gave the order to murder Sulochan, and all evidence points in his direction, but was Radhanatha Swami the only one who knew? 8) When we see how past New Vrindavan leaders interact with this convicted murderer Tirtha Das it follows a very peculiar pattern. Every one of them is lightning quick to defend his character and point out his wonderful spiritual qualities. Wait a minute, is this the same Tirtha Das who brutally killed devotee Chakradhari Das (Charles St. Denis): "Prosecutors said St. Denis was shot a dozen times, stabbed, beat with a hammer and finally suffocated with plastic wrap placed in his mouth before he was buried." - Associated Press (August 31, 1986) Or as another reporter has described it: "Chuck St. Denis did not die easy. Two gunmen pumped twelve .22 caliber rounds into him. He was stabbed repeatedly in the chest with a kitchen knife and a screwdriver. As the life fled from him he howled like a dog. His cranium was fractured with a hammer. He opened his eyes and spoke to his killers after they were sure he was finally dead. His killers buried him under a stream, which is probably a good way to make a spirit unquiet, if such a thing can be done." -- Charles Carreon, "Killer Krishnas from Inner Space" This is the person whom people like Malati, Umapati, Radhanatha Swami and Candramauli Swami glorify as the perfect devotee. Below is exactly what Malati (ex-Swami) says about the person who shot Chakradhari Das a dozen times, then stabbed him with a kitchen knife, then stabbed him with a screw driver, then bashed his head with a hammer, and when he still wouldn't die, wrapped plastic over his mouth to suffocate him: "The person who was charged with and admitted to the murders of Steve Bryant and St. Denis is Thomas Drescher, aka Tirtha das, who is in prison for life. Therein lies an interesting story, should anyone care to know. But, to make a long story short, this person has undergone a deeply profound recitification and transformation. So much so that the chief prosecutor against him, Michael Stein from the District Attorney's office, feels that he is worthy of a pardon. He contacted me recently and in that conversation stated that he has rarely, almost never, witnessed a change in the character of a convicted felon, but he has seen this in the case of Thomas Drescher, who he refers to by his initiated name, Tirtha das. On his end, Mr. Drescher has become a sober humble person, accepting the results of his awful deeds (double life sentence w/o possible parole) as a befitting indication of Krishna's mercy on him." -- Malati Dasi, letter to Giri-nayaka Das, December 26 2006 Umapati Swami also wrote up a nice defense for Tirtha, saying that he had immediately rejected Kirtanananda as soon as the news of his sexual misconduct came out: "The stories of Kirtanananda's sexual misconduct came out long after I left New Vrindaban. When that happened, Tirtha rejected him and testified against him in court. Tirtha also wrote a letter to the GBC renouncing all claims to the title of sannyasi." -- Letter from Umapati Swami, (December 18, 2006) But for the rest of the sane world, they wouldn't need to wait for that information to come out in order to reject him. A normal person would have rejected Kirtanananda as soon as the talk of murdering someone on his behalf arose. This person not only heard such discussions, but actually carried out the murder personally -- of multiple devotees! Umapati offered other special favors to murderer Tirtha Das, for example initiating him into the sannyasa order in August of 1987, even after he had been convicted of murdering devotees by a court of law. Umapati Swami personally went inside the prison and performed the sannyasa initiation of Tirtha, acting as a ritvik priest on behalf of Kirtanananda. Other ISKCON gurus are also involved in awarding Tirtha Das special favors. For example, Candramauli Swami, who is in charge of ISKCON Prison Ministries has made Tirtha one of his main highlighted preachers. If you go to the ISKCON Prison Ministries website you will see a prominent link to Tirtha's personal website displayed at the top of the page, along with many other articles written by Tirtha Das. You can also find murderer Tirtha Das featured on ISKCON's Namahatta.org, with his articles and a nice photo of him in prison. Candramauli Swami has personally visited Tirtha Das many times in jail. He has also written the introduction to Tirtha's book, titled "The Definitive Guide to Practicing Krsna Consciousness in Prison". In addition to writing the introduction, he has also arranged for the book to be published by ISKCON. Why does murderer Tirtha Das get his book published by ISKCON? That's a good question that only Candramauli Swami can answer. There are also reports that these former New Vrindavan leaders have been regularly supplying money to Tirtha Das even today. Even if that cannot be verified, there is enough evidence to show that Tirtha Das is being shown very special treatment by the former New Vrindavan leaders -- the same leaders who may possibly be involved in the murder conspiracy. Considering the despicable nature of Tirtha Das' crime, it is amazing that he remains a member of ISKCON in good standing, receives many visits from ISKCON Gurus and GBCs, has his book published by ISKCON, has his articles featured on ISKCON Prison Ministries website, and even has an ISKCON Guru write the introduction to his book and help him promote it. Anytime someone tries to hint that Tirtha Das is bad, these leaders jump up in his defense to tell everyone how he is really an amazing saint. Something just doesn't smell right in all of this. When we add the fact that Radhanatha Swami tried to visit him in prison, but was identified by a drug sniffing dog, then the alarm bells really start ringing. Was Radhanatha Swami trying to pay off Tirtha by smuggling illegal drugs into the prison? "We deplore the fact that H.H. Radhanath Swami and H.H. Candramauli Swami have been repeatedly denied access to the Mount Olive Correctional Complex on the pretext that a drug sniffing dog alerted to the presence of illicit drugs on their persons." -- Letter from Tirtha Das With Janmashtami Das' testimony implicating Radhanatha as the one who gave the order to kill Sulochan, everything makes sense and fits it place. Tirtha Das has all the information on these people to put them away for life. They must give him special treatment to make sure he doesn't change his mind and let the secrets out. That special treatment may possibly go as far as smuggling illegal drugs into the prison for him. In U.S. prisons drugs are more valuable than money, they are the real currency. 9) The above clearly explains Radhanatha Swami's special affection for Tirtha, but what about these other people like Malati, Candramauli Swami, Umapati, etc.? What would they gain by showing special favors to Tirtha Das? The answer to this becomes clear when we realize how many people knew about the murder plot. Janmashtami Das stated that after receiving the order to kill Sulochan from Radhanatha Swami, Tapahpunja immediately tried to involve others in the plot such as Yudhisthir Das from San Diego. As the trial shows, it is beyond doubt that Yudhisthir was an accomplice and knew what was going on, and that is why he was called to testify. Tirtha simultaneously contacted others in Los Angeles to involve them in the hit as well. That many people became aware of the murder plan is also clear from how long it took the police to arrest Tirtha Das. Just 5 days after the murder, Tirtha Das was arrested in Kent, Ohio , along with Tapahpunja Swami, while preparing to flee the country. How is it possible for the police to immediately identify the name of the murderer and locate him across the country in 5 days, just from the forensic evidence at the crime scene? It is only possible if one of the many people who had been informed of the murder plot ratted him out. Where did they get the name of the murderer, the location he was hiding, and other details from? Tirtha Das and Tapahpunja had tried to involve too many people in the murder plot, and the result was they were immediately ratted out. How does this connect to Malati and the other New Vrindavan leaders? If Radhanatha Swami is calling three separate people to kill Sulochan (Tirtha, Tapahpunja, and Janmashtami), and if they are subsequently informing many other people across the country about the murder plot, it is clear that secrecy isn't the top priority here. It is likely that Radhanatha Swami may have first consulted with senior leaders of New Vrindavan before ordering the hit, to get their opinion and approval. These leaders would include people such as Malati, Devamrita Swami, Candramauli Swami, Umapati Swami, Kuladri, Bhakti Tirtha Swami, and others. This would clearly explain why all of these people are in a rush to defend Tirtha, to provide special favors to Tirtha, and to always keep Tirtha happy in prison. He knows that they were all involved or in a position to know about the murder conspiracy, and if he ever develops a dislike for them, then he will reveal their involvement, just like he threatened to reveal the involvement of Janmashtami Das. Malati has already admitted that she is aware of some secrets involving the murder that she hasn't mentioned: "For that matter, there is a strong contingent of persons who insist that "Janmastami" was directly involved in the murder of Steve Bryant, although never charged." -- Malati Dasi, letter to Giri-nayaka Das, December 26 2006 She clearly knows details she is not revealing, and is subtly trying to threaten Janmashtami to keep quiet or face the consequences. Why else would she mention such a thing? Let her identify "the strong contingent of persons" who informed her of this inside information so we can have a list of the criminals involved in this case. Unfortunately the list of names will include Radhanatha Swami, Devamrita Swami, Candramauli Swami and herself, so she will never give us that information. In an attempt to discredit the eye-witness testimony of Janmashtami Das, Malati tells us all about his villainous past, and concludes that he is like a mad dog: "To describe him in one word would be to say that he is deranged. He is like a mad dog." -- Malati Dasi, letter to Giri-nayaka Das, December 26 2006 But what Malati fails to mention are her own transcendental qualifications: the fact that she is a lesbian infected with HIV (AIDS) due to excessive intravenous drug use, and the fact that she was previously one of Kirtanananda's female sannyasis, Malati Swami. Such hypocrisy, seeing that they are surrounded by murderers, pedophiles, homosexuals and drug addicts. 10) Conclusion: The only way for the devotees to solve this case and to remove these corrupt murderers from power is if the ISKCON GBC insists that all participants undergo a polygraph test and answer questions about the murder. People who should be questioned include: Tirtha Das Tapahpunja (ex-Swami) Radhanatha Swami Malati (ex-Swami) Devamrita Swami Candramauli Swami Kirtanananda (ex-Swami) Umapati Swami Kuladri (ex-Swami) Janmashtami Das If all of these devotees are allowed to tell their stories and be questioned while simultaneously undergoing a polygraph test we will be able to find the answers once and for all to who was involved in this despicable crime of murdering a Vaishnava. Refusal to take the polygraph test should be viewed by the GBC as admission of guilt, and the individuals should be expelled from ISKCON permanently. If they have nothing to hide, then why would they fear taking a polygraph test to prove their innocence? All circumstantial evidence points to Radhanatha Swami as the leader of the murder conspiracy. It is up to these suspects to voluntarily take the lie detector test and establish their innocence. Malati Implicates Herself in the Murder Conspiracy BY: NAVADVIPCHANDRA DAS Jan 1, USA (SUN) — In a previous article I had pointed out the peculiar favors being offered to murderer Tirtha Das by the ISKCON Gurus, GBCs, and leaders who were previously connected to New Vrindavan during the Kirtanananda era. Now taking a cue from Tirtha Das, former female sannyasi Malati has volunteered to be the next conspirator to open her mouth only to stick her foot inside it. In her letter to Giri-nayaka Das she accidentally reveals her close connections to Tirtha Das and the big favor she has been trying to provide him for years. Let us look closely at what she wrote: "So much so that the chief prosecutor against him, Michael Stein from the District Attorney's office, feels that he is worthy of a pardon. He contacted me recently and in that conversation stated that he has rarely, almost never, witnessed a change in the character of a convicted felon, but he has seen this in the case of Thomas Drescher, who he refers to by his initiated name, Tirtha das." - Letter from Malati to Giri-nayaka Das (December 26, 2006) Why would the chief prosecutor from the District Attorney's office be randomly calling up devotees to speak about Tirtha Das and his possibility of getting a pardon? I wonder why other devotees haven't received similar random phone calls from Mr. Michael Smith. I wonder how Mr. Michael Smith managed to get a hold of Malati's phone number, so that he could proceed with his random call to her and randomly speak to her about Tirtha's possibility to be pardoned? It is obvious the only way that the District Attorney's office would be calling Malati to speak about Tirtha Das' possibility of being pardoned is if Malati herself initiated the request for Tirtha's pardon. Malati is the one who has been contacting Mr. Michael Smith, canvassing for Tirtha to be released from prison on the grounds that he is a "changed man". There is no other way that the district attorney's office would, on its own accord, look up Malati's phone number, call her and suggest to her that murderer Tirtha Das should be pardoned. It is an absurd scenario. The fact that Mr. Michael Smith refers to Tirtha by his initiated name is proof that this canvassing and these secret "pardon request" conversations have been going on over a long period of time, to the point that he now is comfortable with calling Thomas Drescher by his devotee name, Tirtha Das. Further, consider this point: A prosecutor does not maintain contact with the people he has prosecuted after they are sentenced. The only way that the chief prosecutor would again be involved with this person, 20 years after prosecuting him, is if he had been contacted by that person's lawyers or supporters (Malati), with the intent of getting a recommendation for a pardon. The pardon would likely have to come from the State Governor, so Malati and Tirtha would need to gather as many recommendations from respectable people as possible to try to sway the opinion of the State Governor. Tirtha Das had been sentenced to life with no possibility of parole. His only chance for being released is if Malati can convince the State Governor to pardon him, and that is what she has been working on for many years. But let us ask ourselves the real relevant question: Why would Malati be intimately involved in canvassing for a murderers release from prison unless she was involved in the conspiracy to murder Sulochan. As outlined in my previous article, all of the leaders of New Vrindavan likely were involved in the murder plot and approved of it. Radhanatha Swami may have been the leader in the conspiracy, but he would have taken advice and guidance from the other leaders in the New Vrindavan community before making such an important decision: people such as Malati, Devamrita Swami, Candramauli Swami, Umapati Swami, Bhakti Tirtha Swami, Kuladri and others. Because of their involvement in the murder conspiracy, all of these leaders have been providing all varieties of peculiar favors to murderer Tirtha Das while he has been residing in prison. These have been more thoroughly detailed in my previous article. Now it is clear that Malati has been working towards the biggest favor for Tirtha Das, getting him a complete pardon for the murders so that he can be released from prison. I'm sure if one were to check the government records there would be a trail of all sorts of connections between Tirtha Das and the New Vrindavan leaders going back 20 years: prison visits, applications on his behalf, lawyer fees paid for, court cases filed on his behalf. If the GBC really wanted to connect the dots, everything can be found, but they are not interested in digging up past dirt that will make them look bad. Several of their ISKCON rubber-stamped gurus are involved in a murder conspiracy: Radhanatha Swami, Candramauli Swami, Bhakti Tirtha Swami, Umapati Swami. The latest confessions by Maha Mantra Das further confirms Janmashtami Das' statements and helps in tying up a lot of loose ends. He states that he was shown a letter written by Sulochan that called for the murder of all ISKCON gurus. If we read the book Sulochan was writing at the time of his death, "The Guru Business", we don't find any suggestion to murder all ISKCON gurus. For example, he includes an interview about Hridayananda Das Goswami, where he concludes that HDG was at least externally following all of his sannyasa vows (though he was still deviating from Srila Prabhupada philosophically). It does not sound at all like he would have been advocating for HDG to be murdered. Thus we have to wonder whether this purported letter from Sulochan was really written by him, or whether it was a gimmick to fool people into killing him. Could Rameswara or Kirtanananda have made a fake letter to get their disciples to carry out the murder "for the guru's protection"? Perhaps if some devotee can recall receiving this letter directly from the hands of Sulochan it can be accepted as authentic. Otherwise we have to doubt anything connected with these criminal leaders. In New Vrindavan the murder was justified by claiming that Triyogi (the devotee who attacked Kirtanananda with an iron pipe) had been sent by Sulochan. If they didn't kill Sulochan, it was only a matter of time before he sent someone else to murder their pure devotee guru Bhaktipada. For the innocent it became a matter of defending their spiritual master from physical harm, and this justified their actions in their minds. But for the higher-ups who were aware of Kirtanananda's child molestations and homosexuality, this obviously wasn't an influence. They were fully aware of his low character, so they were acting on a completely different level of motive. And for Tirtha, as well, the motive was something else, for he had been offered a large cash payment for completing the crime - just before being ratted out and locked away for life. Whether Tirtha had been ratted out by Rameswara's side (to hurt Kirtanananda), or whether Kirtananda himself ratted him out to avoid payment and to find a fall man is not clear. It is very possible that Bhaktipada and his leaders, in need of a fall man to take the blame, themselves turned Tirtha in, knowing he was not too bright and easy to fool. Then subsequently they flattered him with sannyasa, special visits, and made him a hero in New Vrindavan. Hrishikesh Das states in a previous letter: "He [Tirtha Das] was considered a "hero" by the New Vrindaban devotees and his articles were published in the Brijabasi Spirit. He also wrote an account of his experiences in prison called Meditations on the American Gulag." - Hrishikesh, "Reply to Bhaktipada or Bhaktifraud?" (December 12, 2006) "Umapati Das began visiting Tirtha weekly first at the Marshall County Jail and later at the West Virginia Penitentiary in Moundsville." - Hrishikesh, "Reply to Bhaktipada or Bhaktifraud?" (December 12, 2006) "New Vrindaban even sent kirtan parties to chant and dance on the sidewalk in front of the penitentiary for five days during May 1987 to protest the prison's treatment of the inmates who had become devotees through Tirtha's preaching." - Hrishikesh, "Reply to Bhaktipada or Bhaktifraud?" (December 12, 2006) So they made Tirtha