Being in between Exeter and Exmouth has it's advantages between the city and the sea but that also means we are also used as a main through route to villages and towns in the surounding area.

We are an escape route when the A376 is blocked by an accident or just heavy traffic. Our mainroad is a magnet for the 'racers' who use it to impress their mates and also for the occasional drunk driver.

During rush hours and the holiday seasons, our small village can get very busy with all manner of cars, lorries and everything inbetween, the traffic has been rising gradually in the last few years but so has the damage caused by speeding along with complacency and disregard for the local residents.

This is not just on the main road but also inside the village. It's narrow in places but still instead of driving to the road, they drive to and beyond the stated speed limit and this is dangerous.

Four cars and two vans have been been written off in the last 24 months, three of those cars in just on 1 year, owned by the same person and wrecked in the same place.

This petition is to bring awareness of the dangers of speeding, property damage and potential fatalities.

Thank you for taking the time to sign this petition.