Please give a legit explanation why team Thailand lost two points and does not allow substitutions s



2016-05-19 17:35

I don't why too.I want to know a reason why Thailand lost 2 point and can not change the players.



2016-05-19 17:35

The referee should consider the communication problem and re-check the system failure as Thai's coach protest.



2016-05-19 17:35

Is not fair in the game



2016-05-19 17:35

Unfair game...please review and you will see who should be the winner!
Kero San


2016-05-19 17:35

From many complaints, it's crystal clear that your new system is not working well (by thechnical error or by second referee Japanese's intention or else) as well as your first referee's wrong judge to give 2 red cards to Thai team instead of investigation the issue. By all means the 2 red cards should not be given in crucial moments which could determine the winner of a do-or-die match. If FIVB keeps saying nothing on this referee judgement (Louise cardio marcus) and your error system against the controversial match Thai-Japan, meaning you are supporting and agree with volleyball fans condemned the biased officiating of the referees.

A shame if Japanese will claim this match as winner.



2016-05-19 17:36

cancel.. sorry... misunderstanding



2016-05-19 17:36

I cannot understand and acceptable for two points that the first referee gave it to Japan team. It is not make sense that it will find what reason gave 2 red cards for Thailand team. However, an electronic devices that used during the match was non function and it affect to the result of the game.



2016-05-19 17:36

FIVB no professional association FIVB little anyway , so it does not take responsibility for a cabinet FIVB I do not put the renamed JPAV ok please ashamed shame .



2016-05-19 17:36

No understand.



2016-05-19 17:37

I thing Thailand won.



2016-05-19 17:37

Sport has been developed along with mankind's history and become culture for global solidarity and peace creation. Please respect rules and enforce fairly without taking size. It's a disgrace forcthe referee to behave explicitly to take side. I don't think Japanese will not be proud and feel ashame of their compatriot's victory. International Volley Ball Federation must clarify this issue or otherwise resign to show your accountability and good governance.



2016-05-19 17:37

Unfair for Thailand team and peaple in thed world. Please give us the explaination.



2016-05-19 17:37

Its not fair for Team Thai



2016-05-19 17:38

No spirit Japan.


2016-05-19 17:38

Unfair for Thailand team and peaple in the world. Please give us the explaination.



2016-05-19 17:39

ต้องการคำอธิบาย ลงชื่อกัน!!!!



2016-05-19 17:39

justice ? ... please



2016-05-19 17:40

We have been the victim of foul play.



2016-05-19 17:40

Japan's Cheat



2016-05-19 17:40

Why Thailand have to lose points.??????????



2016-05-19 17:41




2016-05-19 17:41

We need to know, why Thailand lost 2 points?



2016-05-19 17:41

Because of unfair.



2016-05-19 17:42

Team Thailand requested several time for player change, but the system was not working.



2016-05-19 17:42

I understand about rules or somethings that make Thailand lost 2 point, I had never saw before. Please tell me about that, and if its wrong, How its going? FIVB have to do something to for responsible that mistake. I would like to know. Thank you so much.