a hero, presented him as the greatest devotee, gave him sannyasa, authorized him to initiate his own disciples in prison, paid special visits to him every week, provided him with spending money - all to fool him, so he could not figure out that they themselves had ratted him out. Tirtha, how did they catch you the day you were supposed to flee the country, waiting at the bank to change the cash into traveler's checks? How did they know the exact location you would be in, and the exact time you would be there? Why was Tapahpunja Swami (a co-conspirator in the murder) arrested along with you at the bank, but released just three days later. Could it be that he was there on the order of the FBI to bring you to the right spot for the arrest? In the end he got off pretty light, while you got life without parole. Is there any connection between his actions on that day and his light prison sentence? Think about these things and understand that these people are not worth protecting. They are only externally your friends because you could put them away in prison for years. What about the early murder attempts on you in prison. Who do you think was responsible for those? On one side they were patting you on the back, and on the other side they were trying to have you killed. Do what would please Srila Prabhupada and put this entire mistake behind you by telling the truth about the past involvement of these corrupt leaders. New Vrindaban: It's All Over Now, Bar the Cover-up BY: KRSNANANDA DASA Dec 30, 2007 USA (SUN) — The Truth, as we are assured by sastra, has finally come out into the open and somewhat bumpy fields of 'New Vrindaban'. Tirtha brutally murdered Chakranadi, and a short while later Chakranadi's infant son was suffocated in an abandoned fridge. Later, Triyogi dasa bashed in the head of Kirtanananda with a heavy pipe, enraged by the realization that the exclusive eleven paramahamsas were never appointed 'to be gurus' by Srila Prabhupada; his anger was compounded by the fact that Kirtanananda was currently an active homosexual pedophile presenting himself as a 'guru'. Sulocana Prabhu, who had had his wife and children taken away by Kirtanananda's nasty manipulations, was blamed for this head-bashing by Triyogi dasa. Sulocana had written the ground-breaking expose "The Guru Business" (still available on line) and was known as the sworn enemy of Kirtanananda. In "The Guru Business", the guru-fraud perpetrated by the GBC post November 1977 is documented along with Kirtanananda's deep-seated sexual predilections. Triyogi's attack was thought to have been inspired by Sulocana Prabhu. While Kirtanananda lay recovering in hospital, Radhanatha decided to murder Sulocana. Tapa Punj would oversee the murder. Tirtha, with Janmastami as assistant/driver, would be the killer. Tirtha had proven himself with his murder of Chakranadi, and Janmastami had military experience in Vietnam. This plan went up the line to Kirtanananda in hospital who gave approval. Kuladri at the bedside of Kirtanananda had already consulted with Radhanatha and through Kuladri news of the plan reached the other leaders of New Vrindaban: Malati, Devamrita, Candramauli, and Umapati. However, at the same time, Tirtha was letting the cat out of the bag by informing various persons, such as Yudhistra in L.A., of the coming murder. Tirtha's line was that the murder was bona fide as Kirtanananda was a pure devotee and it would be a devotional plus to assist. Tirtha's stupid mouthing about the coming murder and requests for assistance only served to advertise further the murder plan back to practically all residents of New Vrindaban. In fact, the plan quickly went all over the ISKCON grapevine. Hence, when Radhanatha was to be approved as a guru to wear the shoes of the incarcerated Kirtanananda, one of the conditions of the well-informed GBC was that he should not be charged as conspirator murderer. (At this point, it is interesting to note that the GBC condition was not that Radhanatha should have had nothing to do with the murder, only that he not be charged with the murder. All the GBC members knew, then as now, that Radhanatha was involved. Apparently, this is a secret GBC standard: to be rubber-stamped an ISKCON 'guru', one can be a murderer of devotees, but not a publicly known murderer of devotees.) Interestingly, the police were feeding the murder plotters in New Vrindaban information about the whereabouts of Sulocana Prabhu from his captured diary. The police were knowingly encouraging the murder, hoping that this would give them the excuse to charge into New Vrindaban and bust Kirtanananda, thus hopefully bringing down the whole commune. The police, "to protect and serve", cared little about Sulocana - he was just a pawn to them. This activity by the police of knowingly encouraging Sulocana's murder is of course illegal. So, after the murder there was an unwritten and understood pact between the police and Radhanath: Radhanath keeps quite about the police role, and the police keep quite about Radhanath's role - providing of course Radhanath helps them put Kirtanananda away. Radhanath complied. One night in L.A., Tirtha, with Janmastami as driver, found Sulocana Prabhu parked up in his mobile home. Sulocana was shot in the head through a window while sitting at his word processor (we are informed). After the murder, Tirtha and Janmastami split up. Tirtha under close police surveillance was soon picked up. Janmastami left for India, Vrindaban initially, and then after a few months settled in the less conspicuous Gurugoan project of Kirtanananda just south of Delhi. Soon at this time, Tapo-punja also turned up in India, following the route of Janmastami. In India, Janmastami started to have deep feelings of guilt and regret for his role and thus is now speaking the truth about the murder. He takes honest responsibility for his role, but feels that he was manipulated by Radhanath into the murder as he was a disciple of Kirtanananda, whom he now rejects. Following the murder, the word quickly went out all over ISKCON. In North America to ensure silence, a number of devotees were threatened, beaten or had their property destroyed by mysterious fires. In just a few months, Sulocana's son was to drown mysteriously in New Vrindaban. The message was clear. Immediately after the shooting, there was a sudden requirement for flight from justice money. Dharmatma, the moneyed sankirtana boss of New Vrindaban, was entreated by Radhanatha to supply funds, but Dharmatma, first of all, didn't want to release the large amount of cash, but also feared the legal implications of supplying money to murderers for their flight from justice. As Dharmatma had balked, Radhanath went to Kirtanananda and told him the situation. Radhanatha was particularly desperate at this time because the murderers if caught would implicate him as the mastermind. The solution was that Dharmatma would give the money directly to Kirtanananda, thereby he, Dharmatma, would not have given the money directly to Radhanatha, i.e., Dharmatma had plausible deniability. Thus Kirtanananda received the cash but made the mistake of putting his fingerprints all over it by counting it before passing it on to Kirtanananda. However at the subsequent trial this was not seen as ultimate proof of his complicit involvement in the murder. With the darkening cloud of legal proceedings hanging over them, all the murder conspirators and leaders of New Vrindaban swore an oath of silence not to implicate one another in the murder and to support one another always. This oath has been followed to this day like a secret society within ISKCON and the GBC. Subsequently, Kirtanananda and Tirtha dutifully took the fall for the murder. Radhanath who has attained the heights (or depths) as an ISKCON guru is now a protected kingpin with his societal power and influence, helpful to the New Vrindaban cabal, but he recognizes that he is beholding, especially to Tirtha and Kirtanananda; hence he has always kept good relations with these jailmates, knowing that they could really blow his cover. However Janmastami by speaking the truth has bravely put the cat amongst the pigeons. We must praise Janmastami for his honesty. Those that know him personally know that he is a sincere devotee that was badly manipulated by Radhanatha. He is now on the path of purification by telling the plain truth of the whole sordid affair and by living in a mood of repentance. Can we expect the same truth, penance and repentance from Radhanath, Tirtha, Tapo-punj, Kuladri, Malati, Devamrita, Candramauli, Umapati, even the GBC, many of whom knew that Radhanath was the murder mastermind even as they were rubberstamping him 'guru'? Of course not. All the above New Vrindaban leaders stayed on for years at New Vrindaban knowing well that Kirtanananda and Radhanatha had been involved in the murder of their godbrother, Sulocana dasa. It suited them to keep quiet about the murder, homosexuality, abuse and pedophilia in New Vrindaban then, and it is highly unlikely that they are going to speak the truth now, especially when some have been rubber-stamped as ISKCON 'guru' and reached the GBC body with covert help from one another. Instead, we will get the usual personal denials and ad hominem attacks on Janmastami dasa and the attempts to sweep the matter under the carpet. But, as the lying, maneuverings, and denials go on for months and months, Radhanath, Tirtha, Tapo-punj, Kuladri, Malati, Devamrita, Candramauli, Umapati, and the GBC, should realize that it's too late: we all know the facts now and that by lying and denying they are only further straying from the truth and only serving to disgrace themselves. Better that they resign their positions within the society and go with just a little dignity. "The Truth will Out" and is now out. Your servant, Krsnananda dasa Factual Errors in the article of Krsnananda dasa BY: ANONYMOUS Jan 4, 2007 USA (SUN) — This is in reply to the recent article by Krsnananda dasa, "New Vrindaban: It's All Over Now, Bar the Cover-up", which contained certain errors. Unfortunately, I know a whole lot more about this New Vrndavana murder case than I care to. I will point out what I know to be the inaccuracies in this article. Frankly some points are somewhat incons |
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#62382011-12-21 17:45Duryoudhana may have thrown Vidur out, he may have brought about the battle of kurukshetra; the truth is; it was all the idea of Krishna to get rid of an unwanted population through the battle. The Russian court case is just another Lila of krishna. Krishna is the reason behind reasons. There could not have been a better way to spread Krishna consciousness movement than this Russian court case. Every news paper and every news channel is blowing the news of Russian ban on Bhagwat Geeta. It is so very pleasing to see Srila Prabhupada and Krishna on every news channel these days. Every person now wants to know what is there in Bhagwat Geeta, people are curious to know about what is there in it which can be called extremist literature?. They are reading it and getting the mercy of krishna. This has spurred the sale of Bhagwat Geeta all over the world. Devotees are on the roads chanting and praying for the cause, non devotees are getting blessed by hearing the holy name of krishna . Srila Prabhupad would always say "whatever be the controversy the good thing is Krishna is at the centre of it" . Credit should also be given to Russian devotees for spreading krishna consciousness movement so much so that people are getting involved in it day by day. The flow of krishna consciousness is hitting Russia like a rampant ravaging river. There are so many countries who have temples, people don't even know about it. By the Russian court case so many Russians are visiting the temple and reading Srila Prabhupada books to know what is in it that has brought two countries at some tension. The storm has hit the Indian parliament and the ministers are talking about Bhagwat Geeta being made a national book. http://www.radhanathswami.us/forum/topics/russian-ban-on-geeta-a-blessing-in-disguise |
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#62402011-12-21 17:48Radhanatha Swami - Murderer Conspirator Radhanath Swami (Richard Slavin) ordered and paid for the murder of Sulocana Radhanath Swami murder guru paid for killing Sulocana The Other Wonderful Story of Radhanatha Swami By Navadvipchandra Das | Published 02/7/2007 We have all read Radhanatha Swami's "wonderful story" on Dandavats.com, the one where he speaks about how spiritually advanced he is and how he was a great sadhu before joining ISKCON. I recently came across another "wonderful story" of Radhanatha Swami, which I would like to share with the readers of the Sampradaya Sun. Let's call this story "the other wonderful story", because both are so wonderful and full of nectar that they just both deserve that name. The only difference is that this story raises a few questions which probably should be investigated. The author, a current devotee and follower of Kirtanananda Swami (yes, still), is also a great devotee of Radhanatha Swami, so this wasn't an attempt to paint Radhanatha Swami in a bad light. He recalls how Radhanatha Swami one day was carrying bundles of hundred dollar bills, and needed change because he had nothing smaller than a hundred. Seeing as Radhanatha Swami (a so-called non-manager) was mentioned in the Kirtanananda indictment as the one who delivered the illegal blood money to Tirtha for killing Sulochan, one has to ask why was Radhanatha swami always having bundles of hundred dollar bills. That isn't the denomination one would expect a humble renounced sannyasi to be using in his day to day dealings. Radhanatha Swami was supposedly not involved in management – he was just a preacher, or so they like to claim. Then why was Radhanatha Swami roaming around with bundles of hundred dollar bills, and why was Radhanatha Swami involved in paying off Tirtha for killing Sulochan. It doesn't paint the picture of someone completely detached from the illegal dealings of New Vrindavan. Rather it looks like he was in the thick of it, carrying the illegal funds back and forth, paying off hitmen, and who knows what else. We will let the readers draw their own conclusions as to what this story reveals. But keeping in mind all of the evidence that has come out about Radhanatha Swami and his criminal connections, this story about the sannyasi who carried bundles of hundred dollar bills around clearly raises suspicions. Also note that Radhanatha was not just delivering the money to someone like a mail man. He made change with some of the big notes (obviously to make smaller purchases on the way) so he had full authority to spend the money. Since he had complete freedom to spend the money (for what doesn't really matter), it shows that the money was under his control. In other words, he was not an innocent deliverer, but rather the money was fully at his disposal. Remember this point again: If someone gave you $100 and said "deliver this to so and so", you would have no right to buy something with that hundred dollars, or to go make change and get smaller bills. You would simply carry the money and deliver it to the person you were told to deliver it to. In this story, Radhanatha Swami clearly makes an attempt to get smaller currency notes for his own use – proving that the money was at his disposal. Also it is clear from the nonchalant manner in which Radhanatha Swami brings up the topic, that he dealt with such bundles of high currency notes regularly. It was not something new to him. Many of the readers have probably engaged in all sorts of business deals, but have never even touched a hundred dollar note in their lives. Hundred dollar bills are not commonly used by most people, what to speak of bundles of hundred dollar notes. We should also note the fact that Radhanatha Swami's "preaching centers" in Ohio had previously been used as a base for drug manufacturing operations, and notorious murderer Tirtha Das had a prior conviction in Ohio for manufacturing drugs in an ISKCON "preaching center". Why would a renounced sannyasi, intimately connected with the Kirtanananda drug smuggling enterprise, be regularly carrying bundles of 100 dollar bills? That question is for you to figure out yourself. For now, just read "the other wonderful story of Radhanatha Swami" A remembrance of Radhanatha Swami by Jiva Goswami Das One of my "jobs" at Old New Vrindaban was the "Town Run." An aspect of that Service was to ferry Devotees to and from various places: A particular store, a doctor, a Satellite Temple, like Cleveland, Pittsburgh, or our college towns such as Athens , Morgantown and Columbus . Jayapataka (left) embracing murder guru Radhanath (right) With your permission here I will recount an enlightening, enlivening experience I had on one such run. I was assigned to take "my" truck, known as Dodge Rama Dasa, down to the Morgantown Temple to pick up and bring back Radhanatha Maharaja. Devotees all particularly honored Radhanatha Maharaja, even then. I reckoned this was because of his steadfast Devotional Service through the years, and his very even, unpretentious and humble disposition. I thought I detected a little transcendental jealousy when I appeared in Morgantown to pick up Beloved Radhanatha and his gear. The Temple President there begged my new transcendental passenger to allow him to be the one to drive Radhanatha back to Old New Vrindaban. Radhanatha's program at that time involved, among other things, giving Transcendental Cooking Classes at the University of West Virginia, there in Morgantown . Most Devotees who have done Sankirtan can whip up wonderful preparations, even in a space no bigger than the floor of a Ford Van. Radhanatha Prabhu was no exception. To him, the cooking classes he gave at Morgantown and Athens were nothing but pure delight. I was one of those who "dressed like a Karmi" in the rendering of my Service. I regularly had cause to interact with non-devotee merchants and others we called "Karmis." Generally, after the morning program, with 16 rounds, the Super-Beautiful New Vrindaban Deities, and the wonderful Devotees all spinning in my head, I put on jeans and some shirt or other and climbed up into my truck, the aforementioned Dodge, in order to perform my Service. To drive down to Morgantown, we had a short cut, almost as the crow flies, which eschewed the interstate. We'd go south on 250, then before Cameron, there was a turn off, to Route 891, which is always distinguishable by the country store which marked the fork in the road. Those roads were fraught with hills and turns. In fact, Road and Track Magazine has listed Route 250 as one of the ten most rewarding and challenging drives in the country. One example of such joy is that very intersection of 250 and backwoods Route 891 Overland short cut to Morgantown, for there, that country store, the branch to Route 891 appeared after 250 had wrapped around in an amusement park like nearly 360 degree descending turn. It was like a pin wheel, and Route 891 was one of the spiral arms. After making the turnoff, the road went on as a two-laner, and brought new meaning to the term, "winding." It was very picturesque, that country way. Known as the " Mason Dixon Highway," this old Cumberland Route sometimes zoomed up so high in the back hills as to make you think you were on a small airplane. On the ridges of those hills, you'd go so far up you could look out and away, over the big bowl valleys below and see for miles, to the far horizon. Then clusters of what appeared to be cauliflower and broccoli headed trees, seemed pasted on the undulating grass carpet, threaded through with winding creeks and steep ridge sides. Sometimes, you'd whip around a bend in the path and have to bring your vehicle down to an immediate halt because some farmer's son or daughter was herding cattle across the little road. At other times, you'd pop into a little town along the way, pretty as a