Michael Jackson fans unite against some tracks from the new "Michael" album


#451 Re: Re: Please

2010-11-13 18:04

#449: Sandy - Re: Please

Thanks Sandy for adding your signature to the petition, sweet!

Ron Vaisman

#452 I Want Michael!!

2010-11-13 18:06

we want michael! give us some bad/thriller materials!!!
a fanof mj

#453 aidez-moi "urgence" svp

2010-11-13 18:07

voilà je n'arrive pas à m'inscrire au forum mjfrance
et c'est vraiment le seul forum que je consulte régulièrement
on me met un message d'erreur de plus , je ne peu pas leur demander
de l'aide car je ne suis pas inscrit

svp à l'aide !!!
Hannah Rose

#454 MJ must be respected !!!

2010-11-13 18:09

All those fake songs could be replaced by real ones . We wanna hear Michael's voice not someone else that is trying to imitate him ! We'll never buy a fake album ! It is easy to do what you want , to make the fans believe that it is an authentic work and to put the name "Michael Jackson" on it believing that we would all think that it is the truth ! But we're not idiots and you failed !
alem patricia

#455 preserve the memory of mj

2010-11-13 18:11

I support this petition to save the wonderful creations of Michael Jackson.
All united for the album "Michael" does not behave the way a voice impersonator, but the only way we hear and accept that and just the way our priest king of Michael Jackson.
Daniela Z

#456 Michael's legacy

2010-11-13 18:15

Michael always delivered us through his music only the best. If he didn't feel a song was what he wanted, he replaced it, or he changed it even in the last second. He was a perfectionist. Please keep his legacy alive and deliver us only the best. No sign of doubt should come to us when we listen to his music. We just want his voice, his rhythm, his mark. We deserve it, he deserves it, his memory deserves it, his legacy deserves it. And everything you do from now on adds up to his legacy.
Cédric Jaures

#457 Patrimoine culturel mondiale : PAS TOUCHE!!

2010-11-13 18:18

Parce qu'on ne repeint jamais sur un original de Picasso, on ne devrais jamais toucher à un master de Michael Jackson. Et parce que c'était sûrement aussi l'un des des plus grand perfectionniste que la musique contemporaine ai jamais connue (sinon LE plus grand), on ne devrais à jamais ne sortir QUE les morceaux qu'il aurait lui-même voulu sortir de son VIVANT.

A mort les charognards.

Rest in PEACE Michael. Ton héritage sera sauf.

isa cla

#458 non pour l'album

2010-11-13 18:18

Non pour l'album
Peter Mills

#459 Sony Protest in London

2010-11-13 18:18

It is our duty to protect Michael's legacy. What Sony is doing is both immoral and illegal. Join the demonstration outside Sony Music UK, 9 Derry Street, London W8 5HY at 5pm on Saturday 2oth November.
Linda Bakker

#460 No fake music for Michael

2010-11-13 18:20

Breaking News is a fake Michael Jackson song. You can't fool us, we are all true fans who have been listening to Michael Jacksons music for years. We have heard his songs a thousand times and when a song isn't Michael, we just feel it. We know it right away, from the first second we listen to the record. So stop doing this! It's so unrespectable towards Michael. You can't release fake music under his name, you just can't. That's such an awful thing to do. Why are you so obsessed with money? A wonderful person is gone and you try to earn money from it. I think it's disgusting. Michael was one of the greatest musicians ever alive and imputing this fake music to him truly is the most stupid thing to do. Let's appreciate all that he has done and the great creations he left. There is no need to sell other stuff of him, especially when it's fake! Geez, like his own music wouldn't sell? Like a fake MJ would sound way better an appeal more to the public? What on earth were you guys thinking?!


#461 Regina

2010-11-13 18:22

Dearest Michael, please forgive those who are calling your voice a fake or that it is not you singing, but impersonator. Thank you Michael, for the true treasure you have left for those of us who will always recognize your beautiful voice, and never think that it is fake. And I thank GOD for allowing me to HEAR you, Michael.

#462 Re: Re: Re: Please

2010-11-13 18:26

#451: Guest - Re: Re: Please

another vote or two will not make any difference - you will lose anyway.  MICHAEL  WILL WIN!

Elise Yeoman


2010-11-13 18:26

Sony Sucks!
Janita Pegram

#464 Michael

2010-11-13 18:28

We need to keep MJ's message alive and continue to spread the LOVE!!! MJ would be very proud of his fans :) #MJfam

#465 Re: aidez-moi "urgence" svp

2010-11-13 18:31

#453: a fanof mj - aidez-moi "urgence" svp

Envoie un mail à l'administrateur.

JDiane shabazz


2010-11-13 18:41

Why is the TRIAL not progressing expeditiously~~~~~~~however the merchandising is moving quickly~~~~~~this is IMMORAL.
Gabriel Mello

#467 No incluir canciones de Cascio en "Michael

2010-11-13 18:41

The international Michael Jackson fan community strongly feel that a new Michael Jackson album should not include songs that they feel are not Michael's.
The overwhelming response that we, fan-clubs, have received from our members expressing doubts over the Cascio tracks should not be ignored.

#468 Michael The last entertainer for ever

2010-11-13 18:43

Michael tu es partis trop tot, tu etais le seul artiste que j'admire depuis 1983 (Merci Mr Drucker Michel) tu avais cet enorme talent et cette magie en toi qu'aucun autre artiste possede. une merveilleuse epoque vient de s'arreter en juin 2009 pour moi. plus rien ne sera comme avant. maintenant, concernant cet album, c'est NON pour moi.

#469 Re: Re: Re: Re: Please

2010-11-13 18:45

#462: Guest - Re: Re: Re: Please

Yes Michael will win. The fake tracks WILL be removed from the album in honor of his legacy.

Ryan Layah

#470 Que l'Estate fasse réellement son travail!

2010-11-13 18:45

Que l'Estate fasse réellement son travail en préservant l'héritage musical et artistique de Michael Jackson, en n'adhérant pas aux raccourcis commerciales de l'industrie du disque.

Michael a des centaines d'inédits de côté, qu'ils soient sortis tel quels sans retouche!

Sony a payé un contrat de 250 millions, mais ils n'ont pas le droit de modifier le travail de Michael Jackson a des fins commerciales.
karine giulj

#471 breaking news

2010-11-13 18:56

j'espère sincèrement qu'ils savent que par respect et amour de michael cette chanson doit être chanté par lui seul sans personne d'autre car michael est irremplacable


2010-11-13 18:59

I don't want a new album if it's fake
Claudia Menga

#473 It's all for L.O.V.E.

2010-11-13 19:05

Justice needs to be done, for Michael. Music was his life, so they can't fool us about it... The King Of Pop in my heart

#474 Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Please

2010-11-13 19:17

#469: Guest - Re: Re: Re: Re: Please

You're a bit late.  Besides,  other fans (just about a few millions) want these tracks on the album in honor of Michael's  legacy.  You're just wasting your time.   Peace.

Thomas Urban


2010-11-13 19:22

1. No Fakes !
2. To me its not an Album ist a Compilation