Michael Jackson fans unite against some tracks from the new "Michael" album

kakashy kakashy

#1076 agreed

2010-11-17 05:13

This is not all MJ in this album , $ony is cheating us with the fake voice !!!
Use your ear and listen carefully !!!
You will find the real thing !!!
MJ will proud of us !!!
Let's join together , and fight for MJ !!
lefief joan


2010-11-17 05:27

contre la sorti de l album
Reiko Tadokoro

#1078 Fake song

2010-11-17 06:27

Please don't disgrace MJ legacy.
kaka kaka

#1079 agreed

2010-11-17 08:31

vote for the real MJ's songs!!!!!!!
Against for the fake ones!!!!!!!!!!
Kian Cheung


2010-11-17 08:50

we want the truth


#1081 Michael love

2010-11-17 09:04

Michael love
Sansan Wang

#1082 We want the real MJ's songs.And need to know the TRUTH!

2010-11-17 09:19

We want the real MJ's songs.And need to know the TRUTH!
jocelyne donadille

#1083 Pour la vérité

2010-11-17 09:20

S'il y a un seul doute, nous devons agir pour Michael, il a déjà trop souffert des mesquineries, de la méchanceté, de l'avidité de son entourage famille comprise pour qu'il ne soit pas à nouveau spolier.
IL ne mérite pas d'être abusé et pour sa mémoire nous devons lutter sans cesse.
C'était un homme bon, généreux, talentueux, perfectionniste et je pense que réellement il n'aurait pas voulu que l'on abime ce qu'il avait crée.
Pour l'amour de Michael
lisa ryan

#1084 stand united for the king of pop

2010-11-17 09:32

I am angered at the thought that there are people out there trying to make money from MJ any way they can...just yet another slap in the face for him...
charlene mole

#1085 work

2010-11-17 10:11

Please let to Michael his own creation. We don't want something finished by someone else. If we need to hear is that Michael have done, finished or not. Michael is unique and irreplaceable so don't try to guess what he would like to do even in kwoning him well.
Thanks for reading.
durbant durbant

#1086 stop for abuse of the sale of this neow album

2010-11-17 10:19

I'm fed up that the sony epic don't respect michael jackson, i don't like this..
I see that the producer profit from our star for have a money....

I hope that no doubt as to the origin of a song should ever surround the release of a Michael Jackson album


jessica morel


2010-11-17 10:35

respectons l'art de Michael!!!!!

#1088 Vive Michael

2010-11-17 10:43

Nous voulons du Michael Jackson et uniquement du Michael Jackson, et non de pâles imitations en tout genre.
Préservons sa mémoire et honte à tous ceux qui veulent "faire du fric" sur son dos.
Rihanna Fenty

#1089 Sony Sucks

2010-11-17 12:03

Sony Sucks

#1090 $ony SUCKS!

2010-11-17 13:04

We've had enough!
Erna Shorter


2010-11-17 13:29

Don't destroy Michael Jackson's legend!!!!!!!!!!!! You thieves!
Enza Ste Cluque

#1092 Michael

2010-11-17 13:33

We love you !!!
touzani latifa


2010-11-17 13:42

merci à tous pour votre mobilisation.
JacksonSeven7 Béatrice


2010-11-17 14:35

En la mémoire de Michael, nul ne doit salir son image.
Michael est le king of the world.
Que Sony et tous les autres laissent a Michael ce qui est a Michael.
Il a été, il est et il sera à jamais le meilleur.
The King of indétrônable.
Enola Conan

#1095 I Love My Daddy Michael

2010-11-17 14:38

C'est inadmissible

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2010-11-17 14:39

GRAND Elodie

#1097 Non a l'inposture!!!!

2010-11-17 14:41

En mémoire de Michael, le génie et artiste, si perfectionniste... ne permettons pas que des société de production détruise ou salisse son travail, sa musique, son ame!!

Trainé dans la boue, malmené, dépouillé, etc tout au long de sa vie, ils continuent à sa mort!!

MJ we love you Forever...
Anais C.


2010-11-17 14:44

Michael Jackson is a major artist of our times and he deserves respect even if he is not any more among us. This album contains some tracks which are not sung by Michael Jackson and those tracks have to be removed.
Agnes de Andrade

#1099 for Michael

2010-11-17 15:16

Just for Michael!
jouenne anne-lise


2010-11-17 15:18

Some song are not sang by Michael Jackson, we can see it ! His true voice is magic and beautiful ! And in some songs, that's not his voice, it's clear..