Disney creation. It was a very enjoyable run, that drive between Morgantown and Old New Vrindaban. It was rich with variety and challenge. I really liked it. You didn't find such scenes out on the ever uniform and very humdrum interstate highway. In such villages, you'd find perhaps only one traffic light in the center of the burg, and the facades of the newest buildings looked no more recent than the '20's. With the speed limit invariably at 25 mph, you'd paddle through the town in second or at most, third , and I'd get a feeling sometimes, that I was just acting on a stage, so removed did the environment of West Virginia State Route 891, seem from the generous and giving activities experienced at the Morning Program. And so I dressed like a Karmi, on the perceived principles of "When in Rome ," and "Not causing a disturbance." Also, I sought to avoid one of the Ten Offenses: "To Preach the Glories of the Lord to the Faithless Demon." I dutifully and routinely presented myself as one of "them." It was that on the day I bring to you now, Dear Reader, that I found myself coming back north on Route 891. It was early evening. The sun was about to set, sending pink, red, and blue backlit streaks all over the darkening charcoal sky. It was summer. Radhanatha Prabhu sat beside me on the bench seat. His gear was fastened down in the back. I was enjoying the ride, as I almost always did. Radhanatha Prabhu and I chanted Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. We sang songs too. We climbed the hill up into pretty little Worley. I took the truck down from 4 th to 3 rd, and we continued on, following the back and white state route signs, which compelled us to turn at several corners, winding our way towards the dead center in one particular small town. We turned a corner, and there, at the top of the hill, the single major intersection awaited. I dropped down to 2 nd and began climbing. Radhanatha Prabhu broke off his chanting and said, "Jiva Goswami, do you know where I can get change?" I did not know or wonder why Radhanatha might want change. "How much you got?" I inquired. Radhanatha Prabhu gave me that half smile of his and fanned some large denomination bills at me. "A one hundred dollar bill is the smallest I've got," he said. Pshew! A hundred? In these parts? That would be like cashing a check! I wouldn't have been surprised if the bearer of such a bill would be asked to produce two forms of picture identification. At the four corners ahead, we could have sailed right on through the intersection, but there was a Convenient Store right there. I pulled in and shut off the motor. "Nothing to lose by trying," I said to myself. "I don't know if we can change a hundred here," I said to Radhanatha. "And I don't want these people making offenses by insulting you." I held out my hand for one of the big bills. Radhanatha handed me a one hundred dollar bill, and I took it. I put on my big cowboy hat, pulled up my boots, and swung down from our high stepping pickup. As hoped, in the store, I caused no commotion or disturbance. Though it probably should have, it did not disturb me at all that I seemed to blend right in. I figured I'd buy something, some little meaningless item, and endeavor to pay for it with Radhanatha's bill. Then I'd make up the difference out of my own pocket. I was looking around; speculating about what would be OK to buy. There were a few other customers in the store. "Maybe a pack of gum," I thought. I was about to go towards the register when I heard a mild happy kind of commotion over by the magazine rack. Peering over the top of the aisle, I saw a small crowd had gathered, and they were centered upon the graceful saffron dhotied form of Radhanatha Prabhu. Far from making offenses, these people were fawning and ogling and asking Radhanatha were he was from. I heard him say something about The Palace of Gold, and his little audience was practically taking notes. After a little preaching, which seemed to leave these new fans breathless and ecstatic, Radhanatha produced another big bill and mildly inquired as to the possibility of getting change. The cash register was ringing practically before Radhanatha Prabhu had expressed his desire. When we left the store, I held the passenger door open for Radhanatha Prabhu, and sheepishly handed him back his original one hundred. I climbed up on my side and turned the key. The 318 engine coughed to life and I carefully returned our rig to the highway and our mission. Radhanatha and I did not talk about what happened, but from that moment to this, I am stunned by the profound impact of purity which Radhanatha illustrated so gracefully and casually. I believe I was not wrong to dress as a Karmi under those circumstances. My motivation was correct. But for Radhanatha to dress as a Karmi, or to tarry in the "safety" of the truck, THAT would have been incorrect. Krishna saw to it, as we drove away that early evening. Radhanatha Prabhu and me, on the road back to Old New Vrindaban. Comments: "Janmastami has said he was ordered to kill Sulocana by Radhanatha Swami, " I've read a lot of Janmastami's letters and his narrative may imply this but don't come right out with it in so many words. I believe him, and he has credibility in my eyes, but not in ISKCON's eyes because of HIS involvment with the murders. We need more devotees who have no such history, possibly a victim to witness conclusively. "Tirtha has admitted there were "meetings of the New Vrindavan leaders" where it was decided Sulocana had to die," "the FBI has stated Radhanatha Swami paid $4,000 cash to Tirtha after the murder." We have a phone conversation that Tirtha expected money from somebody. Where are these FBI records? Let's produce them and confront the GBC into a corner they can no longer extract themselves with their usual blah blah. ISKCON Swamy Skips Murder Case Bit in Story of his Life BY: B.V. SHIVA SHANKAR Jan 16, 2010 - BANGALORE, INDIA (MIDDAY) — American devotee of Krishna keeps bothersome chapter of life out of his 'autobiography'. Not a tell-all: Cueist Pankaj Advani (left), Radhanath Swamy (centre) and Police Commissioner S.M. Bidari at the book launch. [Photo: Vinod Kumar T.] The Monday release of an autobiography by Radhanath Swamy, a senior ISKCON seer, has shocked many devotees. The Journey Home -- Autobiography of an American Swamy skips a significant chapter about the murder of Sulocana Das murder case, that shook the American chapter of ISKCON in 1985. Radhanath said he skipped the episode because he thought it was not necessary for the story of the book: "The book is a memoir and a travelogue, so why should I mention each and everything here?" However, the author narrates his life story in a first person's account, so the book reads as an autobiography. "If an autobiography skips an incident, then we must call the life of the author a big lie," said a devotee of ISKCON. The murder of Sulocana Das, a member of New Vrindavan, an ISKCON branch in West Virginia, came to light in early 1980's and the US court convicted Kirtanananda Swamy, to whom Radhanath was closely associated. Kirtanananda was released two years ago, after serving a 20-year jail term. Radhanath said that he was close to Kirtanananda until the murder charges were framed against him. "I broke all ties once I came to know about the murder." * * * * * Top cop at launch Mahadev Bidari, the police commissioner, was one of the guests at the book release. "The murder occurred and was heard in America. Why should I know about it?" he said. Who is Radhanath Swamy? Radhanath Swamy was previously known as Richard Slavin, and he is an American born in Chicago. Slavin gravitated toward ISKCON in 1972, when Srila Prabhupada propagated the society across the US. After changing his name to Radhanath, he played a key role in forming New Vrindavan in West Virginia, and was seen as a close disciple of Kirtanananda Swamy. Edited slightly for readability. Source: MidDay News PADA comment: Mad men gurus? Radhanatha swami (talking about Giriraja swami): "We were recently discussing philosophy, how so many of the most profoundly brilliant philosophers, toward the end of their lives, went mad. They became either suicidal or really, really crazy, because they were trying with their minds to understand what is beyond the mind." [PADA: Perfectly describes their biggest guru Satsvarupa dasa goswami. Thanks pd] Radhanath confronted - YouTubeVideo Radhanath and Yajya Purusha, the "The Isckon Masterminds" behind unlawful attempt to hijack of The Sanctuary @ 25 First Ave NY, NY 10003, being confronted by the lawful founders of The Sanctuary, as usual Radhanath continues to lie and deny under his pseudo Vaisnava garb. Hypocrites !!! A Plea from the New York Sanctuary New Vrindaban YOUTUBE video documentary http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5HG80bJXu8 http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=govinda107&p=r The Battlefield of New Vrindavan in 18 Chapters A pictorial history of New Vrindavan crimes, photo reportage New Vrindaban History Radhanatha Proven to be Involved in Murder of Sulocana BIF investigates Radhanath – The Slayer Swami Radhanatha Proven to be Involved in Murder of Sulocana Radhanath Swami’s Alleged Involvement in Sulochan’s Murder Radhanath Swami – The Iskcon Gangster The mytical Radhanath Swami and his hidden story Radhanatha's Magical Mystery Tour Radhanath and Yajya Purusha, The Sanctuary Hijackers Radhanath Swami - Saint or Sinner? - Charlatan or Saint? |
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#62412011-12-21 17:49Radhanath Swami – The Iskcon Gangster http://www.prabhupadanugas.eu/?p=18400 Radhanath Swami – Richard Slavin, Murder Conspirator and IskCon Gangster. Son of a chicago mobster, this wannabe “jagat guru” has several billionaire disciples who accept Radhanath as a convenient quick fix to the Kirtanananda Swami / practicing homo problem. Their reluctance to surrender much of their wealth comes from knowing of Radhanath’s recent sexual escapades with someof his disciples, he-man women haters club. Latest News from: http://iskcontruth.blogspot.com/ Radhanath das – RICHARD SLAVIN – aka Radhanath swami co- GBC for New Vrndaban, Gita-nagari, Mumbai, etc. moving to consolidate power after the Kirtanananda Swami head- splitting incident, New Vrindaban’s home town hero had to adjust for massive paradigm shifts and he was ill prepared to do that. The first to know of Kirtanananda Swami’s forcing teen girls to give him oral sex. The first to know of male contacts, as early as 1983, but then as “a reinitiated disciple of Kirtanananda Swami”, his ‘sannyas’ guru, Radhanath had to be head cheerleader for Kirtanananda Swami. Radhanath was loyal until 1993 when he started speaking obliquely against the Kirtanananda Swami mayavadi moves, but by then he and Devamrita Swami had known for over seven years and covered it up, like government officials covered up reagan’s senility. The mastermind behind the Sulochan hit and the ensuing cover-up. Conveniently dropped from the indictment (for services rendered?), this “bag man” delivered the pay-off for Sulochan hit to “the hit squad”. Inherited all of Kirtanananda Swami’s billionaire disciples from India, much to the dismay of Gopal Krsna. After sending death-astras after Sulochan, Radhanath surrounded himself with syncophantic yes-men, just as Kirtanananda Swami had done, and he moved his base of operations to two-faced park, Mumbai. Laxmi flows where the maharaja goes, and now, so does the male ejaculent. good luck, ladies. Radhanatha decided to murder Sulocana. Tapa Punj would oversee the murder. Tirtha, with Janmastami as assistant/driver, would be the killer. Tirtha had proven himself with his murder of Chakranadi, and Janmastami had military experience in Vietnam. This plan went up the line to Kirtanananda in hospital who gave approval. Kuladri at the bedside of Kirtanananda had already consulted with Radhanatha and through Kuladri news of the plan reached the other leaders of New Vrindaban: Malati, Devamrita, Candramauli, and Umapati. However, at the same time, Tirtha was letting the cat out of the bag by informing various persons, such as Yudhistra in L.A., of the coming murder. Tirtha’s line was that the murder was bona fide as Kirtanananda was a pure devotee and it would be a devotional plus to assist. Taking both Janmashtami Das’ and Tapahpunja Swami’s admissions, we have the following: Radhanatha Swami believed Kirtanananda was a pure devotee. When Sulochan began exposing Kirtanananda’s child molestation cases, Radhanatha decided he was an offender who needed to be silenced. Radhanatha Swami contacted three devotees (Tirtha Das, Tapahpunja Swami and Janmashtami Das) and instructed them to kill Sulochana. Tapahpunja Swami later took this plan back to Kirtanananda and informed him of it. Radhanatha Swami’s actions are easy to understand when one knows how much he believed Kirtanananda was a pure devotee. Even as late as 1991, five years after the murder of Sulochan, and years after Kirtanananda’s child molestation was known, Radhanatha Swami still publicly glorified Kirtanananda as a pure devotee. Radhanath’s connection to New Vrindaban, the home of his sanyass guru Kirtanananda Swami, can never be severed. The whole Truth: http://iskcontruth.blogspot.com/ |
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#62422011-12-21 17:50http://www.prabhupadanugas.eu/?p=9555 “The mytical Radhanath Swami and his hidden story” |
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#62432011-12-21 17:51Please let Europe not slide back into 15th century style religious oppression and cultural extermination. If anything, The Bhagavad Gita is the most balanced text in the world. It teaches tolerance and self illumination, and shows different ways for each person to accomplish that, recognizing that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to enlightenment. |
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#62442011-12-21 17:53Write a comment...я не понимаю зачем все это неужели страна катится в начало 20 века опять наченается диктатура |
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#62452011-12-21 17:53Radhanatha's Magical Mystery Tour BY: ROCANA DASA Oct 26, CANADA (SUN) — For the last several weeks, we have been preparing to launch a series of articles on the subject of Radhanath Swami's new book: The Journey Home: Autobiography of an American Swami. Today we begin the series with an overview of the book and comments on some of the philosophical issues raised by the Swami's publication of his autobiography. We are now facing what will become one of the biggest challenges to manifest in Srila Prabhupada's ISKCON movement. The phenomenon might well be called 'creeping gradualism' – it is yet another form of asiddhantic deviation that is slowly but surely infecting our society. Over the last few years, we've been focusing on Satsvarupa's Lilamrta, and I've written many articles which demonstrate how we're approaching that issue. Today, in the form of Radhanath Swami's new book, we can see the trends that were unfolding in the Lilamrta now vividly and dramatically manifest in The Journey Home. In the case of Satsvarupa's Lilamrta, he was writing under the authorization of the GBC, supposedly producing an "authorized biography" of Srila Prabhupada and a glorification of our Founder-Acarya. Unfortunately, because the Lilamrta was not written in a proper manner and did not follow our tradition of Vaisnava literature, the book opened the door to a plethora of other literatures written by devotees, which ostensibly glorify Srila Prabhupada. I won't list them all here, but you will find these books at Ratha Yatras and in temple bookshops, and often showcased over and above Srila Prabhupada's own books in the BBT catalog website at Krishna.com. In most of the memoirs, travelogues and diary style books written by the devotees, they are glorifying Srila Prabhupada by telling their own story, seen through the lens of ISKCON's history. While a closer examination of these books may be done at some point in the future, there are two particular books in the genre that represent a significant decline away from the standards of Vaisnava literature: The Black Lotus by Bhakti Tirtha Swami, and the just released autobiography by Radhanath Swami, The Journey Home. Neither the Lilamrta, The Black Lotus or The Journey Home are like any other books found in our Sampradaya's history. We don't find such biographies written even by the Six Goswamis or Narottama das Thakur. The biographical narratives that are written, such as the Caitanya-caritamrta and Caitanya Bhagavat, are written to describe Sri Krsna's pastimes and thus, they are in an entirely different category. Now the reader may think that point is obvious, and it's therefore unimportant to draw such a distinction. But unfortunately, we find that there are subtle, and even pointed comparisons made along these lines by authors like Satyaraja dasa (Steven J. Rose) and Radhanath Swami, who would have the reader believe that their books are written in the mood of Vaisnava literature. For example, we find that Satyaraja dasa, author of The Black Lotus, offers two references by way of a rationale for the non-traditional phenomenon of a contemporary Vaisnava swami arranging for the writing of his own biography. His rationale is contained in his Introduction to The Black Lotus. To justify the book, he cites a passage from "Brihat Bhagawatamrta", Part II, Sri Goloka Mahatmya - The Glory of Gokula, by none other than Srila Sanatana Goswami. Satyaraja dasa writes: "One last point: Some readers might question the propriety, or even the need, of telling Bhakti Tirtha Swami’s life story, and they may wonder why he would encourage such an enterprise, as he does in the Foreword. After all, a Vaishnava is characterized by his humility, and a humble person would naturally be disinclined to have others focus on the details of his or her life. And this is certainly true. Indeed, there is a saying that, “for the Vaishnava, self praise is as good as death.” Still, there is a caveat, an exception, when the writing of one’s own biography—or the willingness to allow another to do so—would not only be approved but enthusiastically endorsed. This exception manifests when the story has a purpose larger than itself, when one’s life might convey the truths of Krishna Consciousness. The medieval Vaishnava text Brihat Bhagavatamrita (2.1.107-109), written by the sage Sanatana Goswami, makes this clear when it describes the value of autobiographical narrative, saying that, at times, there is no literary device as effective in explaining spiritual reality." Following are the actual verses from Brihat Bhagavatamrita that Satyaraja dasa refers to, which he feels somehow provide an authorization from the highest source – the Six Goswamis – for the writing of such self-motivated biographies: 106 "There is no goal other than pure love, which mocks the four goals of life and conquers the Lord's lotus feet. Srila Sanatana Gosvami explains that the four goals of life are material piety, economic development, sense gratification, and liberation. 107 Therefore to enlighten him and remove his doubts I will tell all of my own story. 