Dr. Cronin,


We, the undersigned Parents of children who are attending or have attended Clintonville Elementary School, have composed this letter to express our dissatisfaction with the current Principal Mrs. Loretta Dowling.


This letter is an expression of our “Vote of No Confidence” in Mrs. Dowling and her ability to run our school.  We understand the severity of this decision and did not arrive at it hastily.    


Clintonville has always been a district to be proud of, one of where decisions were made on a collaborative basis with the best interest of our students in mind.  North Haven schools always been a district that experienced great vision from our leaders, and teachers were given the respect and support to achieve our goals.


Throughout the past few school years we have had concerns regarding Mrs. Dowling’s leadership specifically regarding trust, collaboration, decision making, vision, her lack of respect for parents and staff and communication. We also believe that Mrs. Dowling has failed to abide by her mission statement that Everyone is entitled to a safe, orderly and respectful environment. All students will succeed in a climate that sustains a passion for learning.


Every student is the responsibility of all members of our learning community.


Students succeed best when families maintain a strong partnership with the school at all grade levels.”


She has not created a safer school environment, but instead has created a toxic environment for both students and staff.  Without the recognition of mistakes or the willingness to listen to parents or her own trained competent teachers, there is no hope for learning or improvement and thus no way forward.


We feel she has a lack of attention to, preparation for, or appropriate prioritizing of, the academic requirements and interests of our entire student body, As well as a failure to recognize and respect the expertise of the educational professionals in the building.


We feel she has inconsistency in application of rules and an ongoing lack of respect toward many of the parents.  A school cannot be run successful with a one-way avenue of communication.  Even when input is sought, there is a failure to follow through or a total disregard for the ideas of many; when communication occurs, it is too often delayed and incomplete. There's just an overall feeling of we as parents are losing ground all the time. We need a different, more solid leadership. The moral is just too low and feel it is time for a change.


For these reasons stated, we the undersigned are voting “No Confidence” in Mrs. Dowling and hope and believe that you as a leader and role model will make the right decision and chose what is in the best interest for the children.