Does art have any saints?  

The ‘sacramental’ purpose of this call is to look for the saints of art together; the saints who were ‘summoned’ to work upon the Earth during the last two millennia. We suggest nominees such as Johann Sebastian Bach, Béla Bartók, Andrej Rubljov, Kazimir Malevics, etc.  

Let us recognize the artists who had been the ‘lights of the world’ in their life, who were diligent in using their abilities to do good, who were suffering daily from incomprehension, yet left us with hope, understanding and love. Those who had interpreted the signs of the times, the words of God, the beauty, and the harmony of creation. Those for whom we can feel the existence of an ideal world far better than ours. Those who help us ignite lights in ourselves or in others, and, by moving forth on the path illuminated by them, recognize the coherence between God, our personal life, our communities and the whole of humanity.  

We are waiting for signatures, suggestions, or further remarks from supporters around the globe. 

The call was published on All Saints’ Day, November 1, 2017. 

János Szász SAXON, artist

Zsuzsa Dárdai, art critic