Clean up Prospect Hill Crescent

 Local residents,  are getting more and more concerned regarding the state of a property within our estate on Prospect Hill Cres Dandenong North.


Numerous people have contact the city of Greater Dandenong with little to no reply or action taken.


There are several unregistered vehicles and trailers parked across 3 house fronts (including the nature strip) as well as 2 vehicles now permanently parked in Briar Hurst Avenue. There have been several near misses on this corner as they obstruct view of oncoming and turning traffic. 


The property itself is infested with rodents and poses a fire hazard to neighbouring properties. The nature strip and  footpath is currently also covered in hard rubbish and has been for some time. 


The occupant often parks over the footpath and is very verbally abusive when anyone approaches the property (even when across the road). 


He accuses neighbours of touching/ stealing his things and is very intimidating (I personally need to walk past this property when walking my dogs and often have my young children with me). 


Your support is important and greatly appreciated.Messenger_creation_ae1563c4-2b4d-45dd-b22a-2cda466c5d62.jpeg

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