Please give a legit explanation why team Thailand lost two points and does not allow substitutions s



2016-05-19 21:19

I don't know what to say except unjustified.



2016-05-19 21:21

Please all games are fair for everyone!!!



2016-05-19 21:22

for fairplay



2016-05-19 21:22

I think japan was tricky.



2016-05-19 21:22

Fuckyou japan


#14356 Fivb

2016-05-19 21:23

Who do you think you are who can change the rules of game or do whatever you want This game not only be seen by just thai people but also other countries too Shame on you fivb . If you regret just make a formal apologize and then fire the referee but what important is the winner came from wrong points go take a look then fix it Sometime apologize is hard to say especially you are known by worldwide But make it right you have time to do that right? Stop being mr.right you're so wrong this time and we have a lot evidences We all hate you so so so much but you can fix this If japan won by their player abilities i got nothing to say . They are known for their being lovely tall and also hard to win But this time they won by referee if you think we, thailand are wrong then give a appropriate reasons not a damn reasons that you gave on ypur website The coach has rights to asked for his team rights Make it right fivb



2016-05-19 21:24

Unfair by the judge to Thailand team.
There is cheating invole on this match.



2016-05-19 21:24

We need an explanation!



2016-05-19 21:26

Not fair !!

#14360 Sports betting is not considered by the judge to take the money.

2016-05-19 21:27

Sports betting is not considered by the judge to take the money.



2016-05-19 21:29

Not fair to loss 2 point in the critical period with unreasonable causes


2016-05-19 21:29

It is not a fair game. The cheating was planed before the game start. If Japan will lose, the referee will help them and all concerned will use the system or any tactic to help them too. Do everything to win Thai Team.



2016-05-19 21:31

It is robbing victory from thailand



2016-05-19 21:33

Want too know



2016-05-19 21:33

thailand just played it will all their hearts. they could've won that match. not until that match point served by the referee to japan. he could've expell that coach out without granting a point to japan



2016-05-19 21:34

Why Thailand lost 2 points?



2016-05-19 21:35

Not fair to the country thailand



2016-05-19 21:35

it's not fair in this match



2016-05-19 21:35

I really have no idea how did this happen. If it was just a mistake please explain. Not to blame that thai have no spirit, You know it doesn't even make sense.



2016-05-19 21:39

I love fair game. please do not use this technology anymore. even the richest technological country like Japan can't use it well, then what's the point of having this kind of technology?



2016-05-19 21:41

I want you to answer about this
Not fair for team Thailand



2016-05-19 21:42

No spirit.



2016-05-19 21:42

To ask for the right it's not fair



2016-05-19 21:44

How much did Japanese team pay for you?



2016-05-19 21:44

Any wrong thing,even little thing, should be corrected. It's standard and reliability.