108 Although the great souls think a person would not speak his own glories, there is not another story that will be good for him. 109 Thinking in this way, the very experienced cowherd boy turned to the brahmana and, as a sage speaking the Puranas to a company of sages, began to tell of his own experience." Srila Santana Goswami was instructed by Lord Caitanya to write this Brihat Bhagawatamrta, which sets down all the tenets of acintya-bhedabheda-tattva, in story form. The first part narrates the adventures of Narada, and the second part narrates the adventures of Gopa-kumara. In the passage above, the cowherd boy Gopa-Kumara is preparing to share his mind on "very confidential topics". It's also interesting to note that in this regard, Sanatana Goswami quotes Devala Muni's definition of a sage: "A sage is one who is celibate, very austere, who eats little, controls his senses, speaks the truth, and has the power both to curse and to forgive." If we consider the exalted spiritual qualifications of Gopa-kumara and try to apply these credentials to the author of The Black Lotus, or to Radhanath Swami as the author of his own biography -- or to any others who claim to be sages amongst the ISKCON leaders, for that matter – we find there's very little resemblance. So Gopa-kumara is not setting out to tell the mundane details of his own life story. He's really talking about Krsna, telling His boyhood pastimes as they should be told. 110 "The cowherd boy Gopa-kumara said: For this there are many histories in the scriptures. Still, as I remember, I will tell the story of my own life and what I experienced in ecstatic trance. Srila Sanatana Gosvami explains that the word "moha" means "what I experienced in the trance of love for the Lord" and "adi" means "and other very confidential topics". 1112 O best of brahmanas, I, the young son of a vaisya cowherd of Govardhana Hill, accompanied by young friends, tend my cows on Govardhana, the Yamuna's shore, here in Vrndavana forest, and in the circle of Mathura…" So we can see that this reference to Srila Sanatana's Brihat Bhagawatamrta, and Gopa-kumara's telling of his transcendental pastimes with Sri Krsna have nothing at all to do with either Bhakti Tirtha Swami's arrangements to hire an author to produce his own biography, or with Radhanath Swami's writing his autobiography. Satyaraja dasa offers a second reference as support for the notion that The Black Lotus is somehow an authorized piece of Vaisnava literature. He states that Tamal Krishna Goswami was told by Srila Prabhupada that it would be beneficial for them to write the Lilamrta, and that he wanted Satsvarupa to write it. Again, from his Introduction to The Black Lotus, Satyaraja writes: "This was also seen in the final pastimes of Srila Prabhupada, Bhakti Tirtha Swami’s own spiritual master. When, in 1977, Srila Prabhupada was preparing to leave his mortal frame, his then secretary, Tamal Krishna Goswami, expressed his belief that the world could be further enlightened by Prabhupada’s life story. His divine master agreed, explicitly stating who his biographer should be (Satsvarupa Dasa Goswami) and enumerating various childhood stories that might be included in the text. So Prabhupada’s own example shows that a Vaishnava could endorse his own biography, at least if the story might serve the greater good of humankind. Bhakti Tirtha Swami, similarly, saw his life in terms of what it could do for his fellow human beings, how it could be used to enlighten and instruct. In this spirit, he came to the conclusion that his story should be told, and that I should be the one who tells it." Now in all my years in the movement, this is the first time I've ever heard this. Presumably this statement is made in something that Tamal Krishna wrote, perhaps in his own book. But those who have historical memory and personal experience from that era will tend to doubt this statement. It was not common knowledge at the time, and it is not what was preached at the time, even at the launch of the Lilamrta. Now suddenly, many decades later, this surfaces as a definitive authorization. Of course, Tamal Krishna Goswami's statement can't be vetted because he has left his body. If Satyaraja dasa would be so kind as to provide the audio tape of Srila Prabhupada making this statement, I will stand corrected. So these are the merits of the two forms of so-called 'authorization' that Satyaraja dasa puts forth to justify the phenomenon of writing a book such as The Black Lotus. Now the reader may ask, what does this have to do with the writing of Radhanath Swami's book? What connection is there between these two books? In answer, let us explain the circumstances under which we happened to come by a copy of Radhanath Swami's "The Journey Home. Just this summer, my wife attended the Vancouver Ratha Yatra. There, she saw my godbrother Apurva dasa with a book table, selling Radhanath Swami's book. Wishing to buy a copy she stepped up, to hear Apurva's very enthusiastic pitch for the book. Said he: "You're going to LOVE this book! It's just super-excellent. Devotees around the world are just raving about it. You'd just better make sure that when you pick this book up to read it, you're well rested, because you're not going to be able to put it down! It's so good, you won't be able to sleep until you've finished it!!" Jahnava replied, "Well, it's a little unusual, isn't it, for a contemporary Swami to write his own biography, or self-glorification?" Apurva prabhu quickly flipped open the book, and went straight to page 342. Pointing his finger directly at the paragraph, he said, "Well Radhanath has given the answer to that, right here!" (Apurva had obviously heard this question before.) In an Author's Note at the close of the book, Radhanath Swami explains how he attended Bhakti Tirtha Swami on his deathbed. He writes: "Nobody knew me better than Bhakti Tirtha Swami. He knew the details of my quest and also my hesitation to write about them. One day he clasped my hand, gazed into my eyes and said, "This is not your story. It is a tale about how God led a young boy onto an amazing journey to seek the inner secrets that lie within all of us. Don’t' be miserly. Share what has been given to you." His voice choked up and a tear streaked down his ebony cheek. "Promise me", he said, "here on my deathbed, that you will write the story." A few days later, on June 27, 2005, he passed from this world. This book is my attempt to honor his wish." According to Apurva dasa, Radhanath Swami did not write The Journey Home out of false ego or a desire to promote himself. Rather, he was ordered, or beseeched, by Bhakti Tirtha Swami to write the book… Bhakti Tirtha Swami, Radhanath's old friend from the days of their serving together under Kirtanananda Swami at New Vrindaban… Bhakti Tirtha Swami, who it just happens had paid Satyaraja dasa, just before his death, to have his own biography written along similar lines. And apparently, somehow or other in the minds of Apurva and many other followers, this is almost as good as Krsna coming down and appearing before you, giving you an instruction. What if Bhakti Tirtha Swami had made other less favorable requests of Radhanath? Would Radhanath have complied, simply because it was a 'deathbed wish'? Where would he draw line? In fact, we have only Radhanatha Swami's word about the actual details of this fateful conversation with Bhakti Tirtha Swami. If it transpired as the author claims, was it Bhakti Tirtha's intention that this "journey" version of the story should focus solely and only on Radhanath’s pre-Prabhupada life? Most bona fide biographies on great saints contain only a brief mention of their lives prior to coming in contact with the teachings and practice of the Sampradaya they were initiated into. Even The Black Lotus, although unbonafide, isn’t based on the same premise as Radhanatha’s book: pre-initiation into our glorious Sampradaya. Interestingly enough, both authors have the same 'black hole' in their personal history, namely Kirtanananda, aka Bhaktipada, the founder-acarya of New Vrindaban and the original pioneer of the Zonal Acarya system. Many of Radhanath and Bhakti Tirtha's unique preaching methods are reminiscent of Kirtanananda's far-out ideas for promoting 'ecumenical acceptance'. We should also keep in mind Bhakti Tirtha Swami's legacy as an author. For a number of years his writings were the focus of a great deal of attention, and he was the recipient of much critical commentary, even from GBC members, for what can only be described as the very 'tinfoil' writings in his Spiritual Warrior book series. These were fictional "preaching" books in which the Swami wrote about UFOs, Atlantis, Mu, Alien overlords, and satanic rituals. The Swami claimed that he was writing such material to appeal to a certain segment of the population who believe in those things. His uninformed readers were left to assume, unfortunately, that ISKCON itself promotes such ideas and preaching strategies. It is important for us to consider Bhakti Tirtha Swami's motivation for pressuring Radhanath Swami to write his own book – making him swear it, as a deathbed promise! Is it possible that Bhakti Tirtha Swami had some concerns that in the years following his departure, there might be further criticism of the fact that he had again broken with Vaisnava tradition by paying to have his own biography written, just as he was preparing to leave his body? We can imagine that he might have found it comforting to know that his good friend Radhanath Swami – currently ISKCON's most popular Swami -- was going to follow suit and write his own non-traditional book of self-glorification. Perhaps it would help take the heat off Bhakti Tirtha for being a pioneer in this regard. It's speculation, of course, but a very plausible scenario. Given the great concern for the very untraditional writings of Bhakti Tirtha Swami, we should also consider the long-term value of such books. While they are still being promoted by his followers to some degree, we don’t see them so much on Ratha Yatra book tables anymore. The only other means of distributing them, as far as we can tell, is online, through websites maintained by the Swami's disciples. But what are the actual preaching results from these books – either the Spiritual Warrior series, or the biography? Is there any evidence that by reading his books, people have experienced a change in the direction of their lives, away from the mundane, and towards Krsna consciousness? We see no evidence that circumstances have improved in the temples in Bhakti Tirtha Swami's zones. Even today, we are seeing reports in the Sun about Gita Nagari, where local leaders are said to be threatening to remove the Deities from the altar, or let Tulasi Devi die because there is no money to support the temple's maintenance. So how many of Bhakti Tirtha's books are being sold to support the preaching zones he, and now his disciples, are responsible for? These questions deserve an answer, because this was the justification for his writing these books in the first place -- "It's for the preaching, prabhu." These books were intended to inspire and enliven the devotees and newcomers. In other words, Srila Prabhupada's books are not good enough for neophytes to start reading. The Absolute philosophy presented by the undeniable Sampradaya Acaryas is not good enough. According to Bhakti Tirtha Swami, and now Radhanath Swami, neophytes need to begin their "journey" by being captivated and absorbed in autobiographical stories such as The Black Lotus and The Journey Home. We know it's a sastric truism that less intelligent people are more attracted to historical stories than to straight, absolute philosophy. Lord Sri Krsna, through His absolute empowered writers, has woven His philosophy into various bona fide historical narratives, which feature none other than The Supreme Personality. Books such as the Mahabharata and Ramayana were designed by God to spiritually assist the sudras and the women, and other Kaliyuga victims to make advancement in Krsna Consciousness. Of course, our recent Sampradaya Acaryas focused primarily on Bhagavad-gita, Srimad Bhagavatam and Caitanya-caritamrta, and the Bhagavatam contains just the philosophical highlights of the many pastimes and stories that are featured. So we have to question the value of modern biographical books such as those written by Radhanatha and Bhakti Tirtha Swamis. Are they more or less beneficial to the preaching than the books emphasized by the Acaryas of our Sampradaya? In fact, these fanciful narrations are the whitewashed, sanitized, official versions coming from the Radhanatha and Bhakti Tirtha camps, filled with their true believers. The Black Lotus was penned by Satyaraja dasa, but we can be sure that he did not include anything too controversial that would upset Bhakti Tirtha's disciples, although there was certainly plenty of available material in that vein he could have used to round out the story. The living author and financially subsidized writer, Steven Rosen, wanted the readers to become fellow followers of the Swami's living supporters. To achieve that end, he carefully omitted aspects of the story that would cast the Swami in too negative a light. In New-age speak, both Bhakti Tirtha Swami and Radhanath Swami are depicted as the "hero" in their respective books – heroic personalities with special, extra-ordinary mystical personalities. But in truth, both of the central characters were born into mellecha families, which meant they were fed meat throughout their childhood life, which was devoid of Krsna consciousness. They obtained their so-called education in karmi schools, and associated with karmis throughout their formative years. It was only due to the causeless mercy of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, through his bona fide representative, Srila Prabhupada, that these "heroes" were benedicted with Lord Caitanya's mercy. The floodgates of love of God were opened wide by Mahaprabhu in the manner in which he brought Krsna consciousness to the western world. At the crucial moment of coming in contact with that causeless mercy, the true seeker's existence becomes auspicious, and remains so for as long as the adherent maintains that mentality. But what happened prior to that merciful event in the soul's destiny remains very inauspicious. It is not that once one is exposed to Krsna Consciousness and takes up Lord Caitanya's sankirtana banner, that retroactively, all one's past misdeeds transform into pious, auspicious actions. No, that is not our philosophy. For all the devotees, the challenge is to humbly accept the inauspicious aspects of one’s previous life: our parents, impious birth, mleccha upbringing, nationality, and illusory educational and professional achievements. If the soul had not been blessed with Lord Caitanya's causeless mercy, which in our case meant contacting an absolutely pure devotee, Srila Prabhupada, we would have carried on in the life we'd been living. Certainly we would all have continued to be distracted into some variety of maya. But in Radhanath Swami's book, he is basically telling us that this philosophical principle simply doesn’t apply to him. Both The Journey Home and The Black Lotus are crafted to make the reader assume that these personalities had been born into very pious families, and their auspicious birth somehow made them special and qualified. It was not due to Lord Caitanya's causeless mercy. In their case, they somehow possessed a high degree of the prerequisite "pious credits", compared to the many other participants in Srila Prabhupada's ISKCON lila. As such, their stories deserve special attention, and biographical “transcendental” books about them should be published and widely distributed. Clearly, Radhanath Swami thinks he is some kind of special. On page 319 (hardback edition), he is describing his thoughts as he considered taking initiation from Srila Prabhupada. He writes: "Can I really remain faithful to my guru's teachings? There are endless temptations in the world. To disgrace him would be an unthinkable act of ingratitude. And, too, though I am coming to respect them, his Western disciples are so different from me. Can I live among them? I have great faith in him, but little in myself. Am I honestly qualified to be his disciple?" On one hand, Radhanath says that he is unqualified, unsurrendered, has little faith in himself. On the other hand, he refers to Srila Prabhupada's Western disciples as being "so different" from him, and he is only just "coming to respect them". Now if the Western disciples were different insofar as they were far more advanced, more qualified, more surrendered, then one would think Radhanath would naturally respect them. But he says he is only "coming to respect them", which is akin to saying they are progressively earning his respect. And if that's the case, what Radhanath is telling us here is that he is different – special – and a cut above the other disciples, who he has not yet developed real respect for, and isn't sure he can live with. Either this is a piece of poor writing (in which case it would seem that the paid editor was asleep at the wheel), or Radhanath is letting us know that he's special. Of course, the fact that he's even written this book says that, from cover to cover. At a book signing that Steven Rosen did at East West Books in New York when the Black Lotus was first released, he made a rather shocking remark: "The audience wanted to know about his [Bhakti Tirtha's] teacher. "Who gave him this profound wisdom and inspired in him such a passion for God?" This enabled me to explain Srila Prabhupada and his mission. "There is a lesson here for ritviks," I thought to myself. Ritviks often criticize projects such as Black Lotus in the following way: "Why are you focusing on someone like Bhakti Tirtha Swami when you should be glorifying Srila Prabhupada?" What such people don't realize, however, is that by glorifying personalities like Bhakti Tirtha Maharaja, we ARE glorifying Srila Prabhupada. Part of Prabhupada's greatness is that he is able to create exalted devotees like Maharaja. Otherwise, Prabhupada would be impotent. Indeed, this is the unspoken implication of ritvik philosophy: If no one but Prabhupada is worthy of glorification, then Prabhupada himself didn't accomplish his end, which was to make others into great devotees. Thus, Bhakti Tirtha Maharaja's very existence is glorification of Srila Prabhupada!" "Impotent". A very heavy word to use in this context – and this is a writer, a scholar, a devotee who's written dozens of books. He's chosen the word "impotent". He is suggesting that the only way we can prove that Srila Prabhupada isn't impotent is that he spawned these exceptional souls like Bhakti Tirtha Swami, and now Radhanath Swami. In fact, Srila Prabhupada achieved all his wonderful results due to being the bonafide Sampradaya Acarya. His many books, and all his other accomplishments in themselves demonstrate that Srila Prabhupada is far from “impotent”. Srila Prabhupada was empowered to transform complete neophytes, with no spiritual qualifications, some of whom accomplished great things in his name. Whomever and whatever Lord Sri Krsna provided, Srila Prabhupada used in His service. Some of these helpers appeared on the surface to be relatively big, compared to other followers of Srila Prabhupada. But Srila Prabhupada and our Vaisnava philosophy clearly point out that the devotee sweeping the floor is on the same level as the one on the altar, directly caring for the Deities. In our society there are no designations of "big" devotees compared to "small" devotees. But these books project the impression that history has revealed a special class of disciples. The story is told by the humble super hero, with the help of their paid professional editors and ghost writers. Radhanath Swami has now stepped onto the slippery slope that Bhakti Tirtha Swami slid down. Unlike Bhakti Tirtha, however, Radhanath Swami has authored his own "pre-samadhi" personal lila story. Unquestionably, the style mirrors his usual 'storytelling' preaching style. This method of entertaining/preaching has resulted in getting him name, fame, and followers. The problem, however, lies in the reality that this "mood" is absolutely the antithesis of how Srila Prabhupada preached, what to speak of the previous Sampradaya Acaryas. Consider the intensity and seriousness of Srila Prabhupada's message, both before his arrival in America, and after. He was seriously preaching in India prior to his arrival. What appears superficially to be a lack of success, which resulted in his 'need' to journey on an old freighter arriving penniless and ill, is actually Sri Krsna's arrangements for his pure devotee. Unfortunately, books