Fix the road on Preston Lane

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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Fix the road on Preston Lane.



2016-04-04 15:14

Shocking road for any vehicle.
Patches rather than a road.



2016-04-04 16:06

An atrocious section of road very danhetous to bikers motor or pedal!!!!!



2016-04-04 16:20

I got a puncher from Preston and it needs to be fixed not temporary fixed like they keep doing it in tarmac in the road I need to do the whole road again brand-new Road needed as big lorries coming up and down it all day for new sports centre new house is everything is getting billed but the roads are still saying shit



2016-04-04 17:25

This road has be like this for some time absolutely awful, it's disgraceful how the council has not resurfaced it and have left it this long.



2016-04-04 18:10

The road is an absolute joke!!!! The government need to come and take a real good look and even drive the road to see how bad it really is, sooooo dangerous for drivers!!!!!



2016-04-04 18:30

The road is a total disgrace it has so many cracks and potholes it is horrible to drive on



2016-04-04 19:45

Because it's dangerous and causing damage to vehicles, it's a well used road and has been awful since I moved to the area over 3 years ago, gotten worse and had no attention



2016-04-04 20:35

I have received an answer to an email i sent on 12/03/16 from The Highways Dept regarding the disgraceful state of the road stating the work is scheduled for 2016-2018, but they have stated they are closely monitoring the road. Lets watch this space



2016-04-04 21:15

Local resident who is affected on a daily basis by this poor stretch of road.... Why exactly do we pay road tax?



2016-04-04 22:19

The road is realy bad and when they try and fix it they don't do the whole road just like putting a plaster on it just goes back the way it was before the road needs reservixing now not in the summer when more cars will have been damaged. Because of this road just do it and putting up signs is silly anybody can see it's a damaged road like adding insult to injury ?? Fix it



2016-04-05 18:55

This road is a disgrace. I spoke to the rep for council when he last came round wanting votes and seems this road is not due to be treated for s few years. Yet the likes of tadorne who get a small hole a year gets instantly repaired.



2016-04-06 14:48

I signed this petition because this road is damaging my suspension on my car!! Along with hundreds of others! I have seen roads resurfaced recently that don't look half as bad as Preston Lane!


2016-04-07 09:23

The council are due to resurface Tadworth street, and that road is in perfect condition. Why are they wasting time and money on roads with nothing wrong with them but Preston lane is a bus route and the main artery to the muti million pound leisure centre they have just built. 



2016-04-07 13:21

This road is awful and so dangerous shame on the council for not dealing with this sooner !!



2016-04-11 13:49

This road has been a very poor condition for ages