Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita
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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Суд над Бхагавад-гитой / Attempt to ban Bhagavad-gita.
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#31262011-12-19 04:17This is insane, how could you do that? The scripture Bhagavad-gita is beyond the boundary of religion and country. We American will protest against such action. |
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#31272011-12-19 04:19No human religion can be banned in any part of this or any other planets!!!!!!Only devils dare such acts!!! |
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#31282011-12-19 04:20"Bhagvat Gita- As it is" is a transcendental literature that helps elevate consciousness of anyone who reads it beyond religion, caste, creed and region. Is is definitely not extremest & on the contrary it teaches appreciation of all religious paths and is universally accepted as an authentic source of inspiration for many spiritual seekers across the globe |
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#31292011-12-19 04:23Bhagvad Gita should not be banned. It is a very important knowledge and people should be free to read what they want. Why dont you ban other things that are causing serious harm to the society. |
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#31312011-12-19 04:27Where Bhagvadgita is sworn in courts. It is so despising that it is in trial |
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#31322011-12-19 04:27Gita was also banned in India during the British rule but then lifted so here also it will be lifted there is some misunderstanding. |
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#31332011-12-19 04:30Every great philosopher and intellectual person of the world have acknowledged the amazing Knowledge of Bhagavad Gita. Mahatma Gandhi who is revered as the most non-violent person in the world used to read Bhagavad Gita everyday for guidance. |
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#31342011-12-19 04:32Ban on Bhagvat Gita by Russian govt should be removed.May Krishna forgive them. |
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#31352011-12-19 04:36GITA is for any human being for advancement in spiritual progress. Spiritual knowledge is very important to know who you are and purpose of life. If we do not know why am I here, who am I? then there is no difference between us and animal. |
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#31362011-12-19 04:42We request not to ban Bhagwad Gita. Once human get this knowledge from gita, his demonic behavior will go away and and become human- Insahan. |
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#31372011-12-19 04:43Sri Bahagavad Gita is our Saviour.....The only remedy in this dark age....Jai Shri Krishna |
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#31382011-12-19 04:43Bhagavad Gita is the most Holy book in the world. and it spreads love of Goadhead. this book brings peace in the world. please do not ban this book. this book is great gift from God to all of us |
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#31392011-12-19 04:43srimad bhagavad gita is timeless knowledge for humans,let us not to deprive future generations form reading it. please don't ban it |
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#31402011-12-19 04:45The Bhagavad- Gita is a sacred text, yes, but it is the ultimate guide to living a moral, happy and spiritually balanced life. To think that this could actually be banned from ANYWHERE fills me with despair for those who would propose and encouage such a horrible thing. Everyone who is a believer of TRUTH and knows we are nothing without our spiritual center, please sign this petition. Thank You. |
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#31432011-12-19 04:50Bhagavad gita is food for soul and grabbing food from someone is the worst sin to be committed on this planet. This kind of a sin will never be forgiven. |
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#31442011-12-19 04:52lease dont ban the bhagavad gita. it is a book not only for the hindus but for everyone. it teaches usabout how to live our life . |
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#31452011-12-19 04:52Bhagavad gita helps one to be a better individual spritually and morally |
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#31462011-12-19 04:53Please dont ban Gita...Its presence is needed in the whole world. |
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#31472011-12-19 04:54http://24hourkirtan.fm/web/ Maha Mantra Kirtan 24/7 24 Hour Kirtan Mandali Radio is an Internet radio station playing kirtan with Aindra Prabhu and other Kirtaniyas that has been recorded at Krishna Balaram Mandir in Vrindavan, India. Aindra Prabhu and Radhanath Swami - Hare Krishna Kirtan - ISKCON Mayapur - February 15, 2007 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_V734TCos-s |