like the Lilamrta have entirely bewildered many devotees in this regard. Radhanath Swami is now preaching in Mumbai to the same class of people that Srila Prabhupada preached to in India, but unlike Srila Prabhupada, Radhanath appears to be having so much success in recruiting, training and engaging all the local inhabitants. Reportedly, his followers provide substantial financial resources, compared to Srila Prabhupada, who could not attract even enough money in India to buy a plane ticket to America. However, Srila Prabhupada was uncompromising in his pure preaching, being on the topmost level as a Sampradaya Acarya. His preaching style is, in itself, our philosophy. The straightforward, unadulterated Absolute Truth. Many today prefer to be entertained by Radhanath Swami's sweet stories, which are enjoyable, but don’t challenge the listeners like Srila Prabhupada's heavy preaching does. So the apparent results of the preaching must be understood in this way. There is a vast difference between those who support entertainment and pleasurable katha, and those who are pressed into Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu's service, and into true surrender to Sri Krsna, by getting handed the straight, heavy Truth. Unfortunately, Srila Prabhupada is now being eclipsed, to a degree, by Swamis like Radhanath and Bhakti Tirtha. With the arrival of their new books, Srila Prabhupada's own books have gotten less attention, not more. This is evidenced by taking a journey into cyberspace, to the Krishna.com website. This ISKCON site is supposedly representing Srila Prabhupada's BBT, but we find all sorts of books for sale there, many of which get more prominent billing than Srila Prabhupada's Bhagavad-gita As It Is. Today when we click on the 'Books' link at Krishna.com, what do we find? Radhanath Swami's new book, top column center. Of the ten main listings below his book, we find none of Srila Prabhupada's original books. Instead we have various new compilations, Radhanath and friends in Bangladesh, Indradyumna Swami's travelogue, the Puranas, art, and other devotee works. Bhagavad-gita As It Is is relegated to being one of many links in a navigation sidebar. Elsewhere, we find Tamal Krishna Goswami's novel, Yoga for the New Millennium, which was published by Srila Prabhupada's BBT. The paperback edition is now selling for $2.95… or not. Meanwhile, we understand that Satyaraja dasa is busy working on a new devotee biography – for our recently departed godbrother, Sridhar Swami. One might ask why the GBC and BBT leaders authorized the BBT to publish Tamal Krishna Goswami's book, what to speak of the authorized distribution within ISKCON temples of all the non-Srila Prabhupada books being sold on Krishna.com. It's interesting to note that Radhanath Swami did not get, and perhaps did not seek, permission to have the BBT publish his book. Instead, he cut a publishing deal with Mandala Press, owned by the notable Ram dasa (Rauol Goff). Mandala has become well known for producing fantastic, high end 'coffee table' books for the rich and famous, environmental group fund raisers and so on, along with a line of devotional books. It would be interesting to know why Radhanath went to Mandala instead of the BBT, Gita Nagari Press, or the many other Indian presses that are considered "ISKCON friendly". Ram dasa is a Vaisnava devotee, make no mistake, but his Sampradaya roots are firmly planted in the Matha of his departed guru, HH Bhakti Promode Puri Maharaja, whose mission is now being carried forward by HH Bodhaya Maharaja, his successor and the guru of Ram dasa's wife. For many years now, the GBC and ISKCON leadership have frowned upon, and even written Bylaws forbidding their loyal members from cooperating, associating, and fraternizing with the Gaudiya Matha camp. At one point, Mandala offered to work with the BBT, wishing to print a high quality deluxe edition of Srila Prabhupada's Bhagavad-gita As It Is, and distribute it widely. The BBT/GBC refused this offer, however, although it is seemingly impossible for them to accomplish the same task at this point themselves. So on one hand we have the BBT refusing to utilize Ram dasa's expertise and facility to propagate Srila Prabhupada's book, and instead that facility is being used in Radhanath's service. The reality is that in many temples today, newcomers are just as likely to be presented with Hridayananda's Mahabharata as they are with Srila Prabhupada's Bhagavad-gita As It Is. Or perhaps they'll be encouraged to first buy the Lilamrta, or the new book of Radhanath Swami, glorifying himself. Keep in mind that throughout the early phase of ISKCON, the devotees and disciples had only a few books written by Srila Prabhupada. In the early 70’s when we started traveling to India, Srila Prabhupada told us not to buy any other Vaisnava books, mainly provided by his godbrothers. His books were more than sufficient, was the crystal clear message. Now it may be true that today, in order for Radhanath Swami to recruit the masses to participate in his version of a Krsna conscious religion, the "church" needs to proliferate story books such as The Journey Home. But we have to remember that most followers have a limited amount of free time in which to read books, and any free time that is diverted into reading the self-promotional spiritual primers written by the swamis and gurus is time not spent reading the Sampradaya Acarya's books. What to speak of the fact that uninformed readers are likely to perceive these biographic books as being like sastric literature. In modern ISKCON, glorification of Srila Prabhupada has practically been limited to him being introduced as the Founder-Acarya of ISKCON. In most ISKCON establishments today, newcomers are primarily encouraged to put their focus on the local guru. Radhanatha Swami is the Zonal Acarya of Chowpatty/Mumbai. Many newcomers will now surely be encouraged to first read his pre-Prabhupada pastime novel before they ever pick-up one of Srila Prabhupada's books. Aside from the fact that this practice is against our tradition, it establishes in the mind of the reader an initial perception of Srila Prabhupada that is contaminated. And you don't have a second chance to make a first impression. These so-called biographies have now set an extremely dangerous precedent. Anyone can now follow in the footprints of Bhakti Tirtha and Radhanath Swamis, and write their own 'spiritual biography'. All the early disciples who carry fantasy stories around in their minds from the period before they surrendered to join Srila Prabhupada now have an open invitation – authorized and condoned by the GBC – to find themselves a ghost writer or hire an editor, and commit to writing all their remembrances of the so-called mystical experiences that eventually led them to Krsna Consciousness. If you have the cash to pay for a professional editor, you could even hire Kria Ryan, the female editor that Radhanath Swami engaged. She’ll listen to your story, take your raw material, oral or written, pictures and mementoes, and help you produce a first-class saleable product. She will help you to produce a well polished version of your own personalized memoirs: "How I came to Krsna Consciousness." Of course, in Radhanath's mental flashback depiction of his glorious past there is relatively little mention of Srila Prabhupada or ISKCON. The final full-size photo in his book of Srila Prabhupada, and his final story about how, when and where he came in contact with Srila Prabhupada, represents a very small percentage of the book. That's understandable, given that beginning at the point of Radhanath Swami's ISKCON career, there are many witnesses to the events that actually transpired during his long years under Kirtanananda at New Vrindaban. When it comes to the stories of historical events that took place in Radhanath's early life, on the other hand, it is unfortunately very difficult to get confirmation of what transpired. What we do find in the book, however, is the truth of the matter -- that Radhanath had a difficult time surrendering to become Srila Prabhupada’s disciple. It seems that he suffered a degree of spiritual contamination on account of having previously surrendered to Mayavadis like Baba Ram dasa, Neem Karoli Baba, Swami Satchidananada, J Krsnamurti, and so on. While his association with these renowned impersonalist preachers may help him to sell books, it does little to allay our concerns about the asiddhantic philosophical foundation of Radhanath's early spiritual life. Ultimately, the most amazing aspect of this book publishing event is that we're not hearing a peep from any of the members. No comments or criticism have been forthcoming from the elite, scholarly, brahminical members of ISKCON's GBC or BBT. Absolutely nothing is being heard but outward praise from ISKCON authorities and devotees alike. The obvious fact that ISKCON and the Founder-Acarya Srila Prabhupada are hardly even mentioned in the book doesn't seem to agitate their minds at all. Perhaps they assume that in a few years, Radhanath Swami will publish Volume II – The West Virginia Years. I would suggest, however, that we not hold our breath, waiting for that book to launch. While all is quiet on the ISKCON front, we did find it very interesting to read the book review of The Journey Home written by Francis X. Clooney, S.J. (Society of Jesuits) of Cambridge, Massachusetts. He writes for America, the national Catholic weekly digest. Father Clooney received a copy of the book, with a request for him to review it. He kindly wrote an appraisal of the book, and some of his comments are extremely interesting. By his remarks, it is apparent that Father Clooney is knowledgeable about the Hare Krsna Movement. One of the first things he noticed about The Journey Home was the absence of references to Srila Prabhupada and his ISKCON society. Clooney wrote: "Radhanath seems deliberately — in the preface, on the cover — to be quiet about the fact that he is a swami in the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, the Hare Krishnas. Not that he hides the fact, since the climax of the book is after all his encounter with A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, charismatic founder of ISKCON." This subtle criticism was softened by subsequent statements. When asked to review the book, Father Clooney said that he had declined to do an academic review because: "…it would be difficult to describe and assess for an academic journal so vivid a first-person account". He went on to say: "…the book is documentary in a way, and one would also have to draw on the skills of an investigative reporter to report responsibly on what we read." So here the reviewer is affirming what we have previously stated – that it would be very difficult to actually verify the details of the stories Radhanath puts forth in his book as being the truth. We are simply left to accept his word for it, which is unfortunate when someone is writing a self-glorification piece like this. Clooney writes: "It is certainly an interesting story, the spiritual journey of one Richard Slavin who, born in 1950 in Chicago in a Jewish family, goes on a pilgrimage through India when he is about 19 — one among many seekers who went to India in the 1960s and 1970s. His trip was most eventful and he had numerous adventures that are strikingly and entertainingly recounted in the book: large animals, unfriendly policemen, dubious and saintly teachers, exotic spiritual sites, robberies, mishaps on the road, friendships made and lost." Through it all Radhanath discovered the spiritual path he has followed since then: "The photographs in the book make all this clear, reminding us of a series of gurus and swamis such as Swami Rama (founder of the Himalayan Institute of Yoga), J. Krishnamurti (wise man, teacher, writer), and Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (who guided the Beatles, among others). He is also pictured with Mother Teresa in one photo, and with the Dalai Lama in another." Of course, the reader has to wait until the very end of the book to discover that Radhanath finally became a guru, sannyasis and GBC in Srila Prabhupada's ISKCON. To our mind, and apparently from Clooney's perspective as well, a similar book could have been written by many young seekers about their search for God. Many devotees in the same age group have stories of being young, absorbed in the hippie lifestyle, and eager to experience the mystic (or something like it). Every spirit soul is a unique individual, and their childhood pastimes seem interesting to them, the individual who went through those experiences. And many people, devotees included, believe that their pastimes also deserve to be shared with the world. As this Catholic seminarian points out, Radhanath was just one of thousands of Americans, Canadians, Europeans, whoever, who journeyed to India during the 70's, when the borders were still open, and they had whatever pastimes or experiences they had. Radhanath ends his story by mercifully coming into contact with Srila Prabhupada. Srila Prabhupada is a nitya-siddha, liberated from birth, but in Radhanath's case, he inadvertently explains how it took him a long time to surrender, apparently because he'd become so contaminated by Mayavadi philosophers like Maharishi Mahesh Yoga, Swami Satchitananda, and Baba Rama Das. They're all impersonalists, and they obviously contaminated him. The end result of his exotic travels was auspicious only because he came to Srila Prabhupada. It is not due to this sentimental nonsense conception that Radhanath is special, and the end result was his destiny from birth, regardless of the many inauspicious activities and circumstances that indicate otherwise: eating the flesh of mother cow, born into a non-devotee family, living in one of the most hellish places on the planet, the City of Chicago. When I first became a devotee in the early 70's, before Radhanath joined, it was frowned upon for the devotees to engage in frivolous talk in the asrama on topics like our past activities before coming to ISKCON. Such talk was considered maya, and was emphatically discouraged. But now that the popular Swami Radhanath has published his autobiography, we can expect more books of this sort from big ISKCON leaders, who are undoubtedly anxious to inform the world about their glorious pre-Krsna Conscious pastimes. We can only wonder if Radhanath Swami will forbid his brahmacari disciples from sitting around the Chowpatty asrama, talking about their past material existence. While Radhanath Swami likes to think he's just an ordinary, humble devotee trying to be a Vaisnava (as he so often states), his writing this book demonstrates just how much maya he is in. Genuinely advanced devotees do not perceive themselves as deserving nor worthy of a book of self-glorification. The lame excuse Satyaraja dasa came up with to justify Bhakti Tirtha Swami's biography is nothing but a misinterpretation of a very unambiguous passage from sastra. And in fact, there is no excuse for Radhanath Swami to have written this book. When did we see Srila Prabhupada sitting around, telling the stories of his life? What do we know about his wife, other than she liked to drink tea? Or his children? We heard a little more about his father, only insofar as it helps us to understand Srila Prabhupada's own auspicious beginning. Yet Radhanath Swami has no qualms about spending his time, and Srila Prabhupada's money on a book of his own self-glorification… because 'Bhakti Tirtha Swami made me promise.' And consider the effort it takes to write a book of this kind! All these anecdotal stories, the precise details of what he was thinking and how he felt while all these experiences unfolded. Either Radhanath had to concentrate on remembering this detailed history, or all the mundane details were right there, in the forefront of his mind, because he's been thinking of them all along. That, or he's been holding onto his travel diaries. Either way, to churn through all that material, even with the help of a paid editor, would be considered a very painful process by a truly advanced devotee. Having to remember all the mundane details would be a great imposition – so much so, that an advanced devotee would never write about such mundane topics, let alone in such a mood of self-glorification. To do so would simply take one away from the very pressing work of distributing Lord Caitanya's mercy to the fallen conditioned souls, which in Radhanath's case should mean distributing Srila Prabhupada's books. | The Sun | News | Editorials | Features | Sun Blogs | Classifieds | Events | Recipes | PodCasts | | About | Submit an Article | Contact Us | | HareKrsna.com | Copyright 2005, HareKrsna.com. All rights reserved. |
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#62472011-12-21 17:54Radhanath and Yajya Purusha, The Sanctuary Hijackers Radhanath Swami (Richard Slavin) The Slayer Swami, murderer accomplice Radhanath and Yajya Purusha, The Sanctuary Hijackers A Lesson in Hypocrisy- Radhanath Swami Message from the Sanctuary -- Tuesday, March 8, 2011 to Yajna Purusha and the Bhaktivedanta Ashram from Krsna Das and Satchitananda Das Richard Slavin jr. alias Radhanath Swami (as a Karmi) Dear Devotees: First of all, kindly forgive us for using this happy, devotee-family day of gathering to worship lord Jagannatha's Ratha-Yatra festival, as a venue for presenting this unpleasant news, but after much soul-searching, we remain firmly convinced that the tremendous injustices and hypocritical activities being perpetrated within Srila Prabhupada's society - under the banner of 'increasing-the-preaching', be placed before the society-at-large for your due considration. LET THE TRUTH BE HEARD! We are Krsna das and Satchitananda das - initiated into Srila Prabhupada's society by Kirtanananda Swami many years ago. We represent the Interfaith League of Devotees, a group formed some 21 years ago, and are responsible for the construction and financing of the six-story Sanctuary building at 25 1st Avenue, New York. Many of you have come to dine at our Restaurant during previous Rathayatras. Unfortunately, we are unable to serve you in that capacity this year because our restaurant, along with the entire building, is currently embroiled in extensive court proceedings as we fight to subdue Yajna Purusha's bogus attempt to duplicitously hijack the entire property for his own selfish ends. It is with a heavy heart indeed that we are presenting this to you today; a sad tale of so-called brahmacharies and renunciates in their mad dash to rapidly climb the Hare Krsna corporate ladder, abandoning the idealism, simplicity, and straight-forwardness that their ashram calls for. Yajya Purusha das, The Sanctuary Hijacker As a result of a tremendous collective effort and self-sacrifice by several of Kirtanananda Swami's disciples, over a period of 12 years, the Sanctuary was purchased and transformed into a beautiful temple - meant to serve as home and headquarters for Kirtanananda Swami once he came out of prison. Yajna Purusha and his brahmacharies moved into the Sanctuary as rent paying tenants, aided by Sukavaha (Eternal Love), a prominent member of Sanctuary. Again aided by Sukavaha (Eternal Love), Yajna Purusha proceeded to surreptitiously get himself positioned within the existing management structure as president, then attempting to kick out all those devotees who had sacrificed to build the Sanctuary, lived in the building except his own men. It was a most unabashedly lust-for-power move, especially considering that he is already president and in-charge of 26, 2nd Ave., having acquired a majority of voting rights in that project by questionable means. When asked why he is so determined to fully take over the Sanctuary project by any means necessary, Yajna's response was that, seeing as how there is no program for maintenance of devotees in ISKCON once they become old, as the independent, managing/financial director of the League of Devotees, he would be set for life. This clearly shows the true motive of Yajna Purusha. Here let us quote Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupada..." Deceitful and hypocritical persons may exhibit a high standard of external behavior. Motivated by the fulfillment of their own selfish desires, they wear the dress of saintly persons like actors on a stage. Such persons are jealous of others and always planning evil works...". As the court battle began to determine who are actually the legitimate League of Devotees Board of Directors, we approached Yajna outside the courtroom and asked him - "Why are you doing this - going back on your word, misrepresenting the truth, connivingly playing such power politics; a DEVOTEE would never act like this!" His reply..." I am not a devotee...". Many of you attending today's festivities can relate to the various issues being discussed herein...