Michael Jackson fans unite against some tracks from the new "Michael" album



2010-11-12 21:31

Ok, here is my theory (and i am a very rational person, not a conspiracy theorist! :-))

1. Sony pay $250m for a deal for MJ songs. Now they somehow have to make this money back.

2. They stupidly decide that the best strategy is to release as many albums as possible. In order to fill the albums, they decide to create a few fake tracks and throw them in between the genuine ones.

3. The impersonator is definitely Malachi. He is the best impersonator after all. Currently Malachi seems to have been closing several of his accounts lately.

4. The producers (Riley etc) listen to the tracks, have their doubts but give it the benefit of the doubt and go with it. After all, they will gain financially too.

5. Sony are afraid of the reaction. So they decide to test it. BEFORE they release the album and BEFORE announcing the track list, they throw one of the songs out for testing. Everybody have their lawyers ready (as Riley said in his interview).

6. There is a lot of outcry but not enough unfortunately. To most humans, it is very difficult to recognise a voice positively unless it is somebody that you know extremely well. Even the fans are divided, some fans unfortunately fall for the impersonator.

7. This is good enough for Sony, there was no total outcry from everybody. So they say they stand by their decision and release the track list a couple of days later.

8. The family have said they don't believe the vocals are real but noone is prepared to sue. After all, it doesn't seem to worth it, what will they gain?

9. Even the fans that don't believe the tracks are genuine will buy this album after all. Michael will be forever credited for wrong vocals, terrible vibrato, terrible arrangement and a big "copy and paste of vocals" job.

10. Sony will continue their strategy in the future: since it worked the first time, why not do it again? After all, people have already started to getting used of the Malachi voice as Michael's.

11. The album and the future ones will not do extremely well. Lost credibility from fake vocals, weak tracklist, "filler" songs etc. Sony and the Estate will start losing MJ fans, who are already disappointed. I trully think this was BAD, BAD, BAD strategy and marketing. What they should have done is they should have picked the really good songs, put them all together in a CD and have released it much sooner. Now that album would have sold millions!
ACHAIBOU laurence

#78 Justice et respect de Michael et de ses fans

2010-11-12 21:36

Tout est dans le titre. Je ne veux pas qu'au nom de l'argent, l'on fasse n'importe quoi avec l'héritage artistique du king of Pop ! C'est comme si Sony "le tuait" une seconde fois.
RIP Michael, I love You



2010-11-12 21:36





2010-11-12 21:38

Remove the Cascio tracks!
Uyumaz Dilfuruz

#81 respectez Michael et son héritage

2010-11-12 21:39

Nous ferons ce que nous jugerons nécessaires pour rendre hommage et respecter le souvenir et l'héritage de Michael Jackson

claux eponine


2010-11-12 21:40

pourquoi sortir album michael jackson si on entten pas sa voi
Alexandre Lenhard


2010-11-12 21:41

Les fans de Michael Jackson demandent à l'Estate de Michael Jackson et à Sony Music de prendre notre demande en considération et de respecter notre opposition face à la sortie de "Michael" dans sa forme actuelle.



2010-11-12 21:41

Les fans de Michael Jackson demandent à l'Estate de Michael Jackson et à Sony Music de prendre notre demande en considération et de respecter notre opposition face à la sortie de "Michael" dans sa forme actuelle.



2010-11-12 21:41

je t aime michael jackson
alba Nkouele

#86 Save mj's legacy

2010-11-12 21:42

Save and honor michael Jackson's legacy


#87 Join forces guys. This is all the same fight.

2010-11-12 21:42

prigent marc


2010-11-12 21:42

Sony sucks !
Maud Graner

#89 Michael

2010-11-12 21:43

Il faut respecter Michael et toutes chansons d'origine douteuse ne devrait pas être inclus dans la sortie du futur album. Michael. Merci



2010-11-12 21:44

Moi j'achète .....!!!!


2010-11-12 21:46

pour le respect du travail de l'artiste, merci d'éviter les morceaux d'origine douteuse!
Casey Rain

#92 remove the songs

2010-11-12 21:46

These Cascio songs are not Michael. Please remove them, you are ruining his legacy!



2010-11-12 21:47

Au-delà des doutes sur la voix d'MJ, il ne faut pas sortir un album pour lequel il n'a pas donné son autorisation !
laissons-le au moins gérer son héritage artistique comme il le souhaite(ait) !

Je t'aime Michael, j'espère que tu ne vois pas les rapaces qui cherchent encore à profiter de toi, même dans la mort...

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2010-11-12 21:47

Un fan parmi tant d'autres

#95 Michael Jackson

2010-11-12 21:48

Parce que Michael Jackson a été et sera pour toujours le plus grand artiste ayant jamais existé, parce que Michael Jackson était quelqu'un d'ultra-perfectionniste qui exigeait le meilleur de lui même, et parce que c'était avant tout quelqu'un d’extraordinairement généreux et d'humble, il mérite le meilleur. Je signe donc cette pétition pour que la qualité de l'album aille dans ce sens là, et que le travail que Michael avait fourni ne soit pas terni par un désir de se faire de l'argent. Parce que Michael Jackson était capable du meilleur et à mes yeux à souvent réalisé le meilleur, il mérite que son album soit le meilleur possible.
Rest in peace MJ, King of Pop forever ! <3
"I used to dream, I used to glance beyond the stars".
Eric M. Hembre

#96 Say No To Cascio

2010-11-12 21:49

Get rid of the 3 Cascio songs...as well as get "The Way You Love Me" off the album as it's already on "Ultimate Collection". Makes no sense to release it again.
Paola Contreras

#97 Why?

2010-11-12 21:50

Why entering this new era with this silly mess of fake songs? Why if we know and you know there are REAL MJ songs to use?
Demos? Sure! I do want them too. LoL! I have already paid a lot for those in the Ultimate collection, and yes, I am willing to pay for more, as long as those are CLEAN.

#98 Foutage de gueule

2010-11-12 21:50

Pour le respect de Michael, et pour le respect des fans, et de tout le monde en fait, on est pas des pigeons.


2010-11-12 21:53

parodi lea

#100 michael jackson

2010-11-12 21:53

respect of MJ legacy please