Several cats were found dead - the investigation is closed: "Many are disappointed" We are opposed to the investigation being closed, we want the investigation to be resumed and it should be punishable. Cats have disappeared around Slätta Damm on Hisingen in Gothenburg in recent years and in at least three cases they have been found dead. Injuries to the bodies have raised suspicions that they have been beaten to death. Many are still missing without a trace. Man damn traces of blood that led to the perpetrator. Animal welfare is regulated primarily in the Animal Welfare Act, but the Penal Code also contains an animal welfare section (Chapter 16, Section 13) which states that anyone who intentionally or through gross negligence exposes animals to suffering is sentenced to animal cruelty with a fine or imprisonment as punishment. "It's an innocent little life that someone was subjected to reckless violence. A family member who must have felt so scared and alone. It's an absolutely horrible feeling, the owner told GP." We demand that the Animal Welfare Act be complied with and demand that the perpetrator be convicted of animal cruelty with imprisonment as punishment. There must be zero tolerance for animal cruelty and criminal. We demand a change that protects our animals, we are their voices. Join in and protest by signing. For all the cats that have been brought to life in silence, for all those who have been tortured to death, you are never forgotten.

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