We need real action on Newbold Road traffic safety and parking now!

We the undersigned call on Warwickshire County Council Highways, and in particular Fosse Division County Cllr Adrian Warwick (who represents the Newbold at County Council level) to take swift action regarding the issues of speeding, traffic congestion and parking on Newbold Road and the surrounding areas and introduce real, effective traffic calming measures. 

 There have been a number of serious incidents along Newbold Road including the obliteration of a telegraph pole outside Avon Valley, plus ones involving bikes and vans in the last year alone. We are concerned about the potential for fatalities and safety around schools such as Riverside Academy and Avon Valley. Cars and large HGV Lorries come far too fast down this road and this needs addressing. 

 We need real action from Warwickshire County Council, the Highways Department and the local county councillor. We need 20mph speed signs put up, along with real traffic calming measures that reduce speed and prevent these accidents before they happen.

However, only the sitting County Councillor, Cllr Adrian Warwick can truly fix this issue - we have called for his help in the past. It was only after being totally ignored the first time by Warwickshire County Council Highways Department that we have had to push this issue to the fore again. We will not be ignored anymore and demand that action is taken on this now. 

Warwickshire County Council Highways and the local County Councillor have a duty to act and need to do so now. If you have had any issues with this stretch of road or the parking surrounding it over the years and want this finally sorting out, please sign our petition. If we get to over 1,000 signatures, then Warwickshire County Council has a legal right to raise this in the council chamber. So please sign, share and comment. 


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