say no to a columbarium next to our future home!
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#227 Re:2015-01-01 14:10excuse me, how many people mentioned resale value? exactly, it's a place for us to stay. where are you staying? would you want to stay next to a columbarium? did people mention it's taboo? we are just saying this should be have been disclosed earlier when we were applying for the flat. at the price we are paying, do you think it's fair to us to have this located so close to our homes? like others, i have been waiting for my 1st ever flat for more than 3 years, and now this bomb has been dropped. for your information, i have no intention of selling my flat. we bought it with the intention of staying for a long time. you think it's so easy 'if you don't like then don't stay'? are you still in pri sch, making this kind of comment? we are paying hard-earned money for our flats. don't put words in our mouth that we expect luxurious swimming pool, etc. we did not pay peanuts. and don't compare us to those who don't have enough to pay for a house. compare us to thousands of others who applied and balloted for flats and are paying OUR OWN MONEY for our flats. how many are getting this treatment? get off your high horse and give some relevant comments, if you have them. otherwise, stop wasting your time and ours here. |
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#229 Re:2015-01-01 14:17yes, definitely you are talking rubbish. you think we have much of a choice about buying flats? not all of us are made of money as you seem to be, so easily dismissing our concerns. there may have been people who kpkb about certain things, but how can you be sure we are the same people? we all have a choice whether or not we want to apply for a house near mrt, etc. but are we given a choice in this? we are told this after we have waited more than 3 years for our flat and after paying thousands in deposit. if we can change our minds now, i'm sure many of us would. what happens to our deposit and time wasted? will you help us to get it back? if not, i suggest you just stop being a keyboard coward (i won't use the term 'warrior' as you are clearly not one). as they say, your comments reflect more on you than they do on others, so from your comments here, we can see that you are very money-minded. stop labelling us with that term as we are not in the same category as you. we just want to live a peaceful life in our new home. |
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#230 Re:2015-01-01 14:33haha. don't kid yourself that everyone thinks the same as you. fyi, many people are staying in the same flat they purchased many years ago not because they want to, but because property prices have been steadily increasing and newer flats are smaller. you know people who want to stay? well, what a coincidence! i know people who don't, but don't have a choice! that's what statistics can tell you, isn't it? numbers, that's all. not the reasons and the lives behind them. you are quite deluded for someone who appears to read the news. i suggest you read other news and not just those from the straits times. you can never get the full picture from there. you are staying near a columbarium? how near is it to your house? same plot of land? do you have to pass it on the way home? did you have a choice when you moved in? unless you furnish us with these answers, please don't compare yourself to us. if you're of the older generation, i'm sure you don't like people to generalize people of your generation, well, newsflash, NEITHER DO WE! so stop staying 'you young people', etc. and comparing us to people who don't have roofs over our heads is like comparing our life in singapore to life in third world countries and telling us to 'be grateful'. you older people (yes, surprise! we can generalize, too) who like to make such comments are not making much sense, are you? just because we have been born into better circumstances, we should shut up and accept everything that is going on around us and 'be grateful'? that's how singapore has progressed so far, right? accepting things as they are? sorry to tell you, but singapore has been progressing we have been improving. we are critical because we want improvement, not because we are ungrateful. why don't you older people compare us with the US or the UK or HK? why must you compare us to third world countries? in that case, no one should ever have any complaints? if you are in first world, just be grateful. if you are in third world countries, don't worry, there are others in third world countries. you think there isn't anyone in first world countries suffering? sorry to drop this on you, but there are many poor people here in singapore. time for eyesight check? you need to open your eyes bigger. yes yes, again with the generalizations, we are pampered. if i'm not using my own money to pay for this house, you can come and kpkb to me again. i don't see what's so pampered about having to pay decades of debt for a house i'm essentially RENTING from hdb for 99 years. it's not even mine! i'm a tenant. and so are you, mr/ms deluded. and we don't care whether you have friends here. it doesn't make you look any more endearing or your points any more valid. |
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#2312015-01-01 15:20The columbarium shouldnt be so near to the residential estate. They should be build far away from residential area. Not that i disrespect the dead however please consider about us living the area. |
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#2322015-01-01 16:05I applying 469A, more close to it.. This time DIE liao. My whole family were sad n disappointed about this.. Waiting for 3 years n this bad thing happen.Really don't feel like moving in. |
It may happen at your dream place too! |
#2332015-01-01 16:19If this columbarium can't be stopped now, plans for other Civic & Community Institutions that include funeral parlors or associations that can facilitate funeral rites, if already in the big plan, can be stopped. Pease don't allow this company, Life Corp, Singapore Funeral Services or Eternal Pureland Pte Ltd (all 3 are actually one), or any like them, to tender for the other remaining Civic & Community Institutions plots marked out at Fernvale. I suggest that since the idea for high tech temple with columbarium is approved and supported/defended, why not build a Building for resident committee or CC at adjacent land? Everyone can meet there even till wee hours of the morning. And if there is serious and sincere intent to have harmonious HDB neighborhoods co designed by all stakeholders, then isn't it time to listen and consult residents on what they wish to have? Make this a learning point to move on to better ways of doing things for all here in this country, particularly in the design of future HDB estates - not only the the hardware needs to be sparky clean, modern and high tech, but the wishes and needs of residents are empathized. for those who say that this is a case of NIMBY. Search yourselves. |