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#31492011-12-19 04:55http://www.cultofharinam.com/cult-of-harinam/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dBuWgKnZgU&feature=player_embedded http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g29WkcfpPn0&feature=related Aindra - Cult of Harinam Transcript Vaisnava Manifesto To hell with trying to secure a comfortable situation within this temporary world of shadowy afflictions To hell with heavenly delights on earth, elevation to Svargaloka or residence on any of the highest planets in this cosmos To hell with the achievement of mystic perfections To hell with all our exuberant eating, sleeping, mating and defending on the plea of keeping body and soul together for the performance of sacrifice To hell with the attempt to curtail our generally excessive eating, sleeping, mating and defending with the aim of practicing the principles of practical renunciation To hell with undergoing severe penances and austerities for the sake of self-realization and God Consciousness To hell with The achievement of five kinds of liberation To hell with the attainment of Vaikuntha-loka in the eternal kingdom of God To hell with having been born on earth as some kind of dull headed humanoid in this most glorious age of Kali in which Lord Caitanya has appeared to make self-realization easy by inaugurating the Sankirtan movement of the Holy Name To hell with Conceitedly boasting of our descent from a most venerable disciplic succession of eternally perfect Gaudiya Vaisnava Acaryas To hell with exploiting the prestige of sitting at the feet of such a topmost Rasik Vaisnava as His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada or any other for that matter To hell with strictly following the principles of Varnashram-dharma, that is for the kanishta-adhikaris having meagre pure devotional shraddha To hell with playing mommy and daddy in the material world To hell with our having opened hundreds of temples, restaurants and farm communities with the aim of delivering all the fallen conditioned souls in the universe from the cycle of repeated birth and death To hell with animal husbandry To hell with following from A to Z all the damn rules and regulations of the International Society for rules and regulations To hell with trying to become a Hare Krishna clone To hell with our having ‘advanced’ through the fires of years upon years of ordeal in almost intolerable association of blundering neophytes To hell with attempting to express our love for guru and Krishna in terms of endlessly bearing the brunt of relentless institutional strife To hell with toeing the party line To hell with the institutionalism of the institutionalists To hell with religio-institutional corporateaucracy To hell with trying to reconcile ourselves to neoteric drift of a movement’s henpecked leadership To hell with being a Hare Krishna ‘yes man’ To hell with all the superficial role modelling To hell with our profiling as advanced devotees when we know damn well we’re not To hell with palming off self-effected spiritually gutless macho Kali-yuga so-called heroism as inspirational devotional dignity. Real heroism aims exclusively to conquer the heart of Krsna To hell with grappling for socio-religious eminence To hell with institutional rubber-stamping of sampradaya supra-men To hell with the necessary evil of ‘poorly’ organized religion To hell with all the meetings, resolutions, revolutions, dissolutions and no solutions ad infinitum To hell with ever abounding, all entangling crisis mismanagement syndrome. What could be expected of an institution that currently runs rather like a decapitated donkey? To hell with our having supposedly heard and regurgitated hundreds and thousands of bhagavatam classes, dutifully attended thousands and millions of mangal-arati and guru-puja kirtans and perfunctorily chanted millions and billions of rounds of maha-mantra japa – “shnik shnik ram ram” To hell with all our vehemently preaching about preaching about how we’re supposed to preach about preaching about how we’re supposed to preach about how we’re supposed to preach. What are we preachers supposed to be preach-preachity-preaching about? To what extent have we actually understood? To hell with the profiteering of the cash covetous business brain mongers of transcendental knowledge To hell with the hindu bindu society for currency… oops I mean Krsna Consciousness I say to hell with milking the hindu cash cow To hell with the cost effective bhog-wise Hare Krishna phobia To hell with the painfully put on Sankirtan smile To hell with it, like infatuated children avidly engrossed in the perpetual pastime of competitively collecting rare and unusual coinage, we accumulate the hundreds and thousands of unqualified, neophyte disciples under the pretext of perpetuating the sampradaya. I say to Hell with it. To hell with, on the plea of concern for others, becoming so blunderingly bogged down with all the petty little problems that we don’t find time and space required to complete even the minimum nam bhajan expected of a new Bhakta then what of achieving the advanced internal devotional realizations needed to become for the benefit of ones disciples anything better than a half-baked cookie To hell with the undignified, artfully employed, hardnosed, cunningly politic, cold-shouldering, dog-eat-dog, bureaucratic, ecclesiastical, oligarchic spin control. Has anyone ever achieved Prema by this approach? To