(A) the tragic consequences of misplaced faith in less-than-transparent 'spiritual' leadership, (B) institutionalized power-politics regarding 'spoils-of-war', i.e., temples, properties, monies, voting rights, etc., which can only be acquired after (C) totally and unequivocally decimating the opposition (one's own god-brothers!) in hopes of gaining full freedom to 'preach' love-of-Godhead, once the irreverent bhaktas have been fully checked in their efforts to worship Krsna. And so the court battle continues. Today, we are calling on all sincere devotees to stand with us in our struggle to expose this gross materialism parading in the dress of brahminical culture, which is devastating Srila Prabhupada's movement and ruining the lives of so many individuals who gave their life's blood for this mission, only to find themselves cheated and broken-hearted by such unscrupulous 'brahmanas'. Sri-Sri Radha Murlidhara are the presiding Deities of the Sanctuary, and ultimately we understand that They will decide who will remain as Their servitors. Thank you for your kind attention. A Plea from the New York Sanctuary BY: SATCHITANANDA DAS -- Jun 10, NEW YORK (SUN) An Open Letter to GBC Leaders and Concerned Devotees. Dear Maharajas, Vaisnavas and Vaisnavis: PAMHO; AGTSP. We are Satchitananda and Krsna das from the Sanctuary at 25 1st Avenue, New York. We are humbly requesting that you please give us an audience in regards to the following. Many of you have dined at our restaurant in the past. It took the blood, sweat, and tears of many of us over more than a decade to build this project, called the Interfaith League of Devotees. Our original motivation was to provide Kirtanananda Swami a nice temple to live in after his release from prison. Radhanath Swami (Richard Slavin) Hijacker of the Sanctuary, ordered and paid for the murder of Sulocana -- murderer accomplice In the meantime, Yajna Purusha dasa and his group of brahmacharies took up residence as rent-paying tenents in the Sanctuary. They moved in in 2005. Shortly after taking up residence, Yajna proceeded to undermine the existing Board and install himself as managing director, and then immediately thereafter attempted to evict all residents (including Kirtanananda Swami himself) who were not members of his Bhaktivedanta Ashram. This was all made possible by Sukavaha (Eternal Love), long time treasurer and general manager of League of Devotees, who abruptly switched her allegiances from the original board members to Yajna Purusha and his group, and by various devices had Yajna installed in a high managerial capacity. When asked why he is so determined to gain full and final control over the Sanctuary project, Yajna's reply was that seeing as how there is no program for devotee maintenance as they grow old in ISCKON, as the independent managing/financial director of the League of Devotees, he would be set for life. This clearly shows the true motivation of Yajna Purusha. We are currently in court, wherein the legality of all this switching of Board members is being contested. We are quite confident that the judge will rule in our favor, but in the meantime we are very much desirous that the 'jury' of Krsna's devotees, Srila Prabhupada's family, be enlightened about this case and give YOUR verdict. We remain strongly committed to the concept of maintaining Srila Prabhupada's legacy of fair, honest, and open dealings amongst devotees, and if Yajna and his men are allowed to gratify their lust for power and control, completely unchecked by the Society's leaders, then the fundamental sense of ethical and moral behavior which Srila Prabhupada so much emphasized for his historically/newly established brahminical order would, once again, be severally tarnished by such a blatantly unscrupulous endeavor (to hijack a project to which they have absolutely no moral, ethical, or spiritual claim). Their only claim is unabashedly shameless greed to steal what is not theirs. All this grief, botheration and financial waste can be immediately ended by some fair-minded leader, instructing Mr. Purusha, to relinquish his bogus claim of propriety over the Sanctuary, and let him simply remain satisfied with his 26 2nd Avenue preaching. And if he wants to expand his preaching domain, then let him do it on his own strength and merit -- not by disgracing himself and the entire movement by such duplicitous behavior as this corporate hijacking, under the hypocritical plea that his only interest is to 'increase-the-preaching'. Those of us who built this Sanctuary will develop this project as our offering to Srila Prabhupada and Sri-Sri Radha Murlidhara. Thank you for your kind attention. Hare Krsna. Please send your comments/suggestions: SaveTheSanctuary@yahoo.com Please see this shocking video "Radhanath and Yajya Purusha, The Sanctuary Hijackers" Check out Radhanath and Yajya Purusha, The Sanctuary Hijackers (or search for ‘Radhanath’ tag on YouTube.Com). [Please note: this video contains some objectionable language.] Different Comments by YouTube Viewers: by Narksaracha: Radhanath and Yajya Purusha, the "The Isckon Masterminds" behind unlawful attempt to hijack of The Sanctuary @ 25 First Ave NY, NY 10003, being confronted by the lawful founders of The Sanctuary, as usual Radhanath continues to lie and deny under his pseudo Vaisnava garb. Hypocrites !!! Well done for standing up to this demon Radhanatha. Without fearlessness one cannot be a vaisnava, All glories to you Narkaracha and the other prabhu. Iskcon is controlled by illuminati cheating rascals all over the world. Without fearlessness thats the way things will stay. Did you get them out prabhu? Radhanath hiding behind his goon...Krsna will bring you to justice soon Radhanath for your crimes!! Look at you other psuedo=guru godbros; Satvarupa, Bramananda, Kirtananda, and so many more...all fallen...your time is quickly approaching. Radhanath Swami, What a joke! Notice the big body-guard protecting this alleged murderer? Radhanath, Satsvarupa, Kirtananda, et al...what a shame they all helped destroy the ISKCON of the saintly Gurudev Srila Prabhupad!! IMO I am glad to see there are some sinsere vaisnava's out there who can see through these corrupt gangsters who have taken over Prabhupada's movement. As for the rest they are simply fanatical, brainwashed sheep for following Radhanatha et al, for doing so they turn their backs on Krishna and Prabhupada. Ravanath and Is Con continue to lie, cheat, steal, rape and murder. Everyone who gets involved with these guys BEWARE Hello Sri Krsna, Thank you for your comment's. Yes, they are. Radhanath stole 5 MILLION $ Property from us and thru us on the streets with NOTHING!! This Jack ASESS are really BAD people. Krsna Das Radhanath! more like Rottenott!! Please note he has also written a book "journey home book" posing himself such a great devotee, but in reality he is just a charlatan!!! as we all know. How disgusting!!! He is probably packing a 9mm under his robe! These ISKCON goons have made a joke of Srila Prabhupada's glorious ISKCON....shameful. Fu*king wankers!!!! Demoniac bastards!!!! They are brainwashing the poor innocent people and ruining thier lives. Also what they have done to Sulocana das and others. What a bloody joke!!!! Call them selves Gurus ... they dont even deserve to be respected at all. They will have to pay the price for thier henious crimes and demoniac acts. I have no sympathy for these fu*kers!!!! when they have to pay for it!!! What goes around certainly comes around!!!. I am glad I am not in this bloody cult!!! Radhanath looks like a scared rat...maybe he is? WOW ! Makes me glad that I have been just a stupid bhakta all my life. Radhanath confronted - YouTubeVideo Radhanath and Yajya Purusha, the "The Isckon Masterminds" behind unlawful attempt to hijack of The Sanctuary @ 25 First Ave NY, NY 10003, being confronted by the lawful founders of The Sanctuary, as usual Radhanath continues to lie and deny under his pseudo Vaisnava garb. Hypocrites !!! A Plea from the New York Sanctuary New Vrindaban YOUTUBE video documentary http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5HG80bJXu8 http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=govinda107&p=r The Battlefield of New Vrindavan in 18 Chapters A pictorial history of New Vrindavan crimes, photo reportage New Vrindaban History Radhanatha Proven to be Involved in Murder of Sulocana Radhanath Swami’s Alleged Involvement in Sulochan’s Murder Shocking Evidence Points to Radhanatha Swami Radhanath Swami – The Iskcon Gangster The Other "Wonderful" Story of Radhanatha Swami The mytical Radhanath Swami and his hidden story Radhanatha's Magical Mystery Tour Radhanath Swami - Saint or Sinner? - Charlatan or Saint? |
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#62482011-12-21 17:56Radhanatha Swami - Richard Slavin Radhanath Swami (Richard Slavin) ordered and paid for the murder of Sulocana Radhanath Swami - Saint or Sinner? - Charlatan or Saint? Radhanath likes to be seen as a great saint, like mother Theresa, but he is a sinner, since he ordered the murder of Sulocana Prabhu. Although hiding behind the fame of other people, he is an infamous murder accomplice. Radhanath likes to be seen as a great saint, like mother Theresa, but he is a sinner, since he ordered the murder of Sulocana Prabhu. Although hiding behind the fame of other people, he is an infamous murder accomplice. http://radhanathswamicrimes.blogspot.com/ http://prabhupadavision.com/2011/01/saint-or-sinner/ http://prabhupadavision.com/2010/11/charlatan-or-saint/ Why is Radhanath Swami being worshiped in ISKCON as a "saint", if he is guilty of having helped murder a devotee? WHY ISN'T THIS MAN IN PRISON??!?!??!???? 12 quotes from different devotees that prove that Radhanath Swami was directly involved in the murder of Sulochana Prabhu: 1. Kuladri, New Vrindaban’s chief manager, was certainly aware of the other devotees who assisted and inspired Tirtha in his mission. Kuladri indirectly implicated Radhanath when he said: “I know Tapahpunja, along with other swamis, were saying that the community had to do whatever is necessary to protect the Swami [Kirtanananda].” At this time there were only three swamis at New Vrindaban: Kirtanananda, Tapahpunja and Radhanath. (Kuladri dasa, cited by Halasz & Halasz, court reporters, “United States of America, Plaintiff, v. CR 90-87 Keith Gordon Ham, Terry Sheldon, Steven Fitzpatrick, New Vrindaban Community, Inc., Govardhan, Inc., Cathedral of Healing, Inc., Defendants, Before: Honorable Robert R. Merhige, Jr., United States District Judge and a Jury,” Day III (March 13, 1991), Martinsburg, West Virginia, 475.) 2. Kuladri claimed that Radhanath was one of the key actors in this sordid drama: “Radhanath, Hayagriva and Tapahpunja were pushing like crazy for this [murder] to happen.” (Kuladri, cited by Dharmatma, from Trial transcript, cited by Halasz & Halasz, court reporters, “United States of America, Plaintiff, v. CR 90-87 Keith Gordon Ham, Terry Sheldon, Steven Fitzpatrick, New Vrindaban Community, Inc., Govardhan, Inc., Cathedral of Healing, Inc., Defendants, Before: Honorable Robert R. Merhige, Jr., United States District Judge and a Jury,” Day IV (March 14, 1991), Martinsburg, West Virginia, 832-837, 941.) 3. Dharmatma claimed that Radhanath was involved to some degree: “he [Radhanath] was involved to some degree or had knowledge of Sulochan’s murder. I know this for a fact.” (Dharmatma dasa, letter to Hansadutta (August 26, 1994).) 4. Janmastami dasa, who traveled with and assisted Tirtha while conducting surveillance on Sulochan in California, explained how he was recruited to assist in the elimination of Sulochan: “In January of 1986, on my return to New Vrindaban [after the Christmas marathon], I was ordered by Radhanath . . . not by Kirtanananda Swami, to terminate Sulochan. This happened with Tapahpunja Swami and Tirtha in November and December of 1985. I was on traveling sankirtan until Christmas and didn’t get back to the farm until New Years. Immediately on our arrival at New Vrindaban, Radhanath sought me out and made arrangements for us to meet in his van, where he went through a prepared speech that he had delivered to Tirtha, Tapahpunja Swami and Kuladri many times before. Later talks with Tirtha confirmed this.” (Janmastami dasa, “New Vrindaban History, for the Record”, The Sampradaya Sun (December 22, 2006). 5. Radhanath flattered Janmastami: “You are one of those rare few that Krishna has endowed with the ksatriya spirit and the courage enough to do what has to be done.” (Radhanath Swami, cited by Janmastami dasa, “Chapter Seven: Knowledge of the Absolute is not Absolute Knowledge,” accessed from http://www.harekrsna.org/pada/ks/nv/7.htm (November 4, 2008).) 6. Janmastami remembered in more detail: Radhanath was saying to those he was giving marching orders to: “Sulochan poses a life threat to both Kuladri and to Kirtanananda Swami. He has written that in his diary, and for that reason alone, this guy must be transmigrated to his next body.” Radhanath was clear in his meaning beyond any shadow of a doubt. “Now that Srila Prabhupada has left us, the entire fate of this movement—OUR movement, Lord Caitanya’s movement—rests in Kirtanananda Swami’s hands, and according to our nature, it is up to us to do whatever we can to help the movement in that regard.” . . . Radhanath had made his pitch to at least a half a dozen sets of sympathetic ears before someone raised these Gita related questions: “How have these impurities come upon you? They are not at all befitting a man who knows the progressive values of life.” “The words existent and non-existent refer only to spirit and matter. Why worry?” “How can a person who knows that the soul is indestructible, unborn, eternal, and immutable, kill anyone or cause anyone to kill?” Tough questions, but from a submissive audience. Radhanath was undaunted. He quoted Krishna in his response to a potentially explosive volley of inquiry: “Everything has its proper utility, and a man situated in complete knowledge knows how and where to apply a thing, so there is no possibility of sinful reaction. Also, considering your specific duty as a ksatriya…” That settled it. The order was there from your bona-fide spiritual authority and it was based on scripture, directly from Krishna. Either you followed those instructions or you were going to hell! (Janmastami dasa, “Chapter 2: Contents of the Palace, Itemized,” accessed from http://liberatedyogi.tripod.com.) 7. Janmastami’s story was collaborated by two eyewitnesses. Bhaktipada’s chauffeur confirmed: “I was privy to much behind-the-scenes action, and I was there when Radhanath told Janmastami to ‘destroy the demon.’” (Priyavenu dasa, conversation with the author (September 14, 2003).) 8. A teenage gurukula boy who served under Janmastami also claimed he overheard Radhanath order Janmastami to “destroy the demon.” (Harivrata dasa, conversation with the author (January 9, 2007).) 9. When Ramachandra dasa, a New Vrindaban sankirtan picker, asked Radhanath Swami: “Do you know who killed Sulochan?” Radhanath replied: “I don’t know, but whoever it was, he was doing devotional service to Krishna.” (Ramachandra dasa, from a conversation with the author on April 10, 2007.) 10. Dharmatma continued his recollection of the day of the murder and remembered how Kuladri named three instigators who “were pushing like crazy for this to happen.” “Later on after the morning functions, I had a discussion with Kuladri. He was quite disturbed. He mentioned . . . how it shouldn’t have been done like that. And that how Radhanath, Hayagriva and Tapahpunja were pushing like crazy for this to happen, and how he had told them not to do it.” (Dharmatma, from Trial transcript, cited by Halasz & Halasz, court reporters, “United States of America, Plaintiff, v. CR 90-87 Keith Gordon Ham, Terry Sheldon, Steven Fitzpatrick, New Vrindaban Community, Inc., Govardhan, Inc., Cathedral of Healing, Inc., Defendants, Before: Honorable Robert R. Merhige, Jr., United States District Judge and a Jury,” Day IV (March 14, 1991), Martinsburg, West Virginia, 832-837, 941.) 11. Janmastami collaborated: “Kuladri was VERY, VERY frightened by the time it was coming to ‘reaction time’ because he knew that he and Radhanath were in very deep doo-doo.” (Janmastami, e-mail letter to the author (August 1, 2008).) 