Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita



2011-12-19 08:04

Hare krishna



2011-12-19 08:05

We cannot allow the message of the Lord to be embroiled in legal controversies. Freedom of faith has been the epitome of all elected governments and should be allowed to all citizens.



2011-12-19 08:06

Without this knowledge the world will be in chaos.



2011-12-19 08:06

Please do not allow this to happen. You should be first of all thorough with gita. Then you don't have the heart to do this. Please do not allow someone in the darkness cheat russia.
~ Amit Phadke, Pune, India

#3555 Please honor Krishna Prasadam!

2011-12-19 08:06

Dear prosecutors!

Requesting you to kindly read the holy Bhagwat Geeta twice and also "Laws Of Nature" by Srila A C Bhaktivedanta Prabhupada.

Please also honor Krishna Prasadam at an Iskcon Temple near you!

Thanks in advance!



2011-12-19 08:08

please do not cheat yourself.

Vidya Sagar.



2011-12-19 08:08

Preserve the divine words of God which are only hope to give happiness to the world



2011-12-19 08:08

This Holy Book Bhagwad Gita benefits all, hence should not be banned



2011-12-19 08:08

Остановите безумие безпредельщиков



2011-12-19 08:08

Bhagvad Gita is an important book with useful lessons for any class of men. I have personally got immense benefit of it



2011-12-19 08:09

i have protest against the russia baning of Bhagavad-gita.

#3562 BG

2011-12-19 08:09

Остановите безумие безпредельщиков



2011-12-19 08:09

Bhagavad gita is rather not a book to preach hinduism. Its a book which depicts the social standards of a human and tries enlightening the readers with correct attitude and mindset.



2011-12-19 08:09

Bhagavat Gita as it is : is not just a Hindu book which belongs to any religion . It is the scripture to gain the knowledge of self n supreme . It gives the insight about what is the truth of the material world and how a living entity can be forever happy. Hare krishna



2011-12-19 08:09




2011-12-19 08:09

Суд над священными писаниями - это абсурд!



2011-12-19 08:10




2011-12-19 08:10

Bhagavad Gita is not a book related with Hindus only. It shows the way to a man to live happy & die happily.



2011-12-19 08:10

Бхагават Гита говорит о душе, учит относиться к каждому, как частице Бога. Мы все одна большая семья.



2011-12-19 08:10

Bhagwat Geeta is holiest of holiest literature that everyone should read and get benefitted. Disregarding and banning this book is very inauspicious sign where in the present age everybody need Bhagwat Geeta to get the real benefit inthe life.



2011-12-19 08:10

hare krishna



2011-12-19 08:11

The Bhagavad-gita is not pessimistic, but realistic; the reality is that the pleasure-pain balance of the world is tilted heavily toward the pain side.



2011-12-19 08:11

Харе Кришна



2011-12-19 08:12

Gita is hardly about religion but about way of life. Helps understanding what is the "I".
Banning it in any nation would be disgraceful to that nation not to the book. The greatness of the book remains unaffected by such silly acts. I'm signing the petition to save Russia from disgrace..



2011-12-19 08:13

Russia is an orthodox Christian country, which explains why a ban on practice of other religions is being considered there. Christianity is notorious for its dark and bloody history consisting of the inquisition, which has not spared Hindus too in Goa, which is a well-known fact. Had Hindus been intolerant like Christians, Bible would have been banned centuries ago in India and Christianity would not be able to flourish as it is today in India. If Russia bans Bhagwad Gita, one of the holiest books of Hinduism, we will surely have to think about banning Bible in India!