
I have just had a new kitchen fitted by Wren Kitchens, and it started last week. From the minute the kitchen fitter turned up, there were issues as listed below:

My £24,000 kitchen: - 

* wrong sink unit ordered by designer- too large for area

*new unit ordered- told new unit was dearer than we paid, so would not get back what we paid for larger unit

*£75 compensation for wrong unit

*two sinks arrived- none mine

*new sink due to be delivered after numerous phone calls

*new sink unit due to be delivered afer numerous phone calls

*back part of one unit not cut straigh- can now see raw mdf

*two doors not soft close

*washing machine elclosed, now cant open wash dispender drawer as door hinge is in the way

*door doesnt close

*dig/dents on 2 doors

*top bracket freezer missing, so clonks when opening

*wall cabinets too long - light switch was in the way, so designer should have ordered shorter wall units.

*fitter took off light switch- two way- one not working

*fitter left me with bare cables as cannot wire in light switch as needs channeling out for totally new switch

*i didnt want to move the light switch in the first place hence why we went for shorter units!

*my garden is full of cardboard and rubbish

The facebook group WREN KITCHEN DISASTERS shows how people have been ripped off by this organisation. Wren do not care how much money you have spent or how it looks, there is no after care service. They take your money and run. This has got to STOP! Please sign this petition to make sure we get what we have paid for, get value for money, a good kitchen fitted, good after care team and deal with complaints appropriately. Why should WREN kitchens get away with this? its digusting- we as consumer have rights. Lets take this to WREN and let them know how unhappy we all are.


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