hell with religio-institutional mass consensual trance To hell with being a pawn on the religio-managerialist chess board of any stool passing mortal To hell with coyly compromising the truth to curtail to the cacophonous misconclusions of dullheaded underenlightened ecclesiastics of religio-executive clout. To hell with all the rubbish, time wasting power politicking religio-institutional, inter-institutional hostilities. Are there not yet innumerable grumblers intent on being inexorably encumbered by such endless trivial affairs To hell with in-house, party spirited pseudo disciplic partiality To hell with the materially concocted nation of having so-called friends and enemies among the vaisnavas To hell with the perfidiously inflicted, heartless top heavy, centralised manipulation of man power and money on the threadbare plea of spreading Love of Godhead to the extent that such scheming preoccupations now indispensably supersede our life’s mission of becoming mad after Krsna To hell with scrambling to savour varieties of mundane rasa on the pretext of fostering socially feasible spiritual enrichment To hell with the fools who conscientiously avoid hearing chanting and remembering the Lord’s Rasa-lila and other madhurya pastimes with the gopis. They will never attain perfection. If by chance I encounter the likes of such imposter vaisnavas I will close my ears to their philosophical absurdities, refuse to see their faces and scorn the dismal air about their corpse-like material bodies To hell with fashionably passing off sub-religious, quasi-Krsna Conscious eclecticism as harmonious devotional practice To hell with being anyone’s giggling guru To hell with being anyone’s giggling disciple To hell with the deliberate dumbing down of the Krsna Consciousness movement To hell with pandering to the psycho-physical indulgences of the movement’s lowest common denominator To hell with the deaf ears of the conceited, self-complacent, ivory towered religio-administrative elitists. To hell with spineless, self-serving, ecclesiastical political correctitude To hell with our having distributed billions and trillions of transcendental literatures all over the world in scores of languages to give everyone ELSE a chance to become fully Krsna Conscious I say to hell with it all Much of the afore denounced may be wonderful, meritorious or pressingly/depressingly important on one level or another, but if in the end, after all is said and done, we ourselves as individuals could not effectively grasp, take to heart, factually realize and blissfully relish the deepest essential living import of the Gaudiya Vaisnava Siddhanta – learning to love Vrajendranandan Shyam by carefully pursuing the bhavas of the supra-exemplary damsels of Vraja, what would we have really gained from the whole affair? Truly speaking, what would be the sense or significance of any other allegedly laudable undertaking or feat? Are we merely amassing Sukriti or Duskriti for another valiant try in some future birth or what? An inconversant step in hopefully the right direction? Do we really know what we are doing? Do we want Krsna Prema or not? Kindly do not hastily suspect these questions to be in any way inconsequential. Ok, Krsna Consciousness is a gradual process, as gradual as we make it for ourselves and others. It really doesn’t have to be that gradual though, candidly speaking, charity really begins at home. It’s true that the highest realization is to take all risk to go out of one’s way to save the world - that is our mission for sure. Even so, still higher than that, ultimately the very highest realization, the profoundest mission, is to save oneself. First make yourself spiritually fit – doctor, heal thyself. First chant and dance in ecstasy like a madman, then worry about saving the rest of the world. Higher than becoming Guru is to become an accomplished, fully self-realized disciple, and that hardly implies that one should pompously pose as a king with no clothes to passingly impress the little neophytes with how much one might have superficially garnered from the lines of letters on the pages of piles of books. A mesmerizing, ostentatious, cerebral miscellany indeed. Nowhere is it mentioned in any sastra that neophytes and intermediate devotees achieve prema by initiating hundreds and thousands of disciples. It is really best not to accept any disciples at all. Better by far as a matter of common decency, we humbly endeavour to chant Suddha Nam via the intent prosecution of Yuga Dharma Nam Sankirtan with a view to achieve ultimate Rag-Maya perfection at the lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada. Then by his grace we may hope to become truly empowered, superlatively empowered instruments in the hands of the predecessor Acharyas. May these few sharp but truthful words serve to stimulate in the guileless devotee an increased sincerity of approach to his mission. Param Vijayate Sri Krsna Nam Sankirtan Srila Prabhupada Ki Jay! thanks to Glenn Harrison and Nimai Hawkins for the transcript |
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#31502011-12-19 04:55Bhagavad Gita teaches us to know and to love God....how can that be extremist? |
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