12. Although Tirtha successfully flew from California to Ohio, he was still in dire straits, New Vrindaban hadn’t paid him what they promised, and he needed money to purchase plane tickets to get out of the country—fast. Dharmatma described how Bhaktipada and Radhanath came to him to pick up the escape money at the sankirtan house: “The next day Bhaktipada, along with Radhanath, drove up in my driveway in Bhaktipada’s vehicle and tooted the horn for me to come outside. When I came to the car we engaged in some small talk, I don’t remember what. And then Bhaktipada asked me if I had six thousand dollars cash in the house. And I said, “I don’t know. I will see if you want.” He told me to go in and see if I had six thousand dollars. I went in the house and went into my safe and . . . I counted out six thousand dollars and brought it out to him, and handed it in through the window. I don’t remember if I gave it to Radhanath and he passed it to Bhaktipada, or I gave it directly to Bhaktipada. The mood was a little bit strained, and I said, “What is this? So they [Tirtha and Tapahpunja] can get out of the country?” And Bhaktipada and Radhanath smiled and nodded their heads: “Yes.” And then they said, “Hey, we’ve got to go,” and they left. (Dharmatma, from Trial transcript, cited by Halasz & Halasz, court reporters, “United States of America, Plaintiff, v. CR 90-87 Keith Gordon Ham, Terry Sheldon, Steven Fitzpatrick, New Vrindaban Community, Inc., Govardhan, Inc., Cathedral of Healing, Inc., Defendants, Before: Honorable Robert R. Merhige, Jr., United States District Judge and a Jury,” Day IV (March 14, 1991), Martinsburg, West Virginia, 832-837, 941.) Krishna Dasa PS: Radhanath Swami is being touted by FISKCON as being one of its foremost Pure Devotees which naturally means, one would expect, is due to the mercy of Srila Prabhupada. Please feel free to navigate through his official website and play the game of “Can you find Srila Prabhupada or Krsna?” http://www.radhanathswami.com/ Check out every single one of his sections and see how much love and respect he has for his Spiritual Master Srila Prabhupada by how he glorifies him on this official website of his! It is truly wonderful to behold! Actually it is very disturbing how he is respected and revered by many of his God Brothers and other so called senior devotees in FISKCON. How can they ignore or be so stupid to not see through this man is beyond comprehension. Admin 5 Comments so far: Admin says: Radhanath Swami has decided to pull the photo albums of his ‘other’ gurus from his website. See Govinda Prabhu’s article “Radhanath Swami -Charlatan or Saint (http://prabhupadavision.com/2010/11/charlatan-or-saint/) This begs the question why would he take them down after he was accused of guru shopping and name dropping as an advertisement ploy? It is now much more obvious that he has used them as an advertising gimmick the same way that he uses Srila Prabhupada. If he was genuine then he would keep them up and stand by them but he is obviously not. Genuine that is… This man is a first class cheater and a very good example of how the Rubber Stamped Gurus of FISKCON are cheating everyone. This is why we must openly reject these people and not allow them to represent the true Spiritual Master Acharya and Guru Srila Prabhupada and ISKCON. Srila Prabhupada is the only Acharya of ISKCON these others are cheaters and their followers are the cheated. Seva das says: Pamho agtACBSP we do not need to wait that all the kangurus of fiskcon die because they are already dead by disobey the final order of SRILA PRABHUPADA by take the position of HDG ACBSP when they are still trapped in the false ego the SRI ISOPANISAD says that ignorance is dangerous but knowledge is even more dangerous when is use to mislead innocent people and the reaction is that they have to suffer in the hell for cheating people in the name of SRI SRI GURU GAURANGA i know kas and rns kill hg sulocana prabhu because the guru business book he written could stop their dirty desire to be worship as SRILA PRABHUPADA anyway all the suffering is waiting for these people at the time of death they are already in the list of yamaraja book in patalaloka if they don’t become pure devotees by surrender to the final order given to us by SRILA PRABHUPADA, by the mercy of HDG ACBSP through the sincere prabhupadanugas devotees i’m aware of this cheating in the fiskcon and try my best to get perfection of life by keep going with the genuine saddhana bhakti that HDG ACBSP gave us i’m not interest in bogus gurus my only desire to get suddha nam by chanting with greediness and become free from the prison house make by gunas and karma without waste time in ordinary people in sannyas dress agtys dandavats daso smi seva das haribol. Radika bhakti dd says: Whoever has his own territory in Fiskcon in a robe of a guru-sannyasi has to protect himself.What is the best protection for themselves if they protect one another and then surely together they won’t be overthrown by others.Today Iskcon is not about the teachings of Srila Prabhupada and not about the deep understanding how to go back to Godhead it is about power by so many rascals .Many of us sure about they are purposfully want to destroy the morals, spirituality,and the teachings of Srila Prabhupada. How is that those are still in power and management who assisted the destroy of so many second generation children.Where are those children now?Why these rascal gurus are still in management and not in the jails? What kind the base Iskcon has?Base of demoniac basion, activities, gundas, sahajiya movements? These are harsh words but unfortunetly this is reality and never forget that Krishna is always on the side of the truth and rightness so which side is on Iskcon right now? Admin says: One can diagnose a disease by its symptoms. The symptoms that afflict our ISKCON community are symptoms that are manifest due to our leaders not following Srila Prabhupada. Srila Prabhupada introduced the Vedic culture to us in its pure form as Daivi Varnashram Dharma. Under Vedic Law crimes are punishable by specific punitive measures. The fact that our leaders have turned and turn a blind eye to criminal activity is not something that Srila Prabhupada desires or instructs. Therefore in this alone our leaders are engaged in criminal activity by knowingly allowing activity that contravenes not only Vedic law but also the law of the land. These are the symptoms of men of low character and integrity. These are low class people who have no culture. ISKCON’s base is pure. The leaders of ISKCON do not represent ISKCON they represent FISKCON. They are frauds. The onus is on us to serve the pure devotee and Srila Prabhupada’s ISKCON and in order to do so we must reject FISKCON and chose not to serve them or their projects in any way. ISKCON is on the right side it is this FISKCON that is not. They are not us, the majority of devotees of the devotional community. Yours in the service of Srila Prabhupada, Krsnacandra Dasa B. Radha-Govinda Swami says: Hare Krsna. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. PAMFO I know Janmastami prabhu and Radhanath. Besides the murder Radhanath got Tirtha prabhu to do, Radhanath is not the “sadhu” he tries to make certain people think he is. For years Janmastami prabhu has had to deal with the reactions for surrendering to Radhanath’s convincing him to be part of the arrangements regarding Sulochan prabhu’s murder (Janmastami not doing the murder), and Radhanath’s later coverup attempts so it would not come to public knowledge that this murder happened because of Radhanath’s organizing. If Radhanath was really the “saint” that cultish people attribute him, he would be honest and admit to the devotees that he did indeed play the part he did in Sulochan prabhu’s murder, and would explain honestly why he did. But Radhanath’s coverup behavior is consistant with his other fraudulent activities, which I’m not going to take the time to address here. (I already get sick of thinking about this Rotten Nut, who is SOOOO PRETENTIOUS on all levels, but what is the MOST SICKENING, is that SO MANY people FALL for it.) By dint of logic, if what Janmastami was saying “wasn’t true,” then either he would have to 1) Be crazy to go to the extent he is to commit such an offense towards another devotee in lying about that devotee and know that he’s “lying” – but he’s not – having knowledge of the reactions he could suffer from committing such offenses 2) Be crazy to go to the extent he is to “lie” about such a personality who is so “famous” in the ITS GON world (and know that he’s “lying” – but he’s not), knowing how much flack and hatred it will bring back to him from ISKCON devotees 3) Be crazy to be lying about R, if R really didn’t do as Janmastami prabhu is saying, yet, Janmastami prabhu was (really) thinking it to be true 4) Be crazy to go so far to implicate himself in such a thing, regarding his part in it, if he isn’t telling the truth, (but he is) So either Janmastami prabhu is telling the truth, or he’s crazy and isn’t. So by dint of logic, these are the choices. Actually, it’s Radhanath who’s so crazy with his delusions of himself regarding “position” because in the ultimate end of things, we are all anu jivas; servants of the servant of the servant of the servant… The court stenographer would have been accurate if /she had typed in **rotten nut as opposed to **rot not because Radhanath is a rotten nut, taking this and other things into account. Your servant, B. Radha-Govinda, Hare Krsna --------- From istagosthi@googlegroups.com Dear Prabhus | PAMHO | AGTSP Then.......if you have 12 quotes and did not present them before the court, why? All over Europe you are put into imprisonment on remand when calling others criminal and not having them properly convicted by legally binding court decision. Ancient principle of 'no plaintiff, no judge'. The US Prabhupadanugas could not manage to bring valid legal means before the court of law? Why? What went wrong? Nothing was presented at court? According European law you are spotless unless there is a legally binding court decision. Additionally, Radhanatha Swami is jewish. Calling a Jew that he is a criminal without having a court decision brings you behind bars additionally for three more years. You don't have such laws in US, but please consider that there are other countries with other laws. Europeans cannot indulge in such accusation what is de facto not even civil law but criminal law. Furthermore, the limitation period for such claim, even if it was admissable, might be already expired. Next thing is, Krishna did not stop Radhanatha. The opposite happened, he could start a huge success story in India. And this is the main point here, we don't live in the epoch of mahabharata where ksatriyas fought for justice. Devotees in Lord Caitanya's Sankirtan movement basically depend on Krishna's arrangement and nothing else. If by Krishna's arrangement we are in the position to act like Prabhupada used to mention to enforce e.g. stuff like cow protection, then devotees of Lord Caitanya's Sankirtan movement surely do this. However, the situation right now is rather the opposite, our position is to tolerate, to per-severe and to be humble. They say ISKCON has worldwide 1 mio congregational members. Meanwhile these 1 mio people all heard about these accusations. Is there anybody convinced that the Prabhupadanugas are correct? So far when reading the forums of rank&file ISKCONites, they fight back against the Prabhupadanugas like mad. Not that they are afraid of the GBC and keep quiet. No, they fight like crazy against us, all of them. So, to go on calling them homosexuals, criminals, murderers, without having legal means to present before a court is rather a complete waste of effort. ISKCON's congregation is dissociating from the Prabhupadanugas more and more. Instead we have to defeat them philosophically with solid sastrical proof and actually follow Prabhupada's footsteps. Isnt this the actual meaning of Prabhupadanuga? To do things like Prabhupada did it? ----------- Thanks Larry Freeman, pamho, agtSP, agreed, the whole thing is illegal. Same situation when 1937 Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Maharaja left this physical world. It took 30 years till they realized that they were stuck and Prabhupada was having success to follow the order of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Maharaja and establish Lord Caitanya's global Sankirtan Movement. If people want to be cheated Krsna sends them an appointed neophyte conditioned soul guru and both, cheater and cheated are happy. This is present status, ISKCON's congragational members fight like mad against the Prabhupadanuga process. At the same time, this is the scheme of this material world, especially kali-yuga, cheaters are evrywhere. As soon as cheated disciples wake up and want a genuine spiritual master, Krsna arranges the needfull. This much faith we must have. Thats what Prabhupada says, "As soon as sees, Krsna, that, “Here is a sincere person who wants Me,” He’ll give you nice guru. * Guru-krsna* *krpa. Yasya prasadad bhagavat-prasadat*. And if you have really a bona fide guru, then by pleasing him you will get the favor of Krsna." Therefore, explain what is genuine spirituality and when you are able to convince people about what is genuine guru-tattva, Krsna will do the rest, remove the deviants, remove the obstacles. ---------- Dear Prabhus, Hare Krishna, I also think , is this an example of someone (Radhanatha) we want representing the Hare Krishna movement? I guess there wasnt enough evidence against Radhanath, or more than likely he testified against Bhaktipada for not being prosecuted. There were a number of known child molesters in NV in 1985... like Sri Galim, Lalit, that black bodied man with the 3 muslim wives dressed in white that used to stick hoses down the kids throat and beat them. He beat his wives too. Did any of them serve time? Probably no, I butt many of them are still molesting others.. well they didnt get punishment this life they will sooner or later, Krishna will make sure of it. Lakshmi - Sri Ishopanishad, purport by Srila Prabhupada - "By a false display of religious sentiments, they present a show of devotional service while indulging in all sorts of immoral activities. In this way they pass as spiritual masters and devotees of God. Such violators of religious principles have no respect for the authoritative Acaryas, the holy teachers in the strict disciplic succession… Instead, to mislead the people in general they themselves become so-called Acaryas,… These rogues are the most dangerous elements in human society. Because there is no religious government, they escape punishment by the law of the state. They cannot, however, escape the law of the Supreme, who has clearly declared in the Bhagavad-gita that envious demons in the garb of religious propagandists shall be thrown into the darkest regions of hell (Bg. 16.19-20). Sri Isopanisad confirms that these pseudo religionists are heading toward the most obnoxious place in the universe after the completion of their spiritual master business, which they conduct simply for sense gratification." The pseudo religionists have neither knowledge nor detachment from material affairs, for most of them want to live in the golden shackles of material bondage under the shadow of philanthropic activities disguised as religious principles. By a false display of religious sentiments, they present a show of devotional service while indulging in all sorts of immoral activities. In this way they pass as spiritual masters and devotees of God. Such violators of religious principles have no respect for the authoritative acaryas, the holy teachers in the strict disciplic succession. THEY IGNORE THE VEDIC INJUNCTION ACARYOPASANA--"ONE MUST WORSHIP THE ACARYA"--and Krsna's statement in the Bhagavad-gita (4.2) evam parampara-praptam, "This supreme science of God is received through the disciplic succession." Instead, to mislead the people in general they themselves become so-called acaryas, but they do not even follow the principles of the acaryas. These rogues are the most dangerous elements in human society. Because there is no religious government, they escape punishment by the law of the state. They cannot, however, escape the law of the Supreme, who has clearly declared in the Bhagavad-gita that envious demons in the garb of religious propagandists shall be thrown into the darkest regions of hell (Isopanisad 12) SRI ISOPANISAD CONFIRMS THAT THESE PSEUDO RELIGIONISTS ARE HEADING TOWARD THE MOST OBNOXIOUS PLACE IN THE UNIVERSE AFTER THE COMPLETION OF THEIR SPIRITUAL MASTER BUSINESS, WHICH THEY CONDUCT SIMPLY FOR SENSE GRATIFICATION. (Bg.16.19-20) Jackals who imitate Prabhupada's unique position of being worshiped as acarya (as good as God) who want their photos put on alter and their socks worhiped MUST be exposed -- Prabhupada's order. "So the washerman kept the dye water in a big tub, and the jackal fell in it. So jackal fell in it; he became blue, all blue. So he fled away, and all the animals said, "What is this animal? What is the animal? What is that animal? Oh?" All, even lion became surprised. "We have not seen this." "So who are you, sir?" "I am sent by God to rule over you." "Oh?" So they began to worship him as God, as leader. Then one day other jackals, they were crying, "Wa, wa," but the jackals cannot stop. If others jackals cry, the jackal cannot stop. So he also began to "Wa, wa." Oh, then, they, oh, this rascal is a jackal. Yavat kincin na bhasate. That these rascals are jackals. Now they are talking nonsense. We can detect that "Here is a jackal." (730503mw.la) SO WE HAVE TO EXPOSE THEM. THEY ARE NOT LEADER; THEY ARE JACKALS. SO JACKALS CANNOT ANYMORE RULE OVER. THAT SHOULD BE OUR PROPAGANDA. NOT ONLY SCIENTIFIC, ALL POLITICAL THINGS, SOCIAL THINGS, EVERYTHING. Radhanath Swami: Charlatan or Saint? http://prabhupadavision.com/2010/11/charlatan-or-saint/ I am writing in response to Rocana prabhu’s article about Radhanath Swami (Richard Slavin), son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald and Idelle Slavin, a middle class Jewish family from Chicago. As he grew into a teenager, Richie did what many young Jewish teenagers did – he migrated into the Hippie counter-culture and made his way to India. Even to this very day, thousands of young Jewish teenagers head to India in search of drugs, sex and pseudo-spirituality. It was the sixties, and so young Richie followed the old Hippie trail that led so many other social misfits into the Himalayas, to places such as Hrisikesh, Varanasi, Kullu Manali and of course Goa. All of them playing at being renounced, wearing the uniform of a Hippie, experimenting in drugs, sex and pseudo-spiritualism. Nothing has changed, really. In the 60's, the idea of a Hippie was to renounce worldly possessions and to dress in threadbare attire, have dreadlocks, take drugs and stuff like that, but they were also interested in getting high on mystical spiritualism. In this way young Richie was no different than other young Jewish Hippies who had renounced mainstream society. Still to this very day, Richie, now known as Radhanatha Swami, although donning the garb of a Sannyasi, has a very similar counter-culture mentality about clothes and possessions. Old Hippies never die. I was amazed at how he set the stage for his Television interview with an appeal for sympathy at an alleged act of discrimination levelled against him for being a child of Jewish extraction. For many years now, being Jewish does not put a person on the top of the list of people being discriminated against. From my experience growing up in the states, Jewish people have much more opportunity and status than most minorities, what to speak of run of the mill majorities. That fact that he was not able to remember the age in which this incident occurred also casts some doubt into my mind if he was telling the truth. Perhaps he was nervous and so he forgot his well rehearsed lines… Richard Slavin joined in 1971 and was initiated by Srila Prabhupada in 1972, and had his second initiation officiated by Kirtanananda. Radhanath’s belief and faith in Kirtanananda was signed sealed and delivered when he later took Sannyasa initiation from Kirtanananda. Most of his early life as a devotee, Radhanath, was dedicated to and served under Kirtanananda and was independent of ISKCON. Up to as late as 1990 we are all aware that he was still glorifying Kirtanananda, even though he was one of the most offensive and perverted individuals to ever have taken advantage of Srila Prabhupada’s mercy. The quality of loyalty is good in a person, but this depends on who your loyalty resides with. Radhanath’s loyalty was to the infamous and perverted Kirtanananda. It was unshakeable even after Kirtanananda and his throng of ISKCON philosophically deviant malcontents were unceremoniously kicked out of ISKCON in 1987. In trying to understand who Radhanath is, as a devotee and follower of Srila Prabhupada, we need to look back on his early history, especially at the time when he first laid eyes on Srila Prabhupada. It is here that we can see his true intentions more clearly. In his Wikipedia advertisement, Richie, Radhanath, is stated to have ‘observed’ Srila Prabhupada in 1971. The term ‘observed’ is very important here in understanding Radhanatha’s mentality towards Srila Prabhupada. Radhanatha didn’t sit in awe and reverence or anything like that, he simply ‘observed’ Srila Prabhupada. The result of his observations was that he had finally found a guru who could really launch his career as a Spiritualist/Mystic Guru. Seizing on Srila Prabhupada’s mercy, which in ordinary circumstances is a good thing, Richie apparently forgot about all the other unsubstantiated ‘offers’ (he really believes that he was a good catch for some yogi or guru) that he claims were coming in from various yogis/gurus. These people were obviously nonstarters, but Richie, being a very attentive opportunist, saw his lucky break with Srila Prabhupada. So he headed back to the States, to New Vrindavan, and right into the waiting arms of the pervert Kirtanananda. Like a fly to stool, it seems. Why New Vrindavan? Why did he set his ambitious sights on New Vrindavan? The New Vrindavan Temple, which was meant to be Srila Prabhupada’s residence but was instead turned into Kirtanananda’s private den of iniquity, was also the temple about which Srila Prabhupada instructed in 1970: “It is a fact however that the great sinister movement is within our Society”. Funny hey… I wonder why Srila Prabhupada mentioned that the great sinister movement is within our society when talking about the activities at New Vrindavan? Being a part of some very sinister movement aside, who would believe that