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#2342015-01-01 16:38The big question now is that will govt / HDB listen to us... or they just ducking at home / office looking thru all this and laughing at innocent this sengkang "Pin Min" are doing this ..haha...In their mind, they say built mean built. you can petition against this. Please loh, we make sure you see the columbarium in 2016 ! what other course of action could we take, rather than complaining... It time to gather on the 4 jan 2015 with all the media around, spread the spooky news to those whom havn't heard of this issue can be heard which I believe not all 100% future & current sengkang west resident of Lea, RiverGrove, Lush, Riverbank, Palms, Ridge, so & so knew about this. Seriously if 75% of the resident suggest and/or voted a go ahead, why not ! if no, HDB / URA / current MPs kindly do something. SG50 is a year of celebrating, happy shifting of sengkang west new resident. Not a year of curse and swear. Moreever, coming next is 2015 CNY celebration, this shit of news came....really spoil the moods... |
Tya |
#2362015-01-01 16:57This is my first house with my husband to be so please do not build the columbarium there. We are fine with the chinese temple. Living with the dead will make us feel very uncomfortable. We are just building our family and i do not want my future baby to be living among the dead. Maybe what hdb can do is to give us back our deposit or allow is to relocate to a new estate. |
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#237 Re:2015-01-01 17:05 |
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#2382015-01-01 17:08Please correct me if i'm wrong.
Breifing & clarification on building the columbarian at sengkang, The resident feedback meeting is on 04 Jan 2015, Sunday at Anchorvale CC, at 10am ? For those whom is unaware of this event. |
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#2392015-01-01 17:27Hope LFC can drop the idea of having coulmbarium service there instead and build us a modern nice temple for us to pray for the best of all..... Quote #236, "Living with the dead will make us feel very uncomfortable. We are just building our family and i do not want my future baby to be living among the dead. " that apply to me too... Can you imagine, having 90000 urns, "dead" resting among the "living" population of 25000 to 35000 of those affected nearby resident. That "Yin" & "Yang" is a bad arrangment. The 90000 figure came from Post #150 previously mention. |
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#2402015-01-01 17:54From the pic shown, it don't look like a so called Chinese temple. In Singapore which temple have provide air condition? |
young hearts |
#241 govt that cant do what they preached2015-01-01 19:04Vision of HDB An outstanding organisation with people committed to fulfilling aspirations for homes and communities all are proud of.
Mission of HDB We provide affordable homes of quality and value. We create vibrant and sustainable towns. We promote the building of active and cohesive communities. We inspire and enable all staff to give of their best.
check out HDB vision and mission...none proves them right in this situation. Total disappoinment in misleading us to this. An obvious situation they know will happen therefore its written in fine prints. Why fine prints? Cos they know very well no one will purchase a place that is going to have a columbarium(keep in mind this is a differnt one from what the MP says, a few estate also have, this is Singapore 1st automated service) . We trusted the government so we didnt make an effort to read the fine prints. If only 10 people made the same mistakes it is a mistake, but today we have at least over 700 shocking buyers, its an obvious mislead! Very serious, what is the difference between our HDB and the Sim Lim square vendor who cover the clause to make the Vitenamese guy to purchase the handphone at a high cost. The society clearly know its a scam even its written on the contract even thou the authority cant help to get back the money. The many kind souls of our community chose to help the foreginers as a person with empathy and the right mind can see that it is a scam and obvious money earning tatics. TODAY if our govt is to use law to say that they have stated in the FINE prints. Even they can escape law, they cannot esacpe the heart, the trust, the choice, the happiness of the people. Our children will know that live in a country that cannot be trusted anymore.
An iphone doesnt worth the 6000 dollars insurance as it is just an iphone, not a car, not a house. A house that from the beginning felt cheated to buy in doesnt even worth staying (btw for the person who assused us of worrying only the price of our house, u are absolutly wrong, I upgraded my home to 5 rooms as wanting to stay a looooong time with my 3 kids) The fact is even if the govt offered the house to be sold at 1 dollar, some people will not buy, as a home is a place to feel comfortable, peace, a resting place for the alive not the dead. Not to disrepect the dead, but a better place a better plan should be planned specially for them. Imagine the poor souls that have to be nagged by residents or worst cursed by the residents daily how to rest in peace
They chose a new estate for this maybe thinking the young ppl like us will not be "pang dang" like the older generations. Put a classy, air con, automated service columbrium, 1st in Singapore as stated in Lian He Zao Bao. So cool right! Can earn so much money as ppl will find it convenient to come sengkang. After paying respect can go seletar mall shop and eat. Brovo service. Why bid 5 million? Think abt it. Who suffer? Us! Who pay few thousands dollars only maybe to those big organisations. Bare with it as yr govt has already approve it. Black and white...different services allowed! Who can monitior them? the govt sign and accepted the tenture.