such a great seeker of anything mystical and spiritual would find themselves in such a hotbed of perversion and depravity, what to speak of philosophical deviation? Who would believe that such a pure soul would find themselves in the middle of scandal and murder conspiracies? Who would believe that such a discriminating soul would find themselves taking side with and being the right hand man of such a demoniac personality as Kirtanananda, the very centre of the rebellion against Srila Prabhupada and ISKCON? Surely this could not happen to the ‘little Jewish kid’ from Chicago? The one who boldly claims he is a seeker of the truth. Surely not the one who ended up not really wanting a guru, but, wanting a ‘ticket’ to fame and glory? The same one who really only ‘observed’ Srila Prabhupada while he was shopping around, trying to find the best ‘guru’ springboard to use so he could fast track it to becoming a world famous spiritualist new age mystic guru. Mr. Richard Slavin, being the consummate actor that he is, very quickly developed his on-stage persona known as Radhanath Swami, and began to masquerade as a Sannyasi Guru with a sentimentalist flavour and just enough flare to capture the ‘sentimentalist’. Radhanatha had made good use of not only what he mimicked as an understudy of many Indian gurus and yogis, which included Srila Prabhupada, but also obviously took some tips from his Jewish past as he put to good use Jewish Hora dance movements in his now fully fledged repertoire. You only have to ‘observe’ Radhanath’s dance routine to see this… But when the chips were down and the turncoat crew from New Vrindavan were being discovered for the murderous, perverted, corrupt bunch of scallywags that they were, he ended up fleeing the country as fast as he could. Funny how he ended up taking shelter of his perverted mentor Kirtanananda’s temple in Bombay. Very cunning indeed, for this clever opportunistic person! Bombay, where many of Kirtanananda’s disciples, who had full and deep pockets, resided. Yes, Radhanath is certainly the clever little fellow. Gotta give him full credit, somehow or other Radhanath’s bread always ends up butter-side-up, and he was very quick to be ‘reinstated’ back into ISKCON by the similarly corrupted GBC — the ISKCON he only months before preached heavily against, the Society of his so-called guru Srila Prabhupada. Then, again by the blessings of the corrupted GBC, Radhanath meteorically rose to the highest positions in ISKCON, seemingly as a reward for his traitorous and deceitful devotional service to the pure devotee, his guru, his mentor, Srila Prabhupada. He did not come alone, though. Most of the Sannyasi initiated disciples of Kirtanananda rose with him as well. This included Malati, whose degraded and reprehensible history leaves nothing to the imagination. You can imagine the state of mind of Kirtanananda was in to give Sannyasi initiation to such a debauched person. This displays the decadence of the man. That is not the full story though. Radhanath’s true intention and plan is being revealed, as he now is openly promoting himself as a Guru in his own right. Making the big time, he no longer has need for Srila Prabhupada. It is he now that is quoted and gives his pearls of wisdom instead of his alleged Guru, Srila Prabhupada, who hardly ranks a mention in Richie’s spiritual journey and in his now high profile Spiritualist Mystic Guru persona. I wondered at why Radhanath rarely if ever speaks of Srila Prabhupada or ISKCON in his interviews. Out of all the people that he values in his most fantastical spiritual journey of self-discovery, Srila Prabhupada hardly ranks a mention. How many photos are there of Srila Prabhupada in his website? How much does this Radhanatha glorify Srila Prabhupada in his book websites or interviews? It seems to me that he became famous by his own endeavour, which has about as much to do with Srila Prabhupada as the other personalities that he glorifies in his book or websites. If you were to read his websites, you would hardly find mention of Srila Prabhupada. Here are some excerpts taken from his website, www.RadhanathSwami.com: “My spiritual teacher Srila Prabhupada and many of the great teachers throughout history have taught us… I met His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada. And in him I found a connection and an inspiration. In his teachings I found a wisdom that included all that I had learned from these other teachers. I am still trying to share the precious gifts that he gave me and all of these other great saints, what they have given me…” Out of approximately six of seven mentions in his website about Srila Prabhupada, Radhanath’s supposed guru, almost half of them place Srila Prabhupada as only one of his teachers… Teacher? Teacher is a generic term really, and it does not indicate one’s surrender to that personality. Radhanath has never alluded to or proven in his life that he has surrendered to anyone except to his self-centred desires, deceit and the pursuit of fame and glory. Here are his “Teachers”, and it is certainly nice to see him glorify the pure devotee AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada in this collection… Please make note of the placement of Srila Prabhupada in this line up. You may notice that Srila Prabhupada is rather insignificant, and does not even rank main attraction, which is Swami Ram… It seems to me that Richard Slavin, AKA Radhanath Swami, the discriminated against little Jewish kid from America, made the big time by riding on the back of Srila Prabhupada. But he neglects to give him much credit for his ‘journey home.’ By downplaying Srila Prabhupada’s role in his so-called spiritual journey, he is elevating himself as a self-made spiritualist. No different, really, from the other ragtag band of gurus that have inflicted themselves upon mankind since time immemorial. Cheap trickster comes to mind when I read or hear anything about the man. He no longer even makes any attempt at glorifying his alleged guru, Srila Prabhupada. If you were to read the introduction to his book you will not see mention of Srila Prabhupada. What amazes me more is how some long-term devotees are so easily fooled by this man? I can see how neophytes can be fooled into thinking that this man has an ounce of spiritual shakti, but senior Prabhupada disciples? In truth, how many of us can say that they can trust such a man? All of his private projects are not in ISKCON’s name. He has controlling interest in many ISKCON Temples throughout the world via his disciples. He has independent ashrams in most of these zones where the Brahmacaris are being trained up to be ‘nice devotees’, but are instructed not to associate with the ISKCON devotees in the Temples they are connected to. Even though he flaunts his independent and offensive program right in front of our faces, still many so-called senior men and women of ISKCON want to be fooled by his thespianship as opposed to his reality. The old adage of “Hiding in plain sight” is very significant with Radhanatha’s persona. Even though it is glaringly obvious and he makes no bones about how Srila Prabhupada hardly ranks a mention in his so-called spiritual life, so many stupid people find him to be a genuine and sincere devotee. This self-styled/new age/ex Hippie/Mystic Guru/Hora dancing/charlatan is now setting his sights on taking his travelling act onto the world stage of public society life, and launching his career as a stand-up Guru in his own right. Apart from having gone ‘professional’, Radhanatha is still working his illusionist act all over the world of ISKCON, as he is giving more of his disciples sannyas and encouraging them to take over more and more of ISKCON’s Temples. You can still see his brahmacari Hari nama parties marching in the street as they exit from their secluded bhakta training program ashrams. What are they being trained for? What is the need of being separate from ISKCON Temple programs? What are they waiting for???? Mark my words, Radhanath has a plan, and whatever it is you can bet your bottom dollar it is something megalomaniacal. Govinda Das --------- Devaki-Nandana dasa says: In so many photos of Radhanath I see him posing for the camera with his hands together “in prayer”,combined with an obviously contrived look of blissful rapture.Once I noticed this,then I started to see the same bad acting in pics of many of his peers.I don’t trust any of these “posers” -- All Glories to His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Goswami Srila Prabhupada! Radhanath Swami tries very hard to look like a saint, posing for his photo album - how come people fall for this stupid face ??? Jagaddharta das says: PAMHO!AGTSP! This so call swami is a “perfect” result of FISKCONs status of being asara, useless due to rejecting, or even killing the Founder Acarya. Any sane person can see that he is a rascal number one! Nevertheless he personifies perfectly the ripe fruit of GBC FISKCON 1978 zonal acarya scam. He is the 12-th maha cheater bhogus acarya, but in fact the summum bonum, embodiment of all of them, like also the embodiment of their whole 1986 maha wonder proliferation scam! It is quite obvious to me, that he plans(probably with some other rascals from GBC-goruh camp) to play the role of someone like the saviour, messiah of disfranchised, apportioned FISKCON. His obvious ugliness(at least obvious to some of us, those with brain-thank You Srila Prabhupada for this!)combined with the fact of his popularity within FISKCON shows the immense scale of degradation of it’s members! He seems to be the one really naughty boy of the fallen age of Kali! y.s. Jd -------------- Radhanath confronted - YouTubeVideo Radhanath and Yajya Purusha, the "The Isckon Masterminds" behind unlawful attempt to hijack of The Sanctuary @ 25 First Ave NY, NY 10003, being confronted by the lawful founders of The Sanctuary, as usual Radhanath continues to lie and deny under his pseudo Vaisnava garb. Hypocrites !!! A Plea from the New York Sanctuary New Vrindaban YOUTUBE video documentary http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z5HG80bJXu8 http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=govinda107&p=r The Battlefield of New Vrindavan in 18 Chapters A pictorial history of New Vrindavan crimes, photo reportage New Vrindaban History BIF investigates Radhanath – The Slayer Swami Radhanatha Proven to be Involved in Murder of Sulocana Radhanath Swami’s Alleged Involvement in Sulochan’s Murder Radhanath Swami – The Iskcon Gangster The Other "Wonderful" Story of Radhanatha Swami The mytical Radhanath Swami and his hidden story Radhanatha's Magical Mystery Tour Radhanath and Yajya Purusha, The Sanctuary Hijackers |
Guest |
#62492011-12-21 17:56Why is Radhanath Swami being worshiped in ISKCON as a “saint”, if he is guilty of having helped murder a devotee? WHY ISN’T THIS MAN IN PRISON??!?!??!???? Radhanath Swami: Saint or Sinner? http://prabhupadavision.com/2011/01/saint-or-sinner/ |
Guest |
#62502011-12-21 17:571. Kuladri, New Vrindaban’s chief manager, was certainly aware of the other devotees who assisted and inspired Tirtha in his mission. Kuladri indirectly implicated Radhanath when he said: “I know Tapahpunja, along with other swamis, were saying that the community had to do whatever is necessary to protect the Swami [Kirtanananda].” At this time there were only three swamis at New Vrindaban: Kirtanananda, Tapahpunja and Radhanath. (Kuladri dasa, cited by Halasz & Halasz, court reporters, “United States of America, Plaintiff, v. CR 90-87 Keith Gordon Ham, Terry Sheldon, Steven Fitzpatrick, New Vrindaban Community, Inc., Govardhan, Inc., Cathedral of Healing, Inc., Defendants, Before: Honorable Robert R. Merhige, Jr., United States District Judge and a Jury,” Day III (March 13, 1991), Martinsburg, West Virginia, 475.) 2. Kuladri claimed that Radhanath was one of the key actors in this sordid drama: “Radhanath, Hayagriva and Tapahpunja were pushing like crazy for this [murder] to happen.” (Kuladri, cited by Dharmatma, from Trial transcript, cited by Halasz & Halasz, court reporters, “United States of America, Plaintiff, v. CR 90-87 Keith Gordon Ham, Terry Sheldon, Steven Fitzpatrick, New Vrindaban Community, Inc., Govardhan, Inc., Cathedral of Healing, Inc., Defendants, Before: Honorable Robert R. Merhige, Jr., United States District Judge and a Jury,” Day IV (March 14, 1991), Martinsburg, West Virginia, 832-837, 941.) 3. Dharmatma claimed that Radhanath was involved to some degree: “he [Radhanath] was involved to some degree or had knowledge of Sulochan’s murder. I know this for a fact.” (Dharmatma dasa, letter to Hansadutta (August 26, 1994).) 4. Janmastami dasa, who traveled with and assisted Tirtha while conducting surveillance on Sulochan in California, explained how he was recruited to assist in the elimination of Sulochan: “In January of 1986, on my return to New Vrindaban [after the Christmas marathon], I was ordered by Radhanath . . . not by Kirtanananda Swami, to terminate Sulochan. This happened with Tapahpunja Swami and Tirtha in November and December of 1985. I was on traveling sankirtan until Christmas and didn’t get back to the farm until New Years. Immediately on our arrival at New Vrindaban, Radhanath sought me out and made arrangements for us to meet in his van, where he went through a prepared speech that he had delivered to Tirtha, Tapahpunja Swami and Kuladri many times before. Later talks with Tirtha confirmed this.” (Janmastami dasa, “New Vrindaban History, for the Record”, The Sampradaya Sun (December 22, 2006). 5. Radhanath flattered Janmastami: “You are one of those rare few that Krishna has endowed with the ksatriya spirit and the courage enough to do what has to be done.” (Radhanath Swami, cited by Janmastami dasa, “Chapter Seven: Knowledge of the Absolute is not Absolute Knowledge,” accessed from http://www.harekrsna.org/pada/ks/nv/7.htm (November 4, 2008).) 6. Janmastami remembered in more detail: Radhanath was saying to those he was giving marching orders to: “Sulochan poses a life threat to both Kuladri and to Kirtanananda Swami. He has written that in his diary, and for that reason alone, this guy must be transmigrated to his next body.” Radhanath was clear in his meaning beyond any shadow of a doubt. “Now that Srila Prabhupada has left us, the entire fate of this movement—OUR movement, Lord Caitanya’s movement—rests in Kirtanananda Swami’s hands, and according to our nature, it is up to us to do whatever we can to help the movement in that regard.” . . . Radhanath had made his pitch to at least a half a dozen sets of sympathetic ears before someone raised these Gita related questions: “How have these impurities come upon you? They are not at all befitting a man who knows the progressive values of life.” “The words existent and non-existent refer only to spirit and matter. Why worry?” “How can a person who knows that the soul is indestructible, unborn, eternal, and immutable, kill anyone or cause anyone to kill?” Tough questions, but from a submissive audience. Radhanath was undaunted. He quoted Krishna in his response to a potentially explosive volley of inquiry: “Everything has its proper utility, and a man situated in complete knowledge knows how and where to apply a thing, so there is no possibility of sinful reaction. Also, considering your specific duty as a ksatriya…” That settled it. The order was there from your bona-fide spiritual authority and it was based on scripture, directly from Krishna. Either you followed those instructions or you were going to hell! (Janmastami dasa, “Chapter 2: Contents of the Palace, Itemized,” accessed from http://liberatedyogi.tripod.com.) 7. Janmastami’s story was collaborated by two eyewitnesses. Bhaktipada’s chauffeur confirmed: “I was privy to much behind-the-scenes action, and I was there when Radhanath told Janmastami to ‘destroy the demon.’” (Priyavenu dasa, conversation with the author (September 14, 2003).) 8. A teenage gurukula boy who served under Janmastami also claimed he overheard Radhanath order Janmastami to “destroy the demon.” (Harivrata dasa, conversation with the author (January 9, 2007).) 9. When Ramachandra dasa, a New Vrindaban sankirtan picker, asked Radhanath Swami: “Do you know who killed Sulochan?” Radhanath replied: “I don’t know, but whoever it was, he was doing devotional service to Krishna.” (Ramachandra dasa, from a conversation with the author on April 10, 2007.) 10. Dharmatma continued his recollection of the day of the murder and remembered how Kuladri named three instigators who “were pushing like crazy for this to happen.” “Later on after the morning functions, I had a discussion with Kuladri. He was quite disturbed. He mentioned . . . how it shouldn’t have been done like that. And that how Radhanath, Hayagriva and Tapahpunja were pushing like crazy for this to happen, and how he had told them not to do it.” (Dharmatma, from Trial transcript, cited by Halasz & Halasz, court reporters, “United States of America, Plaintiff, v. CR 90-87 Keith Gordon Ham, Terry Sheldon, Steven Fitzpatrick, New Vrindaban Community, Inc., Govardhan, Inc., Cathedral of Healing, Inc., Defendants, Before: Honorable Robert R. Merhige, Jr., United States District Judge and a Jury,” Day IV (March 14, 1991), Martinsburg, West Virginia, 832-837, 941.) 11. Janmastami collaborated: “Kuladri was VERY, VERY frightened by the time it was coming to ‘reaction time’ because he knew that he and Radhanath were in very deep doo-doo.” (Janmastami, e-mail letter to the author (August 1, 2008).) 12. Although Tirtha successfully flew from California to Ohio, he was still in dire straits, New Vrindaban hadn’t paid him what they promised, and he needed money to purchase plane tickets to get out of the country—fast. Dharmatma described how Bhaktipada and Radhanath came to him to pick up the escape money at the sankirtan house: “The next day Bhaktipada, along with Radhanath, drove up in my driveway in Bhaktipada’s vehicle and tooted the horn for me to come outside. When I came to the car we engaged in some small talk, I don’t remember what. And then Bhaktipada asked me if I had six thousand dollars cash in the house. And I said, “I don’t know. I will see if you want.” He told me to go in and see if I had six thousand dollars. I went in the house and went into my safe and . . . I counted out six thousand dollars and brought it out to him, and handed it in through the window. I don’t remember if I gave it to Radhanath and he passed it to Bhaktipada, or I gave it directly to Bhaktipada. The mood was a little bit strained, and I said, “What is this? So they [Tirtha and Tapahpunja] can get out of the country?” And Bhaktipada and Radhanath smiled and nodded their heads: “Yes.” And then they said, “Hey, we’ve got to go,” and they left. (Dharmatma, from Trial transcript, cited by Halasz & Halasz, court reporters, “United States of America, Plaintiff, v. CR 90-87 Keith Gordon Ham, Terry Sheldon, Steven Fitzpatrick, New Vrindaban Community, Inc., Govardhan, Inc., Cathedral of Healing, Inc., Defendants, Before: Honorable Robert R. Merhige, Jr., United States District Judge and a Jury,” Day IV (March 14, 1991), Martinsburg, West Virginia, 832-837, 941.) Krishna Dasa PS: Radhanath Swami is being touted by FISKCON as being one of its foremost Pure Devotees which naturally means, one would expect, is due to the mercy of Srila Prabhupada. Please feel free to navigate through his official website and play the game of “Can you find Srila Prabhupada or Krsna?” http://www.radhanathswami.com/ Check out every single one of his sections and see how much love and respect he has for his Spiritual Master Srila Prabhupada by how he glorifies him on this official website of his! It is truly wonderful to behold! Actually it is very disturbing how he is respected and revered by many of his God Brothers and other so called senior devotees in FISKCON. How can they ignore or be so stupid to not see through this man is beyond comprehension. |
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