But they have played the wrong cards. We are ppl with thoughts and mindset, with dreams. Telling young ppl to have homes and give birth to more children...and give us a situations like this to worry!
We now have to fight for our own rights, why? Where is our govt who says will take care of us? I have 3 children and we owe bank to buy this home. We worry to buy even a packet of diapers and a tin of milk, but still strive to buy a dream home and work extra hard to pay our debts to realise this is a bad debt....
If HDB can get 700 people to tell us they are willing to stay beside a place that will cause so much unhappiness. I may refect on my unhappiness. For now, they ought to reconsider seriously about the dominos effect of just 1 incident that they think they can escape with some plans, assurance on Sunday meeting? Think again! The main point...why HDB didnt give us and obvious choice in the first place? Run low to put fine prints, its not a rubbish chute! Its a land. U wrote the main purpose chinese temple and gave the tenture to a non religous background company.
Go and do a statistic of how many people are on the waiting list of child care in Sengkang and the MP may be shocked that the govt use a space for buyer to buy a space only when they are dead and the alive has no school to go. What come to conclusion? Money! The life of Singaporean is what? Today u complain, tmr u still have to swallow the high class scam and continue with ur life. This is what they think , think again. We are not the same, like i say, today u pocket the 5 millions and sleep tight, tmr u have problems you dont see at least the MAIN aim of the govt be totally gone for at least 700 of us is; TRUST! Important or not? Please see to it.
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#242 Subject2015-01-01 21:05Sorry, I don't need to have a modern n zen type columbarium.. I just wish to have a traditional with two dragons on top of the Chinese temple which I will be able to bring my whole family to go there n pray. |
Tan J The author of this petition |
#2432015-01-01 23:38I maybe only have one vote but now Dr Lam and your party can kiss it goodbye. Even if I give it to other parties I am also happy rather than give it to one that betray our trust! Please all of you please turn up and show them we mean business. I for one will be there and will turn my back to the panel if they have already agreed to the building of the so called temple. Then what is the point of talking? Always used this kind of tactics to fool the people! you can fool the people one, twice but not forever, we are getting wise to your tactics now and let wait until the next GE and you will see. I will be telling everyone and anyone whenever there is a chance that this is how the government is going to treat you when you vote for them. Endearing home my shit! |
Guest |
#2442015-01-02 00:46Really very disappointed. In the booklet it should stated clearly either Chinese temple or Columbarium,then let ppl go n decide whether want to apply that area.s.Shouldnt stated just only Chinese Temple,then in the end become Colunbarium. |
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#2452015-01-02 00:49HDB, I hv better suggestion for you to make more $$$$! Since Sengkang West is a up & coming town.... Why don't u build a Singapore 3rd Integrated Resorts with Casino & Columbarian. Those who gamble until bankrupt can commit suicide at Sengkang River, then proceed to rest in Columbarian next door. After death still can go in a Casino to watch people gamble. This is one- stop solution. HDB can hence fulfilled another new Mission:
- we create vibrant and sustainable towns Even for the Dead. |
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#246 NO to columbarium in sengkang2015-01-02 01:53Building a columbarium next to high density population estate is unacceptable. The sengkang riverside park also loses much of its attraction, especially at night. It makes people uncomfortable and by revealing the plans only after the flats are sold only makes the whole practice seem even more ridiculous. |
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#2472015-01-02 02:36HDB/URA planner wake up, print propose chinese temple (with columbarium) on the map of the BTO n see whether anyone will buy the few blocks or not. This will only be fair to the buyers if they still want to buy. I totally agreed with post#241 |
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#2482015-01-02 03:05Apparently they already had a cleansing ceremony of the new temple Wan Fo Fu |
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#249 #2352015-01-02 03:13Agreed with #235 , can inform media like channel 8 "frontline" to go on Sunday . Must broadcast to those not using social media and must let more Singapore know about how URA / HDB do thing . Only that they will look iinto this matter seriously. |
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#2502015-01-02 04:46Dear Sengkang West Resident... Our Voices MUST BE HEARD..... get yourself organised for the 04 Jan cock session with this house near a "LING TANG" what type of modern, standarise, harmony of living HDB, Govt intend to provide for us.... Dear KBW, how can you allow HDB to approve this ??? Without carefully consider the feeling of your people who voted the "trusted Party" Next, Can you advise is whether "ONE" shall be be built at "Sembawang GRC" soon ??? if HDB got plan, plese shift this over then !
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